A guide to David and his stupid journal. *WIP*

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A guide to David and his stupid journal. *WIP*

Postby David » Mon Feb 26, 2007 5:23 pm

Introduction and backstory

I think the best way to handle this section is to say that David is just your everyday 26 -though currently he is 28- year old man who just happens to be from another country but hey, who isn't when it comes to this place? He also happens to be going though some of the most ridiculous crap ever, mostly attributed from past events.

To describe the events that have happened to him in painstaking detail would cause you to die of boredom so I'm going to keep it as brief as possible but I'll be honest, you might want some coffee/energy drink/alcohol nearby.
Anyway... Oh wait, if you ever want to hear about certain events in particular (why?) then you'd be better off asking the man himself though currently he is a bit reluctant to say much about himself.

- In 2005, David was living a nice quiet life in South London, I guess the house could have been a bit better but for him and his fiancee, Lisa, the combined budget was more than enough.
He'd also recently just finished a Biomedical degree which got him an entry level job at a local pharmaceutical corp, he wasn't a fan of the traveling but hey, designing drugs against disease often requires going to other places, most of them stupid. Still, considering his "family" died on his 16th birthday (which would later turn out to be a fabricated memory) he isn't doing so bad or rather, wasn't.

-It was shortly sometime after this that due to some complications with medicinal grade drugs and missing customs paperwork at an airport which led to David being locked up in prison.
It was here that over 2 years he would voluntarily sign up to fight fellow prisoners for the amusement of those running the prison on the promise of having his prison sentence reduced, it would later become an involuntary task when over-population of the UK led to "criminals" were sent to prison over petty things like double parking. Unfortunately for them, David happened to be a bit excessive when it came to killing these poor sods but this may have been a side effect of the drug given to him to make him even consider doing this in the first place.

-The climax of this would be when a failed attempt on freeing the prisoners by freedom fighters led to the capture of his ex-fiancee, giving the people running the show a rather unique oppourtunity for David. Kill your ex-girlfriend or we kill you, her and her family and oh by the way, no drugs... Obivously, both outcomes were bad but in the end, he chose to kill Lisa, not an easy thing to do to a woman you loved.

-Mere moments after Lisa's death, a second attack by freedom fighters on the prison gave David an oppurtunity to escape but not after getting some heavily desired revenge against his manipulators.
The original plan was to escape the country with the freedom fighters to well, freedom. Unfortunately for David, he just so happened to run into something he had thought didn't exist, an angel.
It's not clear exactly what happened next but it's thought that the angel took him to Heaven (Yu-Shan) before promptly dropping him off in MSF with nothing but the clothes he was wearing, his knife from prison and his single action army pistol (See the "Weapons" section).

-Of course after a quite a few escape attempts due to the fact he was afraid of just about everyone, getting drunk, getting changed a few times, getting drunk and then getting drunk some more he eventually got used to the area of "emesseff", supposedly making friends in the process but he isn't too sure about that, despite the fact he got into a relationship with a girl, broke up and then got married to another girl. If you're really interested in that then just read his journal.

-It's thanks to his often awkward conversations that he was able to deal with his main issue: Why did an angel bring me here anyway?
With the help of Helel, he was able to contact an Angel of fate and learn that the reason he is here is because he is of particular interest to the Holy Seven and to as of yet unknown seraphim. From this he also learned that the angels want to make him into one of them, most people would be happy to know that but not David! It was brown pants time after hearing that.

-Eventually after dealing with others who took interest in him, he would enter Heaven again, thanks to Helel but not alone, Aeris, Corvus and Reyn escorted him to meet with the 5 Sages, 5 super powerful humans who were sort of adopted by the Holy Seven. But the main event would be the appearence of Gabriel, Aeris grandfather and super mega powerful angel who just about gave David a heart attack upon seeing him. When he did calm down, Gabriel explained to him that Aeris wanted to put him through Ascension (Or Exaltation if you must) which would make him not unlike the Sages, he also learned about the rebellion that occured more or less before time was a concept (you'd be better off reading about that in the journal).

-So, after becoming Ascended, he is now dedicating most of his time honing his new found abilities that come with being Ascended, some of which he can do by himself but most of which requires tuition by others.

Physical description

With the way David looks, it's a little surprising that he didn't pursue a career in modelling as he is 6 foot tall, has an well built body both from personal exercise and time spent exercising in prison and his shortish (generally no longer than your average "trendy" business mans hairstyle would be, just about covering the ears) black hair along with his handsome features and brown eyes help make him easy on the eyes for anyone meeting him for the first time, just don't call him a "bishi" or he will get very annoyed at you, particularly since he doesn't look "pretty" at all.
However given the races and species that are present in MSF, it's likely that David's attractive features will make him seem average compared to others, not that he will look ugly or anything, just slightly above average.

His clothing of choice reflects the time he spent in the UK where during late spring and most of the summer he likes to walk around without any sort of top on at all, not even a vest. This means he unintentionally shows off his impressive physique (for a human) to anyone who might see him and as a bonus, he gets quite a nice tan from the sun.

During the colder seasons however, he prefers to opt for the more casual clothes like a hooded sweatshirt and jeans, often complaining about how cold it is which is kind of funny considering he spends most of the summer grumbling about the heat, you'd think he would like the cold.


The best way to describe David's mind would be this: deeply scarred and traumatised.
He already had a pretty crappy childhood (which was later discovered to be a fabricated memory from 16 years old downwards) but the ordeal with the prison and first coming to MSF left him a paranoid wreck, quite understandable if you're a man with no real weapons to speak of against a whole host of beings that as far as he knew didn't really exist or were just completely made up on the spot, one of the bigger problems for him being angels and other celestials.

However with time, he eventually got over most of his initial fears and started talking to people instead of running away from them, a good start really.

If there is one thing most people will notice about David is that he seems to have an unusual amount of charisma as is evident with the amount of people he knows, mostly by accident.
Most of the time he is friendly and if you're friendly to him chances are he won't say anything bad against you. If you however, walk in and start boasting about your numerous battles or about how mortals cower in fear from your might then he is going to be thinking "Wow, this guy is one stupid wanker." and will be reluctant to talk to you, the same can be said if you badmouth the human race in general.
People will also notice that he talks more or less like any normal English person would, in a dry and sometimes cynical matter which often leads to "humorous" dialogue, a bit unusual considering his past does not seem to lie in England or indeed, Earth.
He may also use some rather "colourful" words to describe things, words that you generally won't see in the PG-13 areas anyway (though I sometimes get away with using some really nasty slang words that others don't know the meaning of).

Nonetheless if you are a friend or family member of his then he will do his utmost to prove his worth, often trying to help them out when possible, especially if they're close to him, leading to his quite ridiculous list of "objectives" he seems to have undertaken by himself or by others. this can often lead to seemingly unusual actions that would normally go agsint his personlaity but will often serve some logical purpose.

To get an idea of what he thinks about characters he has met then you'd probably want to read his journal, preferbly journal 2.0 unless you're a sucker for painfully bad writing. Please note that information recorded in the journal is 90% of the time useless so don't expect anything useful at all from it, tongue-in-cheek would be the best description for it.

Strengths and skills

The biggest strength for David is being Ascended where he is more or less a Solar Exalted (equivalent to an essence 2 character if you know about that sort of thing) from the RPG Exalted only instead of being imbued with the power of Gods of Creation, he has been granted Angelic might instead.
Because of this, David will live longer, regenerate and have senses far beyond those of any human can hope to achieve through natural means.
"Mortal" weapons, anything that is not imbued with some kind of charm or other attribrute that makes it different from Earthly weapons, used against him will effect him but any wounds inflicted will heal quickly and without any scars, limb loss is not a problem for him either though it takes longer for them to regenerate than a normal wound would, it just hurts like hell. Some items David has also affect his healing rate and will be discussed later.

His metabolism is far beyond that of a normal human which means things like toxins and other unwanted chemicals or drugs in his body are metabolised in mere seconds (however, this also has the "unwanted" side effect of metabolising alcohol too fast for him to get drunk, something he was none too happy about at first but later grew used to.

His strength is far from superhuman (yet) though his agility and overall endurance are much more improved than before and he has demonstrated that he can evade fast moving objects and some projectiles that would normally strike normal humans and will likely improve through training.

Finally, his senses are such that he can "measure the wind" of people which is just a fancy way of saying "He can see your life essence". Essence in this case may also be thought of as an aura of a person as no matter where you are or how dark it is, he will be able to see your life essence, even more so if you're a particularly powerful person. To be blunt, if you're character is alive or uses sorcery of any form, he can see you. He can also spot trace areas of essence from geomantic buildings or leftovers from spells (we'll get to that later). He doesn't always have essence sight on as most people who populate this place are very powerful and so have a lot of essence, to look at them full on would be like looking into the sun, a stupid idea.
He can also view the souls of a person but this is not to be confused with life essence, this is really just a good way of identifying who someone is among with spotting those pesky spiritual types who are too cool to be present on the physical realm, gits.

To wrap up the supernatural element we have 2 skills gifted to him by Hosaki (you can read all about her in the journal) one allows him to hide his soul at will and the other erm... Let's him change into a German Shepherd Dog (GSD).
The former is useful when coupled with another spell for stealth which prevents mortals and immortals alike from detecting him or at the very least, confusing the hell out of them. With no cost to his essence, David can indefinitely "switch off" his soul making detecting him or reading it impossible.
There is a catch though, by not appearing to have a soul he may unintentionally draw more attention to himself than he otherwise would have if his soul was visible.

The GSD form isn't as stupid as it sounds either, it can be used as an disguise, to go where his human body cannot go and to help entertain people though this doesn't happen as much as you'd think. Just like crappily balanced RPGs, there is an exploit to this form in that whenever David changes to the GSD form and back then no matter what, he will be back to his normal self e.g. if you changed him into a cat girl with downs syndrome via some form of magic then he can simply switch to his GSD form and then poof! Back to normal.
This is what I call "The GSD Trick" and is great for annoying pesky TF/TG people!
There is a way of preventing this trick from working but I think that'd give the game away and to be truthful, he doesn't change back right away, he prefers to do it when the changer isn't aware of it.

As for the more "normal" skills, David is somewhat educated in the medical field allowing him to perform first aid or provide competant analysis of wounds though I wouldn't reccomend bringing him in to do advanced surgery, he's not a Doctor.
His scientific background also allows him to perform biotechnology based experiements though oppurtunities for this have been limited.

What is more obvious about David when you see him is that he is a bit of a gun nut and indeed, can do just about anything with a gun, so long as that means shooting, cleaning or repairing it.
Strangely, it is not yet known how he came to acquire these skills as although he remembers being taught how to shoot and repair firearms, the memory itself isn't actually real.


Being Ascended does more than give you a reason to drink copious amounts of poison that would kill a mortal man or indeed, outlive a mortal human (Ascended tend to live for many centuries compared to the measly 100 years a human gets, talk about getting shortchanged). He also can perform various spells based on the sorcery disciplines he chose to specialise in upon completing five ordeals, a sort of initiation where Ascended or Angelic folk a like go through to hone the basics and then specialise in certain areas whilst "sacrificing" the rest.

Currently here are what he knows so far:

Essence obscuration or stealth: Using his own essence, this spell allows David to "wrap" it around himself and become mostly hidden from spiritual senses of any kind, very useful when his soul is hidden because unless you can see him then you won't know where the hell he is.
There is a downside to this spell, one being that David isn't all that powerful so he can't use this spell for too long as blocking your own life essence for too long will ultimately kill you, Ascended or not. To avoid potential death, the spell David uses has an automatic failsafe of sorts to prevent it taking all of his essence, terminating the spell once it goes below a certain level of essence. Waiting for this to kick in isn't really all that good for David though, it will expose his amina making him stick out amongst the crowd as his soul attempts to draw in nearby essence.
The spell is also very basic in nature which means means movement or sudden athletic manoeuvres can reduce its effictiveness or even break the spell. To give an idea of how this works I'll try and list where the spell would be obscured or broken.

Stood still: No effect, the spell is at full effect here

Crawling: Very minimal effect on the spell

Crouched walking: Minimal effect on the spell, slightly detectable at this point but you really need to be looking hard for his essence

Walking: Some effect on the spell, much easier to detect but you still really need to be looking for him in particular

Running: Large effect on the spell, very big chance of catching out his essence

Sprinting or doing athletic moves: The spell is broken which will make him stick out like a sore thumb

Healing essence: Many holy beings are able to heal others through mere touch alone, mending broken bones and closing the most vicious of wounds without nary a scar remaining. While David technically isn't really that much of what you could call a holy person, he still has the ability to perform this miraculous act upon people, assuming they are willing to let him touch their exposed skin of course. The downsides to this are on both sides, David will spend his own essence in restoring another person's body, allowing it to through into the person through contact. As far as the wounded/injured person is concerned, they will need to deal with the pain of having previously severed or lost nerves regrown, it's as painful as it sounds but at least it's temporary.

There may be a chance in the future for David to learn more rapid and painless method of performing this type of sorcery but till then, it's slow and painful.

Rather than list other spells, I'm just going to go ahead and just link to the list here as these are all available to him albeit with different requirments and effects -who the hell would want to wait full day for a full moon to show up anyway?-.


Now I know what you're thinking, you've had a look at the strengths and spells/sorcery section and thought "This guy sounds way too overpowered to me! Seriously, regeneration of lost limbs? An expert with guns AND the ability to use sorcery?! Might as well smash my face against a brick wall than fight this guy."
First of all, why the hell would you want to fight him? Second of all, he may be Ascended and be skilled in many areas but most important of all, he is still human... ish.
What that means is you can pretty much attack him like you would with any normal person and he'll get injured, he still feels pain y'know and hey, if your attack would slice off a limb then the same is going to happen to him unless he is wearing armour which at the moment, he lacks.

Probably a more exploitable area would be messing with his family and friends or being some kind of fallen angel or another kind of nasty celestial being, that'd work as well.

(This area most likely to be expanded)

Weapons and items of interest

David has acquired quite an inventory since he got here be it from friends or elsewhere so naturally I'm not going to list them all or I'll die from malnutrition. Instead, I''ll highlight some of the more commonly seen and important items, anything else you'll just have to talk to him about.

As mentioned earlier, David is incredibly competent with firearms so chances are if it exists in real life, David can use it. It's also worth mentioning that David can imbue all weapons with his essence to make the gun even more damaging by increasing the velocity of the round, the accuracy and the damage of the round with each shot. Admittedly it doesn't deal that much more damage (if using a normal gun loaded with normal ammo) but having a bullet hit your opponent the moment you pull the trigger compared to a few seconds after counts for a lot, especially against foes with supernatural agility.

Here are a few guns of interest:

Colt Single Action Army: Slow to reload and a real pain in the arse to shoot due to its firing mechanism but this was the first gun David had here, it is currently loaded with 6 special alchemical rounds (elaborate later).

Colt 1911 Custom: At first glance it looks like your normal handgun, until you look at the gun barrel which itself is made of red jade, one of the few magical metals that can respond to David's essence. This gun takes normal 7 .45 calibre rounds but when imbued with essence, the red jade barrel gives the bullets a nice spicy coating in the form of fire, great against foes who don't like holy magic and fire, that's like double the insult!

M249: Ideal for situation where taking the offensive is advisable, the gun has no special properties itself but really, a 100 round box magazine of 5.56 ammo? I think that's more than enough on its own given the armour piercing abilities of said rounds.

Custom XM8: Compared to the normal XM8, the rifle David has is a good example of how magic and technology can be combined for deadly effect.
The rifle itself is very distinctive looking as instead of the normal barrel at the front, there is a chinese dragons head in it's place and if you look closely, you can see the runes carved into the gun to give it its magitech properties.
Still taking 5.56 ammo, this modified XM8 doesn't shoot normal bullets but rather a high powered blast of energy, highly effective against those who aren't powerful enough to either have resistence or a shield against the energy of the rifle, it is farily easy to dodge though.

RPG-7: Point away from the face and fire, useful against vehicles and powerful beings (as long as they're physical).

Barrett M82: A favourite of assassins who like to shoot corrupt dictators travelling in bulletproof cars, this rifle shoots a .50 calibre round which funnily enough, can penetrate bulletproof glass, armour among other materials. Much like the RPG-7, this is a weapon that fares better against powerful beings than a simple pistol will.

Lee Enfield rifle: Unlike the other weapons listed here, this rifle is kept loaded with 7.62 tranquiliser rounds for times when killing someone is a bad thing which is mostly all the time really. There's nothing stopping David from loading it up with lethal rounds though.
Last edited by David on Sun Jul 18, 2010 12:30 pm, edited 47 times in total.
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Postby David » Mon Mar 12, 2007 9:31 am

A journal of my thoughts on the races and species that inhabit the place known as "MSF"

(Just a quick disclaimer: The views and opinions on the characters and races mentioned here are from David's point of view, just a warning in case he writes anything "offensive". This thing is also very old and out of date so why are you even reading this one? Go to journal 2.0 for the latest opinions.)

The following text is taken from a notebook that David has been writing in about various types of people who inhabit MSF based on what he has learnt from other people and research, it will probably get updated every so often depending on what happens or who he talks to. The journal itself is a rather plain looking A4 notebook, the cover is purple and has "Unless your name is David and you are human then bugger off! This journal is not for public viewing!" written on it, god forbid someone finds the damn book because that writing alone means it has blackmail material.


As I seem to be stuck here in this strange yet, friendly land, I have taken it upon myself to write down my research on the people present here and talk about their race or species indepth depending on what research I can gather on them into this journal. Should anyone like me be in the position of arriving here without a clue in the world what they are looking at and who is talking to them then they need only refer to this, that's assuming someone finds it!
If you happen to find this and are one of the people I mention in this journal and you take offence to what I wrote about you then I just have this to say.

Oh god don't kill me! It's just an opinion man!


As I was "lucky" enough to encounter one of these people first, even before I came to this place and was back home in England I encountered one so it seems fitting I write about these guys first.

When I was young and I still had family, I was taught by my parents this motto "If you see an angel, you're either dead or about to die." Thanks alot for the nightmares, mum and dad!
Anyway, they look alot like the angels were percieved back home, humanoids with wings on their backs but no halos, nonetheless they seem to have different coloured wings, eyes and hair depending on what kind of angel they are.
I assume that they have their own individual personalities but I can't rule out the fact that they could also be working for an higher power, a Seraphim as an example, good lord, now they are scary! Why on earth did these guys have to be so damn interested in me?! 6 wings! WHY!? Um, moving on, they have a large amount of supernatural power including the (rather painful I might add) ability to see ones soul. Unusually, they lack metabolism so it basically means food or drink is of no use to them but rather an option, they can't get drunk though so score one for the human race!
Quite why these so called "Holy" beings are interested in me is a mystery.

I shall now describe the angels I have met and managed to somehow not get killed by or have heard of from either people or based from research.

Update! I think I have found out where these people come from or at least, inhabit. A place known as "Yu-Shan" which I am told is the name for "heaven" in their language, how about that? It actually exists, not sure why I am so surprised by this since I learnt that there was an hell before that so it would be logical to assume there would be an heaven too. Annoyingly, trying to say "Yu-Shan" physically means you just say "Heaven" instead, what's the point in that?


Seems to have a rather unfortunate name because "Helel" in from my research is also another word for "Lucifer" rather fitting since he apparently took part in some kind of rebellion but I have been told by the angel itself that a more accurate name would be "Lukiferos" which was the first incarnation of Helel, probably best to not mention to him I read up on that rebellion part.
Helel also has silver hair, gray wings and those bloody red eyes of his, I swear every bloody time Helel looks at me with them I feel like he is looking right into my soul, so damn intimidating...
Helel also has the rather annoying ability of switching gender at will which is why I am not refering to Helel as he or she, the personality seems to stay the same though even if the chest area doesn't (thats how I know whether I am talking to the male or female version, I certainly hope Helel never finds this journal now I just revealed that...).

This angel classes itself a "dirty" angel which is the reason for the gray wings, probably because of that rebellion it took part in but I don't question it, a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
I first encountered Helel under my comedy cover name "Manpuncher" where I immediately learned that angels have the the annoying ability to remove alcohol from your system, so damn annoying!

When I revealed to everyone my name and past, Helel actually helped me out, supplying me with "Holy" ammo for my gun, telling me just exactly what kind of angel brought me here (though he doesn't know why, not his field apparently), reading my soul and is currently setting up some prayer thing so I can drag some angel of fate to see me, that soul thing again, I have no idea how it works so I'll leave it to Helel. I still owe him a favour for that ammo and I will probably have to do something else once he does that prayer thing.
Despite all this, I'm a bit curious as to why Helel is helping me out here, pity? No idea right now. I wonder if Helel can sense my fear? I have no doubt that if Helel wanted to, he/she could just kill me right now but hasn't done so as of yet, doesn't stop me being scared of Helel though.

Update: I think I may have found why Helel can't decide on a gender, because there are multiple versions apparently, I have apparently met Omega, the easily irritated female form and I think maybe Alpha, the male form who kept on ridding me of my alcohol. It seems to make sense since Helel told me that angels can have multiple souls, sounds annoying if you ask me and perhaps a case of multiple personality syndrome gone too far. At least that explains how each version knows who I am rather than them being entirely seperate people.

Just a small correction here, apparently the male Helel was Beta, not Alpha. Alpha is stuck in Yu-Shan doing whatever they do up there. Better mention that Beta is also dead, probably thanks to my stupid ass for mentioning "Helel" in front of that angel.

Update 2: Don't say "Nokel" in front of Helel, I had no idea angel wing feathers could be so sharp and so damn explosive... ow.

Update 3: Omega Helel defines "PMS" I don't care if angels actually can't have it but she sure acts like sure does! Every damn time I talk to her something bad happens and she nearly saw what I wrote about her in this very journal! However it seems my handwriting is too crap for her to read, awesome, that's why I called her insane because I know she'll never read this! Ahahahahahahahaha! In fact I'm going to go ahead and state that all angels are insane, what? They aren't going to read this so I'm OK with writing this information... though I am currently laying low for a couple of days as I am currently writing these words by a beach I just found, good job I took Jean's car... What? I got her it so I should be able to use it! Stop judging me! Hell! I'm drunk again, I need to stop arguing with my nonexistant readers.

Uh alright, I take it back, all angels are insane EXCEPT for Helel though that's temporary, it could change at any time given how I always, ALWAYS seem to have bad luck around her recently.

I suppose if someone were to take this journal to someone who can read David's handwriting then they would get the true story but to do that, you'd need to get the journal first :p. Yes, I am tempting fate here.

Update 4: A recent conversation with Helel revealed that the Alpha soul is stuck in some girl called Sora, a human at that. I'm guessing that it's incredibly easy to keep a human within your reach, particularly since humans can be crippled in oh so many ways. Why Yu Shan has done this is still unknown but it was done by those damn angels of fate, hope I never meet one of those again.


Not really talked to her much and because she has white wings and silver eyes and hair, I don't really want to, mainly because thats the same colours that the angel who brought me here had. Nonetheless, I know Aeris isn't the one since they look different physically but she still kinda scares me, her innocent attitude seems far too innocent to me, if she knew that I had a fear of heights her solution would probably involve grabbing me, flying up into the sky and then letting go of me whilst happily saying "There ya go, you're no longer afraid Davey boy!".
She is Helel's twin (At least Aeris can decide on a gender) and a daughter to Xia who I will move onto right now!


If I thought Helel was intimidating then Xia might as well give me a heart attack right now, she seems to have the ability to control the wind which sounds a little stupid but I dare you to try say that in front of her and I think she would be more than happy to show what she can do with it, doesn't help she carries around a pretty big sword either and I get feeling she doesn't like me all that much so I tend to keep away from her, just in case she ever feels like randomly killing someone.

Angel(s) of fate

From what Helel told me about these guys, they can read your soul and tell you what kind of future you have, what your destiny is, all that crap. Personally I'm going to treat whatever they say as an rough guide, Xia has also mentioned that their words are often not trustworthy. So much for "pure" beings then, I'm just hoping that they will say "Hmm... oops, looks like we screwed up and we don't need you for anything at all, you can go now."

Update: Oh man, that was not fun at all. I finally had my fate read by one of these guys a couple of days ago at the time of writing.
I might be wrong but I think angels of this type have four wings, why they need four wings is a mystery and I didn't ask, I was more focused on more important things.

So I summon this guy using the prayer strip given to me by Helel and use it where Helel told me to use it, in the nearby forest, on some kind of array, bled a little on the strip for it to work and bam! Insta-fate reader.

First unusual thing I noticed was he kneeled and bowed before me in that array thing, odd. He then asked what my name was which was even stranger, you would've thought the blood would've given them an ID.

I felt like having some fun and told him my name was "John Doe", he didn't find it funny but I did, either way after I told him my name or rather my first name (I ain't handing my last name to just anyone, not even you, the reader.) and amazingly he was able to tell which David it was, I can tell because he pulled out what looked like a piece of string only I could tell by the way my spine felt odd it was linked to me some how, he then said something about my past which is the point I realised "Oh bugger, this is the real deal isn't it?" and I began to doubt what Xia said about them.

But the worse part for me was when he revealed to me what the angels and that seraphim wanted.

1. The angels including the one that found and brought me to this place wish to purify me and make me one of them yet they mean no harm.

2. The seraphim is likely to be the one that singled me out in the first place, desiring to see my "full form" which probably won't happen till point 1. happens.

3. "The Holy Seven" are searching for me and are apparently who I should go seek out, why this is he didn't tell me and he didn't reveal who or what they are.

The worst part of all this is point 1. which I have been told is inevitable, I can delay it but in the end it's going to happen, arse.

Two further points of interest, he mentioned I must remember my ability to change, whatever that means and when I mentioned Helel by accident, he looked... "irritated"? I've a feeling it has something to do with that rebellion he took part in but what significance it has, I have no idea.

Helel told me to forget about thinking of doing 3. but rather focus on the first two points instead. I wonder how long I have left as a human and if there is anything I can do to buy more time?

I mentioned that "ability" thing to Helel and well, it was odd, Helel tells me it refers to my first point but what it exactly meant when I asked, Helel just couldn't seem to find the words, literally. Whatever it is, someone doesn't want me knowing.

At least when the guy wasn't looking, I gave him the finger, take that, fate!

Oh and just so you know, they are commonly referred to here as "Sidereals", personally I'd like to call them something else, something along the lines of (multiple swear words here have been censored for your benefit.) Bet they've never heard of those words before.


One of the higher ranks among angels and also the most terrifying, these guys have 6 wings and are said to be close to whatever omnipresent deity they work for. Having one of these visit you in your dreams and express how they look forward to meeting you was not particularly the best nights sleep I had.
Well, if they want me so bad then why don't they just come for me? If they are looking for a fight then my newly enchanted SPAS 12 here will have to have a word with them...

Update: Having seen one of these in person (One of Kira's forms resembling her good side) I can confirm that they are just as terrifying up close as they are in your mind, especially when they have no idea what personal space means. That was the worst day yet and I'd like to think that's the last time I ever see a seraphim again, EVER! Though MoS said it best "David... You seem to have the worst luck ever." Urgh...

David has stabbed the paper with the pen here as some kind of way to vent out his frustration, there are also several stains covering the text from where he has been spilling alcoholic drinks onto the paper.

"The Holy Seven"

According to what Helel told me, they are the 7 rulers of Heaven, archangels to be exact and they're looking for me. Sorry guys but you're gonna have to keep on looking because there is no way I'm coming to you, not voluntarily anyway.

Update: Helel mentioned that it wouldn't be the archangels doing the searching, oh no. "The Gunzosha" would be the ones doing the dirty work, who are they? The freaking Special forces of Yu-Shan! Just perfect, hiding from these guys is going to be pretty hard since I expect they will use every trick in the book to find me... but that's assuming they come for me in the first place, maybe this could all be one big mistake, right?


No idea who this guy is yet but that's what I intend to find out despite Omega Helel telling me to not get involved, wait, I'm already involved with Jean so I should be just fine.

I think he is an angel of some kind but whether or not it's one I want to meet I'm not sure, I'll have to ask some people around here though not Helel, she nearly ripped my head off for even mentioning Nokel, must be that time of the month or something, I don't know.

This will not be a fun experience since I tried asking Allen who Nokel was and he wouldn't say anything, he even hid from me and when you know that Allen is in fact a "Death", you know something is up.

Update: You know the saying "Some things are best left unknown."? Maybe I should've followed that advice.

Nokel is described as an evil version of Helel, wears alot of black things and just to make things more darker, has black wings. I can tell alone from this guy having black wings that he is someone I definitely do not want to annoy or take an interest in me.

Allen described him as one mean sonofa... ahem, person who helped MoS "Wake up" by removing a seal of some kind. I'm more worried about the fact that he is said too be stronger and faster than Helel with the ability to hide himself which explains why he can just waltz into Yu-Shan without getting spotted.

Admittedly, I am curious as to how he conceals himself because well, I could do with something like that but to find out would mean talking to this guy and I get the feeling that would not be a good idea. If I see Nokel in person then I'm going to run the hell away from him as fast as I can, assuming I hide my soul and change into my animal form somewhere then he's got no chance of finding me... I think.

Update 2: Some more information handily given to me by MoS, it seems that Helel has a good reason for hating Nokel in that Nokel was bound to Helel for some reason during the rebellion, why angels were rebelling against Heaven I have no idea buuut I'm betting one of the points is they wanted to be able to metabolise alcohol so they could get drunk, I know I would! David once again going for the prioties in his life there.

Er... Anyway, Nokel works with some things called "Deathlords", angels with no soul whatsoever who get their kicks by killing things, lovely. The deathlords are said to responsible for the death of Helel Beta, Nokel on the other hand has been said to corrupt fragments of Helel, I know MoS said there was one known as Psi, probably best to stay away from this Psi version but that may be difficult since I have no idea if Psi looks any different, plus I'd look a dumbass going upto Helel and asking "Hey! Which version are you? I hope it's not Psi because then I'd have to run from you!".

One last thing about Nokel, he apparently wants to destroy Heaven itself, I asked MoS why he would bother and he replied it's probably because they bound him to Helel, perhaps that is why he is with the Alpha Helel now? No idea and to be honest if I get involved then someone will actually expect me to do something, no thanks, I'll just hide.

Aires Drake or Tiberius... whatever, probably related to what form he is in.

I figured I'd stick him here because I'm lazy, he isn't an angel but he refers to himself as an celestial being, completely destroying my previous definition of celestial that I was going to stick in here.

Despite being unfortunate enough to see him in his dragon form, I managed to get over my fear and talk to him and you know, he ain't as bad as his image suggested. I suppose you could accuse me of judging a book by its cover but you had to be there man!

I think he is friends with Helel, I didn't get a real confirmation on that one but he did tell me that celestial refers to fighting gods and demons in space, interesting. he seems very open to talking about his past and has even offered to go in more depth should I bring this journal with me even though I told him it wasn't really that good of one.

He seems to have two forms or two that I have seen, human and the dragon form and I guess depending in which form he is in affects how he attacks, not that I would want to witness something like that first hand though I got pretty close when I drank some alcohol in front of him, not a good idea.

Seems to have a large interest in guns and even branches off into heavy artillery, he gave me a large rifle and I forgot to pick it up, oops. Hope he doesn't mind.

So yeah, he's cool to hang out with but I'll make sure I do my drinking in private from now on.


This section will be a bit brief since what I would classify as demons are actually some other race but I think it's fitting I mention the one I have met after angels.


A nice looking lady if you ignore the horns, the wings, the tail and the fangs...
Don't get me wrong, she does look attractive for an archdemon who works in hell but why she seemed so surprised when I met her for the first time and ran away screaming from her is mindboggling, do they not have mirrors in hell or something? Did she not think that "Hmm, maybe a human isn't used to seeing something intimidating looking like me." Ah forget it, at least she has promised to not kill me which is always nice coming from a demon lady, she even said I wasn't going to hell when I finally die, nice to know.

Kara describes herself as the nice demon of this place and since she hasn't incinerated me to ashes or whatever they do then I guess she is telling the truth, is bizarrely friends with Helel which is odd considering that light is usually against dark, best not to ask really.

She also has a wife (yes you read that right, have a problem with single sex marriage do you?), some woman called Neige who is apparently human, I'm not one to judge given my current relationship but how exactly does a demon date a human anyway? Did Neige carve a pentagram into the singles section of a newspaper or something? Whatever, once again its best not to ask.

At least she likes Guinness, I wonder if demons can get drunk? I'll have to ask her sometime.

Update: I managed to have a talk with Kara the other day and here is some stuff I learnt. She was once human 10 years ago before Hell apparently offered her a job in Hell, I guess when she accepted then that's when she became what she is now, an archdemon though I wonder, how the in the Hell (hehehe) did she get such a strange job offer in the first place? Carving a pentagram in the job section of a newspaper? Wait, I already made that joke. Uh anyway, she is currently the Cheif Operations Officer or COO for short, for Hell, tasked with the duty of making sure things are as they should be, monitering who enters and bizarrlely, leaves hell after their appropiate punishment has been dealt. She apparently said the reason that people can leave Hell is because her Hell is really overseen by an merciful God of sorts, people who have done their time go to Heaven can stay, get reincarnated, whatever. Sounds odd if you ask me but I'm not about to complain, I've a feeling I'm going to end up visiting them somehow.

Moving on, Kara came to this place because she felt a bit bored, she got married to Neige here but she actually met her in Russia of all places whilst searching for a dead friend of hers, wait, wouldn't she already... nah, best not to ask. Still she did comment on the fact that while Neige is human, she is an "interesting being" in her own words, wonder what she meant by that? Maybe if she found Neige in Ukrane then I could've blamed Neige's so called oddity on the Chernoboyl incident though that's just silly, all radiation does is make you sterile and get cancer or get radiation sickness, not something to be desired I can tell you.

I asked her why she didn't see angels or other holy beings as enemies and she basically said something that can be summarised with her own words "I'm an open minded demon in a culture of open minded demons." thank god for that otherwise I'd be a dead man or a "Succubus", some kind of demonness that looks pretty... uh, let's move on!

After the talk, Kara did "something" to me, I'm not sure what it was but she assured me it was harmless. She basically cut herself to draw blood which some how floated into the air and formed some kind of seal, it was the seal that was placed upon me though it's not visible, I'm guessing it marked my soul since I felt a slight burning inside. The only thing I can think of is that she has placed her seal of approval on me, guess that's a good thing since I don't want to get Hell coming after me too.

As a side note she gave me three potions, all of which change the person who drinks it into a succubus, one bottle consumed means it's temporary, lasting for 24 hours, two bottles consumed means you stay a succubus in body only and three bottles makes you into a fully fledged one with your soul and personality altered to match the form. Personally, I'm not really interested in downing all three and becoming a succubus so I put these bottles in a safe place though I suppose it could be useful to hide if I drank one bottle, at least the effect would be temporary. Depends on the situation.

Oh and she kindly pointed out that demons can get drunk! Take that, Angels!

The Eternals or Aeternalae, its not like they are going to read this anyway

Once again, I have another race of beings to be frightened of, the eternals. Demon women who seem to think that their idea of helping someone is to change their gender to female (if not already) and alter their mind towards their "cause" via some kind of mind therapy where they enter the persons sleep and heal their mental scars. Once that's been done then that person can also go around creating more eternals until whatever planet they invaded is now completely eternal inhabitated.

They seem to be quite an close group, the newly made eternals refering to the ones who "touched" them as "Arividias" I think the word was, I wonder what would happen if I said "Arividaci" to one?

However, Just thinking about getting cornered by some of these femme fatales makes me shudder, I'm sure they are nice people and I have met one but... man, it makes me want to stock up on caffiene pills and never sleep again lest some eternal passing by decides she wants to "help me". Doesn't help that they have some kind of biological weapon known as the "Ovalisks". I know little about them but I have read that their effects can be devastating.

Update: Kira was kind enough to shed some light on her race, firstly, their Arivida's are like mothers to them and apparently don't warp their minds when doing the "touch", wait a minute, how on earth can you change someone's mind whilst simultaneously healing their mental scars without doing some kind of mindtrickery?! Argh!

Moving on, the eternals used to go around "touching" just about everyone they saw until they apparently became more "easy going" as Kira said, only doing it to those who ask for it, Kira being one of these people.
Oh well, at least they are kind enough to not go around changing you into them though I have been told they do the odd temporary change to someone every now and then.

Interestingly, they have a religon they follow though Kira couldn't tell what it was about since she wasn't all that interested in it. I certainly hope I'm not part of this religon, whatever it involves.

Finally, the name "Eternal" isn't just a name, it has a literal meaning. They live forever, never aging with the ability to change their own form at will (something Kira is quite fond of doing).

Update 2: I met had a brief chat with Sophia on the beliefs of the eternals the other day though she pointed out they are not so much as beliefs as they are a version of their philosphy so take what you read with a grain of salt if you wish.

The universal belief is that the universe as we know is split into three realms, the first realm being the physical realm which is basically what I am in now, the second is the realm of "dreams" which probably explains how they can enter the minds of people, finally the third realm is said to be "chaotic", a realm where reality is shaped by your own will, sounds like in this realm they are like some kind of deity but she couldn't tell me if I was right or not, she hasn't really heard much of it either and doesn't plan on going there any time soon. Other realms are said to be possible but right now, they probably can't agree on it.

As for the religon side of things, it is quite varied, some choose to worship goddesses (figures), the "Maiden Source" and some even worship the third realm as it is said to be the realm of infinity incarnate. The "Maiden Source" one is rather like how it sounds, a source of feminity said to restore their souls though she pointed out if I want to know more about that one I should go talk to someone called "Kerina", Sophia herself doesn't really believe in any of the deities mentioned here.

One last thing that I found strange, should an eternal have their physical body destroyed then they will end up in the third realm for 1000 years before they can return, why they have to wait a whole century I have no idea, Sophia couldn't shed any light on the matter and pointed out she didn't want to find out herself, I guess even immortals have to be scared of something.

I still don't get why they think changing anyone who can be changed into one of them is a good idea, they must be really bored or something, I don't know. I guess I would have to talk to some really high level Eternal to get an answer for that question but I get the feeling if I did find the answer, I wouldn't be living as an male human anymore, some things are best left unanswered.


This is the eternal I mentioned earlier though I never actually knew she was one till I heard a rumour she was one. She seems nice enough and gives me Everclear so I guess she can't be that bad though I'll probably avoid drinking too much and passing out in front of her from now on, just in case she takes advantage of my drunken state, even if she said that the "touch" has to be agreed by both parties. Who on earth would agree to that anyway? Probably not someone from earth anyway...

Update: I mentioned this earlier in the jorunal but Kira for some bizarre reason splits into two people, a Light side and a dark side, both are seraphim. When asked why she did this she told me she had to to keep the dark side of her in check, what's that supposed to mean? Either way, the light Kira is painfully innocent to the point where I reckon saying "I hate flowers." in front of her would make her burst into tears, at least she doesn't attack you.
Her dark side doesn't really do anything by just stand there moodily, I tried asking her a few questions and I just got a grunt or a shrug in response, charming. Her life goal it seems is to make the light Kira cry as much as possible which is a bit... rubbish, I wanted to see an epic fight between good and evil but all I get instead is the dark Kira bullying the light Kira, maybe I should be thankful that they don't fight? I don't know.

Another thing that happened recently is Kira made me a gun, an XM8 to be exact with an underslung 2 round grenade launcher, it was surprising to say the least since I gathered that eternals probably didn't need to make guns and swords but Kira told me it's her hobby, a hobby that I can confirm she is damn good at, she even gave me a ring which allows me to summon the gun and hide it at will by simply thinking it so should it make any future stealth operations easier and finally, she gave me two sights for it, a modern red dot sight and a telescopic sight for sniping, this XM8 is practically perfect though I do have one problem, ammo. Oh well, can't win them all. Er... oops, that went a bit off topic, sorry Kira! Oh wait, she can't read this, damn it I'm drunk again.


Poor Flora, I finally had a chance to speak to this eternal the other day and what she told me was a little... depressing.

Let's start with the beginning, arriving here originally as an anthropology student called Fidel Dolan, he was supposed to be heading to a caribbean archipelago but the plane he was on dropped him off here instead, was the pilot drunk or something? This place looks nothing like the Caribbean!
Uh, anyway, he came across everyones favourite eteranal, Kira, and accepted one of her cookies, having had one of Kira's cookies shoved in my mouth against my will I can say that the side effects are quite "something" to say the least.

Poor Fidel became a catgirl because of this, awakening a dormant personality that we know as "Flora" since then Flora has been the dominant personality with Fidel being the recessive, intellectual one though it would be more accurate to say that they merged in Flora's terms.
Flora obviously wasn't enjoying life here very well and she mentioned that she had suicidial thoughts, a way out of all this was to become an eternal by Tabitha's hand, someone who had apparently been supporting what was left of Fidel in Flora's head.

Flora also has an unusual compulsion, this compulsion is a little hard for me to describe so I shall quote her words on what this compulsion is "It's a long story I can tell you if you ask, but Uraj's sister... did something to me, when I was a still-human Flora. If I see anything that's not cute, I feel compelled to make it cuter. Right now I wanna reach across your notes, grab you, turn you into a little kittygirl, braid your hair and put flowers in it, and play with you forever and ever and ever." that certainly kept me on my toes for the rest of the talk, wondering if Flora would give in and pounce on me and do what she just described but she didn't, thank god.

She doesn't know much about the eternal's religon either but she has reccomended I go see someone called "Sophia Anieri" the "Ani" part of the last name is apparently an eternal trait, Flora's last name for example is "Anitabi" because her "Arivida" was Tabitha so it means part of Tabitha's first name is added onto the end of "Ani", another example is Flora's "Anina" which is basically their fancy term for daughter, is called "Jane Aniflora", I think you can see how it works.

There is still one thing I don't get though, what is the purpose of making someone into an eternal? Linked to that religon perhaps? I won't know till I talk to Sophia, she sounds like some kind "elder" or something.

Flora said I could insult her here but I have nothing really bad to say about her so I'll just laugh at the fact that "Flora" is a brand name for butter where I come from, that'll have to do.

Master of Shadows and his sons or Apocalypse and his four horsemen if you want

This guy is important enough to have an section all to himself and his created offspring.

Master of Shadows or MoS I shall now use since I am lazy, is said to be the void itself, he is the creator of the four horsemen of the apocalypse (one of which i will talk about) and has two further sons, Frey and Geo.
To say this guy is a bit evil is an understatement, he snacks on the souls of the living and is said to be apocalypse itself, he has to be kept under some kind of "sleep" so he doesn't "wake up" and decide "Reality? I think I'll just go destroy it!" though I know little about that particular subject.

If there is one guy I really don't want to get interested in me its MoS, I don't think he knows about my prison incident but he might already do so anyway thanks to his annoying mind reading ability, honestly the things that I think of that he could've seen...

Update: Damn! I get back from my little vacation and end up talking to MoS who quite bluntly states that yes, I am of interest to him and he does know about my past, brilliant. He hasn't said what is interesting about me in particular but he wants to come along to my fate reading, so long as he stays out of sight and I don't screw anything up then his presence will go unnoticed unless things go wrong.

Update 2: Because he seemed a bit upset that I didn't ask about his past, I asked him about it the other day and well, see for yourself what I found out.

There are actually three "fragments" of MoS, two of which are known as "Shade" and "Shard" though MoS has said he doesn't mind me calling them all Shade, he agrees with me that suits him well. The one fragment I talked to was born to human parents yet his soul being what it is, he was carried over by demons of some kind in the hope that he could be unbound, that whole "awakening" thing you hear so much about these days.
The first seal was broken by Jayme which seperated him into light and dark forms, the light form must've been crap so he ate him mentioning that he tasted quite good apparently, no comment on that one.
The second seal was broken fairly recently at the time of writng this by everyones favourite jerk, Nokel, using a sword made with soulsteel to kill someone called "Lugh" the results of this I think caused the 3 fragments to appear but I'm not too sure on that one, regardless I think there is another seal left which worryingly might have something to do with me, he did mention I might be his "ticket" to heaven, hate to disappoint but I'm not going anywhere near that place if I can help it. He also mentioned something else about me being his "charge". Wonder what that's meant to mean? A replacement power source or something?

Update 3: Oh my god! I just don't know anymore. Ok, let me try and explain it to you, the reader.

So here's the deal, I get back from my little "vacation" and bump into Shade, the young MoS, he seemed pretty down for a creature of darkness, want to know why he was so emo? He apparently went INSANE with rage on Helel for some reason and as such, she hasn't really been speaking to him which made him feel really bad, the best part? He has feelings for Helel Omega, that's right, he's looking for some angel love or at least was, Zeiss somehow tricked her into getting involved with him, I don't really give a *fudge*.
I myself was looking to get the enchantment on the SPAS 12 upgraded so it might actually do something against some crazed angel, should it ever come to that of course but anyway, in exchange for improving it I was tasked with being a "negotiater" of sorts, somehow I was expected to convince Helel that Shade isn't all that bad at all I mean so what? He's an creature of darkness and you're a being of pure light, doesn't mean you can't be friends, right ? WHAT THE *fudge* WAS I THINKING?! I was the dumbass who suggested it in the first place!

Well at least I did manage to do what was asked though the method was as the Germans would say "Schrecklich", doesn't matter so long as Helel and MoS are chums again or whatever those two do.

But that's not all! Oh no, MoS managed to screw up his home dimension or something because when I went there recently everything was different, I'd rather not go into it personally but I'm going to never, ever go blindly into a portal again. Urgh... Me and Jean MARRIED?! I'm 24 and she is 15 dammit! I don't care what some crazy alternate reality says.

In conclusion, you supernatural beings are NUTS! I'm going to drink till I pass out again like I always do, take that Hosaki! It looks like David is losing his mind somewhat over the current events, the way the handwriting here looks like ancient heiroglyphics kind of reflects this or he was quite drunk, probably the latter.

Update 4: Things are getting pretty messed up, the fragment Shade was involved with a fight between another fragment and was almost killed by Helel, Shade eventually escaped somehow and I think I was the last person to talk to him or rather "her" at the time, Shade seems to want to destroy his other fragment badly and has said I could help him out in some way thanks to the guns I have, but there is something else for me to worry about.

A few days ago I began to wonder if I really was just some normal guy, I mean, I could see astral beings for one thing and another thing pointed out to me by MoS is humans are not supposed to be able to see angels at all. Despite all this, I've found I am still human, I know because I can get drunk and Faith can read my mind but this isn't the bad part, it seems Mos split into another fragment for some reason, something to do with Helel I think, one of his fragments however, got "tainted" by Nokel who also managed to do it to Helel Omega, the one I've been speaking to most of the time, the best part? Reyn and MoS reckon she was already tainted well before this happened.

So here is the problem, I'm not sure if I can trust MoS on this information but if it's true, I am soooooo screwed! Helel Omega knows an awful lot about me but the main two points are my soul concealing ability and my Alsatian form, to put it simply, I can't hide from them, assuming Nokel does take interest in me then it is likely that Helel will be the one doing the searching, I don't really know yet to be honest.

As I said earlier, I'm not sure if this information is true given the source and if it is true then does Nokel know who I am and if so, does he want to meet me? Until I can say for sure I'm going to walk around fully armed since I bet Yu-Shan will be making it's move soon, assuming once again that this info is right. I hope bloody not.

Anyway, I'll have to rely on the stealth tactics I learnt back then and pray that they don't look for me by searching for life essence. This is going to get pretty interesting...

Death or Allen

This is one of the four horsemen I have been "lucky" enough to meet, he is awfully happy about his line of work and is so affectionate towards others, hugging practically everyone he meets, he didn't really fit my idea of an grim reaper at all. He is certainly entertaining to talk to though I'm a bit unhappy by the fact he proudly said to me that he is my death, just great. At least he told me that he won't eat my soul since I'm important... wait, that was what MoS said. Other than that, nothing wrong with him and he healed my injuries once, that was cool.

Update: Hmmm, this is strange, Allen just told me that he is in fact, NOT my Death and has no idea when I will die which worries me slightly, I'm not a fan of dying but the idea of having no death suggests... Ugh, I'm not gonna go there.


I know little about this guy but he seems OK, unusually he is human, you would've though that MoS would have made his sons into fire breathing demons of some kind, nope, a human. I don't think there is much more to say really but he seems cool, I'd buy him a pint in the pub.


Geo is Frey's brother and a rather unfortunate one at that, it seems should anyone attempt to change Frey in any way then Geo gets affected instead leaving Frey normal, odd.
Geo does have his uses though, he can enchant things as was proved when he made the SPAS 12 Jean made for me into an unholy SPAS 12 and all it cost was a few drops of blood, nifty. I have been told by others that if Geo starts any sentence with "This reminds of that one time..." then you are to knock him out, pronto! lest you suffer an agonisingly long story.


There are a ton of these people here at MSF, they seem to range from fully anthropomorphised felines to the cat/human hybrid the latter of which is more common. Yes, just like everything else mentioned so far they creep me out slightly, nice to look at yes but I know cats. Sure they may hug you and make funny noises that sound cute but really I think they are just playing with their soon-to-be-victims so thats why I keep my distance.


This one of those anthro catpeople I was talking about, she is a ruin exploring ninja from a rather low tech kingdom, I never really knew that ninjas could also branch out into archaeology but then again the Indiana Jones films would be rubbish if you just watched him do a 2 hour lecture on dinosaur fossils.
She seems the peace loving type despite her occupation and doesn't seem to mind my presence though I was a bit of an jerk to her once, ah it's all in the past now and she hasn't used her ninja skills to behead me with her katana so she must've forgotten about it.

Update: She isn't a catperson anymore but rather a skunkgirl of some kind, just thought you'd like to know that.

Musashi or Musa

Never met him personally but I have heard a lot about him, particularly his "taste" in men. Perhaps it's for the best I keep away from this guy.


It seems some legends and myths are not always false, at least not here. Typically the Kitsune are regarded in japanese text as magical beings whose age and strength grows stronger with their age and the word Kistune also means fox, just so you know.
I've only met one of these Kitsune and to say the least, I was a bit skeptical and as usual, frightened but they seem OK, so long as they're all like Hosaki anyway.

Update: It seems there are two kinds of Kitsune, "Myobu" and "Nogitsune" which are basically fancy ways of saying "light" and "dark" Kitsunes.
Hosaki is a myobu which explains why she was an celestial and also mentioned she is a follower of Inari, some guy in the Japanese religon of Shinto but when I did research on it I thought it was a little... stupid. OK, I know everyone has to have a belief in something but why the bloody hell would some amazing astral being worship some bloke who hands out rice? Yes thats right, Inari is a deity of bloody RICE! Since when do foxes eat rice? Good lord what is wrong with you Kitsune?! Ok small correction here, they don't actually serve the Inari guy but instead worship the "Mother Kistune" hmm, wonder how many tails she has?

Oh man, better not let them read that or else I'm screwed...

Disturbingly, I was told by Homura that I could become a Kitsune myself, it involves cutting himself with his sword so that his blood is on the edge and then basically slashing me with it, the Kitsune blood basically overwriting my body and spirit so I become one of them, Bloody hell... I am NOT going anywhere near one of these guys if they have an open wound of some kind, this is almost as bad as those dammed angels!

Update 2: I found a book on Kitsune mythology hoping it might give me a little more insight into these beings but Homura looked at it and said it's full of crap, good job I didn't pay for the book. He did say one thing though, there are considerably less male Kitsune than females something like a twelve to one ration I think it was, I bet they must be desperate...


Apparently Hosaki was an Celestial, Celestials being one of the really top ranks of angel but for some reason love "corrupted" her, I guess angels arn't allowed to like people for some reason. She mentioned that she has many forms, a 7 tailed Kitsune being one of them and she confirmed that you CAN get cursed by touching the tail but only if she wills it so, yeah I think I'll just stay out of her personal space. She is certainly an interesting person that I wouldn't mind talking to again but I'm afraid of her slightly, after all she was a Celestial and lets not forget that whole curse thing either.

Update: Turns out that she has an older brother called Homura, I don't know much about this guy except that he is also an Kitsune, when I met him it wasn't on good terms and I'm pretty lucky I didn't get dismembered by him. He mentioned someone or thing called "Imouto", probably relates to mythology again.

Oh it turns out that Imouto means little sister in Japanese, phew! I got worked up all over nothing.

Another update: As if she couldn't get any more intimidating, the other day she mentioned that not only does she have some Archdemon form, a "Nogitsune" or something but that she tore some poor human guy's heart out and ate it. To be fair the guy she killed did harm Felix, a rather close friend of hers but it doesn't help that she says "Don't be afraid of me, David." afterwards. Bloody hell, do you not listen to your own words, Hosaki?!

At least she said that I can't get on her bad side, not sure why I can't but I don't want to anyway, my heart is fine where it is right now.

Update 3: Things have gotten interesting. She has given me the ability to hide my soul along with some animal form to further camouflage myself which basically means any angel that comes looking for me is going to be very confused, I tested it with "Omega" Helel and she couldn't see it at all, I just have to think it and thats it, no soul energy to be found. I have no idea how to do the animal thing yet but it will most likely be important since Helel pointed out that angels can track you using "life essence" I think she said.
At least if Helel ever feels in a bad mood and is looking to take away my alcohol then I can hide from him or her, that will be hilarious.

Moving onwards onto more serious matters, Hosaki has been acting strangely but the oddest thing of it all is she isn't angry at me, no matter what. For that reason alone, her brother sent me off to their apartment to talk to Hosaki and calm her down, if that didn't work then I was to use the LPX on her which just for the record, doesn't bloody work on myobu!

Not like I had the chance to use it anyway since when I found Hosaki in some kind of underground spring below her apartment, she grabbed the gun with one of her weird looking wing things and tossed it away! So much for self defence, I damn near crapped myself thinking I would have to escape the apartment to get away from one hell of a pissed off Hosaki.

Strangely enough, I didn't have to perform a hasty escape but instead, talked to Hosaki about their past location and a bit about her brother's past, poor guy got really screwed over, no wonder he hates humans.
One thing I found odd is she mentioned the eye colours of the Kitsune, Green means you're a good one whereas red, yellow and orange mean you are condemned to a "void" of some kind, the hell? Aren't these guys immortal anyway? Never mind, it's just she mentioned that Homura had red eyes but earlier that day... nah, better not say, I don't want to break my promise.
Bizarrely, I calmed her down just by talking to her, do I have some kind of "thing" with the supernatural or something because I would really like to know, it keeps me up at night... well, actually Jean does- Whoa, I ain't writing that here!

Update 4: Well, I finally figured out how to do that animal form with the help of Hosaki, turns out my spiritual animal is a German Shepherd or Alsatian if you will.
GSD's are great big bloody dogs, normally used as guard dogs or with the police where I came from and while they can be loyal and obediant pets (I'm not going to be someones pet!) they can also rip your throat out in seconds with the amazing strength and agility they posess.

So yeah, I can change into one of these pretty much in a second, the added benefits of enhanced sight, smell and hearing another bonus to the form though to be honest, I'm only going to be using it for hiding so it's going to be rare I use this ability... then again, aren't foxes scared of dogs? Hmm... payback time, Joan.

Update 5: Once again, another supernatural being has taken a dislike to alcohol, not only did she remove it from my system like Helel used to do but she went INSANE.
I am there, miniding my own business when her brother comes in and they fight each other, granted, it was more like an overly violent argument but still a fight of sorts. Turns out Hosaki was so angry was because of, yep, you guessed it, me drinking! She hated the fact that I was "destroying my body" as it were. I can see where she is coming from but let me point out two things: 1. I barely drink now since I'm with Jean and 2. Human bodies are not that bloody weak, our cells can regenerate y'know so it's not like a bottle of vodka every now and then is going to destroy my liver.

Of course, I didn't say this in front of Hosaki because when she had finished fighting her brother, she went into her Myobu form, giving me a lecture on why I should really stop drinking and forget about the past already, pointing out that her kind usually DIE for humans but I can't see why, it really all boiled down to her caring for my wellbeing which is nice, even going so far as to mention she would give her life for mine, why? I am no one special despite what some stupid angel or MoS or any supernatural entity says.
Ugh, this is getting ridiculous, I can see why her brother keeps on mentioning how scary Hosaki can be now, I guess I'm lucky I didn't see the nogitsune form.


Hosaki's older brother, seems to really detest lower forms of life including rodents. Happens to not be too fond of humans either since where he came from, he was treated like crap by them and I'll be honest here, I'm doing little to improve his view on them.

He is a Nogitsune, the erm... "Dark" Kitsune? I think thats what it is. Like Hosaki, he can change forms though I saw his original nine tailed astral form the other day and let me tell you, there is a damn good reason I drink because this guy defines "intimidating".
Bizarrely like Hosaki, he has no idea why I am afraid of him but at least he isn't clueless to the fact he could kill me in a nanosecond but then he said an unintentionally hilarious line to me recently "You should be more afraid of my sister." yes, I should be more frightened of someone who told me I couldn't do anything to anger them, makes sense to me!

Well, strangely enough, he gave permission and access to use the item synthesizer Hosaki has been working on so I can get some more ammo for the gun he gave me, a 15 round fully automatic handgun known as the LPX which takes .50 caliber ballistic rounds, designed to explode within the target, badass!
I do wonder if it's because Hosaki said to or if it is from some kind of pity, it can't be because he finds me interesting though he did say he isn't too keen on seraphim either, I wonder if thats why my family mysteriously died on my 16th birthday? Because of that damn *female dog*!

Well, so long as I stay on his good side and make sure he doesn't read this journal then I think we can get along just fine... I hope. Maybe he can get me some of that Sake they drink, I'm curious as to how alcohol fermented from rice tastes... hey maybe that's why they are servants to that Inari guy! Free access to rice wine whenever they want it!

Uraj or Reyn, the Wraith

I know little about this guy, I know others have called him an "wraith" which probably explains why he goes around complaining about not having an organic body. Personality wise he is an absolute nutter! One minute you'll be chatting with him and the next moment he grabs you and slams you into the ground! Whats all that about? It's almost as if he is testing me for something, stupidity? I have to give him some respect for actually using firearms though, I don't mind people using swords but I can't handle one at all, I'm rubbish at it. Er, yeah. I'm also scared of this guy too. Man I am scared of everyone here, better make sure I stick this journal under my bed when I'm done with it so it doesn't get used against me. Note: He doesn't keep it there any more so anyone trying to find it there will get nothing!

Update: Uraj/Reyn is quite the ladies man, he has two wives, Hosaki and Sakura. Hosaki I already know but Sakura, well, I've only just met her but she seems alright.
Uraj/Reyn seems keen on making me into some kind of half human, half wraith person, you should've heard his sales pitch but like every other person who has offered me a new form so far, I say no because it's funny to see their face go "What? Did this guy seriously turn down immortality?!" and if those angels are planning on changing me then I'll just do the same thing again, it never gets old!

Currently, he is being moody and moping around as your general mercenary does, I don't really say much to him since it might give him an excuse to behead me, he already exploits my fear of heights by throwing me into the sky and doing... "something" that slows down my fall so I don't want to give him anymore ideas for tormenting me, though I will say he has been less aggressive towards me lately, probably because Hosaki told him to not hurt me and Homura might have said something too, I don't know, maybe it's because he smokes cigaretes?

I do know I want a meatball sandwich right now though, where have you buggered off to, Jean? Damn it! I've been writing what I said out loud again. I hope no one expects to derive any actual information from this because you would have more luck coming here and telling Jean she needs to have her venom sacs removed.


Hmm... maybe it's best I just quote her own introduction here:
"Jayme Anikerina Oblivion Takineth! The Empress of the Siderian Dragons, The Mistress of Mirrors, The Self-Proclaimed Mistress of Transformation, Dragon General, All-Around Powerhouse, and a really nice person to boot!"
Yeah... However she did enchant my booze flask to be constantly full of Everclear no matter how much I consume so she is OK by my standards!
Though her age might have made her go a bit "funny" in the head.

I recently found out she was human once and had her life saved by a dragon, odd. I wonder what happened there? I'd talk to her about it but it's probably not a pleasent memory and right now, it's irrelevant to my current situation.

Makes me wonder about one thing though, an awful lot of people who came here were human once, I get the feeling that if I don't watch my back here then I'll probably end up becoming something else as well. I wonder if thats what the angels want to do me? Something made that angel smile at me as I was blacking out and I bet the seraphim don't normally talk to people like me... Nah, best not to think about it.
Last edited by David on Fri May 08, 2009 10:56 am, edited 13 times in total.
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Postby David » Sat Apr 14, 2007 6:03 am

(Just a quick note here, I've had to split it up a bit because the last post seems to have reached it's limit so here is the new "page" to the journal if you will.)


I figured I'd save the best till last David obviously never thought he would find other people when he wrote this, what an idiot., Jean is a Snakefox, a really rare type of humanoid animal hybrid that occurs only once every blue moon and that blue moon has to be a light blue with white stripes for it to happen.

Yep, Jean really defines the word "unique" as not only does she share some Kitsune characteristics but she also has snake fangs and a rather unique venom, something I have been subjected to twice and would quite like to forget, good thing it only lasts for 24 hours.

She is only young but already she has about 4 tails and at the time of writing is about to recieve a 5th one though I'm not actually sure how this works, it's just an age thing I guess. Jean also has quite remarkable psychic powers, one of which allows her to create objects out of thin air so long as she knows what the materials are and is how I got my SPAS 12 and the ammunition for it.
I guess that probably why I am dating her right now or maybe its because of her attractive- Uh this isn't the point of the journal at all!

I'll just say that Jean is one of the few people here I trust, sure when I first met her I was scared but then she really grew on me, must be because she likes "Fist of the North Star" too.
She is letting me live in her house which is nice of her, in fact I'm writing these words from inside it and drinking some Irn Bru, hooray!

MAJOR BLOODY UPDATE! David was obviously quite excited because the handwriting is very scraggly and hard to read as though he was rushing.

So apparently it turns out my girlfriend (can I call her that I wonder?) is actually a princess of some kingdom, not only this but she is next to become queen... WHAT THE HELL?!
Did she not think to mention she was royalty?! no, can't be true. This must be a joke setup by her siblings at least I hope so, they keep on asking me when I am going to marry her! Angels and demons ain't nothing compared to this!
I'll confront her about it later when I get some sleep.

Ok, it turns out it wasn't a joke, bugger. At least she doesn't like the royal life herself or want to get married, marriage is a form of punishment used to trap men into an eternity of pain and suffering at the hands of their wife after all.

Update 2: electric boogaloo: I remember a couple of days ago that Jean said her parents were abandoned in the eastern part of the kingdom or something, maybe not abandoned but something ominous. She assured me that her race 's army and another race I've yet to see, snakes, has their army allied with them so if there is a fight coming then they will take care of it. If I was to guess it could probably be something to do with Jean and possibly me though thats crazy talk, who would want my stupid ass?

Update 3: Something good to write about for once, I told Jean my true feelings! What are they you ask? That's strictly confidential you nosy git!

I also mananged to get her to train with Homura using the katana I found for her birthday, hoefuly she will become just as good as Joan without the stuck up attitude.

Update 4: I forgot to mention earlier that Jean has found out she has a new ability, the ability to change to whatever form she can think of though she always has her telltale fangs remaning, no matter what.

Update 5: Oh man, Jean just told me she has adopted Cleio as her mother, why she did this I have no damn idea since she already has parents back in her kingdom, her reasoning is that two mothers is better than one... right...
I hope Cleio doesn't force marriage upon her or anything like that, things are bad enough as it is... though it's not like I don't lo- like Jean... nevermind! She has two mothers now and thats it! END OF STORY! Oh yeah, Kira is her aunt now because of it, this family is getting insane...

Update 6: Since I gave her my dogtags to wear so sure can remind herself of me whenever we aren't around each other (which to be honest, is rare) I asked her if she had anything I could wear around my neck that she could give me. She poitend out that the SPAS 12 she made me was sort of her version and she was right about that I guess though I don't carry it everywhere, it tends to make people stare at you with worried looks, particularly if I've been drinking again.

Nonetheless, she gave me her "Royal Jewel" to wear, some kind of round orange thing with a tombstone inside, obviously when they saw her family name being "Grave" they took it literally. I don't mind personally since it's come from my girlfriend though I do wonder what her home was like back in her kingdom, some haunted castle with a graveyard the size of my old town, Huddersfield? Can't be any more crazy than some of the things I see in this place everyday but if you've been reading this journal (WHY?! THIS IS PRIVATE!) then you would know that already.

Update 7: Oh for *fudge*'s sake! Jean has been summoned back to her own kingdom along with her siblings to fight off some human army that they thought was dead, this army is now taking advantage of the lack of guard at the so called "confiscated weapons" cache to recover their weapons and... NUKE THE HELL OUT OF THE KINGDOM! Damn this takes the absolute piss! What the hell is with these guys? I tried to go and help Jean but it seems fate has other ideas, the first time I tried when Hosaki opened a portal of some kind to Jean's kingdom, it turned out to be in the past while the second time really never happened. See, for some reason when Jean opened a portal herself to get back she apparently brought to Gene here by accident, Gene being Jean's alternate version or whatever.

It was Gene who gave me the Colt Python and the letter Jean wrote to me explaining the situation, a situation that I'm helpless to do anything about it seems.
Gene said he could open a portal to her kingdom but doing so would mean I have a 98% chance of being stuck there till death. I decided it wasn't worth the risk, I'm not happy with the decision but it seems like the only valid one at the moment.

I just hope that Jean can defend herself and not get stuck there, her proof of royalty is around my neck so they can't make her stay... I think.

Update 8: Jean's been back for quite a while now since apparently Hosaki resolved the situation and killed Gene for me, I wanted the "honours" but she apparently ate his heart so that must have hurt. I'm just glad Jean is back and that Joan ain't here to moan at me!


I think technically she is a Kitsune since Jean told me her family are foxes but I can't be arsed asking her right now, I'm supposed to be asleep.
Anyway she looks similar to Jean and is obviously older since she has 6 tails and has green hair, she carries around some kind of huge sword that she calls "Arc", hey maybe I have found "Joan of Arc"! Ugh... I can't believe I just wrote that, I really do need some rest.

Personality wise she seems to hate my guts, complaining about my preferences for guns over swords (banned in her kingdom and are said to be "cowardly") and hates the fact that I drink so she broke my enchanted flask by stabbing it with that dammed sword of hers! Have you ever heard of having an open mind Joan because trust me, being here you need one.
She also was the one to inform me of Jean's royalty situation but I think it's all a load of crap, she said herself that she is second in line to their throne where as Jean is third so having Jean go to the throne first makes no logical sense. As I write this, she is currently staying in Jean's house, probably plotting to poison me in my sleep or something.

Update: Dammit, this woman is driving me freaking NUTS! I swear to god she is jealous of me and Jean being together because she keeps on trying to find excuses for me and her to break up. Add her really annoying stalking and you have the worst possible sister in law in the world.
She really, REALLY needs to go *fudge* off back to her own kingdom and find herself a boyfriend because she is really taking the piss right now.


Jean's younger sister, no idea if she is a fox or not because apparently the snakefox traits are revealed when they grow their second tail on their birthday, nonetheless she looks different to the other two, black hair and brown looking fur. She seems fairly innocent but she also seems amazingly intelligent as is shown by the fact she holds a bloody medical degree! She makes me look like some chimp who just figured out that the square box can go through the square hole, doesn't help she is only 11 at the time of writing.

She also seems to be in on the "joke" of that whole marriage thing, more worrying is that she reckons that Joan might be attracted to me, gah.

It should certainly be interesting to see if she turns out to be a snakefox, Jean seems quite hopeful but I'm not too eager myself, I don't want to have to barricade myself in just to keep a crazed 12 year old snakefox from biting me to death.
I've noticed she has started to stare at me like Joan has been doing, are they planning to give me cancer by staring at me or something? At least when I catch Jenni doing it she sort of yelps and runs off, odd. Maybe I should shower more often, foxes have a better sense of smell right? Must be my B.O. or something.


Jean's oldest brother and first in line to the throne of their kingdom, Tsiale is one huge mother... you know. Standing at 7 feet tall which is a good foot taller than me and with dark red fur and blonde hair like Jean's and he also has seven bloody tails! What is with it and all these tails? Are you fox people compensating for something?! WHY?! Uh... moving on swiftly, Tsiale is the head of the army in his kingdom and is quite the noble chap, always calling me "Sir David" which is a bit odd, you would've thought it would be the other way round but obviously not.

He told me of a legend in their kingdom involving my kind, humans, living there and deciding one day to fight them. From the legend I determined that they will have probably used guns and explosives from the World War 2 era of my realm since Tsiale mentioned they planned to use an atomic bomb! Naturally, the humans screwed up and lost, most commiting suicide rather than face the fact they got they arse kicked by the fox people.
Despite this, he showed no hate towards me which I might have expected from someone who had been told of this legend though he did point out that it could've been made up to scare kids, I think otherwise, too many things match up to how my kind deal with things (blowing crap up) though it never mentions what exactly they were fighting for, oil?

It would be interesting if I was to ever to visit this kingdom because there is a good 50/50 chance I'll either be killed on the spot or universally accepted as being the future queen's husband, both are bad choices. Actually there might just be a way of proving that legend, it mentions that after the war all the guns and ammo were rounded up and locked away, if I could find that stash then my weapon problems are over.

Below the paragraph, David seems to have written a shopping list of what he would like to find should the weapons cache exist.


They say that good things come in small packages and since Sophia is indeed quite small (I'm guessing 4.5 feet or so tall.) and one of the least threatening people I have met here then it must be true. She calls her self an empath and seems to have actual medical knowledge unlike mine which is as basic as you can get. Seems to have the odd ability to make inanimate objects "semi-sentient" as I found out when I saw one of her living toasters, I hope she doesn't do it with dolls because if there is one thing worse than having a 6 winged humanoid come after you, it's a bloody living doll, I HATE DOLLS! ARGH!

Damn it! I went off topic again, this is the worst guide ever. AND STOP LOOKING OVER MY SHOULDER, JEAN!


Phew, writing about Kumi has been waaay overdue but I finally got round to it so, yeah, here we go.

She was once human, living in a dimension where extra dimensional travel via portals is pretty common and she was in fact part of some dimension guard, some kind of reality protectors? I don't know.
She came across "MSF" and in her own words "I found it a fun place with great people so I stayed." since then she isn't human anymore but rather a were tigress... I think, she does change form every so often thanks to her mother, Sentiaga.
She is quite friendly and doesn't appear to have a bad bone in her body, sure, she may attempt to change your gender, form or both but she means no harm, it's just a bit of fun for her really. She happens to have a son named "Sam" who I think I have met but I'm not sure, too many faces to remember to be honest.

She has two maids under her employ, a woman called Danice and another whose name I can't remember right now, they tend to be Kumi's stress toys and are often subject to most of her mischievous intentions.

I'm not too sure what she thinks of me, probably thinks I'm an odd person for dating Jean, I've been getting that alot recently.


Once known as Daniel, Danice is one of Kumi's maids, bound to her by a contract of some kind. I asked her why she would sign a contract for such a thing and she told me it was either that or be changed into practically anything Kumi could think up, I can see why she signed it, Kumi does appear to be a bit on the creative side.

No idea how she got here as she has no idea herself, she is probably the most normal person here, just a your bog standard female human with no awful past of some kind or a prophecy to fulfil, she's just Danice, one of the few "normal" people I can get along with. Lucky git doesn't have any angels, demons or any form of supernatural thing after her though I suppose, life would be boring for me without the excitement... then again, it would be alot easier and longer too.


Mika is certainly an interesting person, she takes the form of an merrow, a sort of mermaid type creature based upon my research, who is also a godling. She is only 50 years old... wait, only 50?! She certainly doesn't look it. Um, anyway. Mika seems very easy to talk to and is quite the listener, she knows a couple of seraphim herself but I'd rather not meet them personally, I already have issues with one as it is let alone meeting more!

Not much more to say on her right now except that she seems, erm, "fond" of me.


Now this one was a real surprise, mainly because this is the first time I've met a supernatural creature and didn't run away from it in fear, strange.
Obsidian or O for short, is an Naga, some kind of human-snake hybrid.

Poor bugger was a slave to some kind of demon and it shows in her behaviour, always bowing to people and addressing them formally which feels just wrong, she is also rather fond of me as evident when I first met her, she kissed me and said rather seductively "I'm here for you.." bloody hell...
I had to tell her I was already in a relationship with Jean, she seemed to take it well, I even managed to get her stay at the foxhouse with us as she said she had no home and missed being warm, aren't I the good samaritan?
Currently, she is looking around the house as I write these words and I myself look around to make sure Jean isn't watching me write again but that's irrelevant. I'm more surprised by the fact I didn't freak the hell out when I saw this 20 foot Naga come up to me, probably because Kira took the form of one the other day? I don't know... Jean! Go away! Oh now look what you made me write! Oh for the love of- The text becomes unreadable at this point, probably due to Jean attempting to grab the book or hug David whilst he was sitting down.


I forgot to write about this guy but seeing him the other day reminded me that I should, Lupus himself is a werewolf which explains why the one time when I threw him off of an tree branch and stabbed in in the thigh didn't bother him, they have fast healing you see.

Lupus is responsible for supplying Jean with the blueprints for shotgun shells and for making my Colt Python here, he seems to be an expert at gunsmithing because there is practically no flaws on the gun whatsoever. I think primarily he is an lab assistant to Kumi though I'm not sure, I should probably talk to him about it but I think he might have qualms about revealing such information, I don't blame him. I'm like some kind of creepy stalker with all the information Ihave written here about various people though to be fair, I don't follow them home and hide in their bushes whilst taking blurry pictures of them, that's being a stalker... the hell am I writing? I need to stop drinking and writing.


Supposedly, they exist but I find that hard to believe I mean come on, vampires? They're just some stupid fairytale some guy made up to get rich, right? Not that I am afraid of vampires or anything, nope, don't scare me at all. I mean if I WAS to meet one then I have 2 guns that can kill demons anyway so it would be easy to kill them, right?

Incredibly hot women who have nothing on their minds but a desire to sleep with me and don't have some crazy twist to them.

What? If vampires and all that can exist then surely these ladies must exist! Everything else is here dammit!


Seems to be a friend of Uraj/Reyn, Zeiss is a human wyern rider a wyvern being some kind of flying reptile thing that can fly, I've not seen one before. Originally I believe he was sent by Uraj/Reyn to protect Helel Omega though She needs protecting like I need a hole in the head, still they're are actually in a relationship with each other now which is surprising considering Omega Helel is "little Ms. PMS" still I can't judge, I'm with Jean after all.

Update: Is no longer with Helel and I'm no longer with Jean, such is life.

Update 2: Oh wait, he is still with Helel though he has been acting a bit like Reyn and finding some tail on the side if you know what I mean.


Half demon, half human, full of madness! OK, he isn't what I would call insane but I think "random" might be a better word to use, seems to like alcohol as much as me and enjoys eating kittens, everyone has to have something they like I guess, I wonder if he has recipes?


Supposedly Beyond's sister and is also half human and half demon, she also can read bloody minds but when she looked at mine, she was seriously freaked out and you know, I think I know why, can't be good for someone like her to experience my memories of killing all those people in grotesque and inhuman ways, prolonging their deaths for the sole purpose of causing them more pain.... my god, how can people here say that the past means nothing when I've been doing that? How the *fudge* can my soul be pure?! I need to lay down... The paper here seems to be stained but not with alcoholic drinks, tears perhaps?


No idea what this thing is meant to look like since he seemed to have possesed MoS's body or at least, one of his fragments, I do wonder what he is really like since he mentioned to Helel that his original body has alot of "burdens" what on earth did he mean by that? I think he knows an awful lot about me from what he said, not a good sign. Oh god, he better not be an fallen angel or something.

Update: Turns out he IS one, great. What is with these fallen angels?! Either way he is said to have gold eyes and have a body wrapped in chains forged by heaven or at least, a heaven, there seem to be multiple versions which makes me wonder just how many heavens are out there.

Said to be obsessed with MoS because of his ability to recreate what MoS destroyed which if you ask me sounds a bit odd, whats to stop MoS from destroying it again? Whatever, I'm just glad I don't see him around anymore and probably never will. He has used one of his chains to capture me once but I wouldn't put it past him to find other uses for the damn things.


Some kind of bizarre walking and talking (with difficulty) fire... thing, probably likes spicy food given his body, I wonder if pouring water on him would put him out?

Update: Apparently, Chaos is a fifth horseman that MoS made but forgot about, something to do with him attacking an Anus or something, no wonder he seemed so damn grumpy though that could have been the fire.
Said to be a bit of an pyromaniac but from what I just described about him I think that is pretty obvious at this point.


A 10 foot tall version of what looked like one of MoS's fragments but with stone coloured skin and wearing some kind of werid clothing, personally he seems like someone I don't want to piss off since I watched him incinerate a fully grown tree by just touching it. Still, I wonder if the reason he is so tall is because he is compensating for something...

Update: OK, turns out he is some kind of rogue fragment of MoS's and the reason he was dressed so weirdly is because he is a king of something, I forget where. Seems to order Chaos around and maybe Cimeriel to some extent but I doubt that.


The journal is stuck in his room at the foxhouse right now, he doesn't write in it as much which seems a bit obvious if you have been reading through this.
Last edited by David on Tue May 29, 2007 7:58 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Bad Taste in Hats
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Postby David » Sun May 06, 2007 10:53 am

David's Journal 2.0

Disclaimer: If your character appears in this then chances are stupid things are going to be said about them, if you have a problem with that then PM me about it and I'll remove them you humourless git!

Somewhere on his PC which is located in his room is a document file called "Definitely not a secret journal DON'T READ!" hidden amongst the many folders of... Well, stuff David looks at. Here is what it contains.

An introduction where I pretend to know what I am doing

At the time of writing or rather, typing this, it has been roughly 5 months since I came to this land of "emesseff".
During those months, I've met and spoke with people of all kinds of species who have mostly been friendly, some more so than others. I originaly had a journal of these people but I kind of buggered it up a little so here I am, typing up a new one which will help because the last one was handwritten and my handwriting is crap.
Nonetheless, I aim to make a journal that some poor sod will be able to pick up and read so they can get a better understanding of the people here but that won't happen because NOBODY SHOULD READ THIS! EVER!

I'll be listing off species in alphabetical order so that I will look like I know what I am doing when in reality I am just winiging it, I never had to do this kind of thing back home you know.


Oh yes, what a lovely subject these guys are. Like I said in my last journal, my parents told me "David, if you ever see an angel you're either dead or about to die.", of course what I didn't mention last time is they liked to warp my little mind by telling me that angels are souless beings who exist for nothing more but to follow orders from god which usually involved descending to earth and killing everyone in a civilisation just because some retarded kid forgot to say a prayer before having a piss or something. It's little wonder I quickly ditched the whole religion thing and chose to become a scientist instead. Oh yeah, here's another fun fact, supposedly during the rapture (should there ever be one), they would grab "sinners" and use their wings to fly all the way up into the atmosphere and drop them onto the ground. What the hell is that for?!
I think you can see why I am so scared of yet, fascinated, by them. But I didn't think they would actually exist, especially when I became an adult and stopped looking at paranormal investigation which often lead to useless conclusions. And to think, I was disappointed with the lack of supernatural activity back home.

But yeah, they DO exist and here is what I know about them so far.

Like they are depicted in art and popular culture, they are for most part perfect beings with frighteningly large wings on their back (must have one hell of a spine to support them) and annoyingly for some, androgenous.

Depending on the colour of their feathers, you can tell what kind of angel you are looking at though this might be different with some races of angels (it has been mentioned that there are different versions of "Heaven" lurking about in the universe). White means they are the good, pure ones and as such have nothing wrong with them. Grey wings mean that the angel is "dirty" but not entirely at fault for their actions so I guess they are a sort of half arsed fallen angel. Black wings are bad news because that is what the fallen have, if you see them it's best to not say or do anything excpet turn around and run as fast as you can in the opposite direction, creepy buggers.

As you'd expect with holy (and in some cases, unholy) beings, they have access to magic, some annoying and some amazing. I say annoying because I have had an angel use some kind of bizarre feather magic on me to stop me from getting drunk, what a git. That's another thing about them, they can't get drunk, something to do with their advanced metabolism which is odd since from what I gather, they don't need to eat or drink.

Aside from their magic, thay have incredible agility and strength, far surpassing any normal humans. They can also quite disturbingly, see your soul and life essence, when gazing at someone's soul, they can learn your name, your past and certain angels can probably tell your future, I'm not one to believe in having a pre-determined fate but the idea still creeps me out.
Life essence is visible from all living things apparently and to hide it would basically mean death as your body needs to "breath", this is from what I have been told, the best way of tracking someone down since unless you know what to do, you can't hide it at all.
They can also be linked to elements of which there are five. They are fire, water, earth, air and... Wood. I'm not kidding, wood. What a crappy element to have! It's like captian planet with that kid who has the power of heart, what the hell is that supposed to do?

One interesting fact about them is that they can have children, I'm not sure if they can do it with mortal beings but I was told that the usual method is that a soul within them eventually takes form and thus, a new angel is created.
It's not uncommon to see them with multiple souls either though I'd imagine their heads must get quite crowded, it must be like the worst case of multiple personality disorder in the world.

In summary, don't piss them off and you should be fine.

Here are some angels I have met and some I haven't but knowing my luck, probably will:


She likes like a normal 15 year old girl or at least normal for an angel, those white wings, silver hair and eyes kind of give it away.
She is quite literally the definition of innocence, going around happily hugging anyone she knows or doesn't know, often searching for sugar, she adores the stuff.
I've no problems with her personally since she hasn't latched on to me and flown off somewhere but a couple of things have made me curious about her.
Someone I know reckons she might be one of the "Holy Seven" archangels (more on those below) which brings me to my second concern, she seems to know an awful lot about this place "Yu-Shan" which means "Heaven" in their weirdo language, how weird? Try saying "Yu-Shan", you can't can you? It just comes out as "Heaven" instead, something to do with spiritual words or some crap like that.

But you don't really need to worry about that, just be warned that if she likes you, expect to be knocked off of your feet by a hug and it wouldn't hurt to have a chocolate bar ready just in case you do meet her, you could probably throw it somewhere to get her off of you if you're fed up of getting hugged.

She is also head of the house of Ishida in Yu-Shan which makes her an archangel though from the way she looks normally, you wouldn't be able to tell, it's only when she answers certain questions in far more detail than you think she would know that you begin to suspect something isn't right as if the wings and odd coloured features didn't clue you in already.


This would be the angel I am most familiar with and one that is difficult to write about because Helel happens to be one of those dammed androgenous angels but at the time of writing, the angel has been split up into different souls namely Alpha, Beta, Omega and Psi.
The name Helel roughly translates to something like "Lukiferos", the family name of the once noble house he belongs to which can be identified by those damn creey red eyes it (I am saying "it" here because gender is kind of irrelevent with this guy... girl... Whatever!) has. Goddamn it's frightening to be stared at with those eyes.
Helel itself is a "dirty" angel and fought in some kind of rebellion some tiem when the universe was born, what the rebellion was about I'm not sure but I bet it wouldn't have happened if they could have had a few drinks.

Anyway, here are the souls that I have met and heard about... Man, a subcatergory within a subcatergory. How bizarre!

Alpha: This is the original soul of Helel, said to be male most of the time but other than that I know nothing much but the fact he was sealed inside a human girl called Sora by Sidereals (see below for the entry on these guys.) for some reason or another.
Personally, I'm not sure if I will ever meet him but if I do, I doubt it will be on good terms.

Beta: Another male Helel, this soul was the one I first encountered in this place and was also the one who kept on taking alcohol away from me, bloody wanker!
Of course I feel bad for saying that since he is dead but still, what was his problem?!

Omega: This soul is a female version of Helel and has been the one I have talked to the most and consider a friend though she'd probably kick my arse for saying that.
She used to be quite hot headed and I often got her pissed off because I'd say something she found stupid but lately, it hasn't been like that. She seems to have a far more relaxed personality before and a wider range of emotions than her siblings, probably from when she disappeared for a brief period of time.
She also became more powerful upon seeing Gabriel in Yu-Shan though this meant she had to duel a close friend for reasons I'm still not quite sure about, to test her strength? Her will? No idea but at least I wasn't the one she was duelling.
It's probably worth mentioning that thanks to her new found indiviuality she has a second soul which kind of looks just like her, maybe it will split from her and then there will be a twin? One to watch I guess.

Definitely the most approachable if somewhat a little intimidating angel to approach. Doesn't like to be touched you see.
Just don't get too freaked out if she smiles at you, her emotions are a little odd in thatshe seems to try micking them from humans but can't seem to fully replicate them just yet. It's like looking at a drawing of a smiley face in clay, it just looks wrong somehow.

Psi: I don't know much about this soul except that he was tainted by Nokel which if true, is probably a good reason to not ever meet him, ever.

Holy Seven.

Said to be the rulers of Heaven, these seven archangels do... Something. Look, it's kind of difficult to get any info on these when those who might have information on them seem to only know the words "perhaps", "maybe" and "no", if you ask about them. Chances are that I will find out soon enough, probably in an awkward situation.

The only real bit of info i have on them is that Aeris is head of the Ishida house and that there was once a Lukiferos house which was led by Helel but of course, the rebellion kind of changed that.


Nixx is a bloody giant! She must be at least 7 feet tall and as if that wasn't enough, she has wings that are ON FIRE! WHY WOULD YOU HAVE WINGS THAT ARE ON FIRE!? WHY?!
Apparently, it doesn't hurt her but I guess it makes sense given she is an Egyptian angel, daughter to Isis and Osiris I think which if my limited knowledge on ancient Egyptian religion is right, were pretty much the top two gods.
She aims to er... "rebuild" her father by finding body the body parts so that her mother can use a spell and voila! Osiris is back in business.

Sure, the idea is a little bit hard to believe but you tell that to the amazonian looking angel who can incinerate things just as quickly looking at them.
Luckily, she is pretty easy to get along with and didn't seem to mind the fact I collapsed to the ground in terror upon first seeing her.

I'd watch it though, she got angry when someone scared me one time and she offered to show them spontaneous combustion with them as the subject, naturally they declined but the message still rings true, don't piss her off for gods sake!
She has good booze though.


One of those fallen angels I mentioned earlier. Don't go near him, just don't bloody do it, OK? I don't want to talk about this guy anymore, personal experience with him has kind of made it hard to talk about him.

In summary, he is a complete wanker.


Also known as "Angels of fate", this type of angel looks at the "looms of fate" which basically means he pulls a piece of string out from somewhere and tells you your future from it, nice trick.

Actually, these guys are pretty damn terrifying to behold I mean come on, when I saw one I had to light some candles, draw my own blood on a prayer strip written in angelic gibbersih and then repeat a phrase mentally only to have this four winged angel come and read me my fate. How messed up is that?

Of course I won't go into why I saw one of them in here but I will say that fighting one of these guys is a bad idea since they can not only read fates but control time itself.
What this means is you could have attacked one with a gun or something and by the time you have run out of ammo, the sidereal will have altered time to appear next you and probably kill you, possibly with a weapon made of some strange metal called "starmetal", nasty stuff.

At least I managed to give one the ol' one fingered salute when he wasn't looking. Tee hee!


I'm not too sure about this one as I haven't recieved much info on him, I should probably ask around more.


Not much info on this guy except that he is a fallen angel so that probably means he is a wanker too. Moving on!


This angel seems to do some kind of surveillance task around here with Helel oddly enough being her "minion". I'm curious as to how that happened personally but I don't really want to be blunt about it, she can control the wind you know... What? Stop laughing! Oh bugger off, will you?
She has a sword too, do you want to be on the wrong end of that? Yeah, didn't think so, me neither. From what I've seen, she rarely likes to be touched and if she does, it's probably because she really likes that person.

Oh and she called me a damn bishi too, I am not a bloody pretty boy! I'm the opposite of pretty, damn it! Ask my wife, she'll tell you.


I don't know much about him but I do know he is bloody huge and as if that's not enough of a distinguishing feature for you, he has red hair, eye (he wears an eyepatch over where is left eye would be) and wings of which there are four... He has four wings. Why?!
If my faulty memory serves right, he is the captain of the fire angels and also works at one of the reception centres dotted
across Yu-Shan which means that when I went there for the first time, he would probably one of the first few angels I would have seen.
He also called me "The forgotten" while I was there, I wonder what he meant by that?

Catpeople or "Nekojin" if you want, same thing really.

Catpeople seem to vary a little here, you have the the sort of human-cat hybrid where it's like someone glued cat ears and a tail to someone, expect to be hugged a lot and have a lot of odd mannerisms normally associated with cats when you encounter these.
The other kind is like my wife, a fully anthropomorphic feline, kind of like what you would expect if a cat stood on 2 legs really.

Fortunately, both kinds don't throw up randomly and squat over litter boxes, they seem to be civilised, probably more so than me.

Here are the ones I know about so far.


Uh... This might be a little difficult because this person is actually my wife but I'll try and keep it non biased, the last journal got really bad when I didn't tone it down.

From what she has told me about her past, she was part of a group of mercenaries that would take on any job that others didn't want, the really bad ones, things were going well until one day she was ordered to blow up a resturant which she managed to do quite easily, the idea being that the terrorists inside would be killed by the explosion.
Unfortunately when she got back to her HQ, she was informed by telephone that her family had been killed in an explosion, the same explosion that she had set off.

Distraught by what she had done, she resigned and went into hiding for about a year or so.

Cut forward to the present when I met her and things were odd, she wasn't a cat at the time but human, she told me she was a scientist back home and that she had managed to save the life of Homura, a kitsune (more on him later).
We got close despite some odd things happening to me and her, when she had to revert back to her original species. I didn't care that she was actually a cat, I loved her too much for that to get in the way of things.

I later learned that she designed the gun I was given, the LPX, a fully automatic handgun that uses .50 caliber bullets with said bullets containing soulsteel. I also discovered her body was unusual, not because she was a cat but because she heals herself constantly and is able to use this to heal others.
This might be either because Homura's influence or because she is actually a catfox, possibly from her father's side who is now thought to have been a kitsune.
Even more evidence for this happens to be that she has the soul of a Kitsune who happened to be called Megani who is said to have been a friend of Homura's back in their time.

Nowadays, she spends most of her time either helping her friends out or with me, her husband which is usually the highlight of my day, she is extremely good in the bed... I hope she never reads this.

If you get the chance to meet her then you'll find she is a very friendly and charming person, so long as you're not an idiot in front of her or me.


This is my son, he's also a nekojin but he isn't nowhere near as advanced as Michelle is (see below).
Seems to spend an awful lot of time with Hosaki, Hayleigh and well, me.


Michelle is the daughter we had together and was born on our wedding night! She like my wife, is a catfox and unusually, develops incredibly quickly from birth, in just a month the go from a new born to a physical age of 5 at which point, they grow as normal humans would.
This is not the first time Michelle has surprised me with rapid development, my wife's healing power changed what would normally be nine months pregnancy into one month which stressed me out, how the hell was I supposed to prepare myself to be a father when I had only 30 days?!

But I managed to cope and now I have a lovely daughter. I never thought I would find myself saying words like cute or adorable but with Michelle, I just can't help it, she has a wonderful personality and she is pretty damn bright, as is evidenced when she built a rifle and is said to be excellent with it, my wife says she gets that from me but I'm not so sure about that.

Of course with me being her father, she loves me to bits and if you see her, she will probably be carrying around a... Damn, what are they again?
Oh yeah, a plushie of me. If I'm not there to be hugged then she just hugs that instead.
Being young, she is curious about things and other people though I haven't seen her interact with people here much and quite frankly, I don't want her to until I'm positive she can fend for herself. Others will watch out for her I know but still, you can't blame a guy for worrying about his child, can you?

Then again, I doubt I'll need to worry too much about her since she is now a fully grown adult, quite a shock for her for the first couple of days but we agreed her body probably matched her mind of that of a young adult even though she is really only a few months old, if it were anyone elses daughter I would've said this was messed up but since she is mine I'm sort of glad really, it means she is smart enough to make her own decisions and it also means she won't ask me for a bloody pony for christmas, she prefers engineering anyway.


I have only heard tales about this guy but I think he is a ninja catboy, I guess that makes sense I mean after all, ninjas need to agile to do all their ninja crap and stuff.
I also heard he er... Well, bats for the other side if you will.

Never met him and chances are, I never will. Oh well!


You get a lot of these types here for some reason or another, most seem harmless whilst others will probably live up to their name... If their name was "Tragorf: Eater of childrens souls and the sole reason for AIDs" but that wouldn't make sense, why would a demon make the AIDs virus?
Anywho, let's move on to the people, shall we?


Daughter of Jahi, a mother she really seems to hate. Demi is a special type of demon known as an succubi.
Born in Hell or at least, a Hell, Demi was soon abandoned by her mother and left with a bunch of gypsy travellers who were obviously drunk or something because they took her in as one of her own despite the demonic wings and such, they must've been pissed 24/7 or something.

Now, Demi is said to be an amazing martial artist with incredible power and strength on the battlefield which is a good thing since she apparently does a lot of war fighting and given that I have seen her in person, no wonder.
Oddly, it's been said if you hold a kid up in front of her, she will drop whatever she was doing and proceed to go all motherly on it, don't know about you but the last thing I'd do in the middle of a war with some huge goddamn demon charging at me is think "Wait! Where's my baby daughter? I'll use her to distract her!", especially when said demon can eat your SOUL. Bollocks, utter bollocks.

At least she is friendly though and funnily enouigh, does seem fond of children though not that fond if you know what I mean.
I don't know why but for supposed hellspawn, she isn't a bad person at all and she is friends with some other people from here like Nixx.


Some shadow demon type who comes from Kumi that was altered by Shadow to be the sin of lust meaning she gets off on er... Getting off I guess.


Probably one of the first demons I ever met and probably one of the ones I like the most, Kara is a archdemon from, you guessed it, hell and has been one for roughly 8 years at the time of typing this.
Her job as Chief Operating Officer of Hell is just to make sure that things are as they should be such as the managing punishements and control those who get in and out, yes, out. She works under a "mericful" god and so, there is no such thing as eternal damnation, nice to know for someone like me.

She hangs around here to meet new people and chat with friends and she has a wife too, that's right, two women are together, is that a problem? Didn't think so.

I wouldn't want to get on her bad side as I've watched her demonstrate just how tough demons are by shooting herself on for the bullet to pop out of the rapidly closing wound, good job she placed some kind of seal on me that probably says "Kara approved! Don't kill!" on it.


Whether they are are human looking or full blown huge bloody fire breathign lizards with wings, dragons seem to exist here though luckily for me, I haven't met many because something tells me they quite like human meat.

Aires Drake or Tiberius, depends on his form.

Aires is if I remember right, a celestial dragon which means... Something. At least for a dragon he is happy enough to talk instead of tearing my head off and eating it with a cocktail stick.

He mentioned something about having a taint which makes him impure, probably means the clan he is from doesn't think too highly of him or something.

Anyway, it seems that Aires or Tiberius can switch between his huge ass dragon form and a human one, the latter surprises me a little as he actually uses guns when like that which goes to show that some ancient beings know that swords are abit out of fate by now, I don't care what you say about the damn things!

Hopefuly I'll be abkle to talk to him some more in the future as I was supposed to be asking him some other things but I must've gotten drunk or something. Not a good idea to have alcohol near him by the way, he doesn't like it one bit and I consider myself lucky he didn't shoot me or something.


Probably the only dragon I know to be honest, others I met before were just people who were changed that way. Anyway, Jayme has quite an er, portfolio, let me see if I can dig it up.
"Jayme Anikerina Oblivion Takineth! The Empress of the Siderian Dragons, The Mistress of Mirrors, The Self-Proclaimed Mistress of Transformation, Dragon General, All-Around Powerhouse, and a really nice person to boot!"

I've no idea what a siderian dragon is but I do know about her mirror usage, she can somehow use them to make clones, change people and even make weapons or items out of them like she did when she took my silver flask and enchanted it so that it would always be full of "Everclear", what can I say? It's useful to have grain alcohol on hand.

Her personality sometimes gets her into trouble with others since she will often point out ridiculous things about others, I personally have no problem with that as it's pretty damn funny, especially when we both agreed on the fact that for some bizarre reason, most supernatural beings will say things like "Grrr, I hate those dastardly humans!", AND YET, LOOK LIKE ONE!

Her past is a little grim, if i remember risght she was once human but she was changed into a dragon after doing a favour for one and it was from there her family she saw get slaughtered before her eyes as an toddler, started to come after her for whatever reason trhey had, possibly power.

All I can say is christ, I hope she was adopted aor something because that's just messed up!

I should really talk to her more often, she is experienced in things I am particularly interested in and it wouldn't hurt to hear what she says unless she breathes fire on me or something.

Still don't know if it's Eternals or Aeternals but really, who cares?

Argh, I'm going to be very lazy and just copy and paste the stuff from my old journal in here though I'll probably tweak it a little, regardless is there is some good info there if you really want to see it.

Once again, I have another race of beings to be frightened of, the eternals. Demon women who seem to think that their idea of helping someone is to change their gender to female (if not already) and alter their mind towards their "cause" via some kind of mind therapy where they enter the persons sleep and heal their mental scars. Once that's been done then that person can also go around creating more eternals until whatever planet they invaded is now completely eternal inhabitated.

They seem to be quite an close group, the newly made eternals refering to the ones who "touched" them as "Arividias" I think the word was, I wonder what would happen if I said "Arividaci" to one?

However, Just thinking about getting cornered by some of these femme fatales makes me shudder, I'm sure they are nice people and I have met one but... man, it makes me want to stock up on caffiene pills and never sleep again lest some eternal passing by decides she wants to "help me". Doesn't help that they have some kind of biological weapon known as the "Ovalisks". I know little about them but I have read that their effects can be devastating.

Kira was kind enough to shed some light on her race, firstly, their Arivida's are like mothers to them and apparently don't warp their minds when doing the "touch", wait a minute, how on earth can you change someone's mind whilst simultaneously healing their mental scars without doing some kind of mindtrickery?! Argh!

Moving on, the eternals used to go around "touching" just about everyone they saw until they apparently became more "easy going" as Kira said, only doing it to those who ask for it, Kira being one of these people.
Oh well, at least they are kind enough to not go around changing you into them though I have been told they do the odd temporary change to someone every now and then.

Interestingly, they have a religon they follow though Kira couldn't tell what it was about since she wasn't all that interested in it. I certainly hope I'm not part of this religon, whatever it involves.

Finally, the name "Eternal" isn't just a name, it has a literal meaning. They live forever, never aging with the ability to change their own form at will (something Kira is quite fond of doing).

I met had a brief chat with Sophia on the beliefs of the eternals the other day though she pointed out they are not so much as beliefs as they are a version of their philosphy so take what you read with a grain of salt if you wish.

The universal belief is that the universe as we know is split into three realms, the first realm being the physical realm which is basically what I am in now, the second is the realm of "dreams" which probably explains how they can enter the minds of people, finally the third realm is said to be "chaotic", a realm where reality is shaped by your own will, sounds like in this realm they are like some kind of deity but she couldn't tell me if I was right or not, she hasn't really heard much of it either and doesn't plan on going there any time soon. Other realms are said to be possible but right now, they probably can't agree on it.

As for the religon side of things, it is quite varied, some choose to worship goddesses (figures), the "Maiden Source" and some even worship the third realm as it is said to be the realm of infinity incarnate. The "Maiden Source" one is rather like how it sounds, a source of feminity said to restore their souls though she pointed out if I want to know more about that one I should go talk to someone called "Kerina", Sophia herself doesn't really believe in any of the deities mentioned here.

One last thing that I found strange, should an eternal have their physical body destroyed then they will end up in the third realm for 1000 years before they can return, why they have to wait a whole century I have no idea, Sophia couldn't shed any light on the matter and pointed out she didn't want to find out herself, I guess even immortals have to be scared of something.

I still don't get why they think changing anyone who can be changed into one of them is a good idea, they must be really bored or something, I don't know. I guess I would have to talk to some really high level Eternal to get an answer for that question but I get the feeling if I did find the answer, I wouldn't be living as an male human anymore, some things are best left unanswered.


Poor Flora, I finally had a chance to speak to this eternal the other day and what she told me was a little... depressing.

Let's start with the beginning, arriving here originally as an anthropology student called Fidel Dolan, he was supposed to be heading to a caribbean archipelago but the plane he was on dropped him off here instead, was the pilot drunk or something? This place looks nothing like the Caribbean!
Uh, anyway, he came across everyones favourite eteranal, Kira, and accepted one of her cookies, having had one of Kira's cookies shoved in my mouth against my will I can say that the side effects are quite "something" to say the least.

Poor Fidel became a catgirl because of this, awakening a dormant personality that we know as "Flora" since then Flora has been the dominant personality with Fidel being the recessive, intellectual one though it would be more accurate to say that they merged in Flora's terms.
Flora obviously wasn't enjoying life here very well and she mentioned that she had suicidial thoughts, a way out of all this was to become an eternal by Tabitha's hand, someone who had apparently been supporting what was left of Fidel in Flora's head.

Flora also has an unusual compulsion, this compulsion is a little hard for me to describe so I shall quote her words on what this compulsion is "It's a long story I can tell you if you ask, but Uraj's sister... did something to me, when I was a still-human Flora. If I see anything that's not cute, I feel compelled to make it cuter. Right now I wanna reach across your notes, grab you, turn you into a little kittygirl, braid your hair and put flowers in it, and play with you forever and ever and ever." that certainly kept me on my toes for the rest of the talk, wondering if Flora would give in and pounce on me and do what she just described but she didn't, thank god.

She doesn't know much about the eternal's religon either but she has reccomended I go see someone called "Sophia Anieri" the "Ani" part of the last name is apparently an eternal trait, Flora's last name for example is "Anitabi" because her "Arivida" was Tabitha so it means part of Tabitha's first name is added onto the end of "Ani", another example is Flora's "Anina" which is basically their fancy term for daughter, is called "Jane Aniflora", I think you can see how it works.

There is still one thing I don't get though, what is the purpose of making someone into an eternal? Linked to that religon perhaps? I won't know till I talk to Sophia, she sounds like some kind "elder" or something.

Flora said I could insult her here but I have nothing really bad to say about her so I'll just laugh at the fact that "Flora" is a brand name for butter where I come from, that'll have to do.

Oh wait, no it won't she stuck me with some mind altering substances! For the love of god, don't let her grab hold of you if that compulsion of hers kicks in, spending time as an angel girl isn't as fun as you might think.


This is the eternal I mentioned earlier though I never actually knew she was one till I heard a rumour she was one. She seems nice enough and gives me Everclear so I guess she can't be that bad though I'll probably avoid drinking too much and passing out in front of her from now on, just in case she takes advantage of my drunken state, even if she said that the "touch" has to be agreed by both parties. Who on earth would agree to that anyway? Probably not someone from earth anyway...

Still, she's nice enough even if she seems to ahve a few uissues, for instance, she at some point in the past split into two seraphim, one light and one dark, both terrifying to behold.
Nowadays, she doesn't split but she does have the ability to show three white and and three black wings just like a seraph, goddamn it!


This eternal was the one I talked to about the whole religon thing these girls follow or in some cases, ignore completely. I can't remember whether or not she said she worshipped anyone but I don't think she does, why would you when you're already immortal yourself? I don't know, I'd probably have to talk to some one more higher up or something like that.

Anyway, Sophia herself is nice enough to talk to and she hasn't glowed and changed me into one of her kind or anythign like that so yeah, nice person.


Yep, good ol Homo Sapiens still exist here and as a matter of fact, some of the people I've talked about here were themselves, once human. I myself am human but for how long? I'm not sure, I've rejected offers from others to become something else more powerful but I declined, I hjave my own reasons for that.
Nevertheless, some of the people here featured are probably more capable than most humans I knew back home.


From what I understand, Beyond is half human half demon since his father was a demon and his mother was... Look, I think you tell for yourself.
This means he will live longer than the average human and it allows him to mess around with reality a little, opening portals of some kind that can be used for transport or being a git and stealing my alcohol!

Beyond seems to have terrible luck as it's quite often I'll see him as someone else possibly because he pissed someone off or he was stupid enough to drink/eat/touch something he shouldn't have, makes me wonder if he is not quite all "there" if you know what I mean.


Cronocke is from what he told me, a "Human Manabreaker". What that means is certain things will have no effect on him at all and he is able to replenish that mana crap which probably adds to his abilities, I myself have little to none idea what exactly "mana" is so i'll just guess and say it's some kind of energy.

He is a heavy firearms user and it's common to see him walking around with a new tool of destruction, possibly because of the fact he was part of an organisation that he describes as being a glorified SWAT team.

Despite having the huge arsenal and other strengths, being human means that getting shot or anything like that is still bad news, such is the problem of being human really. But of course, that's why we made kevlar unless there is some crazy mana kevlar or something like that he uses.


Like most humans, Nathaniel isn't special but there isn't anything bad about him either so all in all, possibly the most normal person I have met in 2 years so long as he doesn't have any hidden powers or anything like that.


Zeiss is a king from some way out of date civilisation from Bern I believe. A Wyvern rider by trade, he seems to be close allies with the wraith Reyn/Uraj (see his entry below) which might be how he got here in the first place, not really too sure.

But what is a Wyvern you ask? A BLOODY HUGE DRAGON! Why the hell with anyone with more than a half cell look at one and thign "Hey, I bet this little bugger is an ideal mode of transport. Better ride it!"

Zeiss considers himself quite the ladies man and will probably go around chasing anything in a skirt, so long as they female characteristics of course. He has the hots for Helel Omega which is a little odd, don't get me wrong, she is pleasing to the eyes but at the same time I'm not sure if I want to try and get in a relationship with someone who could probably cause my blood boil from just thinking about it and besides, I'm married!

Er... Back to Zeiss, Damn. I don't know what else there is to say.

He needs to stop bugging me and Shade about watching our DVDs and playing on our games though, god forbid if I told him about this PC.

Kitsune/fox, I'm too lazy to split the two.

Hoo boy, these guys. They're all over the *fudge*ing place.

Wait, that's a little disrespectful and it doesn't really tell you anything about them, does it?
According to the mythology from my home, Kitsune are spiritual foxes that are often worshipped by followers of the religion Shinto.
They can be classed as "Myobu" which are the ones you do want to meet and "Nogitsune" evil bastards. You can tell which is which from their eye colour, green is good whilst red, orange and yellow means that kitsune is in deep shit with the "mother" kitsune.

One thing to note about kitsune is their tails, they gain a tail every 100 years up to about 9 tails though rumours suggest they can get 10 and that the "mother" kitsune as 1,000!

In case you haven't figures it out, the "mother" kitsune is where they come from, how and why I'm not sure but people can also be made into kitsune via ceremonies or blood superiority, what I mean by that is said kistune will slash you with a sword with their blood on it, said blood will begin to rewrite your body, cell by cell until you become one of them. That won't necessarily be a problem for me, since I started this journal a few years ago it turned out my very own wife happens to be a Mother Kitsune herself, a reincarnated one but she's still one in any case, when dealing with that particular form the Kitsune around her refer to her as "Megani" so as such, I've made a separate entry for her.

Emotions are particularly important to a kitsune, happiness to them is an incredible feeling compared to what a human like me would experience but depression for them is incredibly bad, to the point where kitsune will die just from sorrow and/or regret.

My advice in case you meet one yourself is to first of all check their eye colour, if it's green then hey, talk to them. if it's not green then get the hell out of there! Nogitsune like to posess people apparently so yeah, don't fall victim to that, it's crap.


Dante believe it or not is my son. "What? How does that work?" You're probably thinking.
Well, supposedly because my wife missed me so much while I was away that the Kitsune part of her took something from the both of us and voila! A new kitsune and some very odd looks from the general public whenever they see me with him.
Personally, i'm more worried about that whole "Pregnancy out of nowhere!" trick, supposedly you can;t disable it but the way to do is to stay close to your partner as much as possible, fine by me but for gods sake what the hell is gonna happen if I go away for a few days? Will I return home to find the house full of kitsune?!
Um... Moving back on topic, Dante is still pretty young at the time of writing but he has his mother's calico fur pattern and my hair oddly enough, Leigh also told me that he is an artic fox so I guess that means he's going to like the cold a fair bit which I guess would be great if we lived in Scotland, that place is always bloody freezing.


Hosaki was one of the first kitsune I ever met and as such have a strong friendship with, even if she is currently the "mother" kitsune at the moment. She is about 934 years old I think which makes me seem like an infant to her.

She is very passionate about helping others even if it means she will die from it, as an example of this she recently gave me her "Hoshi no Tama" which is also known as a "star ball" which is her soul, that's right, I own another persons soul... Creepy. best bit about it is that for this to happen, the kitsune has to really love the person who recieves it like REALLY love them. Personally, I think it's a load of bullshit, why the hell would a goddess love me?

Of course with her being a full blown goddess it doesn't seem to have affected her much, she is still just as powerful as the day I first saw her demonstrate what kitsune could do. Oh what fun days they were trying to run and hide from something that can smell you from miles away.

What? I was drunk a lot back then, OK? Bloody hell.

One other thing to note about Hosaki is that she likes to mess with my head and change forms, kitsune aren't really physical beings so the body you see in the land of living is more like a puppet, because of this she will often swap between herself and her brother, Homura which is really *fudge*ing annoying at times, especially when one of them scolds you for not being able to recognise the "true" form.


Other than that, a really nice person, very affectionate too since I will usually end up getting hugged to death as soon as she sees me which usually results in her husband, Reyn/Uraj getting pissed off. The last time he caught her hugging me, he teleported me to the top of a nearby mountain. Goddamn it, I hate heights!


Homura is Hosaki's father though when I first met him they were pretending to be brother and sister for some dumbass reason. Something about a false reality I think.

Homura is really damn old like over 1000 years old so he was actually in feudal Japan at some point.
Hosaki came about one night after he was performing some kind of ceremony for a huiman girl he loved to become a kitsune and then basically, be with Homura for the rest of their lives. Unfortunately, bandits attacked the village they were in, slaying the girl in the process I believe as Homura fought them off.

Although his wife was killed, Hosaki was born through her soul somehow... Not too sure on the details to be honest.

Since that day, Homura has quite a negative attitude towards humanity and I feel confident in saying if it wasn't for Hosaki and some others here, I'd probably be already be dead by his hand. Still, I've come pretty damn close, he doesn't appreciate me looking up information on his kind, particularly when the source says kitsune are effeminate.


Oh man, Jean.

Jean is abit of an rarity round here as she is a snakefox, the result of er... Something, I'm not sure how it happens but it just does.
Unlike kitsune, Jean gets a tail every year up until the er... 18th birthday I think going up to 9 tails in total though I don't think they have any impact on anything like power. Jean does have a couple of odd powers though, one is the venom from her snake like fangs and the other is her psychic abilities. Her venom in particular is interesting as it is linked to her psychic ability in that whoever she bites can be changed into a form of her choosing, clothes and all... Yeah...

She is a keen sports addict and also obsesses over Shounen Jump, whatever that is. Also happens to be of royalty back in her own kingdom which makes her a princess, doesn't look like one though.


Jenni is Jean's younger sister and amazingly has a medical degree despite only being 12 years old! Uh, guess that's it really except for the royal family thing.
Thought to be a snakefox as well but I never really bothered to check to be honest.


Joan... Ugh, 17 years old and some kind of sword expert as well as being a top knight in Jean's kingdom, she has a very serious attitude and hates my guts, probably because I dated Jean and never married her even though she thought we already were, crazy broad.

Yet another princess of that damn kingdom as well and she definitely doesn't look the part... Oh fine, i know it's 2007 and all but my wife's chest is like bloody Mount Everest compared to Joan's.


I only just recently met with Kisaki a few months ago at the time of writing and she seems OK enough.
Dunno why but she reminds me of Hosaki in some respects but that's probably because she is Homura's wife which i find odd, I thought he was married to another girl? What a foxy young man, tee hee!
Still, I owe Kisaki a lot since she used some weird kitsune voodoo on Michelle when she got herself tainted by something thanks to the fact she decided to go and fight a random merc hassling Omizu, damn, why can't kids just do what I did and do underage drinking? At least then all you have to do is take the alcohol away from them instead of performing complex exorcisms to remove taints from their soul.
Bloody kids these days.

Kaelyn or is it Kaelin?

Supposedly the daughter between Sakura and Hosaki, god knows how that works but I think given how Dante was born i have an idea.
Nonetheless, this little fox isn't born yet but she did come and visit us fom the future but I think it's best waiting for a bit before making any comments, i only saw her for two days after all.


From what I understand, Kohaku was once a cat person named Felix which led to the crappy jokes of "Felix the cat!", then he met Hosaki who adopted him and made him into a kitsune under the name of Bastian and now, Kohaku. Why the name change? Sod knows, at least he seems nice enough if a little abused by Homura and others for training purposes so it's no wonder his demeanour is a little reserved around others.


In the overview of Kitsune I pointed out that my wife is a Mother Kitsune herself or at least, the reincarnated form of one here that is known by others as Megani.
Megani as I know reminds me of Hosaki's looks as far as Kitsune go but she's very much more attractive looking and I'm not saying that because she is my wife, honest.

Supposedly back in the Feudal era of Japan, Megani was killed, her spirit lost to reincarnate later in time as my wife which I suppose is good and all but let me tell you, having a deity for a wife can be unnerving. Maybe it's the fact she has to spend time upon the throne room of her temple or the fact when in the physical form of Megani, she has to look at people not with her eyes but with spiritual sight like I can do but it's not because she feels like it, if she so much as blinks at you, you will die. For good. We are talking "soul obliteration" dead, you aren't going to be reincarnating then, that's for sure! I have only ever been witness to seeing her open her eyes within the dreamlike world she can manipulate, it was strange entering a lucid like state upon her will but nowadays we use it to relax while sleeping. it's comforting to cuddle up with your wife both in bed and in your own dreams too.


The mother of Homura, She's really old I suppose. Knows more about my wife as Megani than as she is now which is no surprise. She seems nice enough but I can't help but get the feeling if I step out of line with my wife somehow that she'll give me a good beating or two.


One of Hosaki's daughters as a result of her and Sakura being together which makes her a half angel/kitsune being... Yeah, I don't know how that works either so I'm just gonna go along with it.

Right now, she is presently in the Kistune temple of god knows whatever they do there, they won't let humans in because they are xenophobic wankers.
Uh... Anyway! The present Omizu is there but I met one from the future because for some reason she felt like visiting the past and she seems alright though I kind of wish people stayed in their own damn time.
Supposedly married to my son in the future but for some reason she made a bet with Rebecca to switch names so poor Michael thinks Omizu is Rebecca and vice versa. Damn, my son is a retard. Guess I'll have to set thigns straight when the time comes.


Rakka is a bit odd as in that when I first met her I didn't know she was a kitsune as she looked like a normal red fox that ou usually see at 2 am rummaging though your rubbish though Rakka here was just staring at me.
I didn't really think anything of it till I realise the little bugger had been following me home and since then, she sort of became the household pet for about a month or so.

People around here were getting suspicious of this fox that turned up out of nowhere and wondered if it was a kitsune but I of course told them that no, they were wrong and I was right... Yeah, that backfired horribly.

Eventually, I found out by her revealing her original form to me that she was indeed a kitsune and the reason she had come back with me is because she believed I could protect her... WHAT?

First of all, you're a kitsune, you probably have more power in that damn tail of yours than I do in my whole body and second of all, why me?!

Ugh, that was a little off topic. Should you meet Rakka it will mostly be in her fox form and you can tell it's her from the green eyes and the fact she will use telepathy to talk assuming she wants to of course, I've not seen her in her normal form much, probably because of shyness or something.

Either way, I've yet to see the so called "pursuers" come for her so I'm beginning to wonder if she was just lonely and had no place to go? Eh, sod it.


Rebecca is one of Hosaki's and Reyn's daughter making her an half kitsune/wraith person with a very, very "In your face!" attitude it seems. I only met her because she came from the future to see me before I "changed" so yeah... I'm not really sure what else to say about her except she is in with some stupid bet with Omizu.


I encountered this guy when I went to visit the Kitsune temple since I was rather irked by some bloody old gits lurking in there who wanted me dead....
Anyway, this fella seems to be one of those stereotypical myobu types, white fur all over the place and green eyes, can't miss him.
Didnt seem to mind the fact I was in his sacred temple despite the fact humans aren't allowed there, xenophobic bastards.
Still, doesn't seem like a bad chap but it's doubtful I will see him again, oh well.


Another member of Jean's family and also the oldest, he is one tall bastard too, damn foxes must chew on creatine mixed with protein supplements or something because goddamn.
Talks very much like you'd expect an English nobleperson to talk like back in the day, must be a royalty thing or something. Certainly more bearable to talk to than Joan and is also a knight of something, I forget what.

Void guys or something.

As far as I know, there are few "void" spawn in existence and are often referred to as shadow people round here, wait, no they aren't! Aw bollocks.

Master of Shadows

Hm, bit of an odd one this. When I first met MoS he was still one "thing" and it was said by others that his purpose in life was to go out destroy existence as we know it, gee, thanks MoS. Who the hell thought that was a good idea? "Grr, I hate existence! I'm gonna go smash the bugger up!"
What an excellent idea! Though recently he sort of split up due to some seals being destroyed, whteher there are any more seals left I have no idea but it seems that the 3 "fragments" have their own goals now.

Shadow: This is pretty much the original MoS, I'd say his perosnality varies depending on those who he is talking to but there is one rather odd thing about him, he is as bent as a bloody boomerrang.
It's something that you really wouldn't expect from a being of the Void but yet, he is.
He is also the father of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, more on those guys later.

Not too sure what Shadow is doing at the moment, last I heard he went insane and thought that the other 2 fragments were fakes.

Shade: Shade is surprisingly, my best friend here, he's arguably the more entertaining of the three and seems to just want what everyone else wants, a good life. He has two kids Nadia and Aidan from his soon-to-be-wife-if-not-already, Jessi.

He lives in the same apartment with me which means you'll usually find us playing the latest multiplayer game or watching something together and making fun of it though sometimes he'll tell me to watch or play something that has creepy as angels in it, not to mention he claims to have a live vampire head in his room, yeah right, those guys don't exist.

Shard/Corvus: Definitely one of the more cold yet, direct fragments, Shard who as far as I can tell has no malicious plans as of yet but he does seem to be looking at recent events with muted interest, he also uses guns unlike the other two but I suspect that is from when the bastard took my blood, I need that you know!

Also likes to change into a raven so as to spy on people or events, you can tell its eyes glow yellow.

Out of all the fragments, I think the one to watch would be Shard, not sure why but time will tell.


Oh man... These lot.

Take an angel, strap four more wings on their back, give them incredible power, so much so that their mere presence in the physical world could cause the planet to CRACK, they're just THAT powerful.

Luckily, they usually don't show up very often since they have other matters to attend to yet I have come across a seraph and "wannabe" seraphim, needless to say each encounter was scary as hell.


I think he is a seraph from the fact he had 6 wings but I'm not sure, it wouldn't surprise me since he told me that he was the former head of the Ishida Noble house, wonder why he quit? Might have been due to the fact he was present in the rebellion which he told me quite a bit about but not quite all of the story.

If I'm right, Gaberiel was indeed cited as one of the seven arch angels in Christian text so i guess that means I'm a dumbass for even pointing a gun at him... I was scared, OK? I didn't shoot him, that would've been suicide and he didn't seem to mind, strangely enough.


Sometimes known as Omega though not to be confused with Helel Omega, this guy leads a bunch of hunters who go off fighting "Mavericks", people which have been affected by some odd gas that causes them go insane and slaughter anyone they come across... Kind of reminds me of back then.

Anyway, Kata employed my daughter, Michelle into his weapons engineering division and has assured me that she will be safe working there but as any good father would, I have to go check it out myself and makes sure that there isn't an arsehole under that ponytail of his.

Unknown seraph

I only saw her in a dream and I'm pretty sure it is a her but there is something worrying about her, she supposedly wants to see my "full self" according to that Angel of Fate, sod her! I've been to Heaven twice now and I have no real reason to go back though I do wonder, what do they mean by "full self"?

I suspect the answer will reveal itself in time.

Page 2 can be found in the next post, seriously, it's right there you crumb bum!
Last edited by David on Sun Jul 18, 2010 12:45 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Bad Taste in Hats
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Postby David » Fri Aug 24, 2007 12:28 pm

David's journal 2.0 page 2

The four horsemen of the Apocalypse

Pretty much everyone who has a read a fantasy novel or researched mythology will know about the infamous four horsemen, turns out they actually exist and are rather horseless in reality.

Allen/Death: The oddest of the bunch, Allen is stupidly affectionate for a supposed "grim reaper" and spends alot of time hugging people and things, why he does this I'm not too sure, Shadow blames the energies that reside in this place.

Personally, I think he is a complete nut case though he did manage to get himself a girlfriend who is also Death, Amina I think her name was.

Set/Pestilence: Set rarely talks and when he does, it's the usual BS you'd expect from being that lives to spread disease and despair which is why not many people like him.

Nina/Famine: Another moody one though for famine I expected her, yes, her. Maybe they should be the horse people of the Apocalypse? Nevermind.
As I was saying, I expected her to be a complete fatass, why? Well, she is Famine which means she must be the bitch that eats everyone's food and drinks everything in sight but this doesn't appear to be the case.

Tyr/War: Only heard talk about him but he supposedly doesn't like humanity too much which his job, really. Also as bent as a broken arrow just like his father as was kindly pointed out to me by Helel Omega... Yeah, no comment.
I actually met Tyr or at least, two variants of him. One of them was a peace nut which kind of defeats the point of calling him War and then there is his usual, bloody form.

The peace loving fruitcake form was to say the least the most one of the oddest encounters I've had in this place, he's like Allen if someone injected a syringe full of "happy" into him. To make matters worse, he looked like an angel and while I don't mind them to some degree, sitting next to this guy was rather awkward, particularly when he asked how I felt inside.
Didn't seem to like my self deprecating comments which caused him to do... Something, thinking about it only makes me feel uncomfortable and nauseas. I'm glad he's gone, nothing wrong with being a pacifist but goddamn this guy was just... Ugh.

Now, the normal Tyr looks like an angel to, a bloody red angel at that because from the way he leaves streaks of blood on everything he touches I can only determine that he is made out of blood, I wonder if has any problems with I coagulating in certain areas?
Nah, but yes. Tyr is very much a fan of violence as evidenced when I saw him nail a stomach to the wall during christmas time, how festive. He also seemed to stare at me for some damn reason, can't imagine why but he got spontaneous noseleeds too, must have been leaking from somewhere.
Despite all of the wantng to kill himanity thing, he seems to actually care about certain people and apparently likes knitting, fancy that. What he uses to knit with I'm not going to ask.


Don't exist, plain and simple I mean seriously, a being that lives off of blood? Ridiculous! Blood has nutrients in it yes but most of it is plasma, not really something I would call a decent meal.


Wraiths are on odd species in that they're like kitsune in that they don't really exist here in the physical realm but are more aethereal in nature which makes them very powerful and bloody annoying.


Arguably one of the more egotistical people here, reyn is one of those guys who will constantly remind you just how powerful he his even if such statements are utter crap.
Rumours suggest he was part of a mercenary group until he left for some reason or another.
He is married to Hosaki and Sakura, yes, he has two wives and despite this he will hit on anything that is within a 20 foot radius and is female, is this a bad thing? Not really, it's something to admire, he must have amazing charisma to be able to convince someone to marry him when he is already married and yet, still be married to the other person, incredible... Though I'm just happy with one wife myself.

Often argues with Homura a lot as brother-in-laws usually do but it's understandable that Homura would worry about his daughter's relationship with Reyn.

He has a very morbid sense of humour which I have had a stab at replicating "You know, I hear wearing your own intestines as a scarf is an enlightening experience..." Funny? Sure, if you're a serial killer.
He also uses guns and in fact customises them to suit his own needs, he definitely takes great care with weaponry. I myself have a couple of things that he gave me though I suspect that it's because he doesn't want to see Hosaki upset.
Oh yeah, stay away from his wives if he is nearby, he will tear you a new one, particularly if you are close with them which is a problem for me given that one of them launches herself at me if I'm so much within smelling distance, I need better hygiene products.


This is Reyn's son from his first wife, Sakura, making him half wraith, quarter human and angel I think.
Right tall bastard but he is friendly enough, so long as you don't get close to his wife, Kira, that is. I got the beating of my life for that but it wasn't my fault! Bloody Kira...

Not much info on him to be honest though I hope to change that in the future.

Unknown or miscellaneous species/races

Where all the confusing people go!


Probably a human, probably not. Most humans I know don't levitate unless it's done via magic or something, I don't know.
I don't really know too much about him other than that floating thing he does, this journal sure is amazing!

Anres Tefeli

I think she is a human but I'm not sure, she displays some rather unusual supernatural traits but then again who around here doesn't?
Seems to be just visiting this place for whatever reason or another, I doubt that this place has good tourist information.


I've no idea what the hell this guy is supposed to be, he says he is a dragon but last I checked, dragons don't have fur, particularly pink fur.
Oh yes, this guy looks rather "fruity" if you know what I mean.
Let's see what I can remember... Oh yeah! He has a gem stuck in his ail for reasons I can't, it's probably some kind of new extreme piercing among youth? I don't bloody know.
You can usually find him hanging out on top of a tree stump, as you do.


Poor Ginny, she was I think an adult woman before Kira got a hold of her and made her into an unofficial daughter for herself, a four year old catgirl that does that did what most four year olds do.
Currently, she's not even that age as she looks to be only a toddler though she doesn't seem to mind it much, the adult part of her probably got erased along time ago.
My wife actually tried to adopt Ginny once since Kira was well, absent, most of the time but that didn't go so well and it ended up into a huge argument amongst themselves, bloody idiots.
For now, she's staying with Kira but it's not uncommon to see her here in the apartment so I guess she doesn't mind who she is with.


Kaguya is like me but not quite. She is a Solar Exalted, Solar Exalts are created from a certain person proving their worth to gods and as such are bestowed with power far beyond mortal men. She only looks like a 12 year old girl but is in actuality 17 due to Solar Exalts aging far slower than mortal men and the fact she will live for centuries.
She is also able to manipulate and utilise her life essence for charms and other forms of sorcery. Admittedly, she is far more experienced with such things than me given that she has over 5 years of experience.
Think I'll need to have a talk with her some more and see how similar the Ascended are to the Solar Exalted.


It's difficult to determine what Kumi is because her DNA probably gets changed around so much, the nucleotide chains are probably held together with blue tack and PVA glue.
I know she was human once before arriving here by going through a dimensional portal and I guess she never left. Since then she has acquired quite a few children and maids, often altering them via the use of her crystals that I myself have been on the recieving end of, time and time again...


This guy is a werewolf, a teenage one no less and he is also a lab tech too! Finally, science and mythology come together at last.
From what I've seen he mainly focuses on creating weapons though these weapons are the kind that change your gender and species rather than fatally wounding you although he also makes those too for a price or as a favour to others.
Seems to be quite the mischevous little bugger as he will often go around using those form changing weapons a lot either on a group or on some poor sod.
I've only seen his werewolf form once but man, the guy looks terrifying like that! Whether or not he hungers for human flesh is unknown but I don't think I want to test that out.

Malfean Tablis(?)

Not too sure really, I heard the name from Gabriel and that's it. Apparently they're some kind of experiment from the Lukiferos house or a bunch of maddened angels who probably got pissed off that they can't get drunk so they had to go and ruin it all for everyone else since if was one of them who is thought to have killed the Lukiferos child that triggered the rebellion in the first place, gits.


Mika is a Merrow, a mythological mermaid of sorts but not quite. Officially, she is a godling and daughter of Triton which according to my research is another name for Neptune, guess that'll explain the whole mermaid and trident thing then.
Mika is rather like Obsidian in tghat she is a rather pleasent person to talk to and easy to get along with so long as you don't mind standing beside lakes or other watery places though the last time I saw her, she learnt a spell to exchange the fish tail for legs.


Obsidian is a 174 year old Naga where a naga means being a half human/snake being so you have a human torso from the waist up but from below the waist it's a snake tail not the other way round because although a snake head on legs would be funny, it's also a stupid idea and should never happen.
Like normal snakes, Obsidian has fangs (along with venom) and is able to smell and see things much like a snake can, she also has a forked tongue too so I guess if the fangs and snake tail aren't enough of a party trick for you then maybe that will seal the deal along with the fact when she gets drunk she really draws out her s' like thissssssssssss.

Personality wise she is actually quite charming despite being a cold blooded being and that's not me being an arse hole, her species are cold blooded like snakes, dumbass. Anywho, she is a rather nice person to talk to and was one of the first non-humans I met that I didn't run away from in terror, not sure why but she seems to have a non threatening aura about her or was I drunk at the time? I don't know.
I am surprised that she is so cheerful considering she was a slave to some demi god that she managed to escape from to here.
Currently, she lives with Jean and usually be seen slithering about to see her friends and offering help to people so long as it doesn't involve going up a ladder I guess, can they go up ladders? I'm not sure, she can manage stairs but ladders I don't know, she could coil around it maybe?
Dammit, I wasted a sentence talking about crap again.

Roara Wolf

It's difficult to tell what species this guy as like with Kumi, it usually changes quite often but I know he seems to be consistently short for whatever reason that may be.
Doesn't seem to be a bad person, he just has a habit of teleporting behind or on top of people at random, this usually causes him to be either hugged or launched at someone else, poor sod.
His personality is very self confident from what I can see and likes to help out in his own special way, usually involving that teleportation thing.
I believe that he is currently working under Corvus for something, probably merc work.


I guess she is an Astrial... Whatever one of those are meant to be. I mean, I introduced myself to her and then she she introduces herself as the local Astrial to which I reply "I don't know what an Astrial is." and without mssing a beat she responds "Not many people do.".
Right, whatever. Some help that was.
I'm going to assume that she eats lightning and craps thunder as part of her diet until I get some more info.


Violet is the result between Corvus and some vampire lady (who probably doesn't exist) getting together.
She looks like a pretty young girl but her mind is anything but, she's more like her father in that she seems to know more than you about certain things and seems to merely observe events much like her dad.
Very creepy indeed.
Last edited by David on Sun Jul 18, 2010 12:44 pm, edited 28 times in total.
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Postby Rose » Thu Aug 30, 2007 9:57 pm

Wow thats long
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Postby Musashi » Fri Aug 31, 2007 3:55 am

Dood, what times do you show up in chat anyway? XD
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Postby David » Fri Aug 31, 2007 4:07 am

Musashi wrote:Dood, what times do you show up in chat anyway? XD

I usually get on at around 9:30 or 10:00 pm GMT till about 1 in the morning (I like sleep) but if you show up the same time as I do then the United Kingdom will sink to form an underwater city called "Crapture" where people have gone insane from not being allowed to eat fish & chips.

Or you know, I'll actually be able to talk to you, take your pick :O
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Postby Musashi » Fri Aug 31, 2007 4:20 am

Manpuncher wrote:
Musashi wrote:Dood, what times do you show up in chat anyway? XD

I usually get on at around 9:30 or 10:00 pm GMT till about 1 in the morning (I like sleep) but if you show up the same time as I do then the United Kingdom will sink to form an underwater city called "Crapture" where people have gone insane from not being allowed to eat fish & chips.

Or you know, I'll actually be able to talk to you, take your pick :O

...Wait, what's GMT? XD; I live in Califoooornia, so I go by Pacific time. :o And I am usually on anywhere between 6:00-11:00 PM.

Like what time is it for you now? It's 2:19 AM here.
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Postby David » Fri Aug 31, 2007 4:36 am

Right now, it is 10:30 ish in the morning here so it looks like I am 8 hours in front of you! I AM FROM THE FUTURE! :shock:

Oh and for those being drawn here like a moth to the flame to see the new journal, don't bloody read it yet! It's not really finished yet kind of like Duke Nukem Forever except I'll get this done in about a week whereas DNF is still coming out "when it's done", quack quack!
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Postby Musashi » Fri Aug 31, 2007 4:40 am

Manpuncher wrote:Right now, it is 10:30 ish in the morning here so it looks like I am 8 hours in front of you! I AM FROM THE FUTURE! :shock:

Oh and for those being drawn here like a moth to the flame to see the new journal, don't bloody read it yet! It's not really finished yet kind of like Duke Nukem Forever except I'll get this done in about a week whereas DNF is still coming out "when it's done", quack quack!

So if I'm getting this right.. I'd have to get on around 1:30 PM to see you. Hmmm. I'm not always available in the afternoon, buuuut there might be some times, so it's good to know. Hopefully I will get to hang out with ya sometime. :D
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Postby David » Fri Aug 31, 2007 12:37 pm

Personally, I'd hate for someone like you to freak out and rush home for 1:30pm whilst yelling "I need to get home to meet a crazy English person on the internet!" as David in reality is a little boring I think, just don't go rushing up to him yelling his name or you might get shot, he is a little paranoid as you can tell from his journal and diary. :P
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Postby Musashi » Fri Aug 31, 2007 1:10 pm

Manpuncher wrote:Personally, I'd hate for someone like you to freak out and rush home for 1:30pm whilst yelling "I need to get home to meet a crazy English person on the internet!" as David in reality is a little boring I think, just don't go rushing up to him yelling his name or you might get shot, he is a little paranoid as you can tell from his journal and diary. :P

I'm always home, though. XD *Noogie* Nothing you say will save you now~
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Postby AnimaVex » Fri Aug 31, 2007 11:46 pm

Meh. Musa's not anything to worry about. She's actually pretty darned cute in a hyperactive and sugar-loaded way. :P
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Postby Helel » Sun Sep 02, 2007 1:29 am

AnimaVex wrote:Meh. Musa's not anything to worry about. She's actually pretty darned cute in a hyperactive and sugar-loaded way. :P

Don't say it like that, or David'll go into seizures about Aeris, especially after today. XD
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