IRC log of Cochineal on 2011-09-03

« 2011-09-02 (Previous)

Timestamps are in UTC.

02:57:33 [Puyopuyo]-!- Puyopuyo has joined #Cochineal
02:57:33 [ChanServ]-!- ChanServ set mode +o on Puyopuyo
04:15:14 [Puyopuyo]We need to get Mark to play Mahjong with us.
04:46:52 [nathanbp|laptop]-!- nathanbp|laptop has joined #Cochineal
04:47:24 [ChanServ]-!- ChanServ set mode +o on nathanbp|laptop
07:14:19 [Puyopuyo]-!- Puyopuyo has left #Cochineal [Quit: Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
22:05:45 [nathanbp1]-!- nathanbp1 has joined #Cochineal
22:06:39 [nathanbp]-!- nathanbp has left #Cochineal [Quit: Ping timeout: 240 seconds]