IRC log of Cochineal on 2012-07-10

« 2012-07-09 (Previous)

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01:41:00 [Puyopuyo]-!- Puyopuyo has joined #Cochineal
01:41:01 [ChanServ]-!- ChanServ set mode +o on Puyopuyo
02:00:04 [nathanbp|laptop1]-!- nathanbp|laptop1 has joined #Cochineal
02:01:34 [nathanbp|laptop]-!- nathanbp|laptop has left #Cochineal [Quit: Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
02:01:53 [nathanbp]-!- nathanbp has left #Cochineal [Quit: Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
02:02:04 [nathanbp]-!- nathanbp has joined #Cochineal
02:02:18 [Puyopuyo]-!- Puyopuyo has left #Cochineal
02:02:18 [Puyopuyo]-!- Puyopuyo has joined #Cochineal
02:02:18 [ChanServ]-!- ChanServ set mode +o on Puyopuyo
02:02:21 [Puyopuyo]!pointer
02:02:21 [Sacchi]
02:04:05 [Puyopuyo]And Nathan, the only Precure series actually worth watching is probably the first. The rest are just spins on how to combine mahou shoujo with other genres.
02:04:18 [nathanbp1]-!- nathanbp1 has joined #Cochineal
02:05:37 [nathanbp|laptop1]-!- nathanbp|laptop1 has left #Cochineal [Quit: Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
02:06:08 [nathanbp]-!- nathanbp has left #Cochineal [Quit: Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
02:06:38 [nathanbp1]-!- nathanbp1 is now known as nathanbp
02:06:44 [ChanServ]-!- ChanServ set mode +o on nathanbp
02:07:15 [nathanbp]ugh so many first eps to watch >_>
02:07:22 [nathanbp]and suddenly so much manga to read...
02:08:13 [nathanbp]and so much precure to watch >_>;;;
02:10:48 [Puyopuyo]Really don't have that problem.
02:12:20 [nathanbp]haha
02:24:12 [nathanbp]ugh stupid fios still doesn't work...
02:27:13 [Puyopuyo]>_>
02:28:57 [nathanbp]all I want is to watch Comedy Central in HD
02:29:02 [nathanbp]is it really that hard?
02:29:06 [Puyopuyo]Apparently so!
02:46:20 [nathanbp]well, only 15 minutes on the phone with verizon to get them to agree to send a tech out
02:46:33 [Puyopuyo]Nice.
04:21:36 [Puyopuyo]Sam, I would like to slightly contest your argument about bitters being found in NYC and therefore reflect on the post-con dinner location as as a mute point, as you can find almost ANYTHING (esp food related) in NYC. <- Ian being mocked for what appears to be a reasonable booze request is the point I was making. Also, I was looking at Brooklyn pubs/bars, not Manhattan ones. Again, the request seems to be reasonable. (Unless
04:21:45 [Puyopuyo]And I go on log reading binges.
04:23:21 [Puyopuyo]...oh, and Chescheir covers it nicely. I gotta remember that Alex is a fountain of useful information.
04:24:43 [Puyopuyo](Manhattan ones being where I would expect the whole nine yards of variety, as a reason for why I mention it)
04:24:57 [Puyopuyo]So has Ian melted from the extreme heat yet?
04:25:47 [nathanbp]Haven't heard from him recently...
04:26:05 [Puyopuyo]According to the logs, none of us have.
04:26:10 [nathanbp]He logs on every once in a while
04:26:22 [nathanbp]I suppose I could actually be social when he does >_>;;
04:26:24 [Puyopuyo]True
04:26:29 [Puyopuyo]>_> You? Social?
04:29:27 [nathanbp]>_>;;
04:30:22 [Puyopuyo]And caught up on logs.
04:34:09 [nathanbp]wow it's amazing how quickly my apartment warms up after I turn off the AC
04:34:14 [nathanbp]sleep time...
04:39:10 [Puyopuyo]Night!
06:46:09 [Puyopuyo]-!- Puyopuyo has left #Cochineal [Quit: Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
15:09:34 [nathanbp|work]-!- nathanbp|work has joined #Cochineal
15:09:41 [ChanServ]-!- ChanServ set mode +o on nathanbp|work
15:26:49 [AChes]-!- AChes has joined #Cochineal
15:27:36 [AChes]!pointer
15:27:36 [Sacchi]
16:58:27 [AChes]Oh, yeah Re:Bitters. There is also a kind of beer called Bitter (notice it's singular) but that is a very Brittish thing to call it.
18:39:38 [gadgetgrl]-!- gadgetgrl has joined #Cochineal
18:39:48 [ChanServ]-!- ChanServ set mode +o on gadgetgrl
18:39:53 [gadgetgrl]!pointer
18:39:53 [Sacchi]
18:43:20 [gadgetgrl]I still contest "reasonable"...i'd say it's close to being like going into a hamburger place and expecting them to have truffle fries (which are delicious)
18:44:07 [gadgetgrl]and you know brooklyn and queens are part of the greater nyc :p i mean, if you search bar + tardis, you have to go to brooklyn for it (i still need to make it to that bar...)
18:44:32 [gadgetgrl]i correct myself, certain parts of queens and brooklyn
20:49:34 [gadgetgrl]-!- gadgetgrl has left #Cochineal [Quit: Quit: gadgetgrl]
20:51:31 [AChes]-!- AChes has left #Cochineal [Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer]
23:26:41 [nathanbp|work]-!- nathanbp|work has left #Cochineal [Quit: Quit: Leaving.]