IRC log of Cochineal on 2012-05-14

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00:39:12 [Puyopuyo]-!- Puyopuyo has joined #Cochineal
00:39:12 [ChanServ]-!- ChanServ set mode +o on Puyopuyo
01:15:34 [Pipian]So
01:15:50 [Pipian]I read all of Gunnerkrigg Court (up to current) :o
01:16:07 [Puyopuyo]Was it worth it?
01:16:53 [Pipian]Yes
01:17:00 [Puyopuyo]Surprising!
01:17:08 [Pipian]Oh?
01:17:34 [Pipian]What makes you think that?
01:18:19 [Puyopuyo]My hatred of webcomics has only grown as of late.
01:19:08 [Pipian]Well, I certainly don't blame you for that
01:19:18 [Pipian]There is certainly much to hate in most webcomics
01:19:33 [Pipian]Homestuck is starting to grate on me
01:20:17 [Puyopuyo]And it will continue!
01:20:30 [Pipian]QC I only enjoy as a meaningless piece of fluff (I could probably drop it with no ill effects)
01:20:51 [Pipian](Honestly it's more for the schadenfreude I feel for the characters)
01:21:19 [Pipian]Dr. McNinja is alright and hasn't really steered me wrong.
01:21:35 [nathanbp]curse you Ian
01:21:41 [Pipian]Nedroid and Hark! A Vagrant are enjoyable when they update
01:21:50 [nathanbp]you're the second source of a recommendation for Gunnerkrigg Court I've seen recently
01:21:52 [Pipian]Well, largely so
01:21:54 [Puyopuyo]I dropped QC when he introduced the cast of main characters that were racially diverse.
01:21:55 [nathanbp]now I have to actually read it >_>
01:22:13 [Pipian]Fair enough.
01:22:21 [Pipian]I mean, I certainly don't HATE QC
01:22:26 [Puyopuyo]As I felt that it was not only lazy, but he was already flailing with the cast that he had.
01:22:32 [Pipian]But I have no reason to LIKE it either.
01:22:42 [Puyopuyo]Oh, if I hated QC, I'd have to have enough incentive to care about it one way or another.
01:22:51 [Pipian]But let me put it succinctly
01:22:55 [Puyopuyo]He just managed to convince me that I simply shouldn't care.
01:22:58 [Pipian]Neil Gaiman likes Gunnerkrigg Court.
01:23:20 [Pipian](This is not what sold me, but it should be a pretty good suggestion that it is good on its own)
01:23:28 [Puyopuyo]Famous people we respect are entitled to like things of dubious quality. That is a non-argument.
01:23:56 [Puyopuyo]I think the only webcomic I read regularly that I think embraces how unseriously it should take itself is sinfest.
01:24:10 [Pipian]It is true Sam
01:24:20 [nathanbp]I started enjoying SMBC recently
01:24:29 [Puyopuyo]SMBC is rather hit or miss.
01:24:36 [Puyopuyo]The writer is a bit of a jerk though.
01:24:38 [nathanbp]a lot of his backlog is terrible
01:24:44 [Pipian]But on the other hand, my observation of the comic is such that I can see why he recommends it
01:24:45 [Puyopuyo](I really need to stop going to conventions)
01:25:05 [nathanbp]Oh? because there are webcomics at conventions?
01:25:09 [Puyopuyo]So I am not a particular fan of Sluggy Freelance. I will read it if really bored, but a lot of the story arcs are dull as far as I'm concerned.
01:25:13 [Pipian](It has the same sort of modern-fairy-tale feel as Gaiman's work does)
01:25:14 [Puyopuyo]But the writer was a legitimately nice guy.
01:25:33 [nathanbp]I can't stop reading sluggy freelance now
01:25:35 [Puyopuyo]Met him at NYCC, and he was respectful, even when I stated that I wasn't particularly a fan.
01:25:37 [Pipian]Let's see
01:25:46 [nathanbp]Since I've read the whole thing to this point anyways >_<
01:26:11 [Puyopuyo]And that by itself wins the webcomic a few points from me, because no webcomic writer should be that legitimately reasonable. They're all self-absorbed assholes. They have to be!
01:26:48 [Pipian]I think that's it. McNinja, QC (for lack of not caring enough to drop it), Homestuck (because I've already seen it through this far and it's not actively terrible), Nedroid (actively humorous), Hark! A Vagrant (only good history/literature-based comic)
01:27:05 [Pipian]Oh and Gun Show
01:27:11 [Pipian]Except you would hate it Sam
01:27:15 [nathanbp]Penny Arcade?
01:27:28 [Puyopuyo]I read that for the whimsical news posts, not the comic.
01:27:59 [Pipian]I read Brawl in the Family at one point
01:28:08 [Pipian]It never made it onto my Delicious bookmarks
01:28:11 [Pipian]So I stopped following it
01:28:24 [Pipian]It's really kinda playing out the same thing over and over though
01:28:30 [Pipian]So I'm okay with having dropped it
01:29:23 [Pipian]But yeah, that's it for webcomics
01:29:27 [Puyopuyo]I do follow Brawl in the Family, but that's because I'm okay with it doing the same thing.
01:29:36 [Pipian]Gunnerkrigg is pretty good though, all things considered
01:29:44 [Pipian]My read through found nothing objectionable or terrible
01:29:45 [Puyopuyo]The guy's positive about his webcomics, which is something I'll take over every other gaming webcomic's negativity.
01:29:58 [Pipian]And a cursory study of the artist seems like he's a decent enough guy.
01:30:09 [Puyopuyo]I may investigate in the future then.
01:30:13 [Puyopuyo]For now, I final project.
01:30:19 [Pipian]By cursory study I mean "I have read a post or two he has made regarding his comic on Something Awful"
01:30:49 [Pipian](In doing so, he interacts with his fans in a relatively nice, down to earth manner as far as I can tell)
01:31:11 [Puyopuyo]Eh, I consider forum friendliness to be different from in person reasonableness.
01:31:15 [Pipian](Not like Hussie, if you want me to submit a comparison)
01:31:28 [Pipian]It is true
01:31:44 [Pipian]Initial instinct though is that he is /probably/ decent
01:32:46 [Puyopuyo]One hopes so.
01:39:51 [Pipian]But yeah, it has a good modern-fantasy feel to it. The setting is obviously aping after Harry Potter with a dash of various Gaiman novels, and you might think that it's just a knockoff in the first few chapters, but if you give it a few chapters you'll find that it's not really, except for superficial similarities in setting. Well, to be fair, the Gaiman-esque dash never really goes away.
01:41:03 [Pipian]At the very least I'd love to hear your complaints as to why it may not be good. It seems like a thing you will either get into or have some unusual, yet reasonable, reason to (respectfully) dislike it.
01:41:16 [Pipian]It doesn't strike me as a thing you would dismiss out of hand at the very least.
01:43:20 [Pipian](Like I could see you offering perhaps an "eh it is trying too hard to be like Gaiman for my tastes" or "It's clearly ripping off Philip Pullman at parts" or some other rational complaint along those lines. But probably not quitting it mid-archive.)
01:43:47 [Pipian](It is basically a thing where you will almost certainly read through the entire archive before making a final decision.)
01:43:53 [Puyopuyo]I have not gotten further than the first chapter.
01:43:57 [Puyopuyo]But you suggest that it gets better.
01:44:02 [Pipian]Yes.
01:44:03 [Puyopuyo]Keep in mind that I am not a huge fan of Gaiman's writing.
01:44:19 [Pipian]This is precisely why you may dislike it, depending on how much like it you think it is.
01:44:33 [Puyopuyo]Much like Stephenson, I feel that while the ride may be enjoyable, I know that at the end, there's a cliff the vehicle must go over.
01:44:35 [Pipian](I am not entirely convinced it is entirely Gaiman-esque)
01:44:44 [Puyopuyo]Well, I shall investigate when I have time.
01:44:51 [Pipian]Thus far, I've not seen an obvious cliff
01:45:14 [Pipian]I want to say there are some obvious foreshadows at points
01:45:30 [Pipian]But it really doesn't seem that bad.
01:45:45 [Pipian]But it does take a little while to hit its stride.
01:45:48 [Pipian]Basically
01:48:13 [Pipian]Read through the archive and make up your mind.
01:48:19 [Pipian]It's a bit long I will admit
01:49:09 [Pipian]But it takes a while to start weaving together
01:49:19 [Pipian]Since each chapter at first sort of seems standalone
01:49:31 [Pipian]But they start weaving into something more later on
01:50:44 [Pipian]I'd say chapter 17 or chapter 18 should probably be about the point where you'll have made up your mind
01:51:00 [Pipian]Because enough of the continuity is in place by that point.
01:52:09 [Pipian]It's a slow burn I guess I should say
01:56:21 [Pipian]So it could easily be the case that you don't like it because it takes that long I suppose
02:25:01 [Pipian]Oh, and as for webcomics
02:25:19 [Pipian]There's always Tails Gets Trolled (haw)
08:38:44 [Puyopuyo]-!- Puyopuyo has left #Cochineal [Quit: Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
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23:36:24 [nathanbp|work]-!- nathanbp|work has left #Cochineal [Quit: Quit: Leaving.]
23:51:02 [Puyopuyo]-!- Puyopuyo has joined #Cochineal
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