IRC log of Cochineal on 2011-02-16

Timestamps are in UTC.

00:26:20 [nathanbp|work]-!- nathanbp|work has left #Cochineal [Quit: Quit: Leaving.]
01:00:21 [StriderTol]-!- StriderTol has left #Cochineal
01:09:35 [nathanbp]new Keroro ep!!
01:37:52 [gadgetgrl]-!- gadgetgrl has joined #Cochineal
01:37:58 [ChanServ]-!- ChanServ set mode +o on gadgetgrl
01:38:15 [gadgetgrl]pointer!
01:38:48 [gadgetgrl]!pointer
01:38:48 [Sacchi]
02:17:44 [Puyopuyo]-!- Puyopuyo has joined #Cochineal
02:17:44 [ChanServ]-!- ChanServ set mode +o on Puyopuyo
02:18:12 [Puyopuyo]Yes, the channel name is my fault.
02:18:30 [Puyopuyo]And Ian pretty much nailed my reasoning. It's bizarre and trivial.
02:18:42 [Puyopuyo]And Chescheir is right, I don't give a damn about RPI's RED.
02:18:48 [Puyopuyo](Man, I love logs.)
02:18:49 [Puyopuyo]!pointer
02:18:49 [Sacchi]
02:19:21 [Pipian]Oh
02:19:24 [Pipian]When he said PRI
02:19:34 [Pipian]I thought he was talking about the Mexican political party
02:19:50 [Pipian]And assumed he must know something about Mexican political parties that I don't (their colors?)
02:20:32 [Puyopuyo]Ha. You've been at MIT too long.
02:21:12 [Puyopuyo]"so let me get this straight, Sam suggested the name Cochineal because it is red food coloring derived from insects? And only because its obscure trivia." <- Yes, because it's obscure trivia. And it's a lot more interesting than "#RPI_ALUM_SORTA_GAMING_I_DON'T_KNOW_WHY"
02:22:28 [Puyopuyo]Also, new Keroro ep for the win!
02:36:17 [gadgetgrl]oh man, we just had fire trucks lining the entire length of the street
02:36:26 [gadgetgrl]b/c of a large metal piece hanging from our roof apparently
02:36:41 [gadgetgrl]poor people above us...both apartments were broken into
02:36:45 [Puyopuyo]'re trying to summon Gozer?
02:36:55 [gadgetgrl]lol
02:36:59 [nathanbp]lol Sam
02:37:30 [nathanbp]also I'm leaving you all for #RPI_ALUM_SORTA_GAMING_I_DON'T_KNOW_WHY
02:38:07 [nathanbp]I need a 3rd monitor
02:38:15 [nathanbp]so I can chat and browse the web while playing wow
02:51:37 [Puyopuyo]What do you use the second monitor for?
02:52:17 [nathanbp]chat right now
02:53:14 [Puyopuyo]Ah
03:00:15 [gadgetgrl]i could use a monitor in general :p one day...when i have more space again
03:00:22 [gadgetgrl]my tv works decently so far
03:02:22 [nathanbp]this is why you shouldn't live in NYC?
03:03:26 [Puyopuyo]* Puyopuyo lives in NYC
03:10:06 [gadgetgrl]the correct answer is Manhattan
03:10:34 [gadgetgrl]the awesomeness of the location needs to be negated by something i suppose
03:26:26 [Puyopuyo]...Madoka Magica 6, what the FUCK.
03:26:54 [Puyopuyo]It's like your entire goal is to be creepy as hell.
03:29:17 [nathanbp]wow you just watched it?
03:30:21 [nathanbp]but yes it is reallllly creepy
03:32:26 [Puyopuyo]Yeah.
03:36:00 [AChes]-!- AChes has joined #Cochineal
03:36:18 [AChes]!pointer
03:36:18 [Sacchi]
03:39:08 [nathanbp]pretty sure my "OH MY GOD!" meter came close to exploding at Madoka Magica 6
03:39:18 [Puyopuyo]IT'S STILL CUTE
03:39:37 [nathanbp]also wtf DDR?
03:39:44 [AChes]I was thinking that you could do am AMV for it too Funbhouse
03:39:52 [AChes]Funhouse also to
03:40:00 [Puyopuyo]-!- Puyopuyo set mode +o on AChes
03:40:05 [AChes]and "an"
03:40:16 [Puyopuyo]Probably.
03:40:32 [AChes]about how"this used to be a funhouse, but now it's full of evil clowns
03:40:40 [AChes]damn my typing
03:53:34 [AChes]on an unrelateed note, what are folks planning to do about bags on the morning of the 11th? just checking in before the expo?
03:53:34 [Puyopuyo]This one's for Ian:
03:53:50 [Puyopuyo]Probably dropping them off at the hotel until we can check in.
03:54:41 [AChes]figured it was something like that, the hotel is really close then?
03:54:48 [Puyopuyo]I mean, if all else fails, I'll take a quick trip back and huddle all the bags to my room, and hold them hostage hang onto them until everyone gets around.
03:54:52 [Puyopuyo]Within two blocks, I believe.
03:55:04 [Puyopuyo]Our goal with the hotel was location foremost, price a close second.
03:55:28 [gadgetgrl]the hotel is about 2 blocks
03:55:58 [AChes]sounds good
03:56:02 [gadgetgrl]so is madoka majika worth to keep watching? i've seen 1
03:56:12 [gadgetgrl]if you arrive first, i can also change the name on the room to reflect your name
03:56:19 [gadgetgrl]i'm still finalizing who's in each room
03:56:29 [nathanbp]Jenn: Yes.
03:56:31 [gadgetgrl]but will know before gdc or the week between
03:56:47 [gadgetgrl]okay...i'll add that to my watch list for this season tehn...
03:57:25 [AChes]that might be the thing to do I'm supposed to land in boston at 9:11
03:58:30 [Puyopuyo]Jenn: Let's put it this way.
03:58:37 [Puyopuyo]Episode 1: It's a light fluffy magical girl show.
03:58:40 [Puyopuyo]Episode 3: It's dark.
03:58:51 [Puyopuyo]Episode 6: OH MY GOD WHAT THE FUCK
03:59:00 [Puyopuyo]And only getting darker.
03:59:18 [gadgetgrl]interesitng
03:59:27 [gadgetgrl]okay...i'll let you know if i change it!
03:59:35 [gadgetgrl]i'll update everyone when things get closer
03:59:37 [Puyopuyo]There's a "Mistakes of Youth" on Madoka Magica. Nathan and I constantly back and forth quote it.
03:59:57 [Puyopuyo]I may take the 2 AM train, sleep on the train, and get there at 8, drop off stuff and go to my stupid 11 AM panel and then wander until check-in.
04:00:09 [Puyopuyo]But I have people I must tend to, so I am uncertain if that is my final plan.
04:00:20 [gadgetgrl]well, but you are your own not as much count :)
04:00:35 [gadgetgrl]yeah, the people thing changes things a bit
04:00:43 [gadgetgrl]my friend kathy is coming with me from the city
04:00:58 [gadgetgrl]other friends are busing it...but i'd rather avoid that if possible
04:01:11 [Puyopuyo]Well, as we are still united under the banner of Cochineal, we CAN temp storage so we get the bags out of the lobby ASAP.
04:02:00 [gadgetgrl]temp storage?
04:03:20 [Puyopuyo]Hrm. Nevermind, I'd probably still need the person in the first place instead of just stocking everyone's bags in my room.
04:04:45 [gadgetgrl]i think i requested early check in
04:04:47 [gadgetgrl]we'll see
04:06:04 [gadgetgrl]this would mean noon at the earliest though
04:06:57 [Puyopuyo]That works for me.
04:07:08 [Puyopuyo]My panel gets out at noon.
04:17:28 [Puyopuyo]PAX East is officially out of 3-day passes.
04:23:37 [gadgetgrl]yup
04:26:28 [Pipian]Puyopuyo: I'm in Boston so w/e
04:27:31 [Pipian]You may factor that into your plans if you so desire
04:27:46 [Puyopuyo]It's true.
04:27:54 [Puyopuyo]I shall arrive at 8 AM and go "YO IAN WHY AREN'T YOU AWAKE?"
04:28:46 [Pipian]And I'll be all like
04:28:55 [Pipian]"what the fuck i was awake talking to jenn until 4am"
04:29:03 [Pipian]"shut up go away"
04:32:13 [Puyopuyo]"FINE!"
04:35:12 [gadgetgrl]lol
04:35:32 [gadgetgrl]or more like Fine! *slips bags in door while convo taking place*
04:36:15 [Pipian]*bags get swallowed by the mess that is my room and are never to be seen again*
04:38:09 [Puyopuyo]This is why I wouldn't slip them into his room.
04:38:17 [Puyopuyo]Brendan's laptop went in there once.
04:38:20 [Puyopuyo]IT NEVER CAME BACK.
04:45:09 [gadgetgrl]lol
04:45:40 [nathanbp]hey yet another keroro ep
04:46:17 [Puyopuyo]Wow.
04:48:49 [nathanbp]they said the next one (and movie 3) were coming out shortly when they posted the first one
04:48:56 [nathanbp]I think we already watched some horrible HK sub of movie 3 though
04:49:24 [Puyopuyo]We did!
04:55:46 [nathanbp]so in the time Keroro has been airing, anime fansub eps have gone from 175 MB avis with XVID to 300+ MB mkvs with mp4 >_>
04:57:13 [Puyopuyo]Ha ha.
04:57:17 [Puyopuyo]That's horrifying.
05:14:40 [hawesm]-!- hawesm has joined #Cochineal
05:20:04 [nathanbp]Alex, have you watched any more of Kore wa Zombie?
05:20:25 [Puyopuyo]-!- Puyopuyo set mode +o on hawesm
05:20:34 [Puyopuyo](Because Hawesm is HAWESOME.)
05:26:50 [AChes]i've seen 1-4 although i don't recall 4 that well aside from a giant flying, eventually headless whale
05:41:52 [nathanbp]I think it was better when it wasn't trying to have a plot >_>
05:42:34 [AChes]yeah I think they really just wanted to make episode 3 until the end
05:47:28 [AChes]I haven't seen 5 or 6 yet so we'll see
05:50:44 [AChes]it would have to get pretty unbearable not to see the last few
06:06:51 [nathanbp]yeah I guess I'll keep watching (just finished 6)
06:07:03 [nathanbp]certainly think it was much better as mostly humor tho
06:46:42 [AChes]-!- AChes has left #Cochineal [Quit]
07:46:09 [Puyopuyo]* Puyopuyo sleeps.
07:50:10 [Puyopuyo]-!- Puyopuyo has left #Cochineal [Quit: Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
08:02:01 [gadgetgrl]
08:05:07 [gadgetgrl]-!- gadgetgrl has left #Cochineal [Quit: Quit: gadgetgrl]
08:05:23 [Pipian]From my understanding it uses dbpedia, which is a semantic web thing. And that's always cool.
08:06:01 [Pipian]And Welty is known for his involvement with OWL and RIF.
13:51:52 [nathanbp]hmm the world may be ending
13:52:01 [nathanbp]5 new subbed Keroro eps in the last day
14:02:20 [Puyopuyo]-!- Puyopuyo has joined #Cochineal
14:02:20 [ChanServ]-!- ChanServ set mode +o on Puyopuyo
14:05:45 [nathanbp]Sam! 3 more new keroro eps (up to 5 now in the past day)
14:06:14 [Puyopuyo]...what the crap
14:06:31 [Puyopuyo]Now I have to go to your house so we can catch up before we get overwhelmed.
14:07:23 [nathanbp]that was more or less what I was thinking :D
14:07:33 [nathanbp]their channel topic imples the next one will be out soon too
14:08:30 [Puyopuyo]Oh no
14:10:08 [nathanbp]wow they have like 200 to go :P
14:10:24 [Puyopuyo]!pointer
14:10:24 [Sacchi]
14:15:09 [Puyopuyo] <- I am rather willing to bet that it will have lesbians, because it's Ikuhara.
14:16:12 [nathanbp]On Watson:
14:16:59 [nathanbp]haha Sam
14:17:47 [Puyopuyo]Come on, this is the guy who directed Sailor Moon S, Utena, and Aoi Hana.
14:18:30 [Puyopuyo]He has gone on record saying that he prefers writing female-female relationships because male-female relationships tend to overwhelm everything else.
14:18:36 [nathanbp]he just storyboarded the opening for Aoi Hana
14:18:53 [nathanbp]clearly he's directing a remake of Kannazuki no Miko
14:19:02 [nathanbp]off to work
14:19:07 [Puyopuyo]...
14:19:10 [Puyopuyo]I will murder you Nathan.
14:19:34 [Puyopuyo](It was only the opening of Aoi Hana? I thought he did the opening for Nodame and actually did something with Aoi Hana.)
14:20:09 [Puyopuyo]Ah, you're right.
14:20:50 [Puyopuyo]Ken'ichi Kasai directed Aoi Hana.
14:40:45 [nathanbp|work]-!- nathanbp|work has joined #Cochineal
14:40:55 [ChanServ]-!- ChanServ set mode +o on nathanbp|work
14:41:09 [nathanbp|work]!pointer
14:41:09 [Sacchi]
14:41:36 [nathanbp|work]Sam if you murder me you'll never see the rest of Keroro >_>
14:46:58 [Puyopuyo]>_>
14:47:02 [Puyopuyo]We all have to make sacrifices.
14:47:17 [Puyopuyo]But perhaps I shall wait until after I have watched Keroro.
15:23:08 [Pipian-Lab]-!- Pipian-Lab has joined #Cochineal
15:45:25 [nathanbp-phone]-!- nathanbp-phone has joined #Cochineal
15:45:47 [nathanbp-phone]!pointer
15:45:47 [Sacchi]
15:46:45 [nathanbp-phone]Sacchi's logs don't look quite right on my phone...
15:47:35 [nathanbp-phone]The usernames spill over the gray section
15:47:38 [Pipian-Lab]Yeah
15:47:42 [Pipian-Lab]I probably need to fix the CSS
15:47:58 [Pipian-Lab]Happens in Firefox after a while too
15:48:18 [nathanbp-phone]Also I can't type the pipe character in pidgin on my phone :-(
15:48:50 [Puyopuyo]Alas, no pipe!
15:53:30 [nathanbp-phone]-!- nathanbp-phone has left #Cochineal [Quit]
15:59:41 [Pipian-Lab]eh
15:59:45 [Pipian-Lab]That will probably suffice
16:17:57 [nathanbp|work]hmm my phone decided it didn't like rizon's SSL cert
16:35:30 [Pipian-Lab]woop
16:35:39 [Pipian-Lab]Made it past Google's technical interview
16:35:43 [Puyopuyo]Nice!
16:36:51 [Pipian-Lab]Not that I had much doubt after the interview seemed to go well, anyway.
16:37:15 [Pipian-Lab]It appears I may be in Seattle for the summer, given the location mentioned by the person who is now in charge of placing me with a group :o
16:55:17 [nathanbp|work]cool
17:14:32 [StriderTol]-!- StriderTol has joined #Cochineal
17:17:30 [hawesm]-!- hawesm has left #Cochineal [Quit: Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
17:45:26 [Puyopuyo]Hrm. This indie game won an award:
17:45:35 [Puyopuyo]Procedural adventure-game logic is pretty nifty.
17:45:42 [Puyopuyo]The subject pretty depressing.
18:23:02 [Pipian-Lab]Sounds like someone heard about Yume Nikki and then made another game I guess?
18:23:12 [Pipian-Lab](I have played neither so I don't know)
18:25:18 [Puyopuyo]I suppose.
18:26:05 [Puyopuyo]Similar initial concepts, I suppose.
18:26:10 [Puyopuyo]Very different outcomes.
18:26:13 [Puyopuyo]-!- Puyopuyo set mode +o on StriderTol
18:26:18 [Pipian-Lab]Perhaps so
18:26:35 [Pipian-Lab]As I said, I've played neither so I doubt they're very similar in actual content
18:26:41 [Pipian-Lab]Outside of the initial concept
19:07:45 [Puyopuyo]-!- Puyopuyo has left #Cochineal [Quit: Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
19:44:39 [nathanbp|work]You win Sam
19:44:41 [Puyopuyo]-!- Puyopuyo has joined #Cochineal
19:44:41 [ChanServ]-!- ChanServ set mode +o on Puyopuyo
19:44:50 [nathanbp|work]Sam are you an ESPer?
19:45:29 [nathanbp|work]Anyways, you win, Wise Man's Fear is only 992 pages, not 1006 (as Amazon incorrectly reports)
19:46:33 [Puyopuyo]Ha ha.
19:46:36 [Puyopuyo]!pointer
19:46:36 [Sacchi]
19:47:23 [Puyopuyo]Clearly I was summoned in order to gloat.
19:48:51 [nathanbp|work]also, 12 more days :(
19:49:20 [nathanbp|work]I estimate that in a week I'll be reading The Name of the Wind again >_>;;
19:50:17 [Puyopuyo]AGAIN
19:50:57 [nathanbp|work]AGAIN as in the 2nd time in 2 weeks
19:51:27 [Puyopuyo]Yes, you mentioned you were reading it AGAIN before.
19:52:39 [nathanbp|work]also, Borders filed for bankruptcy and will close 30% of its stores :(
19:53:43 [Puyopuyo]Saw that. Bleh.
19:54:57 [nathanbp|work]wow I didn't realize they had no online store until 2008
19:55:03 [nathanbp|work]
20:30:40 [Pipian-Lab]GSM iPhone vs. CDMA iPhone
20:30:41 [Pipian-Lab]
20:32:38 [Puyopuyo]...really? That's a silly design.
20:33:11 [Pipian-Lab]The dialing for the call waiting stuff?
20:33:24 [Puyopuyo]Yeah
20:34:08 [Pipian-Lab]Probably a limitation of CDMA
20:34:17 [Puyopuyo]I suppose.
20:34:32 [Puyopuyo]I'd just be happy if they picked one that worked well consistently, and stuck with it. This split is annoying.
20:34:38 [Pipian-Lab]GSM maybe has more external channels for communicating extra service metadata?
20:34:42 [Puyopuyo]Maybe.
20:34:43 [Pipian-Lab]Well
20:34:46 [Pipian-Lab]That's what LTE is all about
20:34:56 [Puyopuyo]"supposedly" all about.
20:34:58 [Pipian-Lab]Both AT&T and Verizon are using LTE for 4G
20:35:21 [Pipian-Lab]also
20:35:23 [Pipian-Lab]yesssssssss
20:35:29 [Pipian-Lab],51934/?utm_medium=RSS&utm_campaign=feeds&utm_source=avclub_rss_daily
20:35:31 [Puyopuyo]Looks more like it's just going to be another faction.
20:36:02 [Puyopuyo]9/9, be there or be a loser?
20:36:29 [Pipian-Lab]pretty much
20:36:37 [Pipian-Lab]I mean I could probably do boston too
20:36:38 [Pipian-Lab]But eh?
21:46:43 [Puyopuyo]-!- Puyopuyo has left #Cochineal
21:46:43 [Puyopuyo]-!- Puyopuyo has joined #Cochineal
21:46:43 [ChanServ]-!- ChanServ set mode +o on Puyopuyo
22:05:29 [nathanbp|work]Re: CDMA/GSM iPhones, probably just design choices/ Verizon config issues
22:06:04 [Puyopuyo]I'd say more of the former.
22:06:13 [nathanbp|work]GSM might actually have the edge on design year, since CDMA inherits from AMPS?
22:06:28 [nathanbp|work]also no one is using LTE for voice yet
22:07:53 [nathanbp|work]or will be in the near future
23:04:35 [Pipian-Lab]-!- Pipian-Lab has left #Cochineal [Quit: Remote host closed the connection]
23:56:21 [nathanbp|work]-!- nathanbp|work has left #Cochineal [Quit: Quit: Leaving.]