Unguarded Potions

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Re: Unguarded Potions

Postby Whatevr89532 » Sat Jul 27, 2013 10:26 pm

Legendary Hawk wrote:As the next gulp brings more changes along with it, Kent notices strands and then entire waves of hair in his peripheral vision. The ticklish feeling of the hair brushing against him does little to reduce his anxious curiosity. With a few blinks, he grips a handful of his hair and looks at it. "I... I've got long hair..." he nervously observes, and his shaking gets a bit worse. Ignoring the possibility that the drink is causing his changes (after all, how could something so delicious and wonderful be responsible for all this?), Kent continues to take sips. As he swallows a few more gulps, a new warmth spreads throughout his body, relaxing him enough to put an end to the trembling.

The changes to his attire to unnoticed at first, but as the shirt tightens, leaving Kent's belly exposed to the open air, he glances downwards and murmurs, "Mmmm?"

Kent's voice sounds normal when announcing his hair's sudden length, but the second time it seems to not want to go down to the pitch he's used to, resisting and preferring a slightly higher tone. If he tries again, it won't even go as low as it did this time.

His stomach does seem unusually slim and flat, and also unusually free of hair. His hips push out a little more, and back some, beginning to make a pronounced outward curve from his slender waist. The hair on the sides stop just at the shoulders and neck, neatly framing his face, but his back hair just keeps on growing out. His socks, of all things, start to crawl their way up his legs, the material thinning as they do, as if there's only so much material and covering increasing amounts of skin spreads it thinner. Oddly enough, this growth, and the upward movement of his pants' leggings, don't catch on any hair..what little there is is too short to be an issue, even though it probably wasn't before. The pants start turning to a soft, dark blue cloth, and as they reach the knees the leggings start to open up wider. If he looks back up, Kent will find his point of view about half a head shorter than before, and still slowly moving downward.

Despite all of this confusion and shifting around, the warm, cheerful feeling is still there, trying to calm him down; if anything, it's getting stronger. There is something not quite familiar in his head telling him that everything will not just be okay, it'll be great.

Harri-chan wrote:Elliot tilted her head, peering up at the man in confusion for a moment or two, and then she bit her bottom lip, and her brow creased as she thought.

"Um... fish... ?", she asked, a little surprised by her own reply, as she remembered not particularly liking fish before, but now the very thought made her tummy rumble in anticipation, and her tail swishing happily as she nodded.


The man smiles and laughs, clearly captivated by her cuteness. "Alright, I know a good seafood place we can go to. Just come along," he says, offering a hand to help lead her along.

Harri-chan wrote:The potion felt warm as it washed into Amir's mouth. It made him think of an exotic wine as it easily flowed down his throat, leaving that tingling sensation behind, but now much stronger. In fact, he could feel the tingle spread through his body as the potion sunk downwards through it, and his surrounding began to very slowly grow up around him. His scalp tingled, and his hair began growing out, and within seconds it was passing his collar.

"Hn..goes down easy, at least." Amir takes off his hat to scratch at his scalp a little bit just when it starts tingling, so the hat isn't in the way when his hair starts on its downward growth. "Okay..not a minor one," he mutters to himself while watching a nearby store's sign crawl upward, "just my luck. Should get it over with.." He takes another mouthful of the concoction and swallows it, leaving maybe half of the liquid in the flask still.

Kether wrote:His eyes light red and his voice takes a hint of menace as all dancing stops,"The problem with that is I can harden my systems.. I do wonder the effect your trick would have on meatbags though with your open nerves. So much.. pain could be caused"

Unless hardening one's systems causes one to suddenly not be made of metal, some weaknesses should still be quite apparent to Melanie. After all, electromagnetism doesn't allow sufficient fine-tuned control to make a robot dance, but it should be able to throw one around. And she can, after all, fire actual bolts of lightning from the staff.

But the robot's speaking of meatbags seems to tickle something in her mind..a thought, an impression perhaps, that the staff just won't kill innocents. Sure, it could zap them, but its power would automatically be scaled down when applied to those who have done no wrong. She's able to use nearly its full power on the robot because of how little injury that much power causes, unless of course Kether has done something terrible recently...
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Re: Unguarded Potions

Postby Legendary Hawk » Sun Jul 28, 2013 9:52 am

The oddity of his changes brings about another icy, nervous chill to Kent's spine. How his clothes and body are shifting is beyond his understanding of natural science. Is he shorter...? Is his body now hairless...? "Why am I so bald...? Ack! My voice!" Kent shuts his mouth quickly. But then his potion warms him up, replacing his fears and doubts once again with a calmed and vaguely cheerful mood. Whatever influence is happening to his mind, he just knows that these changes aren't so bad. He can almost hear a voice speaking without words, telling to just go with the flow, as he continues to guzzle the potion.
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Re: Unguarded Potions

Postby Ookalf » Sun Jul 28, 2013 10:11 pm

*Spotting all the commotion as he rides by on his bike, Ookalf pulls over to investigate. Parking the bike by the sidewalk, he walks up to the cart and looks around.* So... What is this?
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Re: Unguarded Potions

Postby Whatevr89532 » Sun Jul 28, 2013 10:41 pm

Legendary Hawk wrote:The oddity of his changes brings about another icy, nervous chill to Kent's spine. How his clothes and body are shifting is beyond his understanding of natural science. Is he shorter...? Is his body now hairless...? "Why am I so bald...? Ack! My voice!" Kent shuts his mouth quickly. But then his potion warms him up, replacing his fears and doubts once again with a calmed and vaguely cheerful mood. Whatever influence is happening to his mind, he just knows that these changes aren't so bad. He can almost hear a voice speaking without words, telling to just go with the flow, as he continues to guzzle the potion.

Pretty soon the hands holding the potion start to look a little smaller, the fingers slimmer and somehow daintier. Kent's socks, now taking on a dark shade, quickly grow past the bottom of shrinking pants and up the rest of his legs, covering on top of his underwear and joining together into a single piece of clothing. This strange thing, once it fully covers his legs, seems to squeeze them in, actually making them slimmer from the knees down. The underwear, meanwhile, loses its leggings to the no-longer-socks, now holding on by the sides, and tightens up in the middle, meeting not quite as much resistance as Kent might expect. The two holes making up the leggings of his pants join into a single hole, the cloth now circling both legs, and stop getting shorter at the thighs. Vertical pleats form all around the used-to-be-pants, swishing around at the motion of his hips continuing to slowly widen.

His voice sounded rather androgynous last time; the next time he uses it, it'll be in the lower female range, but decidedly girlish. There's only a little bit of the potion left at this point, and the warm, positive feeling seems to be at its strongest now.

Ookalf wrote:*Spotting all the commotion as he rides by on his bike, Ookalf pulls over to investigate. Parking the bike by the sidewalk, he walks up to the cart and looks around.* So... What is this?

Ookalf can see at least two guys in the process of turning into girls--one of them quite far along--and a blonde little girl in a blue dress waving a very electrified-looking rod at Kether the robot, who is in possession of a squirt gun. The cart full of potions doesn't seem to have anyone to answer for it, and for the most part the pedestrians around seem pretty disinterested in both it and the people who evidently chose to drink something out of it.
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Re: Unguarded Potions

Postby Maiden Miki » Mon Jul 29, 2013 12:27 am

"Wh-" said the man as he looked around. He was confused on where the music was coming from. He slowly walked around trying to find the source of it that it was distracting him from the changed that was going on to him. He even rubbed his cloak a bit to just get an idea of if he was actually dreaming or not.
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Re: Unguarded Potions

Postby Harri-chan » Mon Jul 29, 2013 2:10 pm

As it grew, Amir's hair started to lighten in colour. It also got considerably thicker, and more shiny as it spread down passed his shoulders, trailing over his chest and his arms. As he swallowed more of the liquid, the tingling seemed to intensify, and he could feel an invisible force squeezing his waist inwards, the mass seemingly redistributed as his hips pushed outwards, while his butt and thighs swelled in size.

Elliot thought about the offer for a second or two, studying his hand as if it was something she'd never seen before. Nodding her head again, she grasps onto the hand and smiles up at him, and lets out a contented little purring sound.

"Is it far?".

Melanie's eyes narrowed as Kether resisted her attempts at making him dance.

"I'm giving you a choice. Either you pick one of the potions and drink it, or I unleash the full power of my new staff on you".
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Re: Unguarded Potions

Postby Kether » Mon Jul 29, 2013 2:52 pm

Harri-chan wrote:
Melanie's eyes narrowed as Kether resisted her attempts at making him dance.

"I'm giving you a choice. Either you pick one of the potions and drink it, or I unleash the full power of my new staff on you".

He chuckles again, "1 no mouth. and 2 I already got around your staff tricks so, how about you take another sip?"Of course while technically correct as What pointed out nothing in his setup keeps her from magnetically holding him down prying something open and hoping for robotic humiliation.. *
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Re: Unguarded Potions

Postby Legendary Hawk » Mon Jul 29, 2013 2:57 pm

The more he progressively changes, the more Kent can feel his stomach growling ever so strongly at him. In the back of his mind, he feels concerned about the alterations to his clothing by whatever invisible forces are at work. The subtle differences to his own body are also gradually stacking, their combined total summing up to a change that's not so subtle. Regardless, he continues to drink. His concerns are subdued to a nagging feeling somewhere around the border of his mind, while his conscious attention is just telling him drink, drink, drink.

With these next few gulps, Kent nearly polishes off the bottle. As he swallows his beverage, he swirls the bottle around and watches the remaining liquid swish at the bottom.
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Re: Unguarded Potions

Postby Whatevr89532 » Mon Jul 29, 2013 6:04 pm

Maiden Miki wrote:"Wh-" said the man as he looked around. He was confused on where the music was coming from. He slowly walked around trying to find the source of it that it was distracting him from the changed that was going on to him. He even rubbed his cloak a bit to just get an idea of if he was actually dreaming or not.

As he walks around, he has the sense that he's getting closer to the source of the music because it is getting louder. If he happens to walk in a circle or pace in one direction, then another, the illusion will be more obvious, but if he keeps moving in the same direction it seems like it must be coming from there. And the more he listens to it, the more he..likes it. The more it feels like he really must know what that song is. It's just so familiar, and hearing it makes him feel a little better for some reason.

His focus on that sound makes it a little harder to notice that all the other sounds around him are getting a bit clearer and sort of louder to his ears, as their fuzz grows out completely into fur, and they become full-sized, furry triangular ears twitching around at the upper corners of his head. His hair falls past his shoulders and continues on down, its brown color now gaining a reddish tint.

His cloak, despite his continuing loss of height, starts to get shorter, the hem crawling its way up his legs. His pants gently cut off at the thighs, the leggings separating and tightening slightly on his legs so they don't fall down while the upper part starts widening out from the upper legs. His shirt continues to tighten, hugging a slight inward curve his stomach didn't have before.

Harri-chan wrote:As it grew, Amir's hair started to lighten in colour. It also got considerably thicker, and more shiny as it spread down passed his shoulders, trailing over his chest and his arms. As he swallowed more of the liquid, the tingling seemed to intensify, and he could feel an invisible force squeezing his waist inwards, the mass seemingly redistributed as his hips pushed outwards, while his butt and thighs swelled in size.

Amir shudders at all the tingling, finding it a bit uncomfortable. It makes him think of ants crawling around on his skin. He runs a hand through a bit of the hair near the side of his face, not at all used to it being this long. "Hm..outlook's not improving," he mutters as his torso starts shifting sizes. And then he takes another gulp of the potion.

Harri-chan wrote:Elliot thought about the offer for a second or two, studying his hand as if it was something she'd never seen before. Nodding her head again, she grasps onto the hand and smiles up at him, and lets out a contented little purring sound.

"Is it far?".

"Nah, just a block or so," he says, and starts leading her along, not pulling but trying to match her natural pace, however much smaller than his it may be. He seems to grin uncontrollably when looking at her, even when she isn't doing anything funny or even the least bit unusual..which could be unsettling or reassuring, depending on one's disposition. Either way, they do eventually reach a place called "Drab's Cho Shack" which, by the menus taped to the inside of the window, is definitely a seafood place. "This look good?" he asks, waiting for a reply before any attempt is made to lead her inside.

Legendary Hawk wrote:The more he progressively changes, the more Kent can feel his stomach growling ever so strongly at him. In the back of his mind, he feels concerned about the alterations to his clothing by whatever invisible forces are at work. The subtle differences to his own body are also gradually stacking, their combined total summing up to a change that's not so subtle. Regardless, he continues to drink. His concerns are subdued to a nagging feeling somewhere around the border of his mind, while his conscious attention is just telling him drink, drink, drink.

With these next few gulps, Kent nearly polishes off the bottle. As he swallows his beverage, he swirls the bottle around and watches the remaining liquid swish at the bottom.

Kent's loss of height dies off at this point, leaving him about a foot shorter than his original height, and his hair in the back finally stops growing with its leading edge hanging halfway down the skirt his pants turned into. Then all that hair is, as if by invisible but very skilled hands, gently pulled up at the top and tied together into a single neat, if exceptionally long, ponytail. His hips also finish growing out, a good bit wider than they originally were. The top few inches or so of his shirt, including all but two straps over the shoulders, seem to tear off the collar and fold down over his chest, and that bit of clothing starts to reshape itself with a thinner back and a wider front part. The collar turns white and a little thicker and looser, becoming some kind of neck-warmer; the sleeves below the shoulder quickly grow out to his wrists, and small bits of loose cloth attach them to the sides of the shirt they were cut off from before.

With a slight, brief tickle in his throat, Kent's voice goes up, up, up, winding up at a pitch far too high to confuse for masculine, but not squeaky or immature like a child's, either. All of a sudden, a tail bursts out from Kent's lower back, coming out to almost the length of an arm and covered in thick black fur like that of his ears; it moves around all on its own, counterbalancing his body's movements, expressing his emotion, or both; the cheerful warm feeling has it wagging at the start. But its weight is at first very unfamiliar and little hard to manage, and Kent may have trouble staying on his feet for the first few seconds of the new tail's existence.
Last edited by Whatevr89532 on Tue Jul 30, 2013 2:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Unguarded Potions

Postby Maiden Miki » Mon Jul 29, 2013 11:55 pm

"That is actually a pretty good tune," said the man as he was walking straight. He was completely entranced by the music to notice the changes going on to him. If anything, the music was sounding better then it did before. He didn't know that his ears were changing but guess it was because he was getting closer.
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Re: Unguarded Potions

Postby Legendary Hawk » Tue Jul 30, 2013 6:10 am

Kent could feel his spine stretching but payed it not mind until it actually lengthened beyond his body, sprouted fur, and began to wag. "What the...? *cough*" His high-pitched voice caught him off guard, and he tried to cough to clear it. "Eehhhh..." No. It was still too high. Maybe he needed another drink to wash something down. So he took the final sip, polishing off the potion entirely, and then set the empty bottle back on the wagon. His tail continued to wag with delight at the taste of the potion, and he tried to control it - this caused his balance to shift, and he leaned onto the wagon for support.
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Re: Unguarded Potions

Postby Whatevr89532 » Tue Jul 30, 2013 3:05 pm

Legendary Hawk wrote:Kent could feel his spine stretching but payed it not mind until it actually lengthened beyond his body, sprouted fur, and began to wag. "What the...? *cough*" His high-pitched voice caught him off guard, and he tried to cough to clear it. "Eehhhh..." No. It was still too high. Maybe he needed another drink to wash something down. So he took the final sip, polishing off the potion entirely, and then set the empty bottle back on the wagon. His tail continued to wag with delight at the taste of the potion, and he tried to control it - this caused his balance to shift, and he leaned onto the wagon for support.

Thankfully, the cart in question seems to be secured, and Kent's weight not sufficient to break whatever is holding onto it. Not long after drinking the last bit of potion, Kent feels a slight tingle between his legs for just a second or two before her underwear pulls tight against an unfamiliar, flat spot there. Next, her chest suddenly pushes out into the cloth under her shirt, which is in fact a bra, and within just a few seconds she has filled out quite enough there to stretch the top a little bit and give the bottom third of an hourglass figure along with her slim stomach and wide hips.

Something clips onto the hair on the upper-left side of her head--a little flower decoration, actually--and she gets a very brief, very mild headache. After it subsides, her eyes shine a bright tealish color, and she isn't aware of much difference just yet. However, she will find herself having a tendency to do a number of things that wouldn't have occurred to her before, particularly making somewhat canine-like noises (like barking, growling or whining) or gestures (like putting her hands up to 'beg' for something), maybe getting excited and chasing after creatures like birds, squirrels or cats at times. The cheerful, positive feeling from before also takes on more meaning than a mere emotion, expressing itself as a sort of infectious optimism, not overwhelming Kent's original personality and knowledge, but influencing her behavior for sure.

The first thing she might realize, however, after coming to comprehend her new appearance, is that she is still hungry, and can smell meat cooking in the air, maybe even trace the scent to its source with a little concentration...

Maiden Miki wrote:"That is actually a pretty good tune," said the man as he was walking straight. He was completely entranced by the music to notice the changes going on to him. If anything, the music was sounding better then it did before. He didn't know that his ears were changing but guess it was because he was getting closer.

His voice is slightly higher in pitch than before..but it's not quite enough to notice yet. He finds himself involuntarily thinking of how to play the notes the guitar in the song is playing on a guitar..thoughts that are strangely more familiar and accurate than they should be if he doesn't already know how to do that.

His hair grows down to chest level, and maybe an inch more for some strands, and finally stops; its color brightens to the same red as his ears' fur. His hips start to grow out, which forces him to walk a little differently with every bit of width they gain. His hands shift and shrink a bit, the fingers becoming thinner and the nails growing a little longer.

His cloak continues going up, passing the knees and finally stopping a little above the thighs. The leggings of his pants turn into a black cloth and hug his legs tightly, seemingly causing them to slim down; the top part opens up into a skirt, turns pink, and gains pleats all the way around, and it swishes around as he continues to walk. His shirt splits in the middle, now held together there by buttons..but there isn't a button to hold it together near the bottom of his stomach, which allows the two sides to come apart there and show a tiny bit of his midriff.
Last edited by Whatevr89532 on Tue Jul 30, 2013 4:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Unguarded Potions

Postby Harri-chan » Tue Jul 30, 2013 4:06 pm

As he took another gulp, there was a strong pressure on his shoulders, and it felt like something was pressing in on him from both sides, crushing them slightly, leaving them much smaller. The tingle spread down his arms, leaving them thin and smooth. His hands shrunk before his eyes, making his fingers look so delicate, followed by the sudden growth of his fingernails. Inside his pants, he could feel something similar happening to his legs, as it felt like his hips were being pushed upwards, making his torso shorter, leaving his legs longer, and thinner, without him actually getting any taller.

Melanie shrugged her shoulders. She walked back up to the cart, pushed herself onto her tippy toes and pulled down another flask with one hand, before she thrust the staff towards Kether. A surge of electricity crackled from the end of it and engulfed the robot. Once more he felt himself losing control as the strong currents went around his circuitry, and he'd feel his knees buckling...

Elliot peered about at the buildings as they walked, blushing at how much larger everything looked. She blushed particularly brightly as she caught sight of her reflection in the glass windows of the comic book store, one of her regular hangouts. Peering into the little store, she could even see some familiar faces, and quickly hurried her pace until they reached the seafood place. Once the smells reached her nose, she began sniffing, and eagerly nodded her head when asked if it looked good.

"Yeah!", she replied, and this time she was the one going ahead, trying to pull him in through the doors.
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Re: Unguarded Potions

Postby Whatevr89532 » Tue Jul 30, 2013 5:03 pm

Harri-chan wrote:As he took another gulp, there was a strong pressure on his shoulders, and it felt like something was pressing in on him from both sides, crushing them slightly, leaving them much smaller. The tingle spread down his arms, leaving them thin and smooth. His hands shrunk before his eyes, making his fingers look so delicate, followed by the sudden growth of his fingernails. Inside his pants, he could feel something similar happening to his legs, as it felt like his hips were being pushed upwards, making his torso shorter, leaving his legs longer, and thinner, without him actually getting any taller.

Amir winces slightly, then puts the flask down on the cart when his arms start shifting, so it won't make him drop it. He watches for the changes in his upper limbs to end, which of course means watching them change. When it does seem like that part of him has calmed down, he picks the flask up again and swallows a little more of it, leaving behind perhaps a quarter of what was originally in the container.

Harri-chan wrote:Elliot peered about at the buildings as they walked, blushing at how much larger everything looked. She blushed particularly brightly as she caught sight of her reflection in the glass windows of the comic book store, one of her regular hangouts. Peering into the little store, she could even see some familiar faces, and quickly hurried her pace until they reached the seafood place. Once the smells reached her nose, she began sniffing, and eagerly nodded her head when asked if it looked good.

"Yeah!", she replied, and this time she was the one going ahead, trying to pull him in through the doors.

The man chuckles slightly at her eagerness and lets himself be led into the restaurant. He asks for a table for two, and the host asks whether a kid's menu, which apparently doubles as a disposable coloring book, is needed. He looks to Elliot for this decision..coloring does sound kind of fun, doesn't it?
This place has a stage in a central part of the restaurant, within view of the entrance. A five-woman band happens to be playing live right now on said stage, the music being pumped through the whole restaurant's sound system. All of them appear to be pretty normal humans except for the lead guitarist and singer, who looks to be some kind of nine-tailed Kitsune, looking a bit mismatched in jeans and a t-shirt, and sounding even more so singing "Smoke on the Water" in a thick southern accent. Her guitar work and singing are both pretty solid, though.
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Re: Unguarded Potions

Postby Kether » Tue Jul 30, 2013 8:33 pm

Harri-chan wrote:

Melanie shrugged her shoulders. She walked back up to the cart, pushed herself onto her tippy toes and pulled down another flask with one hand, before she thrust the staff towards Kether. A surge of electricity crackled from the end of it and engulfed the robot. Once more he felt himself losing control as the strong currents went around his circuitry, and he'd feel his knees buckling...

Well its not entirely what she intends but random use of electricity, does lock up the joints so she has free play
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