IRC log of Cochineal on 2014-04-21

« 2014-04-20 (Previous)

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01:13:05 [Pipian-Work]-!- Pipian-Work has left #Cochineal [Quit: Quit: Pipian-Work]
01:15:07 [Pipian-Work]-!- Pipian-Work has joined #Cochineal
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01:44:21 [Pipian-Work]-!- Pipian-Work has left #Cochineal [Quit: Quit: Pipian-Work]
02:06:51 [Pipian-Work]-!- Pipian-Work has joined #Cochineal
02:06:51 [ChanServ]-!- ChanServ set mode +o on Pipian-Work
02:07:37 [Cassian]<_<;;;;
02:12:58 [nathanbp]Still no Sidonia :(
02:19:47 [nathanbp]The Hugo shortlist is out:
02:19:48 [Sacchi]Announcing the 2014 Hugo Award Nominees |
02:19:58 [nathanbp]I haven't read very many of the things on it though >_>
02:21:50 [nathanbp]Catherynne Valente does have a novella on the list, I haven't read it though
02:36:54 [Cassian]Oh god, a Wheel of Time book on this list
02:38:03 [Cassian]Six-Gun Snow White is quite the title
02:48:26 [nathanbp]Apparently it's the whole Wheel of Time series as a single entry...
02:48:32 [nathanbp]Yeah...
02:48:43 [Cassian]Why....
02:49:12 [Cassian]Don't they just degrad into excuses to be lesbian sex orgies before Sanderson took the helm...
02:49:20 [Cassian]*degrade
02:49:49 [nathanbp]I wouldn't know, I never read any of them
02:50:03 [Cassian]That's for the best
02:56:15 [nathanbp]probably
02:56:28 [nathanbp]although I've had people try to tell me that they're actually quite good
02:56:41 [Cassian]........
02:56:57 [Cassian]After all these books and the original author dying?!
02:59:36 [nathanbp]well I don't think the author dying has anything to do with the quality of his books >_>
03:00:21 [Cassian]True, but he died without finishing them. That does say something about how he managed to drag it on that long
03:01:50 [nathanbp]I can't say I have any desire to read it...
03:02:11 [Cassian]Me neither
03:02:26 [Cassian]Not even because every book is 1000+ pages long
03:06:11 [nathanbp]Oh hmm, another book coming out to read, and more things I should actually rate on Goodreads...
03:06:22 [Cassian]Loool
03:06:45 [Cassian]Did you turn those e-mails on just so you'd remember to use goodreads?
03:06:52 [nathanbp](The Watch series by Sergei Lukyanenko. Russian Urban fantasy)
03:06:58 [Cassian]Ohh
03:07:13 [nathanbp]The e-mails certainly help...
03:08:44 [nathanbp]ugh, my library has New Watch in their system but no copies yet so I can't place a hold
03:09:00 [Cassian]Boooo
06:50:45 [Pipian-Work]-!- Pipian-Work has left #Cochineal [Quit]
07:07:55 [Cassian]-!- Cassian has left #Cochineal [Quit]
14:24:50 [Pipian-Work]-!- Pipian-Work has joined #Cochineal
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14:56:03 [nathanbp|surface]-!- nathanbp|surface has joined #Cochineal
15:57:25 [Puyopuyo]-!- Puyopuyo has joined #Cochineal
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16:05:57 [Pipian-Work]-!- Pipian-Work has left #Cochineal [Quit: Quit: Pipian-Work]
21:18:09 [Puyopuyo]-!- Puyopuyo has left #Cochineal [Quit: Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
22:30:59 [Cassian]-!- Cassian has joined #Cochineal
23:44:46 [nathanbp]Hey
23:44:57 [Cassian]Hey
23:45:16 [nathanbp]there's too much to read >_>;;
23:45:29 [Cassian]Yeah <_<;;;
23:45:41 [nathanbp]I got an e-mail from my library that another book I requested showed up and one from Amazon that they shipped me 3 more things I ordered >_>
23:46:57 [Cassian]Jeez
23:48:05 [nathanbp]Although one of the books from Amazon is SAO volume 1 which I plan on not reading until volume 2 is also out
23:48:21 [Cassian]Oh, lol
23:55:13 [nathanbp]I dunno why I bother opening Puzzle Swap when I know my coworker doesn't have any new pieces for me >_>
23:55:23 [Cassian]Lol