The Transformist: Interest Check/OOC


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Re: The Transformist: Interest Check/OOC

Postby muffinstud » Tue Feb 22, 2011 8:55 pm

I would be willing to be a co-conspirator, if need be.

Name: Carter Hendricks
Gender: Male
Age: 30
Appearance: Average height, very muscular, light tan. Brown hair in a buzz cut, clean shaven. Brown eyes. Likes to wear camo pants or baggy cargo khakis. Almost always wearing a muscle shirt or tank top. Has a large nose and a unibrow, but other than that has no real defining facial features.
Personality: Carter lives to work. He lays concrete foundations for a couple of contractors in the city, and when he's not doing that, he lives in the gym. His strength and experience allow him to do the work usually done by 3 men. He's currently working to pay off rent and his mother's medical bills. He's rather gruff, not willing to share his personal life with anyone. To relax, he tinkers on his '75 Dodge Charger.
Magic: None
Changes Log: none so far

Preferred Physical Changes: Anything but the below
Hated Physical Changes: Overly large breasts, AR to 8yrs or less, AP to old age, inanimate, full animal(tail and ears are okay, no muzzles though)
Comfort Zone of Mental Changes: pretty much anything, as long as it's subtle
Mental Changes I Cannot/Will Not Play: bimbo, lesbian
Magic Preference: Nothing overly powerful, I prefer defensive/support/healing type stuff
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Re: The Transformist: Interest Check/OOC

Postby Whatevr89532 » Fri Mar 04, 2011 11:24 pm

Sorry I keep disappearing every other week or so..Carter is good; I'm going to try and get the wheels rolling again with an IC post tomorrow morning.
The whole conspirator idea was based on the somewhat optimistic hope that several people would join; if there end up only being three or four characters about I may only need someone else to do my own character...but I would still be very happy to have help.
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Re: The Transformist: Interest Check/OOC

Postby Windyuki » Sat Mar 05, 2011 12:21 am

If it's not to late to join:

Name: Tim Sutton
Gender: Male
Age: 17

Appearance: With his hair died bright purple and spiked up constantly, Tim's a pretty hardcore punk. He likes tattoos and has a lot, usually of masculine images. He thinks the one on the back of his hand is the kanji for "Warrior" but it actually reads "Princess" He's not exactly the smartest tool in the shed, or at least not the most thoughtful.

Personality: Tim's an aspiring rocker, a delinquent and a drop out. He's one step away from becoming a petty criminal or getting a record deal and already looks the part. It's rare to find him not smoking, and he thinks the fact that he doesn't need a lighter to make fire just makes him the coolest thing since sliced bread. At the same time, he is a pretty talented basist, gets along well with his bandmates and certainly makes a small sum doing live performances. (Screaming Blender Kitty has yet to record an album, but they're starting to get noticed.)

Magic: Small facility with pyrokinesis.
Changes Log: none so far

Preferred Physical Changes: Female, attractive, dramatically different from the starting conditions in social status/expected demeanor/whatever, just so long as it's not "Female version of old self" or anything close to that. CEO to maid, or the reverse could be interesting.
Irony is also good. Something that subverts or interacts with the character's past rather than ignoring it completely.

Hated Physical Changes: AR to 11yrs or less, More than a little AP, inanimate, full animal(tail and ears are okay)

Comfort Zone of Mental Changes: pretty much anything, amusing compulsions are quite fun to play out, anything that forces more burden on the character to confront her new situation is good.

Mental Changes I Cannot/Will Not Play: Absolute idiot or otherwise mentally handicapped individual. (Psychotic is fine.)

Magic Preference: Alteration stuff is good. Mental stuff is also good. So long as it's not direct physical confrontation type stuff.
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Re: The Transformist: Interest Check/OOC

Postby Whatevr89532 » Mon Mar 14, 2011 3:32 pm

This RP's never too late to join, at least that's the plan. Tim is accepted.

And yes, I am about 10 days later than I said I would be. Sorry for making things move in a manner that resembles a glacier...
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Re: The Transformist: Interest Check/OOC

Postby Zilla » Mon Mar 21, 2011 9:06 pm

I didn't know this was open-enrollment! It looks fantastic so far, and I would love helping out if needed. I also have a passion for slow TF's.

I'm considering a doozy of a character. It will definitely be a challenge for myself, but after seeing how the RP has been going so far, I think it might work... It might be a little intense though. PM-ing you about it.

Edit: Character post.

Name: Jason (Jamie) Fitz
Gender: Male (Female)
Age: 17

Appearance: As a guy, Jason has long, unkempt brown hair. He has thick glasses. He's tall (5'11"), thin, and lanky. He generally does little in the way of grooming aside from showering every day.
Jamie is a bit of a different story. She retains the glasses and physical stature, but she definitely cares about her appearance. Her long hair is brushed straight, sometimes kept in a braid or done up in a punky style. She wears inserts on her chest and hips to help her figure look more feminine, but she doesn't want to try too hard, so the sizes are very moderate. She wears light makeup and dresses rather casually, but feminine (girl jeans, girl t-shirts, etc.)

Personality: Jason is trans, and still nervous about it. He's just come to realize that this is a very strong part of who he is, and he is scared of what his friends and family would think. He puts on a mask to cover his emotions up, and so he can seem a little tempermental, especially when he gets teased about his somewhat girly appearance. He's generally nice and compassionate, and stands up for his friends, even though he has a hard time standing up for himself. He's a little socially awkward, usually due to how he tries to hide his feelings. He's quite intelligent, though he's unmotivated, largely due to his subconscious belief that HE doesn't deserve to be good at something.
As Jamie, she is able to loosen up. She doesn't have to hide her feelings, and since she often has to repress them as Jason, they often gush out of her like a shaken soda can. She's still very nervous, but the freedom she feels in being able to be herself often supersedes that fear. She's slowly accepting who she is, and is trying to build up the courage to tell her friends and family.

Magic?: Potential, but doesn't know it. May discover it after the TF.

Changes Log: (updates to this are purely optional on the part of the player)

Preferred Physical Changes: TG (a little obviously), perhaps a little embarrassingly excessively. While the pre-TF "Jamie" is moderate, perhaps the TF pushes her past her comfort zone, as she tries to cope with "getting what she wished for." As a player, I like plenty of different TF's, but this one kind of has it's own story that it sets up for.

Hated Physical Changes: anything that brings the character out of a 5-25 age range, fully animal TF's.
Comfort Zone of Mental Changes: Any. I like compulsions, especially subtle ones. Generally, subtlety is amazingly fun to play, especially if it pushes in a direction.
Mental Changes I Cannot/Will Not Play: None.
Magic Preference: Not immediately, but perhaps developed.
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Re: The Transformist: Interest Check/OOC

Postby Whatevr89532 » Mon Mar 21, 2011 10:54 pm

As discussed, character is fine; feel free to post IC.

(The Transformist is occupied with Carter right now, and can only interact with one person at a time, in case some others were wondering. Your turns will come; feel free to post your character doing more stuff while waiting for them)
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Re: The Transformist: Interest Check/OOC

Postby Zilla » Wed Mar 23, 2011 12:54 am

Regarding the time issue, I wasn't saying Jason would be leaving for the day, it was a mid-day period that ended roughly at 12:30. I was planning on moving forward with his lunch plans, or a free period, in an open campus that would allow him to leave when class wasn't scheduled.
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Re: The Transformist: Interest Check/OOC

Postby Whatevr89532 » Wed Mar 23, 2011 10:30 pm

Ah, okay. Sorry for the confusion.

(Brain's dead, can't write now, will try to get a post up some other day of this week)
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Re: The Transformist: Interest Check/OOC

Postby Zilla » Fri Apr 01, 2011 9:43 am

Do you need any help or backups?
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Re: The Transformist: Interest Check/OOC

Postby Whatevr89532 » Sun Apr 03, 2011 6:46 pm

Right now, I have ideas and plans for all four existing characters. The plans beyond the tfs themselves, however, don't really go terribly far and will sort of depend on what the characters do. If I start to feel especially swamped I might ask if someone can take over handling one or two of them that isn't their own character.

Sometime, maybe when I'm not so busy IRL, I'll want to make a character myself and let someone else handle the TF. If another person happens to join in the intervening period, I'll probably ask for someone else to do it just so I'm not overloading myself...
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Re: The Transformist: Interest Check/OOC

Postby Whatevr89532 » Thu Apr 21, 2011 9:01 pm

Really sorry about being so slow. I know if I wasn't running this I'd think the owner was dangerously close to abandoning it.

I have to be honest, I'm getting hung up on Karen's plot mostly because I know absolutely nothing about how police stuff works, and this ignorance bothers me way, way more than it probably should.
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Re: The Transformist: Interest Check/OOC

Postby Harri-chan » Fri Apr 22, 2011 1:41 am

Sorry! We can move on from this. Cop was just her job, her plot doesn't need to revolve around it. I'm really, really sorry :(
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Re: The Transformist: Interest Check/OOC

Postby Zilla » Sat Apr 23, 2011 4:36 am

I suppose that's my fault for calling the police XD.

I know it sucks to break verisimilitude or what have you, but maybe the dispatcher is a rookie and makes some mistakes? XD
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Re: The Transformist: Interest Check/OOC

Postby Whatevr89532 » Sat Apr 23, 2011 9:40 pm

Eh, it's not really anyone's fault but my own. Putting way too much stock in trying to be realistic in an RP about people being transformed by a powerful mage.

The delay wasn't entirely that though, there was some real life stuff in the way too. As usual, I guess you could say. Summer should be better.
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Re: The Transformist: Interest Check/OOC

Postby Lanzerus » Sun Apr 24, 2011 10:32 pm

Name:Azander Dreight
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Appearance: Tall, Skinny, blond hair, blue eyes
Personality: Quiet Reserved, Intelligent to the point some social interaction is hindered.
Magic?: yes, basic telekinetic based magic
Changes Log: (updates to this are purely optional on the part of the player)

Preferred Physical Changes:Gender, AR (to an extent)
Hated Physical Changes: AR below 5 (not hated, just hard to RP), Animal/Animal Parts
Comfort Zone of Mental Changes: Little suggestion, Some memory tampering.
Mental Changes I Cannot/Will Not Play: Major personality change, changes in intelligence
Magic Preference: changes to full range of low level element magic

((This is all if it isn't too late to join o'course.))
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