00:29:14 Well 00:29:17 That's disappointing. 00:29:32 The course I was going to take on Wednesday nights has been postponed a semester 00:54:48 wow have to read the back log 01:02:53 Why is "Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2" a featured video this week in iTunes 01:06:40 !pointer 01:06:40 http://www.pipian.com/stuffforchat/cochineal-logs/Cochineal-2011-02-03.html#T1-6-40 01:06:51 Yep 01:06:56 Thrilling discussion since you left 01:09:11 very much so 01:10:27 I should probably buy my tickets for the Time of Eve showing on the 19th 01:10:51 Now that I've all but confirmed that my flight out is going to be the 21st 01:12:11 nice! 02:42:19 pointer! 02:42:26 sacchi, pointer 02:42:33 !pointer 02:42:33 http://www.pipian.com/stuffforchat/cochineal-logs/Cochineal-2011-02-03.html#T2-42-33 02:42:41 gah, front not back 02:42:44 thanks 02:42:44 Or Sacchi, pointer? 02:42:49 yeah, was attempting that 02:42:54 It's in the topic! 02:43:01 i was trying from memory? 02:43:08 Can't fault you there. 02:43:13 the topic with the instructions requires to pull down 02:43:20 ...really? Lemme fix that. 02:44:00 it could just be my client 02:44:07 Does it need a pull down now? 02:45:14 should invite mark so he can idle here all the time just like he does on aim 02:46:42 Up to you. 02:46:47 I got the three people I talk to regularly. 03:21:09 nope 03:21:26 re: pull down, not mark :) 03:25:33 Okay, so that fixed it then. 03:25:36 I'll leave it in that order. 03:40:06 It's her client 03:40:10 I'm using Colloquy as well 03:41:42 Ah 03:42:45 So I know what she's talking about 03:43:10 still doesn't hurt to move it towards the front 03:43:20 though now that i've messed up twice, i'll remember what i did wrong most likely 03:43:26 (that's a learning theory!) 03:44:18 it keeps happening 03:44:27 there are more pony avatars on this web forum 03:44:59 Pony discussion has even broken into the MS Paint Adventures thread 03:45:37 ...wow 03:45:49 But then 03:46:05 That's partly because the most recent avatar fad (ongoing) before ponies 03:46:10 was MS Paint Adventures 03:57:43 "What I Watched: The Island Arc of Nadia" 03:57:52 "What I expected: Standard filler arc" 03:58:00 "What I got: Tsundere Gilligan's Island" 05:21:06 And 05:21:09 Flights booked 05:21:19 So I should be good to come down the weekend of the 19th next month 05:21:30 Once I book bus or train or whatever. 05:23:21 Awesome. 05:36:32 So I'll work on that tomorrow 07:19:22 so ian, if i'm reading that right, you're coming to nyc for time of eve? 07:21:41 So...Panel de Pon Grand Tournament of the Ages? 07:21:48 Translated to: DON'T PLAY LIKE IAN! 07:29:56 lol 07:30:01 bring it! 07:30:18 heading to bed...ttyl! 07:30:27 night! 07:39:39 yesssss 07:39:49 ? 07:39:55 plausible victory path past Maylene identified 07:40:07 Still requires significant luck 07:40:20 But it's possible with my It's the Lucario that poses the problem 07:40:53 Since my Crobat can't sweep it with the rest of the team. 07:41:14 However, upon reminding me that ground beats steel 07:41:30 My Graveler MIGHT be able to take it out despite the type disadvantage 07:42:09 Since Magnitude 7+ can crit-hit into a OHKO 07:42:29 And it can survive a single drain punch/force slap etc. 07:43:19 Slap the quick claw on it (which is all I've got at the moment since I have no choice scarf) 07:43:27 ...you're gambling pretty heavily on a high Magnitude. 07:43:33 Though Mag 10 would win it outright for you. 07:43:40 And there's a chance I can get two mags off instead 07:43:49 Mag 10 could OHKO it 07:44:00 ...also, I'm suddenly thinking my family's going to be in serious financial trouble. 07:44:04 Mag 7+ Crit would OHKO it 07:44:30 Or two Mag 7+ attacks with the second invoking Quick Claw 07:44:52 http://www.nytimes.com/2011/02/03/nyregion/03pension.html <- My dad's retiring as a teacher after 25 years in 1 and a half years. We've got no other income. This...could possibly completely screw us over. 07:46:09 Eck 07:46:35 Incidentally, he's going to be 60. 07:46:38 Well 07:46:40 (By that time) 07:46:45 That all talks about new workers 07:47:00 Says nothing about current retirees except for the stipend for police and fire 07:47:08 Dunno what else it says. 07:47:26 And I'm worried about changes as well. 07:47:42 We'll see how it goes, but this pretty much kills my mother's decision to go into teaching. 07:48:05 I could see that though 07:48:19 She's just finished 3 years of getting a masters in education. 07:48:31 This does not bode well for us. 07:48:44 ...huh. We may lose our house. That's really not good. Better discuss with them. 07:49:10 Like I said 07:49:17 Unless those changes apply to existing employees 07:49:21 It'd only apply to your mom 07:49:32 Yeaaah, but pension is roughly half salary. 07:49:51 So we'd be making about enough to cover month to month, not counting my sister's incurred expenses. 07:50:12 Well yeah 07:50:17 If you're counting on a second one 07:50:20 Then it's a problem 07:50:35 Well, we were counting on my mother making some money. 07:50:49 Admittedly, teaching in NYC isn't doing so hot. 07:51:14 Teaching anywhere isn't all that hot 07:51:47 Outside of the USA it is. 07:51:52 Oh well yeah 07:52:11 But as long as you're restricting yourself to a country where education is not seen as a particularly high priority 07:52:24 Smart people suck, after all. 07:52:41 They can think for themselves 07:52:44 That did it 07:52:52 Mag 7 + Mag 8 (Quick Claw) 07:53:11 Took a few tries to get that outcome though 07:54:46 Now to effectively ice that Crobat for a while to get the rest of the team up to L28 07:55:12 I swear these games are really tilted towards having one uber pokemon and a useless rest of the team 07:58:32 That's right 07:58:35 I have Morel for a reason 07:58:41 Now to catch Rinnosuke 07:58:44 Oh god. 07:59:25 Ah, good ol' Spore + False Swipe 07:59:51 Incredibly important when catching L3 pokemon with a L50-odd team 08:00:41 Winning combination always. 08:04:42 Ah 08:04:52 The obscure reasons behind having a Golem named GEODUDER 08:08:38 My brother gave me a pretty good reason why Portland bike lanes are among the best in the US 08:08:43 Being all of http://www.joystiq.com/2010/08/24/mario-kart-symbols-appear-on-bike-lanes-in-portland-ore/ 08:10:46 Nice! 08:11:58 Anyway 08:12:01 Once again it's bedtime. 08:15:06 Night! 14:59:05 !pointer 14:59:06 http://www.pipian.com/stuffforchat/cochineal-logs/Cochineal-2011-02-03.html#T14-59-6 16:48:35 Does the Strand sell magazines? 17:03:27 I'm not sure. 17:03:43 Oh, with respect to the Lugaru HD fiasco on the Apple Store: http://cdn.wolfire.com/blog/a/apple_pirate.png 17:04:07 !pointer 17:04:07 http://www.pipian.com/stuffforchat/cochineal-logs/Cochineal-2011-02-03.html#T17-4-7 17:04:10 I don't recall magazines from the couple times I went 17:04:20 But I don't live in East Village so 17:04:45 I don't believe so, but they can be asked. 17:04:57 I need to get this month's Retro Gamer next time I'm at Barnes and Noble... 17:05:15 Anyway, off to class. Woo. 17:59:00 Note to self: remember to follow DS Homebrew thread for updates on when a 3DS compatible card comes out.