[PW!] Blaine's Volcanic Temper

Tiki walked to the Pokecenter and got his Pokemon healed, then he
walked towards the Cinnibar Gym the rest of the group had gone off
somewhere, since they already had Volcano Badges. Tiki walked into the
gym using the key that the group had given him.

As he walked down the halls of the Cinnibar gym a Junior trainer
popped up in front of him, "Hey you're a Pokemon trainer, if you want
to get to Blaine you've got to get through me!!!" the trainer squeled,
"Alright two Pokemon each!" The boy took a Pokeball and threw it, a
Flareon apperead.

"If you insist," Tiki wanted to make this quick so he decided to
use Twirl, " GO TWIRL!!!!" the Starmie apperead.

"Alright Flareon Use your Bite attack."

"FLARE!!!" The Flaron Jumped at Twirl with it's mouth gapping open
ready to bite.

"Twirl Hydro Pump it into it's Mouth." the Starmie sent out a
huge torrent of water right into the Flareon's face. The Flareon flew
backwards but managed to recover.

"Ahhh Flareon, hang in there, Leer attack," the Flareon gave
Twirl a funny look decreasing it's defense, "Alright now Bite again,
but be careful." The Flareon started running at the Starmie

"Twirl Surf Attack," A wave of water formed behind the Starmie
and crashed forward, it was too big for the Flareon to avoid. It
smashed into the Pokemon, making it faint.

"Flareon return, alright go Magamar," the upright standing Lizard
type pokemon apperead ready for battle.

"Okay Magmar you Leer the Starmie also," the Magmar did so
decreasing Twirl's defense even more.

"Twirl Surf Attack again." Another wave began to form.

"Quickly Magmar Metronome," after some swaying the Magmar
unleashed an electrical blast into the Starmie, making it faint (due to
the Leers), unfortunatly for the junior trainer the wave ended up
hitting Magmar making him faint as well. "Shoot, oh well at least you
won't have that water Pokemon when you battle Blaine." the trainer
stuck his toungue out at Tiki and ran off to get some Potions.

Tiki thought about turning around but he looked back only to see
a bunch of Junor trainers coming from the way he came. They'd all
want a battle, and Tiki didn't want to risk his other Pokemon's safety,
so he ran towards Blaine.

Tiki stepped into an arenaand saw a balding man at the other
side, wearing a trench coat. He stood up, "Do you wish to challenge
me?" he asked.

"If you're Blaine I do," Tiki replied.

The man jumped off the little podium his chair was on, "That I
am, we shall each use two Pokemon, for my first Pokemon I choose
Arcanine." the large dog Pokemon apperead.

"Very well for my first Pokemon I choose, Bullseye," the large
Pidgeot apperead.

"PIDGEOOOTTTT (It's ass kicking time)"

"Alright Bullseye Agility, then Sky attack the Arcanine," Tiki

"Arcanine use Agility yourself, now Dragon rage the bird."
Blaine said in a solemn voice. Both Pokemon used agility at the same
time then Bullseye flew up into the sky and started dive bombing
Arcanine. However Arcanine released the green flames of Dragon Rage
from his mouth, Bullseye tried to avoid the attack but the Arcanine's
green breath managed to get the Bird's wing.

Because of this the Sky Attack Missed. "Shoot, okay Mirror
Move the Dragon Rage," the Arcanine who had dodged the Pidgeot's
attack, tried dodged the green fire.

"TAKE IT DOWN ARCANINE!!!" Blaine yelled. The dog jumped into
the air and landed on Bullseye's head.

"Shoot Bullseye's getting pretty weak, I know a Super
Potion." Tiki took out a spray gun that had the words 'Super Potion' on
it. Tiki turned the nozzle on it so it clicked. Then he pulled the
trigger and a blue liquid flew out and hit Bullseye, seeming to
rejuvinate him.

"PIDGEOT!!!!" He flew up into the air, while Tiki had been
using a Super Potion Blaine had used an 'X ATTACK' on Arcanine.

"Alright Arcanine, finish it with a Flamethrower!"

"Bullseye, Mirror Move intercept it's attack." the two
streams of fire met, but because of the X ATTACK the Arcanine's was
more powerfulled, it pushed through Bullseye's and hit him.

"AHHHH, we haven't even hit him yet Bullseye, okay try your
Fly Attack on him." The Pidgeot flew up once again but instead of dive
bombing, started flapping his wings, it created a little tornado,
Arcanine tried to avoid it but it smacked into him, picke himup and
dropped him on the ground, "ALRIGHT!!! Now while it's down, Sky
Attack," the Pidgeot already high up dive bombed the Arcanine smacking
into it.

"Mother Fu... Arcanine use Dragon rage again." The Arcanine
flipped up and exhaled the green flame which hit Bullseye right in the
face, knocking him out.

"Bullseye return, go Zip!!!" the little Pikachu apperead ready
to kick some doggy butt. "Okay Zip Agility, up now, Swift attack."
the pikachu speeded up and then skidded right in front of the Arcanine,
releasing energy stars which smacked into the dog sending it flying, as
Zip got a critical hit. Arcanine tried to get up but then fainted.

"Shoot alright, Arcanine return, for my last pokemon I choose,
Rapidash, go!!!!" the fiery unicorn, apperead. "Alright use agility
yourself, now Stomp the Pikachu." the horse started running at Zip then
right in front of Zip stopped realed up and came crashing down,. Zip
ran under the Rapidash and stopped under him.

"Alright Zip while under him, Thunder," The Rapidash looked
under himself in time to see the pikachui unleash a storm of
electricity into the gut of the Rapidash,. The unicorn flew upwards,
and fell about three feet to the left of Zip.

"Damn it Damn it DAMN IT!!!!" Blaine yelled, he took out, a
hyper potion and shot it onto Rapidash. "Okay Rapidash return the favor
by Fire Spinning the little rodent." Zip hearing this started running
towards the Rapidash. But he wasn't fast enough. Zip jumped at the
Rapidash only to hit a flamewall, knocking him into the center of the
fire column. It closed in on him and then hit him sending him into the

"Zip as you come down, use Swift,' Zip recovered in mid air
and stuck his foot out as he started descending little energy starts
started coming out of the foot. Rapidash tried dodging the Pikachu but
it smashed into it's back.

"RAPPPPIDASH!!!!" Zip somehow managed to land on top of the
Rapidash's back.

"Okay Zip finish it with another Thunder." Zip started
glowing with electricity, thenunleashed it into the Rapidash making it
faint. The Rapidash fell to the ground right as Zip jumped off.

"Alright, good job Zip return."

"Return Rapidash,. You're very good young man, well here you
are you deserve it." Blaine threw Tiki a Volcano Badge. Tiki clipped
it on and started walking out of the gym, he put on his shades and
walked out, he needed to meet the gang at the Pokecenter.

----------Re: By Syke6888 L----

As Tiki went to gain his Volcano Badge John checked out the new lab to
see if they had anything special to help his journey. Orion and Jamie
had gone fishing while Pipian was feeding his Pokémon.

"Hmmph. Not much here but traders." John thought to himself as he said
no to a trainer wanting to trade for a Raichu. "The third room was a
little more promising as he saw his father's old partner. "John! What
are you doing here?" said the man.

"Not much. Just visiting as a friend battles Blaine. Hw goes the new

"To tell the truth, I miss working on Mewtwo. At least there was the
thrill of discovery."

"Speaking of which, has anyone sighted him since Ash?"

"'fraid not. He is gone. But still, this invention might help you. It's
a psychic tracker."

"A psychic tracker? You mean it can find psychics?"

"Exactly. It's range is small, but it works okay." said the scientist,
as he pointed it to Pipian outside the window. The machine beeped
wildly, indicating Pip's powers.

"Weird. But I'm afraid I can't accept it. We aren't anywhere near facing

"Oh well. At least take this, a Metronome TM. I'm sure one of you might
want it."

John left the building just in time to see Jamie and Orion struggling
with a Seadra. Suddenly, the Seadra reined back, causing Jamie to fall
on her butt, and Orion to imitate a Pidgey. SPLASH! Orion came up
sputtering, all wet and soggy. This time, it was John's turn to laugh.

"Hahaha! I knew you were all wet, Orion!"

"Oh, dry up, John!"

"If I were you, I'd take that advice! Hey Jamie, here."

"What's this?" Jamie asked.

"It's Metronome. I have no use, so i thought maybe you could use it

As Jamie pocketed the TM, Tiki ran from the Gym, looking very

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