00:05:02 Did you watch the stream this weekend? 00:06:11 Yeah, but I missed a small part since I went to get my dinner 00:06:39 The animation toward the end of the episode is amazing bad 00:06:58 oh boy 00:08:18 did they break out the crayons or not that bad? 00:09:08 Not that bad. But the proportions of the characters change a lot in a few scenes 00:10:27 They didn't use Honey's new form change card yet surprisingly 00:11:40 not enough money for it? 00:11:41 >_> 00:11:52 I guess not, lol 00:14:59 doremi had better hurry with the Doki movie or NS3 will be out >_> 00:41:52 Lol 00:42:29 I heard someone did a sub and released it 00:42:50 But none of the Precure movies are good enough to watch speedsubs <_< 00:45:36 I must have missed that >_> 00:45:43 not that I'd watch it either... 01:14:16 hmm, the potion that calls back heroes in Find Mii 2 doesn't call back all of them >_> 01:14:32 <_< 01:15:50 still need soo many hats >_> 02:04:49 hmm, maybe I shouldn't have reread the Merchant Princes novels, the sequels aren't due to start coming out until April 2015... 02:05:07 Damn 02:05:33 they're better than I remember at least... 02:06:35 Oh 02:07:20 http://www.antipope.org/charlie/blog-static/fiction/faq.html has a list of all of Stross's books btw, with back coverish blurbs 02:07:24 I finished Elantris I thought it was really good. I took a while to actually like Hreathen and Raoden though 02:08:18 Oh 02:08:32 cool 02:08:44 I should probably read Elantris again... 02:08:56 I can't remember if I read it twice already or not >_> 02:09:07 Lol 02:09:12 Going to pick up more Sanderson next? 02:09:30 Yeah, I found the Elantris novella at the library last week 02:09:46 I wasn't impressed with the Mistborn excerpt in the back of Elantris though 02:10:31 Mistborn was ok, but not great IMO 02:10:37 Ah :| 02:11:09 It does have a really neat magic system if that's your thing though 02:11:18 Hmmm 02:11:26 Maybe I'll checked it out eventually 02:11:35 I heard Warbreaker was pretty good 02:13:07 Yeah, Warbreaker might be my favorite Sanderson book 02:27:29 I guess I'll go for that one next 02:30:08 HaCha time... 02:41:18 Oh boy 02:52:54 I see what you mean about their faces towards the end... 02:53:17 Also, I was sure that Hime's mother was going to turn out to be Queen Mirage, guess not... 02:54:10 Yeah... 02:54:35 also, mass-comi ep next >_< 03:06:31 Ugh 03:09:34 and Cure Berry for the 10th anniversary... 03:17:09 Huh 03:17:34 I figured it'd be a Yes 5 girl since Mass-Comi 03:18:16 aren't they out of Yes 5 girls yet? >_> 03:18:23 Bo 03:18:26 *No 03:18:47 Lemonade, Rouge, and *shudder* Milk still left? 03:18:57 Yeah -_- 03:19:43 i've heard Rogue was really unpopular when the show was airing and her VA is always buys so I assume she'll do one much later than the others 03:21:46 hmm, I guess I'm not sure which of the Yes 5 Cures I would have expected to be least popular... 03:22:07 I would have guessed Mint but guess not 03:23:36 lol, Rogue's VA does voices for Jewelpet 03:23:48 Ugh 03:24:00 They annoying mascots from hell show 03:33:58 lol 03:35:26 now to see if I can go to sleep soon or if I'll end up staying up another 2 hours finishing my book >_>; 03:35:50 <_<; 03:35:58 'night 03:36:05 Good night! 03:37:27 -!- Cassian has left #Cochineal [Quit] 13:05:56 -!- nathanbp|surface has left #Cochineal [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 20:47:40 -!- nathanbp|surface has joined #Cochineal