IRC log of Cochineal on 2014-05-07

« 2014-05-06 (Previous)

Timestamps are in UTC.

02:19:34 [Pipian-Work]-!- Pipian-Work has joined #Cochineal
02:19:34 [ChanServ]-!- ChanServ set mode +o on Pipian-Work
06:35:38 [Pipian-Work]-!- Pipian-Work has left #Cochineal [Quit: Quit: Pipian-Work]
13:59:10 [Pipian-Work]-!- Pipian-Work has joined #Cochineal
13:59:10 [ChanServ]-!- ChanServ set mode +o on Pipian-Work
14:10:48 [Pipian-Work]-!- Pipian-Work has left #Cochineal [Quit: Quit: Pipian-Work]
14:35:21 [Pipian-Work]-!- Pipian-Work has joined #Cochineal
14:35:21 [ChanServ]-!- ChanServ set mode +o on Pipian-Work
15:03:06 [Pipian-Work]-!- Pipian-Work has left #Cochineal [Quit: Quit: Pipian-Work]
15:09:07 [Pipian-Work]-!- Pipian-Work has joined #Cochineal
15:09:07 [ChanServ]-!- ChanServ set mode +o on Pipian-Work
15:46:10 [Pipian-Work]-!- Pipian-Work has left #Cochineal [Quit: Quit: Pipian-Work]
18:13:56 [nathanbp|surface]-!- nathanbp|surface has left #Cochineal [Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer]
18:28:23 [nathanbp|surface]-!- nathanbp|surface has joined #Cochineal
18:28:27 [nathanbp|surface]-!- nathanbp|surface has left #Cochineal
18:28:33 [nathanbp|surface]-!- nathanbp|surface has joined #Cochineal
23:01:13 [Cassian]-!- Cassian has joined #Cochineal
23:11:16 [nathanbp]Hey
23:11:22 [Cassian]Hey
23:11:24 [nathanbp]HaCha is late this week...
23:11:31 [Cassian]Yep...
23:21:10 [nathanbp]clearly I'm not watching enough terrible shows since I ran out of new things to watch
23:21:17 [nathanbp]guess I'll just have to watch more mushishi >_>
23:28:19 [nathanbp]how did I street pass one coworker twice and the other not at all?...
23:28:36 [Cassian]What
23:29:39 [nathanbp]not really sure how that happened...