The Transformist: Interest Check/OOC


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Re: The Transformist: Interest Check/OOC

Postby Miku-chan » Mon Dec 13, 2010 3:24 pm

Defiantly still interested in being a conspirator, and will have at least two characters up later tonight when I have access to the laptop and Internet signal
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Re: The Transformist: Interest Check/OOC

Postby Shy Shay » Mon Dec 13, 2010 4:42 pm


Name: Dan (Danny to his friends)

Gender: Male

Age: 22-23

Appearance: Tall, a good 5' 11''. He isn't that athletic, but he isn't fat. He usually wears a nice cottan T-shirt, sometimes black and sometimes white, and rarely a synthetic shirt with a tiger on it. He tends to wear kahki's with some comfy, but not ugly, shoe's. He generally gives off the air of a relaxed proffesional.

Personality: He's more of a goofball then he looks; he likes being lazy and playing games. He lives off of some songs that he occasionally writes; he's pretty talented, too. Of course, whenever he can he does not do anything resembling work and instead just goofs off around home.

Magic?: Yes, limited social magic. He isn't aware of it, but it helps him get dates.

Changes Log: None yet.


Preferred Physical Changes: Mmmm... something sexy and elegant, like a high-class business women.

Hated Physical Changes: Do not go below 18 in AR, period. I'd also prefer to stay young and attractive. Animal ears/tails are fine.

Comfort Zone of Mental Changes: In this case, I'd like a kind of industrious and proffesional lady, the kind that can work to the top but is more then willing to sleep there. I'm fine with some more animalistic tendancies if she gets animal features, like going into heat or 'Nya'ing. Of course I don't mind if she goes into heat even without animal changes...

Mental Changes I Cannot/Will Not Play: No mental re-writes, not like that's possible anyway in this RP (for which I am greatfull). No great loss of mental maturity and no great evil impulses; a bit is fine, but not too much. If she gets animal features then some animalistic traits are fine, like going into heat or 'Nya'-ing. I'd also prefer to avoid my characger getting even lazier then he is already.

Magic Preference: I'd prefer her social magic to get stronger; not too much, but enough to recognize it and cast some minor spells.
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Re: The Transformist: Interest Check/OOC

Postby Harri-chan » Tue Dec 14, 2010 8:54 am

I have a question. Let's say a woman character if mine became a victim and got younger, perhaps turned into a teen or little girl. Would other things in the world change around her? I noticed you said clothes would not, and quite liked the idea of nothing else changing. So intend of going home to find her parents expecting their teen daughter who has a bunch of teen friends and all that, she has to try and avoid her adult friends who expect get to be adult, make excuses for not showing at work, and deal with other responsibilities while trying to avoid those she knows finding out what happened? And you'd have the other side of things, like how would she explain living alone if people notice? She might get taken in, get sent to school etc as they think she's a real child.

I'd like to do a character this way if possible? My idea was something along the lines of a cop that maybe tries giving the Transformist a speeding ticket or something? Then she's left with a bunch of stuff to do like get clothes that fit, trying to get home, trying to avoid her bosses finding out she's not been doing her job, trying to stop her friends coming over for dinner that evening etc :)
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Re: The Transformist: Interest Check/OOC

Postby Whatevr89532 » Tue Dec 14, 2010 4:54 pm

I haven't properly articulated a few things, I this is a response to Harri's question here and to a couple of other question PMs I've received, answered publicly here so that hopefully everyone will know what's going on.
First to answer Harri's question: As I probably should have clearly stated, the Transformist can't alter reality itself, so the changes each person undergoes must be dealt with by the society around them; their friends, family, etc. That's part of what I hope will make this RP interesting. And, the Transformist is able to alter a person's clothes, but only those made of organic materials such as cotton that they had on at the time that he affected them. So it may well be necessary for a lot of characters to buy new clothes or such. Long answer short: The ideas mentioned in the above post would be perfectly fine/entirely doable in this RP.
Second, it's pretty much up to the player whether they want their character to have magic before and/or after the change: if you want your character to be a normal human who's just affected by magic the one time and has a change imposed on them that's fine; if you want your character to be a powerful mage who loses their magic that's fine; and so on through every possible combination of magic and no magic.
Third, the Transformist's basic motive. It's probably useful information for conspirators, although I'll probably be the one actively playing him/her most of the time. It's not terribly complex: he simply gets pleasure out of imposing and watching changes in others; observing how they deal with it, etc. In some ways he also believes himself to be helping the world, introducing more people to the wonderful aspects of magic, but the personal pleasure is the thing that keeps him doing it. I'll freely admit I have no biographical or psychological reason for him to find that particularly enjoyable as of yet, but that too may come with time.

Okay, and the other business for this post: Shay's character is accepted.
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Re: The Transformist: Interest Check/OOC

Postby Harri-chan » Tue Dec 14, 2010 5:06 pm


Name: Karen Eclair

Gender: Female

Age: 28-29

Appearance: Karen is a little taller than average for a woman, with a slim, but curvy figure. She has deeply tanned skin and thick brown hair that curls naturally, and deep brown eyes. Her face is quite narrow, but pretty. Her breasts aren't huge, but nice enough. Her legs are what usually draws the attention first, long and shapely, with a tight little bottom at the top of them.

Personality: Karen's job is her life. Her Father was a Police Officer, and for as long as she could remember she'd wanted to do the same. Her drive to be a success at the job is phenomenal, which causes a little resentment amongst her fellow Officers as her high work rate often puts them to shame, and even her friends, who she refuses to let off for even small offences such as speeding tickets. She does go out and have fun with her friends, but she's always responsible, and always upholds the law.

Magic?: No.

Changes Log: None yet.


Preferred Physical Changes: Age Regression, anything from about 14 down (edited to give more freedom in the target age). I'd also like for it to be a fairly quick TF. Not an instant one, but not one that takes hours either. I like the suprise factor. I know this isn't really part of the change, but I like the idea that some of her co-workers and friends would likely find it quite funny should they find out. Her co-workers especially as she's so good at get job, she makes them look bad!

Hated Physical Changes: I'd prefer to avoid animal parts and TG.

Comfort Zone of Mental Changes: I don't mind little tweaks and such, as long as she still knows exactly what her situation is and how embarrassing it is to have gone from woman to child.

Mental Changes I Cannot/Will Not Play: Can't really think of anything as full mental rewrites are already out.

Magic Preference: I'd prefer this character to have no magic at all, but might try it with another character in time.
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Re: The Transformist: Interest Check/OOC

Postby Ookalf » Thu Dec 23, 2010 10:26 pm

Name: Pat Bishop

Gender: Male

Age: 23

Appearance: Pat has dark brown hair of a shortish length, as well as green eyes. He tends to dress very casually, with plain t-shirts and pants.

Personality: Pat is essentially an ordinary guy, trying to get through life and college with a job at the local grocery store. He tries to be polite to everyone whenever possible, but nothing really special or magical has ever happened to him...

Magic?: None.

Changes Log: (updates to this are purely optional on the part of the player)


Preferred Physical Changes: I'm fond of monsters/demons or animal parts, but they aren't necessary.

Hated Physical Changes: Infants or the elderly. I'd prefer not to be too young or too old, guess. Young-ish kids, teens, adults, all okay.

Comfort Zone of Mental Changes: Basically, anything but what's written below.

Mental Changes I Cannot/Will Not Play: Anything that'd completely overwrite his personality or memory.

Magic Preference: Still none.
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Re: The Transformist: Interest Check/OOC

Postby Whatevr89532 » Thu Dec 23, 2010 11:49 pm

*Jerks awake* Whoa! Where've I been anyway?
Okay, those two are accepted; Ookalf, I've a question. Your magic preference says "still none" and I assume you mean you want your character to still have no magical powers, though it's possible you meant no preference the context implies the former. Hypothetically, though, if he became some sort of demon that would probably come with a power or two? It doesn't have to though, I guess.

Erm, yeah, anyway. Definitely confirmed conspirators are now me, Shay, and Miku so we'll do them in that order I guess. I'll handle Shay's character, Shay can do Harri's, and Miku can do Ookalf's provided Miku is still around(?). Any objections to that arrangement?
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Re: The Transformist: Interest Check/OOC

Postby Ookalf » Thu Dec 23, 2010 11:56 pm

Whatevr89532 wrote:*Jerks awake* Whoa! Where've I been anyway?
Okay, those two are accepted; Ookalf, I've a question. Your magic preference says "still none" and I assume you mean you want your character to still have no magical powers, though it's possible you meant no preference the context implies the former. Hypothetically, though, if he became some sort of demon that would probably come with a power or two? It doesn't have to though, I guess.

I meant the former, but on second thought, I think I'd be okay if he ended up with some kind of power.
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Re: The Transformist: Interest Check/OOC

Postby Shy Shay » Fri Dec 24, 2010 6:19 pm

Nonesense! I'm glad to be a part of it! ^^
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Re: The Transformist: Interest Check/OOC

Postby Whatevr89532 » Wed Jan 19, 2011 9:04 pm

Ugh, sorry I disappeared for awhile there, things got busy in real life and whatnot...
Anyway, time for a bit of an assessment..Miku has apparently been having troubles, and Shay hasn't shown up on the forums at all since late December. I may have to take over their duties if they don't show up in a little while, and if they actually drop out as conspirators I need to find others somehow, but only if more join than the 3 characters we have now (well, 2 if Shay doesn't reappear I guess). I counted 3 people who said they were interested but seemingly decided against actually joining. I'm willing to carry on anyway, and hope some others will appear; sorry for the massive delays all around.
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Re: The Transformist: Interest Check/OOC

Postby Blindsense » Wed Jan 19, 2011 11:07 pm

I'm still interested, just kinda not sure what I want to do yet... :P Sorry 'bout that.
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Re: The Transformist: Interest Check/OOC

Postby Whatevr89532 » Sat Feb 12, 2011 8:19 pm

Okay, yeah, I need to quit disappearing for weeks on end.
Anyone still interested in doing this thing?
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Re: The Transformist: Interest Check/OOC

Postby Ookalf » Sat Feb 12, 2011 8:21 pm

I'm still in.
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Re: The Transformist: Interest Check/OOC

Postby Harri-chan » Sun Feb 13, 2011 3:21 am

I'm very interested!
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Re: The Transformist: Interest Check/OOC

Postby muffinstud » Mon Feb 21, 2011 9:01 pm

Gimme a day to think up a character, and I'd like in on this as well.
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