IRC log of Cochineal on 2011-06-19

« 2011-06-18 (Previous)

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00:12:24 [Puyopuyo]-!- Puyopuyo has joined #Cochineal
00:12:24 [ChanServ]-!- ChanServ set mode +o on Puyopuyo
00:17:44 [gadgetgrl]-!- gadgetgrl has joined #Cochineal
00:17:48 [ChanServ]-!- ChanServ set mode +o on gadgetgrl
00:41:40 [nathanbp|laptop]Help Sam I'm going to play Earthbound again
00:43:24 [Puyopuyo]Have you beaten it before?
00:43:38 [nathanbp|laptop]Yes
00:43:57 [Puyopuyo]Then why?
00:44:45 [nathanbp|laptop]Bored?
00:44:56 [Puyopuyo]Have you played Mother 3?
00:47:15 [nathanbp|laptop]I started it but didn't get very far
00:48:54 [Puyopuyo]Try to get further in that.
00:49:11 [Puyopuyo]You've already done Earthbound, and while it is a fine game, Mother 3 is supposed to also be pretty awesome.
00:54:24 [nathanbp|laptop]I probably should...
00:54:32 [nathanbp|laptop]I dunno that I want to play the start again though
00:55:03 [Puyopuyo]Fair enough.
02:09:08 [nathanbp|laptop]I got destroyed by my brother in mario kart 64 instead
02:10:03 [Puyopuyo]Heh, also fun.
02:27:21 [nathanbp|laptop]subs for Arrietty are out
02:27:48 [Puyopuyo]NICE.
02:27:51 [Puyopuyo]I'll notify Emily.
02:27:54 [Puyopuyo]Thank you Nathan.
02:29:03 [nathanbp|laptop]the bluray rip is 5 GB O_o
02:32:22 [Puyopuyo]O_o
03:05:02 [gadgetgrl]where?
03:05:10 [gadgetgrl](subs)
03:05:44 [Puyopuyo]Jenn, did you get my rightstuf link about Victorian Romance Emma?
03:11:11 [gadgetgrl]yes! thank you!
03:11:25 [Puyopuyo]Awesome. Figured it'd be in line with your interests.
03:12:01 [gadgetgrl]yeah
03:35:37 [gadgetgrl]ano hi mita would have been so easy to cosplay (albeit mostly unrecognizable)
03:44:16 [nathanbp|laptop]jenn: subs are on tokyotosho for Arrietty
03:45:06 [nathanbp|laptop]I think the dress might make you recognizable
03:45:12 [nathanbp|laptop]that and Anaru's hair
03:51:19 [nathanbp|laptop]How much of Gosick have you watched Jenn?
04:00:16 [gadgetgrl]woo, thanks! yeah...but probably even less peopel have seen that
04:00:21 [gadgetgrl]ep 15 of gosick
04:00:34 [gadgetgrl]i'm only half paying attention, hence the switch to ano hi
04:03:34 [nathanbp|laptop]I think ano hi is at least kinda popular?
04:05:12 [gadgetgrl]really?
04:06:14 [gadgetgrl]i guess that makes sense
04:33:08 [AChes]-!- AChes has left #Cochineal [Quit: Quit: KVIrc 4.0.4 Insomnia]
04:37:40 [Puyopuyo]Well, crap. They got me in a photo:
04:53:21 [gadgetgrl]:)
04:56:19 [Puyopuyo]Jenn is only smiling because she managed to dodge it.
04:56:39 [Puyopuyo]Also, Ocarina of Time 3D: TOTALLY AWESOME.
04:56:45 [gadgetgrl]totally!
04:56:48 [gadgetgrl]really?
04:56:53 [gadgetgrl]i need to get it >.>
04:57:09 [gadgetgrl]maybe that'll be my next game purchase
04:57:11 [Puyopuyo]Yeah, I'm liking how the 3D actually really changes how it feels.
04:57:24 [Puyopuyo]Like in the very opening, in the N64 version, Saria would run down and wave at Link.
04:57:36 [Puyopuyo]She'd look kind of...well, short.
04:57:47 [Puyopuyo]In the 3DS version, with the 3D active, it actually looks as though she's waving up at you.
04:57:54 [Puyopuyo]Which REALLY changes how it feels, perspective-wise.
04:57:56 [gadgetgrl]nice!
04:58:04 [gadgetgrl]is that a download or cartridge or both?
04:58:13 [Puyopuyo]Cartridge.
05:00:01 [nathanbp|laptop]It doesn't look like you tried very hard to avoid being in that picture Sam
05:00:40 [Puyopuyo]I didn't realize it was being taken.
05:00:44 [Puyopuyo]I dodged a bunch of others.
05:00:50 [Puyopuyo]Jenn: It gets released today, the 19th.
05:00:52 [nathanbp|laptop]haha
05:04:55 [AChes]-!- AChes has joined #Cochineal
05:04:55 [ChanServ]-!- ChanServ set mode +o on AChes
05:05:09 [AChes]!pointer
05:05:09 [Sacchi]
05:39:45 [gadgetgrl]obviously this means i should to the best buy tonight, right now ;)
05:40:00 [Puyopuyo]Up to you.
05:40:09 [Puyopuyo]I'm going to the launch event at Nintendo World at 11ish.
05:40:38 [gadgetgrl] early :p
05:40:50 [gadgetgrl]do you need to have it pre-ordered? or do they usually have enough?
05:41:05 [Puyopuyo]I figure they'll have enough.
05:41:17 [gadgetgrl]um...maybe i'll join...i'll text if i do
05:41:19 [Puyopuyo]There are enough copies around the city that you should be able to get one with minimal trouble.
05:41:25 [Puyopuyo]I mean, Emily and I already have copies.
05:41:30 [Puyopuyo]So we could get you a copy at the event.
05:41:34 [Puyopuyo](Swag is ours though!)
05:41:40 [gadgetgrl]lol
05:41:50 [gadgetgrl]that's true...most game stops and such should also have them
05:42:30 [gadgetgrl] update isn't working and i can't access the estore :p
05:43:01 [Puyopuyo]Grrr!
05:45:01 [Pipian]-!- Pipian has joined #Cochineal
05:45:01 [ChanServ]-!- ChanServ set mode +o on Pipian
05:46:32 [gadgetgrl]have you done the update yet?
05:46:43 [Puyopuyo]* Puyopuyo still has no 3DS. >_>
05:46:45 [Puyopuyo]Emily has.
05:47:22 [gadgetgrl]and no problems?
05:50:53 [Puyopuyo]I don't believe so.
05:51:57 [gadgetgrl]hopefully it'll resolve itself soon
06:00:06 [Pipian]-!- Pipian has left #Cochineal [Quit: Quit: Pipian]
07:11:40 [gadgetgrl]lol, there's a working poster in the background at the video store in ano hi
07:23:25 [AChes]-!- AChes has left #Cochineal [Quit: Quit: KVIrc 4.0.4 Insomnia]
07:44:53 [gadgetgrl]-!- gadgetgrl has left #Cochineal [Quit: Quit: gadgetgrl]
08:29:05 [Puyopuyo]-!- Puyopuyo has left #Cochineal [Quit: Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
17:17:58 [nathanbp|laptop]wow really, live action Noir TV series: ?
17:24:15 [AChes]-!- AChes has joined #Cochineal
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17:25:08 [AChes]!pointer
17:25:08 [Sacchi]
17:36:31 [nathanbp|laptop]Hmm sacchi seems to have stopped reading link page titles
17:47:13 [nathanbp|laptop]hey mangafox has loveless
17:47:19 [nathanbp|laptop]Have to catch up on that...
18:44:21 [AChes]-!- AChes has left #Cochineal [Quit: *.net *.split]
18:44:21 [nathanbp]-!- nathanbp has left #Cochineal [Quit: *.net *.split]
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18:47:31 [AChes]-!- AChes has joined #Cochineal
18:47:31 [nathanbp|laptop]-!- nathanbp|laptop has joined #Cochineal
18:47:31 [nathanbp]-!- nathanbp has joined #Cochineal
18:47:31 []-!- set mode +ooo on AChes
19:09:28 [AChes]-!- AChes has left #Cochineal [Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer]
19:25:37 [nathanbp|laptop]Leaving this for Alex: Apparently eps 23 & 24 of Gosick will correspond to the new volume of the novel just coming out in Japan (volume 8)
19:25:59 [nathanbp|laptop]Also apparently they will be related to WWII despite taking place in 1924 O_o
19:33:36 [AChes]-!- AChes has joined #Cochineal
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19:34:38 [AChes]That's interesting
19:36:51 [AChes]I'm curious to see whether our heros fail to prevent WWII, somehow prevent it from being even worse, rescue Hitler, or what
20:36:53 [nathanbp|laptop]I dunno. 1924 seems really early for anything related to WWII
20:37:06 [nathanbp|laptop]ugh so much Gakuen Alice to catch up on....
21:52:51 [nathanbp|laptop]-!- nathanbp|laptop has left #Cochineal [Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer]
23:07:52 [gadgetgrl]-!- gadgetgrl has joined #Cochineal
23:07:57 [ChanServ]-!- ChanServ set mode +o on gadgetgrl
23:08:01 [gadgetgrl]!pointer
23:08:01 [Sacchi]