00:16:38 -!- nathanbp|work has left #Cochineal [Quit: Leaving.] 00:30:01 -!- AChes has joined #Cochineal 00:30:01 -!- ChanServ set mode +o on AChes 00:30:15 !pointer 00:30:15 http://www.pipian.com/stuffforchat/cochineal-logs/Cochineal-2011-05-13.html#T0-30-15 01:14:59 playin portal 2 to burn off some stress 01:15:05 whee 01:15:49 that works until it gets your more stressed 01:16:13 stupid puzzle 01:39:28 Ending at the start of Chapter 3 for tonight 03:48:34 yeah so I'm not watching iroha anymore 03:50:16 haha 03:50:18 after ep 6? 03:50:28 yeah 03:50:44 did you get through all of ep 6? 03:51:06 no not too far really 03:51:57 It could still be good I just am not feeling compoelled to find out myslef 03:52:34 Somehow I manage to think that halfway through every ep but then by the ep it manages to convince me to keep watching 04:53:04 RIght Now I'm thinking someone should redo that AMV with recent stuff 05:10:31 I don't think it would be any good? 05:11:41 you could take a pretty cynical angle on it, or just try for homage, 05:12:08 on the otherhand the idea iis pretty simple you could do it totally indepenedtly 05:13:36 hmm I'm not sure where my AMVs directory ended up... 05:13:50 I think a certain amount of the fun would be substituting today's hackneyedcashins for yesteryears golden classics 05:17:56 if you can get it done in 12 days you could release it on the 10th anniversary of the original 05:19:53 wow 05:22:24 I moslty want to do Avatar vs panty and stocking onthe right now 2 cultures are colliding one 05:23:50 there certainly are some good ones you could do 05:24:21 Power puff girls (or one of the marvel ones) for "right now cloning technology is improving" 05:24:52 I'd choose PPG 05:25:04 do you think pikachu still has it good? 05:25:22 Yeah probably 05:25:32 Either that or troll with a Bidoof instead 05:26:20 the more troll the better 05:27:22 Mudkips is probably broader audience thougch 05:29:23 But lets be fair 05:29:28 Some things just don't have to be changed 05:29:58 Yeah 05:30:08 Dunno what to do with the series specific ones though 05:30:25 hope for remakes on some 05:30:42 or jsut replace the whose sentence i guess 05:31:40 is there any chance that madoka plays a piano and I forgot about it? 05:32:18 Don't think she does, no. 05:32:21 Sorry 05:33:27 Piano has to be angel beats 05:33:57 wow my video card doesn't like me dragging a video between monitors while it's playing 05:36:09 gotta keep heroine addiction I think, maybe fade old/new 05:39:57 I wonder if there's even any good recent tokyo tower destruction... 05:40:26 IO'm not sure I've ever actually seen that trope 05:40:41 I think it's really only a clamp thing? 05:41:12 It didn't feature in Tsubase Chronicle though I'm pretty sure 05:41:24 errr...maybe it was in the X world.... 05:41:26 don't think so tho 05:41:59 Could use Shugo chara for the musical one 05:43:19 nathanbp: Which is the musical line? 05:43:29 nathanbp: There's always Somedays Dreamers 05:43:34 for the Japanese Anime expert one, just change DBZ to Naruto 05:43:37 For Tokyo Tower 05:44:22 for bunny girls, Densha Otoko... 05:44:51 the musical line is "right now live action is no substitute for the real thing" (to the Utena Musical) 05:46:03 I don't know where to get clean Daicon footage. I did what I could to make it look okay. Sometime I'd like to combine the bunny girl footage from Daicon, Otaku no Video, and FLCL together. 05:46:15 from the creator's site 05:46:35 The only clean Daicon footage is from that laser disc pretty sure 05:47:03 Could probably use Dennou coil for the lain one..... 05:47:46 nathanbp: Live Action vs. Real Thing? Perhaps Higurashi? 05:47:51 Wasn't Higurashi live panned? 05:48:12 oh but shugo chara musical :P 05:48:19 Well, I'll grant you that 05:48:27 But think big 05:48:27 just show the ridiculous looking charas 05:48:40 some how the foolishness of a theatrical musical just seems more appropriate than a tv series 05:50:17 NO 05:50:21 Dragonball movie 05:50:21 Sorry 05:50:25 That's what you have to use 05:50:35 (If you actually care about winning contests) 05:50:51 hahaha 05:50:53 was that ever released, i remember it being made but i'm not usre 05:51:13 you are right clearly 05:51:20 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1098327/ 05:51:22 Dragonball: Evolution (2009) - IMDb 05:51:43 :( 05:55:12 Gotta sleep, ttyl 06:20:52 why do i still have a copy of the live action nana movie hanging around? 08:07:29 -!- nathanbp1 has joined #Cochineal 08:09:04 -!- nathanbp has left #Cochineal [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 08:23:14 -!- AChes has left #Cochineal [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 12:55:31 -!- nathanbp1 is now known as nathanbp 12:55:48 -!- ChanServ set mode +o on nathanbp 15:03:47 -!- nathanbp|work has joined #Cochineal 15:04:02 -!- ChanServ set mode +o on nathanbp|work 23:08:43 http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2011-05-12/funimation-adds-princess-jellyfish-home-video-rights <-- they better include the special edition Clara plush 23:09:46 hey, March Comes in Like a Lion won an award, maybe it'll get licensed?: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2011-05-12/march-comes-in-like-a-lion-space-bros-win-kodansha-manga-awards