00:18:41 -!- Shirato has left #Cochineal [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 00:55:17 doki released a patch for nichijou ep 2 01:09:04 -!- Shirato has joined #Cochineal 01:09:15 Sean 01:16:33 -!- Puyopuyo has left #Cochineal [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 01:36:57 yes? 01:37:08 -!- Shirato has left #Cochineal [Quit: Leaving] 01:37:22 -!- Shirato has joined #Cochineal 01:37:58 yes nathan? 02:11:46 so you're graduating next spring? 02:47:33 yes 02:47:38 hopefully 02:47:50 -!- Shirato has left #Cochineal [Quit: Leaving] 04:00:37 SKET Dance would make a decent cosplay if it were a better show 04:09:05 -!- gadgetgrl has joined #Cochineal 04:09:09 -!- ChanServ set mode +o on gadgetgrl 04:40:26 !pointer 04:40:26 http://www.pipian.com/stuffforchat/cochineal-logs/Cochineal-2011-04-11.html#T4-40-26 04:48:09 whose fansubs are you watching for dog days & nichijou? 04:48:42 i'm starting to download onto my mac while my keyboard is out of commission 04:52:38 doki for nichijou? 04:53:56 I have a different group for each of the 2 episodes I have of each of those 04:57:55 -!- Puyopuyo has joined #Cochineal 04:57:55 -!- ChanServ set mode +o on Puyopuyo 04:58:01 What the heck, Rizon. 04:58:08 Wouldn't let me connect for the last hour. 04:58:32 either one you'll probably return to for the 3rd ep? 04:58:59 !pointer 04:58:59 http://www.pipian.com/stuffforchat/cochineal-logs/Cochineal-2011-04-11.html#T4-58-59 04:59:20 Doki seems to have nicer kareoke in the songs, but I'd probably pick underwater for no particular reason 04:59:51 ^ Nichijou 05:01:18 okay 05:01:33 i'm using doki now, but haven't explored other options too much 05:09:04 Having seen a bit more of the doki episode, one f the issues turns out to not be an issue 05:40:07 I'd pick doki over underwater 05:40:33 cause underwater just uses Crunchyroll subs 05:40:54 Also, Jenn, you're watching Dog Days? 05:41:14 I did Ayako-Himatsubushi for Dog Dyas 05:42:23 (as the other groups doing Dog Days I've never heard of before) 05:46:04 I got them and Hiryuu-HiNa 05:46:26 The HiNA one seemed fine, haven't seen the other yet 05:59:12 i figured i'd give it a try 05:59:30 i need something to break up studying...and by the time they finish downloading, it's a good break point 06:01:27 SHINBO?!? Why is Shinbo involved with Astarotte no Omocha!? 06:02:56 Ithink it's like a black hole and he just can't escape 06:03:06 it's not even a Shaft show... 06:03:31 indeed 06:03:37 It won't let him die, Nathan. 06:03:44 Even now it takes control sometimes. 06:03:59 hmmm...no easy way to upload pictures here... 06:05:13 (In the CM for it, it says the series composition was in cooperation with Shinbo) 06:05:45 What the hell. 06:05:48 (Questions like "Nathan why the heck are you watching the CM for Astarotte no Omocha?" should probably be asked >_> ) 06:06:47 sorry, CM? 06:07:17 commercial 06:08:01 ah 06:09:32 What the HELL. 06:09:49 Seriously? Shinbo? 06:10:47 Are you really that surprised Sam? 06:10:57 That it's Shinbo? Sure. 06:11:09 that Shinbo is involved with another loli show? 06:16:42 -!- Aches has left #Cochineal [Quit: 'night] 06:17:21 Well, if you put it that way. 06:20:12 why is it 2 AM? 06:21:20 oh hey Krugman's column is up 06:21:30 time to be depressed about Obama 06:21:40 * Puyopuyo sighs. 06:43:58 ugh can't get to sleep, have to be up in 5 hours... 06:46:02 Read for a bit or something, but get away from the comp. 06:46:37 that would probably help 06:47:03 off to try that. 06:56:30 the file transfer application on colloquy sucks 06:56:37 it doesn't update progress for me :/ 07:00:56 colloquy? 07:01:32 So I figured I could read just one chapter of Natsume's Book of Friends volume 6, but it turns out for the first time this volume is all one story instead of being episodic >_> 07:01:55 ah, your IRC client 07:03:33 do'h 07:03:36 yeah 07:03:47 though now that i've complained about it, it's running decent :p 07:03:50 we'll see in a bit 07:03:59 at least i can always just check hte file size in my folder 08:12:46 -!- Shirato has joined #Cochineal 08:40:28 -!- Puyopuyo has left #Cochineal [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 09:00:39 -!- Shirato has left #Cochineal [Quit: Leaving] 09:29:23 and Japan get hit w/ another quake :/ 10:14:01 -!- gadgetgrl has left #Cochineal [Quit: gadgetgrl] 12:32:15 -!- gadgetgrl has joined #Cochineal 12:32:27 -!- ChanServ set mode +o on gadgetgrl 13:07:59 -!- gadgetgrl has left #Cochineal [Quit: gadgetgrl] 14:39:21 -!- AChes|work has joined #Cochineal 14:39:28 !pointer 14:39:28 http://www.pipian.com/stuffforchat/cochineal-logs/Cochineal-2011-04-11.html#T14-39-28 15:02:26 -!- nathanbp|work has joined #Cochineal 15:02:36 -!- ChanServ set mode +o on nathanbp|work 15:03:30 !pointer 15:03:30 http://www.pipian.com/stuffforchat/cochineal-logs/Cochineal-2011-04-11.html#T15-3-30 18:12:36 -!- AChes|work has left #Cochineal [Quit: later] 23:06:26 -!- nathanbp|work has left #Cochineal [Quit: Leaving.] 23:50:25 oh drat I have to watch TWGOK S2... 23:50:27 maybe I won't bother...