IRC log of Cochineal on 2013-06-01

« 2013-05-31 (Previous)

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11:44:38 [Puyopuyo]-!- Puyopuyo has joined #Cochineal
11:44:38 [ChanServ]-!- ChanServ set mode +o on Puyopuyo
15:36:29 [nathanbp]...somehow all the raw manga reader sites ended up with a chinese scanslation instead for TWGOK 230...
15:45:32 [Puyopuyo]>____>
15:45:40 [Puyopuyo]Anyway, I'm off for a few hours.
15:49:42 [Puyopuyo]-!- Puyopuyo has left #Cochineal [Quit: Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
23:21:50 [nathanbp|work]-!- nathanbp|work has left #Cochineal [Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer]