Burnt on Notice


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Burnt on Notice

Postby Zoey » Wed Aug 25, 2010 10:18 pm

[Making this post/thread I got struck with alot of inspiration so, I added alot of info that should rather be in the sign up. So Im alowing to make changes to the sign ups if so desired. ]

Organization ORB. A mass of the best intelligence officers, spys and who knows that else in the world. An organization run independantly from any nation, but funded by worlds nations. Their mission is to keep maniacs out of power and insure everyone and everything is safe and where they belong. Its been almost 60 years since their foundation because of the Cold War and in that time have built up a very respected reputation with a very little frame of lost missions.

Entering ORB is no easy feat. Only the best of the best are chosen to be brougt in. Recruiters walk the whole world looking around for talented individuals who have proven they have the courage and the skill to be ORB worthy. Upon finding a candidate, the regions recruiter will make a full background check on the individual. Being ORB means that you have access to basically all info about people, of course only the most trustworthy are given this honor of freely being able to know and anyone in the world. If the recruiter is given the green light, he will contact the individual personally. They are never given the whole story, but enough to get them interested. If the individual accepts, they are taken to ORB headquarters, centered in the San Juan fault line in the Carribean. The trip there is never disclosed to the recruit so they dont know where they go. After being given a gautlet to prove their worthiness to ORB they are formally inducted into the organization receiveing all the benefits. Of course, the new recruits start at the lowest of ranks.

Noobie/ Rookie - This is the first rank. You can't rise above this rank in under a year of time. This is also the probation state, where agents are still under survailance for anything shady. They are given D rank missions usually those assosiated with protection of data and valuables.

ORB Agent - The most abundant class. These could be considered the grunts of the organization spanning from hackers, spy's, double agents, everything. These have access to many weapons and info as required and given permission to by the head brass. They often work in groups.

Master - Those who go behond the call of duty and show incredible finess and courage to get the job done. These are the elite and are fewer in number. They are more independant and usual run solo.

Warlocks - A special rank only attainable by the best hackers in the probably galaxy. This small group of people are masters of their computer and rarely leave the base. They are assigned Agents, Noobies/Rookies and sometimes Masters. They are the Otakon to the Snake. They are vital to mission success, providing situation info and such to their "client". It is not odd for Warlocks to work in groups. Warlocks are also entrusted to keep an eye on the Nin Class, however they rarely if ever work with the Nin's.

Nin- A special rank given to those who have shown incredible skill in the art of assassination. This is by far the emptiest of the classes. Only THE best of the best manage to attain this rank. They are given the freedom to kill anyone they think is a threat and given alot of freedom. However they are still monitored by the warlocks to keep this powerful class in check.

Levi - Those who are in command of missions. They are most if not all, seniors. Their bodies too old for the harshness of the field, yet their knowledge is invaluable. They work side by side with the Cheif and they give out the missions. They also have the power to take down the Cheif from power if mayority rule so.

Cheif- The big guy. The head honcho. El Papi. The guy that gives the orders. A rank only attained to those who the retiring cheif selects or if the Levi inpeach the Cheif and choose someone else. The most respected class in ORB.

As per ORB regulations. Operatives are never given full mission info at the begginging. They are given a location and when called upon, they will recieve their info and start the mission. They are never given the information of additional opperatives in the area unless deemed important. Opperatives are too focus on the mission at all times.

Its September 26, 2010. Pari, France... 10:00pm

Her location: Standing by next to a bridge overlooking a convention center next to it an old museum.
Sarah's comlink sparks to life: "Mission start, clear out the guards at the Le' orchet restaurant. There are security devices there aswell. Take them out before prodecing to the museum.

Location: Minet tribute statue.
His comlink spark to life: "Mission start. Infultrate Gran Jionavi Museum, upmost stleath needed. Point of entry: North east entrace. Warning: Heavy security".

Location: 10000 feet in the air, Airship type: Hercules.
Hs comlink sparks to life: "Disable Grab Jionavi meseums internal defense systems. Afterwards infultrate and recover Master Hard Drive containing "Censored" information. Little to no gaurd resistance expected".

(This whole first page is subject to change, so dont worry. First make the correct changes to your character if you want and posted them in the sign up. If you think those changes werent that vital continue on here. If you think they are tell me and Ill change your characters position. Its my fault for getting motivated so late to come up with such info XD )
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: Burnt on Notice

Postby Harri-chan » Thu Aug 26, 2010 1:47 am

Sarah had been admiring the reflection of the lights on the surface of the river when her comlink came to her with orders. Pressing her finger to her ear, she murmured, "Going in... ". Considering she'd spent most of the evening waiting for the mission to start by dining in the fancy restaurant she was now about to wipe out the security of, she'd come dressed for the occasion, in a sleek, black silk cocktail dress, with thin straps over each shoulder to hold it up, leaving her arms bare, a generous amount of cleavage showing, and then flowed down to just short of knee length. She wore light-make up, a little lip gloss and eyeshadow, and ofcourse wore the finest French perfume. On her feet were expensive looking black heels, but with a sight, she lifted her feet up one at a time, and removed the shoes, tossing them over the wall to plummet into the river with a splash.

Climbing onto the wall along the bridge, she leaps across onto the glass roof of the convention center, hoping that nobody down there would be watching as she ran across across it before sliding over the edge and rapidly working her way down a drainage pipe. When she was just a dozen or so feet above the ground, she paused, looking down to see one of the guards on patrol walking along the alley that she was hanging above. Watching him, she waited as he came closer, and closer... and then, when he was right beneath her, she let go of the pipe and fell, landing on the guard's shoulders, sending him to the ground, and gave the back of his head an extra push to bounce his forehead against the stone of the alleyway to knock him out. Sitting on his back in her expensive cocktail dress, she began to rummage through the guard's equipment.
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Re: Burnt on Notice

Postby Knight Errant » Thu Aug 26, 2010 11:24 pm

James leans forward off of the statue he had been leaning against as he hears his go ahead. He dusts off his suit and looks around. The Museum should be closed or nearing closing... which should help him somewhat.

He heads over to his target entrance. And after looking around carefully, sends a scrambling pulse from his palm to deactivate the alarm on the door. From there... it was child's play to pick the lock and quickly slip in. He quickly closes the door and slips behind a large suit of armor. Only then did he go to his comm.

"Museum infiltrated. Awaiting orders."
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Re: Burnt on Notice

Postby Vomica » Fri Aug 27, 2010 1:17 am

Looking up at the ceiling of the craft for a moment, he looks to be meditating. Letting the rhythmical roar of the two powerful engines lull him into a semi-trance. Finally his com crackles to life, and with that he brings his head into the normal position -- parallel with the ground. As his orders are read off, he murmurs to himself "...hmm. ...they must have others going in if I am only to sabotage and retrieve data." He stands up, "...but it's not place to question the higher ups." Done with his self-narration, he stands up with a stretch. Doing a once over of his equipment, he makes his way to the cargo door. Sliding his dive goggles into place, a small grin creeps onto his face "...clear nights are always great for a dive." With that, he hits the button that opens the loading door... and drops off from the plane. Passing into the inky black abyss below, like the wind over a dark meadow.

The air rushes past his face, the cold air biting into his face -- the only exposed part of his body. Stretching his limbs out, the webbing of his glide suit kicks in, and he guides himself towards the site. The ten thousand feet quickly passes, since he has reached terminally velocity. In a race to greet the falling man, the surface of the Earth looms ever bigger! Just before the moment the planet and the tiny speck of a person compared to side planet become one... a chute is pulled. Matthews descent slows down abruptly. His velocity nears zero, as the dark chute snatches the air behind it. Slowly, ever so slowly now, he touches down on the museum's roof -- having safely navigated the jump. He cuts himself free from the chute, and looks around.
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Re: Burnt on Notice

Postby Zoey » Wed Sep 01, 2010 10:12 am

Sarah: Would find nothing outstanding apart from some knifes. They dont seem to carry ID's which is odd. However, her little battle was seen by others. Guards poured out from every other place imaginable like the kitchen door, bathroom, halls and more in the restaurant pointing guns at her. "Woah, guys. I think we found us a pretty present tonight" commented a man wearing a tuxedo. Now that you mention it, all the men were very well dressed in tuxedos kinda looking like a mob. "Now shut up and come with us quietly" said another man.

James: James would find hes only getting static. At the same time 2 policemen guards walk dangeriously close to the area. They wore standered blue italian cop uniforms."Hey Alejandro, you'd ever get the feeling we're being watched?" asked the left cop his companion in a very steriotypical manner. Additionally James would find himself in the medival section of the meseum. Its a bit lackluster compared to others, its a rather small section. Next would be the prehistoric section.

Mathew: "To your far right you'll find the meseums main antena. Cut off all communication" said the warlock in his comm. If Mathew would look he would indeed find a rather large attena, a fuse box locked my chain and lock. The attena looked like a large groups of pipes the base filled with cables some which entered the fuse box. However, most strangest of all there seemed to be an automated gun torrent hidden to the far left. As if protecting the attena... but why? Isnt this a normal meseum?
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: Burnt on Notice

Postby Vomica » Fri Sep 03, 2010 11:45 pm

Matthew makes a slight wince at the sentry gun. An automated defense system has far more vigilance then any human... however the flaw, with any machine, is they are static in logic. Once programmed for a task, the code embedded in them is all they have. If you know the system, you can outsmart the system. Murmuring under his breath, "...normal museum or not... I got orders." He glances around, seeing that the coast is relatively clear, he weighs his options.

Being as something, or someone, might be distracting the guards -- Matthew might have some tight! He mutters to himself, "...the sentry must have some sort of identification system on it other then it's targeting... and is it motion sensor? Heat detecting? Hmm..." Not wanting to find out what it is, he navigates his way out of range of the gun... then skulks beyond it's field of vision. Once there, he attempts to splice the wires to short circuit it. If the gun is tamper proof... well he has some thermite on him. It's flashy, but it should disable the gun.
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Re: Burnt on Notice

Postby Knight Errant » Sat Sep 04, 2010 1:06 am

James tries to boost his signal... now wasnt the time for a wash of static. But he couldnt very well stand there all day. He waits until the cops pass... then sticking to the shadows, he slips along the wall and into the next section of the museum. Meanwhile, he works on hacking into the security grid of the museum wirelessly. He interferes with any nearby cameras... causing them to loop old footage for a few moments as he passes by them.

He also keeps an eye out for motion sensors, trips, and of course... more guards.
O Muse!
Sing in me, and through me tell the story
Of that man skilled in all the ways of contending,
A wanderer, harried for years on end...

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Re: Burnt on Notice

Postby Harri-chan » Mon Sep 06, 2010 3:15 am

Sarah left the knives on the unconcious guard and rose to her feet just as another guard came out of a door from the kitchen and into the alleyway. She started to lift her dress to grab the gun strapped to her thigh when others started to pour out and aim guns at her. Hoping to keep the gun hidden, she smoothed the dress back down, putting her hands up over her head and smiled. "Hello, boys. I was just looking for the bathroom. Perhaps you could help me?".
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Re: Burnt on Notice

Postby Zoey » Tue Sep 21, 2010 9:45 am

Sarah: The group leader laughed as Sarah tried to be funny. The guards quickly grabed Sarah's arm. "Hey guys, we got a comedian" he said as he hit Sarah over the head with the butt of his AK-47 is a quick motion. Sarah would eventually wake up with a splitting headache and in what seemed a metal cage inside the meseum warehouse in the lowest level. Along with the room being very dark there were boxes around and 4 guards keeping the place secured, though they were wearing police uniforms and Sarah would find all her weapons gone.

James: Oddly enough appart from that everything was going along like clockwork. Maybe the mission wasn't as hard as he thought or maybe he was THAT good. James would find himself in the Alexander the great section of the meseum. The cameras were taken care of, yet there was a very annoying lazer grid. It was either the grid or going around the mesuem wasting time to try to find another entrance. No guard were posted, yet there was a strange camera with a blinking green light keeping guard.

Matthew:Thankfully the guns were easily short circuited, giving him the access he so wanted, but at the cost of some valuable time. Additionally once the guns went offline a rather audible beeping sound could be heard, but nothing else as the gun feel silent. However the threat was still looming of guards hearing it.
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: Burnt on Notice

Postby Vomica » Tue Sep 21, 2010 12:18 pm

Matthew's face pales, he groans "...they would have redundant safe guards? Wouldn't they!?" Resisting the urge to run around in circles flailing his arms about like wet noodles, he goes to secure the antenna. Darting over to the large radar dish, he slides over to it.

Removing any paneling he can pull off with the crow bar he keeps in his gear, he quickly scans for any large wires or circuit boards. He feels pressed for time, what with the beeping going, and his own safety is important... that of the mission. He has to finish this objective!

If not... well the previously mentioned thermite will take the dish out alright. Hopefully he has enough time for the guards! He isn't equipped for a fire fight.
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Re: Burnt on Notice

Postby Knight Errant » Tue Sep 21, 2010 11:13 pm

James pauses, looking around... then decides to go for the direct approach. First he fires a low velocity paint pellet into the eye of the green camera to blind it with black paint. Then he fires a grapple into one of the ceiling supports, pulling himself up and over the laser grid and across the room!
O Muse!
Sing in me, and through me tell the story
Of that man skilled in all the ways of contending,
A wanderer, harried for years on end...

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Re: Burnt on Notice

Postby Harri-chan » Wed Sep 22, 2010 1:27 am

Sarah woke with a groan, reaching up to rub the back of her head, feeling a lump there. The next issue of discomfort was the hard floor she was sprawled across, and looking up, she gasped as she saw she was behind bars... and in a cage. Tugging her cocktail dress, she climbed onto her knees and crawled to the bars, peering out into the dark room at the four guards in police uniforms. Keeping silent, she started to search around the cage if there was any lock she could reach.
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