01:33:44 Lol 02:26:59 fff released another thing which is not the last ep of DAL >_>;; 02:30:37 Lol 02:40:07 Maybe there's another insert song <_<; 02:50:39 It aired over a week ago >_>; 03:48:52 True 03:51:38 Apparently the Yen Press stuff are back up on amazon finally 04:18:37 really? doesn't look like it me... 04:18:59 Oh guess not then 04:19:20 at least, SAO is not 04:20:41 Pandora hearts still says "usually ships in 2 to 4 weeks" as well 04:22:19 I already ordered my next batch of manga from rightstuf anyways >_> 04:24:04 not being able to spell the name of the book I'm reading makes it hard to mark it as currently reading on goodreads... 04:24:23 <_<;; 04:24:37 I managed to find it though >_> 04:24:44 Good 04:27:34 off to read/sleep, 'night 04:37:05 Good night 05:18:52 -!- Cassian has left #Cochineal [Quit]