Caption this! You know that you wanna. ;p

When a picture inspires the mind and a story forms within.

Moderator: Raleigh

Postby Katty » Tue Apr 04, 2006 3:09 pm

"What did you say?!" Yelled Mike to the swim coach.
"You heard me right. I am sorry" The coach replied in a sad tone.
"Like crap your're sorry!" Came from Dave.

The school has one of the best swim teams in the School district. It is really from the girls, but the boys have a good record as well. Well, this school has a small problem. Some of the older swim team boys that is. Some are failing, some dropped out, and some have storys all their own. But the end result is that Mike, Dave, and Sean were the only ones left. And three a team does not make.

As they were walking home, they went by the pool to watch for a bit. They saw the girls swimming and thought about how unfair it was that they could not. It was at this moment, Maria, a cute bubbly blonde on the team, and the best swimmer with the best grades in school, (and to all the boys, best body) came up to the three of them.

"Hiya guys. You here to practice, or to watch?" She said. She knew that she had a great form and was happy that boys looked at her. Especially these three. She had a three way cruch. The boys told her about what happend to the team.

"That is, like, soo mean of the school. Let me talk to them and see if I can fix it." she said. The three agreed, and she said to meet her tomorrow here at the same time.

The next day, the boys were back in the pool area, even in the same sets, when Maria came, looking happy.

"They agreed to let you swim" She said. The boys were happy. She told them that she had some practice suits in the locker room, and she went with them too. When they got to the room, she lead them away to the girls room. Confused, they all walked in. Maria handed them 3 girl suit. They asked what was up. Maria simple told them to put them on.

The boys did, with some wonder. Once the suits were on, they changed. They were not the same boys of before, but 3 cute girls that filled out the suits. Maria told them that she told the school that she had 3 friends who were home schooled, but wanted to swim on a team. She left the details vage, but was told that they could swim. She remembered that she got a book of spells for a report about 15 hundreds. She read it and found a morph spell, and bound it to the 3 suits. She assured them that if they take off the swits, they will be normal again. Sean did, and he was. Putting the suit back on, the 4 of them went to go for a swim.

In the back of the spell book, last page, it reads this:

"Never mix any of these spells with water. Only lambs blood, if you need a liquid. Water leads to un forseen results, like tentacals (Squid potion, Pg 54), or may make change last forever"
Beware the magic pencil!
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