IRC log of Cochineal on 2012-01-04

« 2012-01-03 (Previous)

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00:08:46 [nathanbp|work]-!- nathanbp|work has left #Cochineal [Quit: Quit: Leaving.]
03:44:52 [Pipian-Work]-!- Pipian-Work has left #Cochineal [Quit: Quit: Pipian-Work]
04:58:25 [Pipian-Work]-!- Pipian-Work has joined #Cochineal
05:24:29 [Pipian-Work]I'd like to congratulate President-elect Willard Mitt Romney
05:25:24 [Puyopuyo]-!- Puyopuyo has joined #Cochineal
05:25:24 [ChanServ]-!- ChanServ set mode +o on Puyopuyo
05:25:59 [Pipian-Work]Oh hey
05:26:06 [Pipian-Work]You heard about President-elect Willard Mitt Romney?
05:26:26 [Puyopuyo]?
05:26:30 [Puyopuyo]What about?
05:26:39 [Pipian-Work]He's all but won the nomination.
05:26:48 [Puyopuyo]Is anyone surprised?
05:26:49 [Pipian-Work]Which means he's got a clear shot for the presidency
05:26:59 [Puyopuyo]He's what the right doesn't what, but will have to settle for.
05:27:14 [Pipian-Work]Well he's neck and neck with Santorum right now
05:27:17 [Pipian-Work](virtually tied)
05:27:21 [Pipian-Work]In Iowa
05:27:40 [Pipian-Work]Which means the nomination is his because he'd have had to do far worse to give anyone a shot.
05:28:04 [nathanbp]You really think Romney is that likely to beat Obama?
05:28:12 [Pipian-Work]Ah
05:28:19 [Pipian-Work]Maybe you haven't heard of Americans Elect?
05:28:38 [nathanbp]You think Americans Elect isn't going to pick Ron Paul?
05:28:47 [Pipian-Work]Of course not.
05:28:56 [Pipian-Work]It's being bankrolled by a bunch of hedge fund traders
05:29:05 [nathanbp]It's a primary on the internet?
05:29:07 [Pipian-Work]And they have the option to veto anyone they think "isn't centrist enough"
05:29:31 [nathanbp]Yeah but their opinion of centrist is a Mitt Romney clone?
05:29:33 [Pipian-Work]Also they're organized in such a way that they're a party which doesn't have to announce their donors
05:29:47 [Pipian-Work]Sure
05:29:55 [Pipian-Work]Of course it's a Mitt Romney clone
05:30:03 [Pipian-Work]But it'll dupe the Independents Obama needs to win
05:30:10 [nathanbp]I think they are much more likely to nominate a spoiler for the Republicans than the Democrats
05:30:28 [Pipian-Work]I think it's the opposite.
05:30:33 [Pipian-Work]Obama no longer has the Youth vote
05:30:39 [Pipian-Work]And many Independents already hate him
05:30:43 [Pipian-Work]He can't afford to lose more
05:31:10 [nathanbp]I doubt that Americans Elect will get enough press to effect the election either way
05:31:10 [Pipian-Work]Romney on the other hand will have the Republican machine ensuring that even the die hard Tea Partiers who hate Romney come out and vote for him.
05:31:13 [Puyopuyo]I think Romney's got the best shot, but this hinges upon what happens with the economy.
05:31:29 [Pipian-Work]As Europe goes, so goes Obama
05:31:32 [Puyopuyo]I don't think so. The Republican machine hasn't been the well-oiled mechanism we've been expecting.
05:31:39 [Pipian-Work](hint: It's sinking)
05:31:45 [Puyopuyo]I really can't see a lot of the religious vote backing a Mormon.
05:31:51 [nathanbp]I suspect Obama's Democratic machine will do at least as well for him as the Republican one will do for Romney
05:31:53 [Puyopuyo]Remember, they're not even Christian.
05:31:59 [Pipian-Work]While true
05:32:10 [Pipian-Work]I think Red vs. Blue will end up being more important
05:32:15 [Pipian-Work]Also
05:32:23 [Pipian-Work]General consensus is Marco Rubio for Veep
05:32:29 [Puyopuyo]....really?
05:32:33 [Pipian-Work]Which brings the Tea Partiers and Hispanics into the fold.
05:32:41 [Puyopuyo]It does.
05:32:56 [Pipian-Work]But yeah. That's the consensus.
05:33:11 [Pipian-Work]That's why I give Romney 60-40 odds of winning in November.
05:33:21 [Pipian-Work]Plus with a Republican Congress and Ruth Bader Ginsburg retiring in 2016
05:33:24 [Puyopuyo]I think that's too high.
05:33:28 [Pipian-Work]err 2014
05:33:28 [Puyopuyo]I'd give it 55-45
05:33:29 [Pipian-Work]sorry
05:33:36 [nathanbp]Yeah I'd say more like 50-50
05:33:47 [nathanbp]Also I doubt congress stays republican
05:33:48 [Puyopuyo]I'd say that unless a miracle happens in Europe, Romney's got the advantage, but I wouldn't give it a 20 point.
05:34:02 [Puyopuyo]10 points is the extent of the spread I'm willing to allow, and even then, I'm iffy.
05:34:07 [Puyopuyo]This should be 2000 close, I figure.
05:34:14 [nathanbp]At least the house will go back Democratic
05:34:20 [Pipian-Work]Why should it?
05:34:22 [Pipian-Work]Coattails
05:34:25 [Pipian-Work]At the very least
05:34:29 [Pipian-Work]*at the most
05:34:37 [nathanbp]9% approval rating?
05:34:44 [Pipian-Work]You misunderstand that
05:34:51 [Pipian-Work]9% approval rating is for Congress as a whole
05:35:03 [Pipian-Work]Individual ratings are still high
05:35:12 [Puyopuyo]Individual ratings will remain high.
05:35:21 [Puyopuyo]Hell, I expect the popular vote it do something stupid.
05:35:27 [Puyopuyo]*to
05:35:29 [Puyopuyo]not it
05:35:38 [Pipian-Work]Even in the worst congressional elections in the past 30 years, re-election rates for incumbents has never dropped below 80%
05:35:48 [Pipian-Work]1994, 2008, 2010, you name it.
05:35:49 [Puyopuyo]Once you're in, you're in.
05:35:52 [Puyopuyo]Remember, it's everyone else's fault.
05:36:02 [Puyopuyo]Your guy/gal? They're standing up for you!
05:37:15 [Pipian-Work]Plus, the ground game in the Senate was already bad for Democrats
05:37:16 [nathanbp]9% approval rating still means something though
05:37:21 [Puyopuyo]* Puyopuyo is feeling rather bitingly sarcastic and pessimistic currently.
05:37:28 [Pipian-Work]The number of Democrats retiring is only making it worse.
05:37:30 [Puyopuyo]It means that all of the other voters are idiots, nathan.
05:37:36 [nathanbp]Yeah Democrats don't have a great chance of holding the Senate
05:37:37 [Puyopuyo]You're voting for the right person, but no one else is!
05:38:03 [nathanbp]Sam: If that was true the Democrats would never have lost control of the House and Senate in the first place
05:38:49 [Puyopuyo]How so?
05:39:12 [Puyopuyo]You can't control what that bad ol' GOP/crazy Democrats are voting for, and they're ruining the House/Senate.
05:39:26 [nathanbp]What do you mean? You're arguing that everyone will just vote for their incumbent
05:39:33 [Pipian-Work]No
05:39:33 [nathanbp]which obviously isn't true
05:39:35 [Pipian-Work]Just a majority
05:39:40 [Pipian-Work]80-90%
05:39:40 [Puyopuyo]No, I'm saying that the mass majority do.
05:39:45 [Pipian-Work]It's the remaining 10% which matters
05:40:04 [Pipian-Work]Which, (especially if Mitt wins) is likely to go Republican due to coattails, or at least a hatred of Obama
05:40:15 [Puyopuyo]Quite possible.
05:40:21 [Puyopuyo]Though I'm not sure what Mitt even stands for now.
05:40:35 [Puyopuyo]Whatever gets him elected, from my understanding.
05:40:46 [nathanbp]Depends on how close the race is
05:41:14 [Pipian-Work]The biggest things Obama can attack Mitt on is
05:41:16 [Pipian-Work]"flip-flop"
05:41:21 [Pipian-Work]and "Romneycare = Obamacare"
05:41:27 [Pipian-Work]That's not enough to win an election
05:41:43 [Pipian-Work]Not with the economy being claimed as YOUR repnsibility
05:42:28 [nathanbp]Pretty sure the Romney vs Obama poll numbers have been basically even
05:43:15 [Pipian-Work]Yes
05:43:21 [Pipian-Work]Which says a lot about how bad Obama has it
05:43:38 [Pipian-Work]All Romney has to do is claim the middle
05:43:48 [Pipian-Work]Or at least deny it to Obama (see: Americans Elect)
05:44:32 [Puyopuyo]Well, it's always a fight for the middle.
05:44:36 [Puyopuyo]We'll see what 2012 brings.
05:44:58 [Puyopuyo]If he can get the unemployment rate to drop, Obama's got it in the bag. Otherwise Romney's running with an advantage.
05:45:14 [Pipian-Work]Oh
05:45:16 [Pipian-Work]Obama has
05:45:20 [nathanbp]I doubt Americans Elect will get enough fundraising to actually make an impact
05:45:21 [Pipian-Work]But when you're fighting against...
05:45:32 [Puyopuyo]And Ian, are you say that Romney's entire platform is just "I'm not Obama, and look what the country's like under him!"?
05:45:45 [Pipian-Work]
05:45:51 [Pipian-Work]Pretty much.
05:46:44 [Puyopuyo]* Puyopuyo shrugs.
05:47:04 [Puyopuyo]No one ever went broke overestimating the stupidity of the American people...
05:47:22 [Pipian-Work]On the contrary, actually
05:47:32 [Pipian-Work]A handful of people have gotten very rich
05:47:42 [Pipian-Work]*quite the contrary
05:48:19 [Puyopuyo]Trying to find who to cite that to...
05:49:17 [Pipian-Work]I've heard that one bandied about a bit
05:54:25 [Pipian-Work]Been reading Howard Zinn lately
05:54:43 [Pipian-Work]It's not exactly making me very optimistic
05:55:13 [Puyopuyo]Yeaaaah.
05:55:22 [Puyopuyo]Don't think there's much to be optimistic about.
06:14:59 [nathanbp]Look on the bright side
06:15:12 [nathanbp]McCain could won and had a heart attack and then Palin would be president now
06:18:07 [Pipian-Work]That's not much better than what we got to be honest.
06:20:40 [Puyopuyo]That's the realm of speculation.
06:20:48 [Puyopuyo]We really don't know how ridiculous Palin as president would be.
06:20:57 [Puyopuyo]I honestly have no idea who'd be puppeting her, which worries me.
07:28:00 [Pipian-Work]Oh hey
07:28:18 [Pipian-Work]first thing I see when casually looking into an anime forum for the first time in ages
07:28:29 [Pipian-Work]"Bandai Entertainment to stop releasing DVD/Blu-Ray and Manga after February 2012"
07:33:41 [Puyopuyo]Yeah
07:33:56 [Puyopuyo]You missed the earlier lamentation.
07:34:33 [Pipian-Work]Eh
07:38:58 [Pipian-Work]Romney wins Iowa by 8
07:39:32 [Puyopuyo]And people are surprised.
07:39:52 [Puyopuyo]Now let's see if the GOP pulls itself together.
07:53:16 [Pipian-Work]I suspect it will
07:53:59 [Pipian-Work]In foreign policy as well as electoral politics I've never known the GOP to not believe that the enemy of our enemy is our fried.
07:54:01 [Pipian-Work]*friend
08:17:53 [Puyopuyo]Anyway, I sleep. Night all.
08:21:54 [Puyopuyo]-!- Puyopuyo has left #Cochineal [Quit: Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
10:38:05 [Pipian-Work]-!- Pipian-Work has left #Cochineal [Quit: Quit: Pipian-Work]
11:59:05 [nathanbp]-!- nathanbp has left #Cochineal [Quit: *.net *.split]
12:00:03 [nathanbp]-!- nathanbp has joined #Cochineal
12:00:03 []-!- set mode +o on nathanbp
15:27:04 [nathanbp|work]-!- nathanbp|work has joined #Cochineal
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18:08:22 [Puyopuyo]-!- Puyopuyo has joined #Cochineal
18:08:22 [ChanServ]-!- ChanServ set mode +o on Puyopuyo
19:45:10 [nathanbp|work]Sore de mo Machi wa Mawatteriru got licensed!?!?
19:45:44 [AChes]-!- AChes has joined #Cochineal
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19:45:49 [AChes]!pointer
19:45:49 [Sacchi]
19:56:38 [Puyopuyo]By whom?
19:56:47 [nathanbp|work]I don't want to know.
20:25:39 [Puyopuyo]-!- Puyopuyo has left #Cochineal [Quit: Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
21:50:49 [Pipian-Work]-!- Pipian-Work has joined #Cochineal
23:23:37 [AChes]-!- AChes has left #Cochineal [Quit: Quit: KVIrc 4.0.4 Insomnia]
23:32:34 [Pipian-Work]-!- Pipian-Work has left #Cochineal [Quit: Quit: Pipian-Work]
23:43:15 [Pipian-Work]-!- Pipian-Work has joined #Cochineal