Curves of Steel


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Re: Curves of Steel

Postby muffinstud » Sat Jul 16, 2016 1:56 pm

Impulse nods to him, smiling softly. "Perhaps it would be easiest to show you rather than to tell." She plucks a strange looking flower from her garden, and offers it to Alex. "Smell this, and you will know everything you wish to know." As soon as she tells him to take the flower, he can't help but feel the desire to smell it, and deeply. It's strange that he feels this urge so strongly, even if it doesn't seem quite so odd.


Carson tries to hold back his laughter as the rough and tumble Crystal Heart gets led off to drink tea by the gentle, beautiful girl. "Yeah, Crystal. It will be an opportunity to get to know each other better." He can't hide his grin as he follows the two through the effeminate apartment.
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Re: Curves of Steel

Postby Knight Errant » Sat Jul 16, 2016 3:01 pm

None of this was making any sense... and it continued to be so. How would smelling a flower tell him anything? Regardless... he finds himself taking it, almost by reflex. Looking down at the strange flower. This day just kept getting weirder and weirder. But... still... what harm could there be smelling a flower given to him by a pretty lady? Its not like it could be any worse than the girl Sleeper Agent had done...

He hesitates a moment longer... then brings the flower up to his nose to smell it.


Crystal shoots him a dirty look, but doesn't say anything as Silver leads them off to an airy garden room set with large windows and surrounded by plants of all colors. In the middle is a cute little table made of white metal, twisted together into delicate shapes. And around it, four comfy looking chairs. Crystal plops into one, as Silver pulls another out for Carson. Beaming at her guests. "I'll be right back!" She says, once he is seated... and turns to flutter off back to the kitchen. Walking with that gentle sway.

Crystal puts a gloved hand on her chin, sighing. "Great." She mumbles. The pair of them are alone for the moment... at least Crystal seemed much less peeved. Instead she looked rather embarrassed instead. As if worrying someone who caught her here would think poorly of her.
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Re: Curves of Steel

Postby muffinstud » Sun Jul 17, 2016 1:41 am

The flower is sweet and fragrant... and almost immediately Alex feels himself getting drowsy. "That's a good boy. You'll understand soon enough." She chuckles as Alex feels his legs turn rubbery. "I'm sure he'll turn out very pretty, too." Both Impulse and Dreamweaver giggle as the lights go out.

It feels like a very short moment when his eyes open again, but Alex's environs are very different. While the bright, oddly natural light still fills the room, while there are still plenty of plants and pleasant flowers to look at along the walls, he is in a different room. A much smaller room with lots of scientific looking equipment on one side. That equipment is connected to a stiff bed... upon which he is laying. There are no belts or straps holding him down, and yet he feels like lifting a finger is a monumentally exhausting task. And, standing next to his bed... is a woman looking down at him through her glasses. "Ah, you're awake. Good. That means we can get started. I'm sure the illustrious Mistress Impulse has told you next to nothing, yes?"


Carson eases himself back into the chair. "Oh, come on. It can't be that bad." He chuckles. "Silver's a great cook. I actually got in a fight over one of her cookies once. You act like spending time with her is a bad thing."
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Re: Curves of Steel

Postby Knight Errant » Sun Jul 17, 2016 1:57 am

Alex blinks. "I... w-wha...? I... mmrff..." He slumps into darkness. Last thoughts about how he can't believe he fell for it again... When he finally comes to... he groans... and tries to sit up. "Freaking... no way am I gonna..." He murmurs... He's had it with these ladies. No more playing games. He clenches his fist... the resolve hardening. He'd break out of whatever this place is and report it to the H.A.! He goes to summon his confidence, getting ready to break his way out of whatever barriers wait.


Crystal grumbles. "She's way too girly. We should be fighting for the Master, not... doing flower arrangements..." Soon enough, Silver returns. Wearing an apron, and wielding a tray of tea and freshly baked cupcakes coated in pink frosting. She beams. "Your in for a treat! These I usually only give to the Master, and the other lieutenants." Despite her crankiness, he can see Crystal looking begrudgingly intrigued. "Those are your special strawberry cupcakes...?"

Silver nod nods, setting the tea down and looking to Carson. "How do you take your tea, sweety? Oh! And I didn't ask yet... your..." She bites her lip... thinking. "Carson, right? The sniper? I do try to remember all of the wonderful people working here, but there are so many." Crystal grumbles. "Waste of time... you can just call them by number and be done with it." Silver tut tuts. "Now now, they are all working so hard to advance the dream of the Master. The least we can do is be nice to them."
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Re: Curves of Steel

Postby muffinstud » Sun Jul 17, 2016 2:51 am

The woman raises an eyebrow, and pushes her glasses back up her nose. "Interesting. You think you can get away by boosting your confidence." She looks over to some of the machinery and nods. "And what will you do if you escape? Tell your precious Hero's Association? Tell me... will they even believe you that there's an underground complex beneath their own headquarters?" She smirks at that. "Will they give a low-level hero like you the time of day? I think not." She nudges her glasses back up. "Face it. To them, you're nothing but a worthless insect to boost the numbers the spout off for their PR campaigns." She folds her arms under her... generous chest. "I can make you powerful, important... and beautiful."

Despite Alex trying to push and boost himself up, he just feels so heavy... so weak. The mental exercise of pushing himself helps a bit... but her words strike with a bitter truth to them. Well, at least until she mentions the part about being beautiful. That... doesn't make much sense.


Carson smiles brightly. "That's right! You always do treat us henchmen with respect... unlike other Lieutenants I know." He gives Crystal a cocky glance. "I like my tea with just a touch of honey, thanks. And those cupcakes do look delicious." He keeps beaming. If this is what being a Lieutenant is all about, he could get used to this!
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Re: Curves of Steel

Postby Knight Errant » Sun Jul 17, 2016 3:06 am

Alex grunts softly... and settles back down for a moment... frowning at her disheartening words. He can't let her get to him... though. "What do you mean...? And... yeah... I've been told pretty much nothing." Not that thats ever new... no one ever tells him anything... He sighs... and... glances over her chest. At least if he had to be held captive, it was by very pretty ladies...


Silver smiles, pouring him some tea and adding a bit of honey. Placing it in front of him carefully along with one of the warm cupcakes. "Right! I already know how you like it~ Two sugars and a bit of milk." Crystal huffs... but takes the teacup readily once its given to her, as well as the cupcakes.

Only then does Silver make her own tea... and add quite a bit of honey to it. She sits down with a content sigh. "So, Carson. You are going to be our newest Lieutenant, yes? How much do you know about your new job?"
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Re: Curves of Steel

Postby muffinstud » Sun Jul 17, 2016 12:54 pm

And this one is pretty... pretty round and prominent, especially as she keeps her arms under her chest. "Mistress Impulse has made this organization to create change in our society, one currently dominated by men. Your Hero's Association, our Organization, even the government is mainly ruled by older men who are out of touch with the majority of the population... That majority being women. We will forcibly take over all three if necessary to make sure our voice is heard properly." She smirks. "And that's where you come in. With your gift of strength, you will be a good part of that force. You'll be a rolemodel to women everywhere that they can be both beautiful and strong."

Now her words just seem confusing. How could he be a role model for women? And did she mention she was part of the Organization? That's equal to admitting she's a criminal! And... why do his clothes feel different than when he was taken in?


Carson smirks as he notices just how sweet and creamy Crystal likes her tea. There may be a soft side to her yet, even if she doesn't want to admit it. "Not much, really. I know you have more interaction with the Emperor, can give assignments and such, but that's about it."
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Re: Curves of Steel

Postby Knight Errant » Sun Jul 17, 2016 1:09 pm

Alex tears his eyes away from that curvy form as her words sink in. "Your all criminals... She was right, at least. I learned everything I needed to know about her. I'll never help whatever insane plot you have!" He says, before redoubling his efforts to escape! While... glancing down at himself. Were there some restraints he hadn't noticed?


Silver nods. "Mmm, well its understandable. You did just start out." She takes a delicate sip of tea, pinky out. Swallows, then. "I will be helping you make the transition, as it were. I'll give you the new equipment you'll need to use... show you how to use it, and give you a place to stay until you have your own quarters here." She beams. "I hope you don't mind sharing an apartment for awhile?"
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Re: Curves of Steel

Postby muffinstud » Sun Jul 17, 2016 1:22 pm

Alex is just barely able to look down at himself. He doesn't see any physical restraints, but that strange weakness still pervades through his whole body. And instead of his patrol clothes, he's wearing some strange blue jumpsuit. It's mostly cyan, with darker blue stripes and panels in places, and it feels a little snug in odd places, making it feel rather ill-fitting. "Oh, you'll help. You'll believe in our cause soon enough..." She grins as she reaches over to swivel an IV drip bag into view. The bag has a little tube reaching into the arm of his suit. "I just hope you turn out a redhead. I have five bucks riding on it."


Carson almost spits out the tea he had started to sip. Rooming with... Silver? Sure, he expected some kind of training, but... living with... such a kind, pretty girl would be... different, to say the least. "I, um... sure, if that's okay. I mean, I wouldn't want to presume anything..."
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Re: Curves of Steel

Postby Knight Errant » Sun Jul 17, 2016 1:40 pm

Alex frowns... what the heck is that...? His view goes from that to the IV... that... thats worse. He grits his teeth... he has to move! He can't let these crazies do what they want! He was a hero! He could really save the day this time! Warn everyone about this plot! Once again he tries to summon his confidence and act!


Crystal snickers in mid-munching of her cupcake, seeing Carson's expression. Silver blink blinks. "Its quite alright, silly. I mean... we have so much to go through! Its just easier if your nearby. Besides, this place is so big, it would be nice to have company." She says cheerily.
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Re: Curves of Steel

Postby muffinstud » Mon Jul 18, 2016 12:48 am

Alex tries to pull himself together, and manages to start pulling himself up a little from the bed. "Hmm... you've got some spirit. That'll come in handy later." As he gets halfway to sitting up, he feels an ominous gurgle in his stomach, and a warm, tingly shiver that runs along his skin from his head to his toes. That's... not normal. Whatever it is they're doing to him, it's already happening. Is he... too late? The woman reaches over and gently pushes him back down. She did it so easily... how much of his strength has been sapped already? "Relax. It should be starting soon. It's nothing to worry about. In fact... I'm sure you'll enjoy the changes."


"Well, I guess that settles it, then." He shrugs and reaches for one of those tasty looking cupcakes. "These really do look delicious." He takes a big bite!
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Re: Curves of Steel

Postby Knight Errant » Mon Jul 18, 2016 1:12 am

Alex groans... looking rather far from relaxed. "Mmmmf... what... whats going on here?" He says... still trying to struggle regardless of the futility. "What are you doing to me?"


Silver claps her hands~ Smiling happily. "Wonderful! It will be so fun having someone around." She mmmms... "Oh! I know! I should go get your equipment ready!" She gets up, her food barely touched, and sways away. Crystal chuckles as she leaves. "Ah well... at least she's having fun."

Meanwhile, the cupcake... is an explosion of warm, sugary goodness! Freshly baked... he could taste the strawberries. The icing is so creamy, the cake so delightfully moist. Silver's baking really was top notch...
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Re: Curves of Steel

Postby muffinstud » Mon Jul 18, 2016 1:24 am

The woman smiles, a twinkle in her eye. "I was hoping you'd be dense enough to let me tell you flat out." She chuckles... and as she does, Alex feels another shiver of that warmth spread across his skin... only now it takes longer to dissipate. The feel of the jumpsuit against his skin is getting... smoother. "Impulse wants you to join our girls only club. I'm here to make sure you fill out that jumpsuit just as well as all the other new ladies." She chuckles again. She... can't be serious, can she?


Carson nods and waves to Silver passively, his interest more focused on the delectable cupcake. "Oh, wow... Dish ish mush bedder dan any of de shtuff de henshmen get!"
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Re: Curves of Steel

Postby Knight Errant » Mon Jul 18, 2016 1:27 am

Alex blinks... looking down at the jumpsuit... then at the girl's full curves. "Wha? Come on, stop joking with me. Its bad enough I'm stuck here..."


Crystal nods. "I gno, righ?" She gulps some of the sweet, milky tea, letting out a pleased gasp. "Mmm..." She looks over to him. "One more thing, twerp. You'd better not give Silver a hard time. Do everything she tells you to, or I'll break you in half. Got it?" She says. fist and eyebrow raised.
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Re: Curves of Steel

Postby muffinstud » Mon Jul 18, 2016 1:38 am

"No joke, buttercup." She keeps leaning over him, her chest dangling heavily and precariously above him. One hand traces a line down one of the darker blue patches, leaving some interesting tingles behind where her touch had been. "If it's any consolation, we'll help you adjust to your new life as a woman. And you'll get a boost to your powers too. Won't that be something?"


Carson swallows. "So you do care about her." He smirks back, but he does hold up his hands defensively. "I won't give her any guff, don't worry."
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