00:45:28 I kinda like the ME SACCHI on someone joining... 00:59:43 I do too 00:59:50 There's a reason I didn't call it a bug 00:59:57 It's a feature now 01:00:56 hey that's just like what we do with unexpected features at my job! 02:58:14 ME SACCHI! 02:59:40 Did we ever decide on no or yes? 03:11:23 ?? 03:11:36 read the log 03:12:28 Oh god damn it Ian's on Arizona time. 03:12:51 And I concur, the ME SACCHI on greet is perfect for the channel. 03:13:42 ?? GMT pretty sure 03:14:25 ugh 2 hours of wiping on a "farm" boss 03:15:10 ...that sounds depressing. 03:15:28 Ah, you're right, it is GMT. 03:15:35 finally killed it ho 03:15:37 *tho 03:53:51 Hrm. At least Egypt has its priorities straight. Stopping the looters and saving their museums even in this period of unrest. 04:09:17 For Jenn, because she loves that J-Live Action: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2011-02-01/detective-conan-manga-gets-new-live-action-tv-special 04:09:32 (Admittedly, it depends on how much drama they pull. Otherwise it may not be her cup of tea.) 04:09:38 Man, I love this log-bot. 04:40:58 l just leave pidgin running all the time >_> 04:42:35 I turn off my laptop, and my desktop is in standby except when I need it. 04:42:49 hey the rest of houkago no pleiades is out 04:43:32 So 04:44:33 so 04:45:02 Some industrious grad student posted up a bunch of posters in a presumably ill-fated attempt to actually make Common Misconceptions Day 04:45:14 Into a real thing 04:46:09 ME SACCHI! 04:46:57 brb adding "thinking that doing things because xkcd says so is a good idea" to the list of common misconceptions on wikipedia 04:48:08 i 04:48:15 i don't know what to say about this article 04:48:19 It's either great 04:48:21 Or terrible 04:48:21 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beatle_Barkers 04:48:35 (The album actually exists.) 04:50:08 ......... 04:50:11 .....are you fucking serious? 04:50:20 I actually have an MP3 of one of the tracks 04:50:25 It was an awful song of the week one week 04:53:24 The are you serious was more in response to Ian's story. 04:53:33 Oh hey Firefox, did you crash again? 04:53:42 Oh 04:53:46 Well I'm serious about my story too 04:56:35 are you using the firefox 4 beta? 04:57:39 No. 04:57:47 Firefox 3. 04:57:55 Which took a lot of convincing, because it's much uglier than FF2. 04:58:07 should have gone straight to 4 04:58:24 4 seems a lot more stable and less prone to eat your entire memory 04:58:29 at least for me 04:58:49 so Houkago no Pleiades is like the perfect condensing of a magical girl show into 24 minutes 04:58:56 Is it only one episode? 04:59:23 it is 4 six minute eps 04:59:26 aired on youtube 04:59:37 4 is 64-bit native 04:59:39 geez 04:59:45 how long did it take the 04:59:47 forever 04:59:49 that's what 04:59:57 I still have no idea why Subaru got involved with this project 04:59:58 Yeah. 05:00:13 Meh, I guess I'll watch Pleiades... 05:00:16 I don't trust Gainax. 05:00:18 you could always get 64-bit bit builds? just no offical distribution 05:00:42 It's not very Gainax-like 05:01:01 no real fanservice, I don't think... 05:01:08 Why are there two chrome processes running? 05:01:27 it uses multiple processes I thought 05:03:00 I mean, Pleiades isn't amazing, but it's only 24 minutes 05:03:41 Ah. 05:03:49 Well, it's only 24 minutes, may as well check it out. 05:16:24 Jenn has arrived. 05:17:09 i arrived a bit ago 05:17:19 but it decided it wasn't truly identified 05:19:49 True 05:36:00 Oogh. Glad I'm not a teacher in New Jersey. 05:36:20 Though with what they're trying to do, I'm going to follow that up with "why would anyone want to be a teacher in New Jersey?" 05:36:29 why would anyone want to live in NJ? 05:36:40 don't we have like the highest tax rates for nothing? >_> 05:36:42 what's going on with teaching in nj? 05:36:48 Same thing everywhere, Jenn. 05:37:00 They're trying to remove tenure, which in effect is removing fair dismissal. 05:37:02 also it takes VNC and SSH forever to realize they don't have a connection anymore... 05:37:23 Which translates to "You're making 100K from having taught for 25 years. You're fired. We'll hire a new teacher at 30K." 05:37:30 removing tenure wouldn't be horrible...if there weren't unions 05:37:38 i suppose 05:37:41 I'm not sure how that follows. 05:37:46 though some of those teachers havne't kept up with the times either 05:37:53 Yeah, and they get removed. 05:38:04 i mean, there needs to be a way to get rid of bad teachers 05:38:05 It's costly and time consuming, and is usually done in a very unhanded manner, but they get removed. 05:38:16 Jenn, without tenure, there are ONLY going to be bad teachers. 05:38:30 but that's to argue they aren't already 05:38:31 Would you take a job that starts at 25K a year with no guaranteed job security? 05:38:37 it really depends on the district 05:38:56 is that most jobs these days? 05:39:00 Nah. 05:39:05 Hell, cops start at 35K. 05:39:24 but teachers are only shaping the future generations 05:39:36 I wonder about that. 05:39:54 I think parents are shaping future generations more than teachers. Teachers aren't really allowed to do anything, but are told "Make the students want to learn!" 05:40:14 you're assuming parents are involved in their kid's lives 05:40:17 You get 42 five-year-olds in one room to want to learn for 5 hours a day, 5 days a week. 05:40:26 Actually, their absence is equally effective. 05:40:41 Absent parents shape future generations just as much as poor present parents. 05:40:56 yes, but who is the shaping factor then? 05:41:00 the tv? 05:41:02 the games? 05:41:08 the daycare? 05:41:08 Entertainment and peers. 05:41:13 What daycare? 05:41:22 so who cares about teachers, when we can focus on the meida 05:41:23 Just go hang with your friends. You're 9. 05:41:32 The politicians! 05:41:38 Media is their buddy! 05:41:39 again, depends o the location 05:41:47 yes 05:41:51 It's getting pretty homogeneous across the country. 05:42:20 I pretty much expect the economy to upswing, and then the states to wonder where they're going to get people to take teaching jobs. 05:42:37 there will always be teachers 05:42:49 decent teahcers, that's a different story 05:43:17 I don't consider someone who is paid to stand there and get you through the bureaucratic process of school a teacher. 05:43:40 A teacher, by definition, is willing to stand there and try to get information into the heads of children. 05:43:47 is that it? 05:43:56 How would you define it? 05:43:58 that's a very authoritiarian view of teaching 05:44:06 shouldn't you teach teh students how to learn? 05:44:10 enable more so 05:44:18 encourage 05:44:27 There is a significant population of students that are pretty determined to not do so. 05:44:40 but that's your job...to convince otherwis 05:44:44 How? 05:44:59 that's the definition of a good teacher...one who encourages that 05:45:16 through materials and lesson plans that are meaningful to the students 05:45:16 (We..are pretty much perfectly enacting the government and union conversation) 05:45:35 right 05:45:36 I have materials and lesson plans that are meaningful. You've shoved several papers stating that this teaching method is effective. 05:45:45 And yet they're not being encouraged. 05:45:56 and i'm coming at it from a bias of bad unions and ideal learning environents 05:46:30 I'm coming at it from a bias of students who don't have to do ANYTHING to get through the system, and teachers who are running out of ideas and being dumped on by everyone. 05:46:43 In general, I think unions are better than not unions. 05:46:47 are you asking the right quesitons? showing the right outcomes? 05:47:07 Have you heard of "Cherry pie is delicious", Jenn? 05:47:11 right...but some unions are too protective and not willing to change 05:47:36 so while overall a good plan 05:47:46 Some, not most. 05:47:48 needs to be evaluated individually instead of a whole 05:48:17 So what's your opinion on teaching to the test? 05:48:22 As that's what the administration and government demands. 05:48:32 High test scores. Whether they actually learn or want to learn is entirely immaterial. 05:49:02 (Which kind of brings me back to the inanity that is "Cherry Pie is Delicious") 05:49:04 i don't believe in that 05:49:22 Then you don't agree with pretty much every educational division of every state department. 05:49:25 but that depends on your opinion of assessment and the different types of assessmet 05:49:30 Even with all these tests are students actually being held back when they fail? 05:49:30 correct 05:49:35 Man 05:49:36 No Nathan. 05:49:41 There is NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND. 05:49:44 I could have talked about the failure of education forever 05:49:45 heh 05:49:46 Hahah 05:49:46 right 05:49:47 Yeah 05:49:48 You do not need to pass. 05:49:55 NCLB is a terrible policy 05:49:55 You will get to the next grade no matter how miserably you fail. 05:49:55 but the entire system is a fail 05:50:00 You do NOT need to put in any effort. 05:50:04 But hey 05:50:13 You need a better font for that Sam. Like bold with shadows or something 05:50:17 At least bad schools get punished 05:50:18 It's IRC. 05:50:19 hurfdurf 05:50:27 05:50:36 Schools where problem students end up being shunted to get closed. Same thing though. 05:50:45 And then those problem students get shunted to other schools. 05:50:50 Exactly 05:50:52 Ideally, we can close all of the public schools and go with private only. 05:51:01 Isn't that what the point is? 05:51:03 And then the system isn't a problem anymore. 05:51:13 but there is always a system 05:51:20 particularly when tax money is concerned 05:51:22 Hey Jenn, may I ask what you thought of the studio learning in college? 05:51:33 whihc studio learning? 05:51:40 you mean lecture + lab? 05:51:44 You know, sitting in small groups in those labs, and the large amount of money appropriated to reconfiguring rooms to work for it? 05:51:54 No, the lecture taking place in a large room where everyone sat in groups of 4 or 6. 05:51:58 group learning is where things are headed 05:52:06 That's where it was twenty-five years ago. 05:52:12 but teaching effectively to the type of learning is key 05:52:17 And then individual learning was better. And then group learning is better. 05:52:18 which most don't know how to do properly 05:52:30 group is where things are headed 05:52:33 I don't think teaching high school students properly is possible. 05:52:38 due to the information era 05:52:48 i had a pretty robust program 05:52:49 it worked 05:52:52 Well, this is your field. I hope you're right. 05:53:05 that's what the research is showing 05:53:15 but we'll see what happens in application 05:53:16 (Though I must ask...how many of your peers in your grade ended up as successful as you?) 05:53:28 I'm kind of sick of education research. It is the greatest way to make money ever. 05:53:31 unfortunately just changing the setting and not the teaching plans doesn't do much 05:53:47 Teachers would LOVE a teaching plan/syllabus given to them by the state. 05:53:49 depends on how you do it 05:54:03 scientific education research is hard to come by 05:54:09 The real problem is that there's no money in it. Full stop. 05:54:12 which is what type my lab is trying to do 05:54:18 that's right 05:54:18 Without money, there's no incentive for teachers 05:54:24 But no one wants to put down the money 05:54:24 depends on the teacher 05:54:25 Because 05:54:28 but there are very few 05:54:30 MY TAX DOLLARZZZZZ 05:54:37 LOWER MY TAXES, IAN. 05:54:42 Oh 05:54:43 Well 05:54:48 My taxes just went up 05:54:52 I don't think you heard 05:54:56 No, I haven't. 05:54:58 So 05:55:04 As an RA 05:55:06 How goes the Mass/NM dual taxes? 05:55:07 i've found schools w/ industry that are edu learning lean better towards a stronger basis and more opportunity 05:55:14 I'm paid by a university I attend full time 05:55:15 Thus 05:55:18 No FICA taxes 05:55:19 Private or public, Jenn? 05:55:29 either 05:55:29 However, I got the Making Work Pay credit last year 05:55:32 Which was phased out. 05:55:34 Hence 05:55:36 How many of each? 05:55:37 My taxes went up 05:55:44 Again, this is your area of research, and I'm interested. 05:55:48 My taxes went down, yay reduced payroll tax? 05:55:54 that's observational, not reasearch 05:56:03 Area of observation then. 05:56:10 You care very much about this subject matter. 05:56:22 yes, though i see it from an outsider's view point 05:56:30 whcih changes things 05:56:53 My taxes are already paid for. Yay unemployment and being poor. *sigh* 05:58:30 While that may be the case...you have a vested interest and tend to do research. Education reform is one of those top-billing areas of research right now. I figure your observations are just as valid as anything any one else around can suggest. 05:58:41 So Nathan, how's that pay freeze working out? 05:58:59 ugh 05:59:17 they used the excuse that the feds only got a 1.4% increase to give us only a 1.4% increase last year 05:59:24 so the pay freeze is not looking good :( 05:59:27 Wow. 05:59:36 "The feds got their salaries frozen! YOU SHOULD TOO." 05:59:47 Well hey 06:00:05 It's not like we need to invest in R&D as a country 06:00:10 it makes very little sense for the half of the company I work for since the feds pretty pay my salary directly 06:00:59 I wonder how much they get billed for my time vs. what I get paid for it >_> 06:01:32 And now I crack a joke: Our tax dollars at work: Paying for Nathan to wipe against a "farm" boss multiple times. 06:01:45 BRILLIANT. 06:03:10 hey, Halfus heroic is kinda hard ok, and we'd only killed it once before :P 06:04:14 also, mostly I don't bill the government for time spent playing WoW 06:04:34 wow, did you get a pay freeze a few years ago? 06:05:13 ? I wasn't working for this company a few years ago 06:05:13 i thought that kind of stuff was over at this point 06:05:32 you should have gone through 2 at this point, right? 06:05:46 i've gone through two assessment periods...though ours is shifted (in june) 06:06:19 yeah, 2 (we don't get results until april or later for some reason) 06:06:34 and the company wide number was like 3-4% raises both times I think 06:07:04 before that raises had been less because LGS was just starting up and was losing money 06:07:12 ah 06:07:50 does the performance review system at IBM suck? 06:08:00 that's a very broad statement lol 06:08:12 i'd say it was decent 06:08:17 though i haven't experienced others 06:08:50 http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lfyhanYdob1qdxs88o1_500.jpg 06:09:10 The LGS one is so bad >_> 06:09:22 doesn't help that no one takes it seriously, including the managers 06:11:15 Nathan: Difference between Iraq and Egypt. One got their historical and culture museums looted. The other got many of the public to fight to maintain it. 06:11:21 ...though I have to admit, those poor mummies. 06:11:28 Why the hell would you tear mummies apart? 06:12:00 yeah, ours is taken pretty seriously 06:12:08 and you have a decent idea why you got what you got 06:12:12 cause you're looting? 06:12:16 and can appeal if you don't 06:12:21 that would be nice 06:12:32 I thought the idea of looting was going after valuable things. 06:12:35 I don't think my manager ever talked to me about my last one 06:12:36 Like say, all of King Tut's gold. 06:12:40 Not King Tut's dead body. 06:12:41 pillage? 06:12:53 wow 06:13:21 my manager needs to write up his summary of progress, and then have his manager approave it, after i sign off it makes sense 06:15:13 hmm my fedora 14 VM thinks I'm in boston 06:17:07 I wish we had something more like that instead of "describe what you did to meet vaguely defined goals that don't really have anything to do with your job" 06:18:44 ah...we have define your goals at the beginning (broad) and then list what you did that falls under those categories at the end 06:18:55 and then compare against people who are at similar points in their career 06:19:29 while some people are more detailed than others, it at least provides some reasoning for what the manager decides for your performance that year