IRC log of cochineal on 2014-07-20

« 2014-07-19 (Previous) 2014-07-21 (Next) »

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00:35:11 [Cassian]-!- Cassian has joined #Cochineal
00:37:57 [nathanbp|phone]-!- nathanbp|phone has joined #Cochineal
00:38:38 [nathanbp|phone]Hey. I finished my book before I got to my stop >_>
00:38:44 [Cassian]Hey
00:38:45 [Cassian]Yay
00:39:11 [Cassian]So Funi gave an update about Barakamon, lol
00:39:13 [Sacchi]Twitter / FUNimation: We're extremely sorry for the ...
00:40:02 [Cassian]Nothing about Sengoku Basara though
00:41:42 [nathanbp|phone]You know it's bad when their update is just when they're going to give another update....
00:41:55 [Cassian]Yep
00:42:10 [nathanbp|phone]If they were blizzard they'd cancel the Monday update tomorrow
00:42:16 [Cassian]LOL
00:43:11 [Cassian]It's funny because Space dandy is uploaded without problems on Saturday
00:43:21 [nathanbp|phone]They did that recently for hearthstone pricing
00:43:33 [Cassian]Lolol
01:06:09 [AndChat|648704]-!- AndChat|648704 has joined #Cochineal
01:08:03 [nathanbp|phone]-!- nathanbp|phone has left #Cochineal [Quit: Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
01:10:13 [AndChat|648704]-!- AndChat|648704 has left #Cochineal [Quit: Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
01:10:49 [nathanbp]Commie beat FFF to SAO subs this week :(
01:20:57 [Cassian]Oh
01:22:02 [nathanbp]oh well, I have enough stuff I have to watch anyways >_>
01:31:41 [Cassian]Yeah
01:31:52 [Cassian]Aldnoah got even worse this week somehow
01:32:45 [nathanbp]when you say that you almost make me want to watch it to see how
01:34:03 [Cassian]There's something about the Princess having a magical girl-esque transformation to change into her princess clothes
01:35:06 [nathanbp]wow
01:35:13 [nathanbp].....
01:45:52 [Cassian]This week's Crystal has some Toei quality too
01:46:27 [nathanbp]lol
01:46:37 [nathanbp]pretty sure that will be every week's Crystal
01:46:41 [Cassian]Lol
01:46:52 [Cassian]Also there's laptops instead of floppy discs or something
01:49:18 [nathanbp]oh no what a terrible change from the manga
01:50:12 [Cassian]The bitching is ridiculous but I know to expect it every week
01:56:33 [nathanbp]did someone unironically bitch about the laptops?
01:57:38 [Cassian]Maybe
01:57:54 [Cassian]I have a lot of filters on Crystal so if so I didn't see it
03:03:54 [Cassian] How are your animays
03:04:56 [nathanbp]I think I'm going to keep watching Ao Haru Ride even if it's not likely to go anywhere >_>
03:06:43 [Cassian]Ah
03:10:32 [nathanbp]nothing else I want to watch more than I want to read the new Charlie Stross book, so going to do that now
03:10:43 [nathanbp]possibly may be up reading it until I'm done >_>;;;
03:24:01 [Cassian]<_<;
03:56:59 [Cassian]-!- Cassian has left #Cochineal [Quit]
20:30:24 [Cassian]-!- Cassian has joined #Cochineal
20:38:23 [nathanbp]Hey
20:38:42 [nathanbp]They didn't replace Tokyo Tower with the Sky Tree in Sailor Moon Crystal
20:59:33 [Cassian]Hey
20:59:34 [Cassian]Wow
20:59:40 [Cassian]i'm kind of surprised
21:00:30 [Cassian]The PV for the opening is out, this sure is a Tori production
21:00:35 [Cassian]*Toei
21:01:10 [Cassian]This song is also kind of meh
21:01:57 [Cassian]Did you notice the animation error where she was missing her gloves at one point during the episode?
21:08:15 [nathanbp]no, I didn't
21:08:34 [nathanbp]The 3D during the OP and the transformation sequences looks pretty bad...
21:08:42 [Cassian]They do
21:09:37 [nathanbp]also the transformation music sounds really Precure-ish...
21:09:48 [nathanbp]I'm surprised they didn't reuse any of the old BGM
21:09:54 [Cassian]Thanks lazy composer
21:10:25 [Cassian]Wow you mean it actually has one than one new track unlike HaCha <_<;;
21:11:04 [Cassian]*more than one
21:11:48 [nathanbp]lol
21:12:58 [nathanbp]Yeah it sounds very similar to the Suite transformation BGM
21:13:25 [Cassian]Woooowwwww
21:16:07 [nathanbp]also, Ai Kayano has been in a ridiculous number of shows recently:
21:18:10 [Cassian]Wow, last year alone she's been in a ton of stuff
21:19:25 [nathanbp]yeah, mostly as major characters too
21:20:20 [Cassian]I can't say I find her voice particularly memorable aside from Menma and Hana
21:26:55 [nathanbp]I'm pretty terrible at recognizing VAs, I only looked her up since Mezashite mentioned her on their Ao haru ride release post
21:27:06 [Cassian]Ah
21:27:19 [Cassian]I can differeniate the male ones better than the female ones
21:30:56 [nathanbp]I almost never recognize them >_>
21:33:01 [nathanbp]...the guy translating SAO volume 14 is also translating Reki's livetweet commentary of SAO 2
21:33:46 [Cassian]Oh boy
21:35:29 [nathanbp]really Reki?: "I understand, so Sinon, grab my collar and scold me too!"
21:35:56 [Cassian]WOW
21:42:19 [Cassian]I take it something finally happened this week?
21:44:24 [nathanbp]that was from ep 2, ep 3 tweets aren't translated yet
21:44:29 [Cassian]Ah
22:56:21 [Cassian]I should catch up on animays
22:57:04 [nathanbp]what do you have to watch? Captain Earth?
22:57:21 [Cassian]Yeah. One short episode show and Nozaki-kun
22:58:18 [nathanbp]ah right Nozaki-kun aired. I'm still waiting on fansubs >_>
22:58:29 [Cassian]Lol
22:58:31 [nathanbp]I guess I should watch Captain Earth too
22:58:35 [Cassian]Ugh
22:58:44 [Cassian]I don't want to but I'm so far in
22:59:05 [nathanbp]I think I'll do some studying instead >_>
23:00:54 [nathanbp]see Captain Earth helps me study, because I'd rather do my flashcards than watch it >_>
23:01:02 [Cassian]Looool
23:27:34 [nathanbp]wow the Club Nintendo rewards are pretty underwhelming
23:27:41 [Cassian]Yep
23:29:28 [nathanbp]I guess I'll get earthbound because maybe I'll play that again at some point?
23:29:47 [Cassian]Sounds good
23:30:37 [Cassian]I guess I don't have to watch anything until Thursday though >_>;
23:31:19 [nathanbp]might as well get it over with?
23:31:27 [Cassian]D:
23:49:26 [nathanbp]oops, I did not realize that right stuf wouldn't ship stuff as it came out >_>
23:50:23 [Cassian]They'll ship out about once a month or whenever a bunch of your orders are available
23:53:12 [nathanbp]oh, hmm. their site suggests they'll only do a partial shipment if you request one
23:53:25 [Cassian]Yeah
23:53:55 [Cassian]Is there stuff coming out around out for the main thing you're waiting for
23:55:50 [nathanbp]I probably would have split my order up differently if I'd realized how their shipping worked
23:56:26 [nathanbp]since the final thing in it isn't out until Aug 26
23:57:05 [Cassian]Shit
23:58:34 [nathanbp]oh well, now I know for next time
23:58:51 [nathanbp]I'll bug them in a week or 2 to do a partial shipment when 5 or 6 things in my order are out
23:58:57 [Cassian]Ahh