Caption Prompt 3!!

When a picture inspires the mind and a story forms within.

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Caption Prompt 3!!

Postby muffinstud » Sun Oct 04, 2009 1:46 pm

I'm thinking that perhaps this should be a regular thing. Just a simple, nice picture for anyone who feels like it to try their hand at a caption. You know, making it accessible to plebians and philistines like yourselves, devoid of all talent and creativity!

Wait, perhaps I shouldn't insult you while trying to get you to be artistic. Oh well. Here's the new one, the theme is simple: "Waking up to a New Life." Interpret that however you see fit.

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Re: Caption Prompt 3!!

Postby Brnin8r » Mon Nov 23, 2009 3:00 am

Nic stretched out to the ceiling as he usually did upon his waking ritual. "What a night..." he mumbled. He rubbed his eyes and looked around.

Something was wrong. He looked to his body and marvelled at the smooth adolescent skin he saw exposed by the flimsy frills tied around his bust.

Time slowed. "Mike? Do you remember anything from last night's party? Anything weird?"

Mike mumbled a little, "N-...not really...why?"

"It might be time to trace our steps."
It's not about how much dough you make -- it's about how delicious a pizza you eat at the end. An ancient dA page that is thinking about standing up again someday.
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Re: Caption Prompt 3!!

Postby Amaya » Mon Apr 26, 2010 4:39 pm

It had begun about a week earlier, with the Mayor making a harsh comment to a woman walking by him in the street. The next day she had interrupted the Mayor as he held a speech infront of the City Hall.
"Your deregatory views on women must be preserved for the world to learn about." She had then pointed her left hand at him, a bright ray hitting him in his chest. Within seconds he had been transformed into a young female, but she wasn't moving. The statue she had become slowly faded into grey, a plate for the foundation next to it, reading; 'Remember that gender and sex are equal, as is the shaggy-looking person you meet in the street. Don't call names after them, they might be true.'
"This town will follow his lead!" she had shouted before she disappeared.

Bryan and Will had been among the last one-hundred to be unchanged out of a town of five thousand. As Bryan sat up he felt that his time had come. She looked over to Will and saw that he too had been affected during the night.
"Will, wake up," she said, testing her new voice, "it was our turn tonight." Will let out a sigh as she cracked open an eye.
"What are we?" she asked, before groaning into her pillow. "Girls?"
"Even better, young girls," Bryan responded. She stretched her back. "At least it's better than what Jim got, female grand danois."
"Urk, don't remind me. I guess we were lucky then?" Will wagered.
"Yeah, I guess we were. Come on, let's see if anyone else got hit tonight. And let's get some new clothes while we're at it."
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