Some helpfull words for writers.

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Some helpfull words for writers.

Postby Cow Belle » Sun May 15, 2005 9:52 pm

I have encounter many people and have given a lot of advice. Also I have learn a lot of things from people. I hope this can help you with your own storys. ^_^

1) "What a horrible fate it is to die with a story in your heart"

I think everybody has some kind of story to share. Some times they just never get the idea on paper. Don't let things like doubts or fear of failure get in the way because you will never know if you never try. What a shame it is to leave the earth with out never getting it out.

2) "There are two kinds of people in this world in the parade of life. The first person is the one in the parade. He or she has spent some time to work to be seen doing some thing, anything. Then there's the other person. The people just watching them walking down the street. who are you going going to be?

3) Believe in your self.

I think people some times are there own biggest critic. While this is ok to know where your own down falls are, just don't put your self down.

4) Be very wary when comparing your work to some one else.

People every where are on there own path and walk. Everybody is at a different level and have put a lot of time into there work. To compare your self to some one that has spent their whole life working on there art is very foolish.

5) When someone pays you a complement on your work, say "thank you" and then shut up!

It amazes me when people give some a complement like this...

Person 1: Wow, I really like your drawing. It's looks very good.
Person 2: Really, I think it really is bad. I mean.....

To me it always seems to be a slap in the face to the first person. If you say stuff like that do you ever think you ever get a complement again? Oh, also never say shut up out loud, do that in you head. :p

6) Rome wasn't built in a day.

When you start out, don't think that your going to be the best at it on the first day. It's going to take a lot of work, time and effort. It may take weeks, months, even years. But don't give up reaching your gole. I know that you can do it. ^_^

7) Don't put your self down, believe in your self.

8 ) Don't be afraid to ask for help.

9) Keep going even when you do fail.

Abraham Lincoln...
Falled in business (1831)
Defeated for Legislature (1832)
Second failure in business (1833)
Suffered nervous breakdown (1836)
Defeated for Speaker (1838)
Defeated for Elector (1840)
Defeated for Congress (1843)
Defeated for Senate (1858)
Defeated for Vice President (1856)
Defeated for Senate (1856)
Elected President (1860)

If that doesn't tell a story I don't know what will.

10) Turn off that damn TV and get started!

What are you waiting for? Get started. You can do it! ^_^

Oh, Fell free to add on. ^_^
Some stuff happen, and there was cow bell! And all was good.
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Cow Belle
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Postby Sakraida82 » Mon May 16, 2005 12:46 am

And never give up hope. FIGHT FIGHT!!!
I'm a Fairy
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