A Fond Farewell

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Re: ~Estate Sale~

Postby xGoggles » Thu Aug 24, 2017 9:15 pm

"Huhh?! W-what? N-Now?" , caught off guard by the sudden option, sure he could pay for it.. but free is free!
Dan looking up to see the Caprice in a different outfit, why did she--... No, he was trailing off, he had to put it on right now to get it for free. Hasty and unsure, fiddling with the choker but finally manages to put it on his neck.
Wait... didn't someone tell him earlier to only use this when he was 'ready' or something? "Um, it's on, what now?", he asks the woman, blushing a bit, he didn't put much thought into this rushed decision.

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Re: ~Estate Sale~

Postby Just some lady » Fri Aug 25, 2017 2:00 am

The choker is made of a surprisingly solid material, and though it does seem to have the capability to lock--like all good items of this kind--he thankfully seems to have been spared that today.

And as he slides it around his neck, (tight but not too tight), her hears...a whisper?
whisper wrote:Uhm...I'm married to Him-chan, you an' Rowan an' Mid-boss... an' BD sometimes...are my brothers/sisters, (Calamity kinda is too!)
I dun think they're any more...
The voice sounds like Caprice's, but the woman in front of him hasn't talked since he put on the pendant.
whisper wrote:Mendo-chaaan!
Good to see you, sis!
At the second whisper, Dan's hair brushes lightly against the side of his face in a way it doesn't usually--as if it had gotten longer. But somehow it felt...nice? Like, a spring breeze, or an unexpected compliment. It was a bit silly to consider hair in those terms, and yet...
whisper wrote:Aww...You're welcome~!
*Counter-glomps Rowan*
Maybe it wasn't his hair that was longer. maybe his skin was just...softer? He felt...smooth somehow. All his clothing seemed suddenly strange, at this new feeling. But again, it felt...good.
whisper wrote:*Caprice beams.*

Uhhm. ^^ You can call me Caprice!

*Wavewavewaves to Blaze~*
Almost as soon as he things about his skin, the shoulder's of his shirt give out--one after the other, not ripping, just thinning, and then vanishing, like someone had taken a giant eraser to his clothes. In defiance though, his sleeves bind tighter around his suddenly daintier arms, pretty red ribbons criss-crossing over the frilly white material.
whisper wrote:o_O Void is Dell-chan?

^^ She doesn't looook like her~
The rest of his shirt almost doesn't seem to know what to do for a moment, starting to almost slide off as the collar vanishes...before it lashes itself gently to the boy's new collar, becoming almost, well...a blouse.
whisper wrote:*Blinkblinks, and looks over at Ookalf.*

Are you fighting someone?
A red ribbon sprouts from the center of the new garment, tying itself into a cheery bow. From this vantage it looks almost like Dan's whole frame is shrinking. His shoulders should be bigger than this. And his chest should certainly be wider.
whisper wrote:@_@ Ooohhhh...~~
^^ 'Kay~!

*Leaping into her box, Caprice emerges a few minutes later with a cake. A large file seems to have been inexpertly jammed inside. She hops up to Feng, handing it to her.*
As if his clothes were coming to the same realization, the blouse suddenly pulls tighter, aided in this by a blue-purple underbust corset, lacing up snugly around Dan's new hourglass waist.
Caprice wrote:*Caprice looks up from duct-taping the closet closed. It is still open just a crack though, and an otherworldly tentacle can be espied inside if one looks closely. She blinkblinks up to Karm.*

My booss? Nuuu--She would know that you are not Himitsuuuuuu...~~

*Caprice pauses.*

But look~! I found this radio that picks up Xia's thoughts~! ^^

*Gasp! Is this an ethical dilemma? What will Karm do!?*
And all of this was strange of course, but somehow, the...softness, the smallness, the smoothness, amidst all of this? It feels good. Like he's at the ocean, or sitting on a cloud.
Caprice wrote:o_O I thought I did. Weeeeiiiiird...~~

*Caprice hops into the air, bounces off of Lian's head, and lands next to Guen.*

^^ Hiya!
As if propelled by his thoughts, Dan's body responds to these feelings of softness with ones of growth. Specifically, in the chest region. Two mounds--no, that's not right--two breasts poke gently from Dan's chest, sensitive for a moment, and a touch painful, but the blouse luckily seems to be cushioned, and as they fill out into even, lovely orbs, the discomfort subsides.
whisper wrote:*Peeks out from behind Helel.*

@___@ Xia is an vacuum cleaner?
If Dan had been aware of the dramatic transformation that Cacophony had had previously, he might realize that what was happening to him was in some ways the opposite. It felt warm.
whisper wrote:Ooh~! Ooh~! ^^
What are your stances on lighting Rags's hair on fire 'cause he's a hoboooo?

*Motions to Raleigh.*
(As for the whispers...the whispers felt almost natural.)
whisper wrote:Looking down at the tiny hopping key, Caprice giggled a bit, and then smiled.

"Okay~! ^__^ Why do you wanna open it, Lost?"
The next change is inevitable. Dan's poor pants were never long for this world in a place like Muffinville, and in recognition of this, they go quick, splitting and separating to reveal his smooth, somewhat curvy thighs, the top half of his pants puffing out and growing that same ribbon-red, while the pantlegs tighten and then soften.
whisper wrote:^^ Or Corvus, if you prefeeer~
Hope it's a good one!
...soon, Dan is wearing a short red skirt, partially frilled. And underneath it, there is that smooth, soft feeling as something...else changes. What the appropriate pronouns for Dan were now, were as ever, up to them, because gender is a social construct, but by the tradition of this sort of place, one might assume that Dan is now a her.
whisper wrote:^_^ Well, I'm glad that you're still here at least~! Congrats! <3

*Snugs Nikkou.*
Clearly not wanting to be outdone, the former pantlegs down below soon finish their transformation to a charming pair of blue kneesocks, looking a little odd tucked into Dan's normal shoes.
whisper wrote:^_^ Internal elections are now complete~!

Dracos has been elected as the council's first-ever chair, and Mendokusee has been appointed by him as the first Secretary~!

*Idly consider turning Mischa into a chair for the chair~*
(the whispers are still there, in the background, but as the change progresses, they are filtering out, gradually. It's hard to tell if they're disappearing, or if she's just stopped noticing them.
whisper wrote:*Caprice giggles...as Rodney can feel his body start to shift--his legs becoming more...shapely, as his chest starts to tingle.*

^^ Do tooooooo~! I'm disguising you!
Before she can dwell on that too much however, Dan's shoes shimmer, and then darken into a simple pair of mary-janes, the small heel making up for only the teeniest amount of lost height. They're...cute.
whisper wrote:^^ Ooh~! Ooh~! I can do that!

*Waves her hands around excitedly.*

^^ I clap for Muffin all the tiime!
"Aw. You're...perfect."
The woman smiles. She looks really happy. But it wasn't the same kind of smile that Dan had seen from Caprice before. It was more sedate somehow.
whisper wrote:*Pops up next to Dact.*

Maybe she'll build a tower made of cheese an' then climb it with an umbrella that she stole from Abraham Lincoln~! ^^

*She seems oddly delighted at the thought.*
Leaning down to the sitting girl, she gingerly draws out two more of those red ribbons, pulling Dan's delicate brown hair into a pair of cheerful pigtails.
whisper wrote:*Is kergifted.*

And as always, there is a mirror. And in it...
whisper wrote:=D
^_^ I hope you have a good birthday, Uendy~!
In the wake of the change the new girl's mind is fuzzy; not that her memories had been changed, (that hadn't), or in the exuberant airheaded way a person might associate with the local breed of ditz, either--she's not dumb, probably far from it. She just feels...giggly. Charged, even. Like she could take on the world. And it might be a little hard to concentrate on just one thing unless she really tried, but somehow that didn't bother her because in the center of her heart, she knew it was always going to be okay.
whisper wrote:=D~

*Pulling Ginny off as well, Caprice suddenly vaaaanishes with the two, bringing them to somewhere else~*
The lady in the blue dress exhales, and then laughs.
whisper wrote:The girl pauses for a moment at Callista's question, then smiles after a moment.

"Oh, you know, I've been...collecting myself. ^__^"

She pauses again, stopping to gently straighten street sign that had gradually started to lose its grip in the pavement over the years.

"And what about you--oh!"

There is a shimmer and the girl suddenly flickers into view in front of the boy, before vanishing from Callista's side.

"You are new, aren't you? Oh my!"
"You look so...young. It's amazing."
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Re: ~Estate Sale~

Postby Ookalf » Fri Aug 25, 2017 4:31 pm

Caprice wrote:"10,000HL"

She grins. her LCD-eyes flipping into dollar signs.

"It's a steal~ Except the kind of steal that you pay money for!"

For something like that, I'd certainly say so! *Flo happily hands over the 10,000 HL.* ...Does that force field come with it?
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Re: ~Estate Sale~

Postby Just some lady » Fri Aug 25, 2017 5:26 pm

Ookalf wrote:For something like that, I'd certainly say so! *Flo happily hands over the 10,000 HL.* ...Does that force field come with it?

The robot beams!

"Yes yes, you'll just want to find a secure containment area to be safffsafeffsaffefee-e."

She twitches and sparks, and then stands straight.


She nods, opens her mouth, and swallows the HL while.

"Closing time soon though, you'd better be
Better be quick!"
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Re: ~Estate Sale~

Postby Ookalf » Fri Aug 25, 2017 11:10 pm

Oh, good. It could have been awkward if it... *Flo trails off as Caprice starts to glitch out.* didn't... Are you OK there? Do you need maintenance or something?
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Re: ~Estate Sale~

Postby Just some lady » Fri Aug 25, 2017 11:56 pm

The robot t.twitches, eyes going greyscale, before tapping the platform the tree was on raising into the air, hovering for Flo.

"G.g.glitching. Daijoubu! ^^ it's just a power-saving measure because of of of

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Re: ~Estate Sale~

Postby Ookalf » Sat Aug 26, 2017 9:31 pm

If you say so... Well, thanks for everything. Maybe I'll see you again sometime. *Flo still looks somewhat concerned, but rather than press the point she takes the tree and laptop and starts to walk away.*
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Re: ~Estate Sale~

Postby xGoggles » Sun Aug 27, 2017 12:58 am

The new girl, that by appearance looked exactly as Caprice was moments ago, giggles and says with a playful smile, "Oh? And earlier you said I was 'person-shaped'~? Make up your mind sillyhead~" °~^

Giving a small wink as she beams an even bigger smile, and with a small skip backward, she makes a little twirl then speaks up with a soft singing tone to it,
"Why are you so blue~?
No need to feel so lonely~
I am here for you !"

(And yes this is a silly haiko~)
With a second twirl, her appearance changes just slightly to fit the theme.
( Somewhere in the background, a broken boombox jumps back to life and plays some music)

She embraces the woman in a gentle hug and sticks her hand out forward in a v-sign, (and one on top of the lady's head), as if in front of an imaginary camera. Say "Blue cheese~", suddenly a duplicate seems to have appeared in front of them readying an old-fashioned camera with the tripod, curtains and the bright sparkling powder. FLASH! The lady might be temporary blinded, likely long enough to not notice that the girl next to her had vanished and the one taking the picture was waving around a photograph as if it was taken from an instant camera.

Showing the well-taken picture of the both of them, "See, don't we look adorable, almost twins~" ^^
Taking out a permanent marker from a nonexistent pocket, and flips the picture to its back, acting like she was some celebrity signing something for a fan. "So what is your name cutie~?"

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Re: ~Estate Sale~

Postby Just some lady » Mon Aug 28, 2017 2:22 pm

Ookalf wrote:If you say so... Well, thanks for everything. Maybe I'll see you again sometime. *Flo still looks somewhat concerned, but rather than press the point she takes the tree and laptop and starts to walk away.*

The robot waaaaves, and then ~bwrooops~ to inactivity as she walks away.

Flo will find nothing stopping her from leaving the store--or the area in general, though as she exits, she may pass by the following scene:
xGoggles wrote:The new girl, that by appearance looked exactly as Caprice was moments ago, giggles and says with a playful smile, "Oh? And earlier you said I was 'person-shaped'~? Make up your mind sillyhead~" °~^

Giving a small wink as she beams an even bigger smile, and with a small skip backward, she makes a little twirl then speaks up with a soft singing tone to it,
"Why are you so blue~?
No need to feel so lonely~
I am here for you !"

(And yes this is a silly haiko~)
With a second twirl, her appearance changes just slightly to fit the theme.
( Somewhere in the background, a broken boombox jumps back to life and plays some music)

She embraces the woman in a gentle hug and sticks her hand out forward in a v-sign, (and one on top of the lady's head), as if in front of an imaginary camera. Say "Blue cheese~", suddenly a duplicate seems to have appeared in front of them readying an old-fashioned camera with the tripod, curtains and the bright sparkling powder. FLASH! The lady might be temporary blinded, likely long enough to not notice that the girl next to her had vanished and the one taking the picture was waving around a photograph as if it was taken from an instant camera.

Showing the well-taken picture of the both of them, "See, don't we look adorable, almost twins~" ^^
Taking out a permanent marker from a nonexistent pocket, and flips the picture to its back, acting like she was some celebrity signing something for a fan. "So what is your name cutie~?"

The woman blinks and stumbles, a little surprised, but she returns the hug, starting to laugh.

"Oh, oh, oh, hahaha...You're perfect. I..."

Leaning back against the wall,she catches herself after a moment.

"...I was Caprice for a long, long time, and having that be who I was meant...a lot to me. But..."

She hesitates and smiles softly, finishing quietly.

"Well, it just stopped being me eventually. "

Shaking her head, she laughs again.

"I'm...just some lady, now. But you, Dan...Caprice, whichever you prefer. How are you feeling? I know this is a lot at once."
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Re: ~Estate Sale~

Postby xGoggles » Mon Aug 28, 2017 4:30 pm

The girl nods while she scribbles down something on the back of the photograph, "Mhm this place sure loves to change people around, but that is what makes it so fun~~" ^^
Handing over the picture in an exaggerated bow, playfully, as if handing a gift to a queen.

Twirling around when the lady takes the picture from her.
Tapping her chin and she thinks for a moment, well.. a very small moment, "I'm not really Dan.. and I never been Caprice before~ Umm.. I guess I'm just Whimsy~!" °~^
"And I feel so wonderful and happy! Also, everything looks so amazing and fun to explore." She giggles, and boops the ladies nose again, "But you have been sooooo naughty, tricking poor Dan into wearing me, he so isn't ready for that yet~"
She rapidly looks from side to side and vanishes, where as the woman suddenly gets a glomps from behind, "But, thanks, I haven't felt so happy in years~"

Releasing the hug, and pats the lady's head, "Hope you have a nice trip, but I'm going to go nappy now for a bit~ Say bye to Dan for me okay~?", with that, she places her hands on the gem and charges some magic into it, and it.. disappears?
"I'll be back some other time when I want some fun, but don't tell Dan, okay~? Let it be a surprise~" °~^, with that and wink, her appearance fades and Dan's form re-emerges unaware of what happened after he put it on.
"Huh, it..it's gone, where did the Heartstone go?", he feels around his neck and unable to find the gem or the choker.

On the backside of the photograph, Whimsy did leave a message for the lady. Hoping she'll be as happy as she made her.

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Re: ~Estate Sale~

Postby Just some lady » Mon Aug 28, 2017 6:10 pm

She turns over the picture in one hand, reading it silently for a moment as Dan rejoins her.

"...Oh, yeah, hey there."

She sniffs, slightly, and tucks the picture away securely with her gifts from Callista.

"It's funny, you know? Seeing something from the outside from the first time. I didn't expect..well."

She waves a hand, laughing again.

"Sorry, don't worry about it, Dan. Here's a little something instead, though, okay?"

reaching over, she pulls a key from a hook on the wall and tosses it over to him.

"Here--you needed a place to stay, right? This is the key to Caprice's first home. It's an old underground missile defense silo near the edge of town that she got as a wedding present. It's probably still a mess from project Unity aftermath, but there are some beds, it should be cozy."
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Re: ~Estate Sale~

Postby Ookalf » Mon Aug 28, 2017 10:41 pm

Just some lady wrote:The robot waaaaves, and then ~bwrooops~ to inactivity as she walks away.

Flo will find nothing stopping her from leaving the store--or the area in general, though as she exits, she may pass by the following scene:

*Flo does indeed spot this! After a minute of eavesdropping, though, she figures it's probably none of her business and moves on.*
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Re: A Fond Farewell

Postby xGoggles » Tue Aug 29, 2017 6:29 pm

The message on the back of the picture:
"Dear Just Some Lady,
Even in times when you don't feel okay, let the rays of violet around you brighten your day~"

Dan blinks, he should feel more upset that his purchase just vanished before he got to see what it did... but strangely enough, he didn't feel that bothered by it, there was calm relaxing feeling within him that just made it feel like it was alright?
Snapping back out of his thoughts, catching the key that was tossed at him, "Wow, really? Thanks, ummm...", not fully sure who the lady was, was that Caprice without her gem? Maybe he shouldn't pressure it though.. it was close to closing time, and he had a new base to check out. Walking towards the exit of the store, and then it hit him, "W-WAIT? An underground missile defense silo??!"

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Re: ~Estate Sale~

Postby Just some lady » Tue Aug 29, 2017 10:02 pm

Ookalf wrote:*Flo does indeed spot this! After a minute of eavesdropping, though, she figures it's probably none of her business and moves on.*

The woman in blue gives Flo a half-wave as she goes, but the nurse is unimpeded in leaving the store. What good sales!
xGoggles wrote:The message on the back of the picture:
"Dear Just Some Lady,
Even in times when you don't feel okay, let the rays of violet around you brighten your day~"

Dan blinks, he should feel more upset that his purchase just vanished before he got to see what it did... but strangely enough, he didn't feel that bothered by it, there was calm relaxing feeling within him that just made it feel like it was alright?
Snapping back out of his thoughts, catching the key that was tossed at him, "Wow, really? Thanks, ummm...", not fully sure who the lady was, was that Caprice without her gem? Maybe he shouldn't pressure it though.. it was close to closing time, and he had a new base to check out. Walking towards the exit of the store, and then it hit him, "W-WAIT? An underground missile defense silo??!"

The woman smiles, waving a hand as she accompanies him, closing the door as they exit, but not bothering to lock it, for some reason.

"Don't worry, don't worry! It's probably safe!"

She pats his shoulder.

"Now let's see, I feel like I should give some kind of parting statement, but..."

She hmms, counting off silently on her fingers.

"Don't be afraid to eat the fruit, but do it with someone you trust. If you run into a girl named Cacophony, be nice to her, I bet she could use a friend. Join the Brotherhood if you want to live forever, but only if you don't mind dying a lot..."

She frowns, then shrugs.

"...this place always meant so much to me. I hope it can be something for you now. Look out for yourself, little one."
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Re: A Fond Farewell

Postby xGoggles » Wed Aug 30, 2017 12:33 am

"Oh... okay... Wait, hold on, let me write this down real quick", he takes his notepad out of his haven bag and writes it down.. not that it made much sense to him, but neither what ditzy Caprice told him either.. so maybe it'll make more sense later on...
He was about to ask that if this place meant so much, why was she leaving... but he reminds himself people have their own reasons for everything, and why ruin the moment trying to pry this out.
"Umm, yes I hope so too?", giving the woman a puzzled look.

"Soo.. the underground missile defense silo is... in that direction?", pointing at some road, fully unsure where to go...

As he starts to move, still pondering for a bit, looking at the key, "Hey umm, if.. you ever change you mind or whatever..", he holds the key in one hand and made a duplicate in his other and tosses it to the lady, "You can still come by to visit.. or stay... I don't know~", he says with a cheerful honest smile.
"Bye-bye~", waving goodbye as he goes.

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