00:14:18 -!- nathanbp|work has left #Cochineal [Quit: Leaving.] 02:00:28 -!- Pipian-Work has joined #Cochineal 02:10:48 -!- Pipian-Work has left #Cochineal [Quit: Pipian-Work] 05:38:04 -!- Puyopuyo has joined #Cochineal 05:38:05 -!- ChanServ set mode +o on Puyopuyo 08:51:42 -!- Puyopuyo has left #Cochineal [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 15:09:12 -!- nathanbp|work has joined #Cochineal 15:09:18 -!- ChanServ set mode +o on nathanbp|work 21:38:16 -!- Puyopuyo has joined #Cochineal 21:38:16 -!- ChanServ set mode +o on Puyopuyo 22:22:34 -!- Puyopuyo has left #Cochineal 22:22:34 -!- Puyopuyo has joined #Cochineal 22:22:34 -!- ChanServ set mode +o on Puyopuyo 22:23:02 Sam 22:23:05 Ridley is hard :( 22:23:35 Perhaps I should try a strategy more complicated than "spam super missile button in general direction of boss" >_> 22:24:18 He IS hard. 22:24:41 Also, what are you supposed to do to the 2 enemies in the room before Ridley? 22:24:44 And how many super missiles do you have? You want to make them count, because once you run out, your best source of damage is either rapid firing missiles or charging the Plasma beam. 22:24:50 The ones that reflect most attacks 22:24:58 The Golden Space Pirates? 22:25:04 I guess, yea 22:25:19 Either pop them in the back with a super missile or screw attack them, if I recall correctly. 22:25:42 Ok 22:25:45 After they do their jump kick, I think there's a frame where you can nail them with a charge shot as well. 22:26:10 I wasn't able to get screw attacking them to work 22:26:33 so I just sat around spamming attacks until they were attackable for a short period 22:26:58 Do power bombs not damage Ridley? It looks like they do if he's in the explosion radius 22:27:13 I have 35 or 40 super missiles 22:27:16 He always flies away. 22:27:29 The only power bomb that hurts him is one that you drop right as he starts appearing from the background. 22:27:33 Otherwise they're just a waste. 22:27:41 So you've got most then, as there are only 50 super missiles max. 22:27:46 Yeah, Super missile his face in. 22:27:51 How much energy do you have? 22:27:52 hmmm...It looked like he was getting hit by them sometimes 22:28:02 9 + 3 reserve tanks 22:28:52 Are you topped off before you take him on? That's a little low for my tastes. 22:29:09 Yeah you can top off in the room right before him 22:29:22 Then keep trying, I guess. 22:29:35 Remember, his pogoing SUCKS. But he's a good time to nail him with some super missiles. 22:29:46 I think I was getting close judging by how red he was 22:29:52 I only tried twice so far 22:29:54 You might have already killed him. 22:30:08 Ridley has one last trick, which is that even at 0 health, he can keep fighting until he grabs you and self-destructs. 22:30:18 Oh that's a lot of fun 22:30:24 You can keep shooting him and make him explode, and I don't know what that cut off is. 22:30:34 Or he'll just grab you and you'll win. 22:30:40 Regardless, you should be able to take him down. 22:30:44 You've got enough weaponry. 22:30:51 well I'll have to try that power bomb at the start thing 22:39:35 I feel like the required skill at combat and reaction times is very different between bosses and the rest of the game 22:41:44 That is generally the case. 22:41:56 It's okay, the final boss is a lot easier. Ridley is considered the hardest boss in the game.