Interest Poll

What's the poll you want to ask?

a) Something serious.
b) Something awesome.
c) Something silly.

Moderator: Moderators

Read the proposal below and choose the option(s) which best reflect your interest in it.

Poll ended at Sat Jun 05, 2010 10:52 am

1/10 - A game like that just wouldn't be appealing for me.
No votes
2/10 - It might be worth trying, at least for a bit.
No votes
3/10 - While I have some reservations about the implementation I would like to play a TF RPG.
4/10 - Hey, that might be pretty neat.
5/10 - Even without graphics, depending on the quality of the writing it could be quite fun.
6/10 - I love games and I love TF, while I wish it had graphics I'd still like it for sure.
7/10 - That's a great idea, something we could really enjoy here.
8/10 - I'm looking forward to it already!
9/10 - This will be awesome!
No votes
10/10 - *You chain me to my computer*. "The real question is - how soon before you finish and I let you see daylight again?"
No votes
I think you should just stick to captions.
No votes
I think you should just stick to stories.
No votes
Total votes : 16

Interest Poll

Postby Queen Octavia » Sat May 22, 2010 10:52 am

The Proposal:

How interested would you be in a text based (IE no graphics) RPG with a TF theme with a large about of humor and randomness (For replayability) but not much structure (IE a plot, setting and characters) provided in the form of a .exe file (Because it would be written in C)?

Why a poll:

I could have a lot of fun making the game, but it would be a lot of work so I don't think I would have the commitment to see it through to completion without some enthusiasm/encouragement from others.

More about the game:

There would be many "forms" which would be like classes in a more traditional RPG. Each form can change to a few other forms, like how in final fantasy a squire might change into a knight. However, unlike most games with class systems, you don't get progress from weakest class to strongest class. Some forms are better than others, and there's a lot of backtracking. The two forms you can start with are "ordinary boy" and "ordinary girl". Also, while you have some control over how you change forms, you don't have complete control.

Here are some examples of form progression with the forms I have so far:

Ordinary Girl->Ordinary Boy->Bishounen->Romantic Foil->Infant->Ordinary Girl->Ordinary Boy->Infant->Super Toddler->Damsel

Each TF has a description of the change which has some random elements so that is a little different each time. Making these as flavorful as possible while keeping them coherent will be the greatest challenge of making the game for me, and where a lot of the work will be.

Your character will have a set of base stats which will increase upon level up and when every time you get a TF. When you level up your form determines your stat growth. Also, each form multiplies your base stats by a certain value to determine your current stats. For instance being TFd to an infant would lower your base intelligence and being TFd into a swordsman would raise your base strength. The infant form has very bad base stat multipliers so while in it your character is quite weak, however the values for base stat growth are above average so after you gain a few levels and change forms you lose the crummy stat multipliers a baby has and gain the better ones of a different form so you gain a good chunk of power from your time as an infant.

Anyways I haven't even started coding yet, all I have is a bunch of ideas in my head and several of them on paper (Object definitions, algorithms, lists of things etc etc) so I'd better stop talking and start coding ;p.

The first step is to get the framework set up, and that's a hefty task. But when it's done the game would be playable in theory but would lack all the dialogue content necessary for the user. I doubt I will complete this step.

The second step is to add all the flavor to the framework. This means all the forms, TF descriptions etcetera. The amount of time put into this step determines how many options there are, but more can always be added. A certain minimum would be needed to make the game enjoyable.

The third step is to make the game actually work. Because any programmer knows it never works the first time. Go-go debugging!

The fourth step a period of growth where more flavor options are added. It continues indefinitely.

The fifth step is to take the most useful portions of the game and use them to make a second, better game. Maybe even with graphics! But since I doubt I'll get past step one I wouldn't anticipate step five too much ;p.
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Re: Interest Poll

Postby Haylie » Sat May 22, 2010 12:52 pm

Graphics would be nice, but we can't have it all. It sounds interesting enough. Let me know how it goes. :)

And tofu and underpants because I don't want to waste two votes. :P
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Re: Interest Poll

Postby Queen Octavia » Sat May 22, 2010 1:56 pm

Well, I have the first 80 lines o' code done. It's not much but it's a start.

Here's some more info for those interested:

Any fool of a took knows that in an RPG your character is described by a set of stats. What stats do I use in my game? O-ho, soon you will know!

1) Three status stats. They have maximums and go up and down.

a) Durability - This goes down when things wack you, and if it hits zero you die. Oh noez! Death however is not a game over, and is mostly an inconvenience.
b) Energy - You need this to fire your pew pew, be it lazors or kungfu or magic. As you run out your effectiveness and options in combat diminish.
c) Sanity - When you've changed form so many times you have a hard time remembering how many breasts, tentacles and microchips you have it becomes rather taxing on your ability to form coherent thoughts. If your sanity hits zero, you go insane, and that is a GAME OVER.

2) Sixteen ability stats, divided into four subcategories

a) The four physical stats

i) Brawns - Smashy smashy
ii) Deftness - How good you are at threading needles, sniping ants at intergalactic distances and such.
iii) Agility - QUICK! DUCK!!! Did you duck? If not, work on that agility pal.
iv) Vigor - Do you get sick often? Can you run a mile?

b) The four mental stats

i) Tenacity - Being stubborn is a good thing. Never say die! (Unless you are referring to the singular form of "dice")
ii) Brains - The science math logic kind of thinking.
iii) Savvy - The common sense street smarts kind of thinking.
iv) Knowledge - Just in case the final boss challenges you to a game of trivial pursuit.

c) The four social stats

i) Sexy - You want this to be high, right?
ii) Cute - ... or maybe you prefer this one?
iii) Panache - What the heck does this word even mean!?! Something about elegance, grace and roguish charm.
iv) Clout - Would people follow you? Are you an icon? Influential?

d) The four mystical stats

i) Focus - Your ability to control and direct funky forces
ii) Attunement - Your awareness of the energies around you
iii) Warding - Your ability to fend off negative of harmful powers
iv) Fortune - Sheer dumb luck. Some people have it, others are cursed by fate.

If you think I went out of my way to have a convoluted stat system with unconventional names, well, you're right!
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Re: Interest Poll

Postby Mitera Nikkou » Sat May 22, 2010 3:29 pm

5/10 for me. My interest would be determined by the product, rather than the idea itself. If it comes out well enough, I'd play it. Though, by the sound of it, it seems like you're starting with something complicated rather than expanding from something simple, and the likelihood that you'll finish making it, as a result, appears low. ;/
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Re: Interest Poll

Postby Queen Octavia » Sat May 22, 2010 6:08 pm

You've misunderstood me, I am in fact starting with something simple, to some extent.

To do the basic framework I am only adding one of two of most things (Such as forms, enemies, attack powers, quests). For instance I am half done the framework to support forms, but I have only added two of the many forms that will be in the game (Ordinary boy & girl). The design is such that more elements can be easily added, I just start with some test subjects to make sure the framework works.

Once I finish all the framework the game will be "playable", but it will be completely terrible because it will be missing 99% of the content.

There are only a few things (such as the stats system) which need to be completely completed to get the framework to work, because you can't just go adding more stats later. If you DID try and add them later, you would have to redo all the monster stats to give them a value for the new ability, redefine attack powers to include the stat when appropriate etc etc.

My first unforeseen problem so far was the following:

Every attack power was to have it's own function to determine how much damage it does. IE, a punch would be say "(Your brawns-enemy vigor)*your level/enemy level*0.5" minimum damage to "(Your brawns-enemy vigor)*your level/enemy level" maximum damage.

This was a bit tricky to do because it's easy for each power to have it's own variable (IE energy cost=5) but you can't just give them their own personal function.

My work around was to store the function as a string (aka word) and then have a universal function which can take that word and translate it into a mathematical function. To do this I had to make up syntax for that language.

I won't go into the details of the syntax, but I'll give an example:

To represent "(Your brawns-enemy vigor)*your level/enemy level*0.5" as a function my program uses "+e-H*y/Y*#.5#".

Weeeeeee. My slow progress continues.
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Re: Interest Poll

Postby Mitera Nikkou » Sat May 22, 2010 10:48 pm

Still sounds complicated to a simpleton like myself. :P

Oh, yeah: romantic foil? You can become a sword that, instead of stealing the soul, steals one's heart? :O
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Re: Interest Poll

Postby Queen Octavia » Sat May 22, 2010 10:56 pm

No, you can become a thin metallic wrap which is very convenient for encasing your loved one in before you bake them in an oven.
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Re: Interest Poll

Postby Mitera Nikkou » Sat May 22, 2010 11:38 pm

I've heard of honey bun and sweetie pie, but... potatokins? XD
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