Writing Prompt - Inspirations from first lines

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Writing Prompt - Inspirations from first lines

Postby Cutey Kerina » Sun Dec 10, 2006 3:32 am

Take the first line of a nursery rhyme and write something creative. It can be zappy or anime-based or other. It can be short, a concept, use it for a title, an opening line, etc. ^_^ Go for it!

Here's some beginnings to choose from

* All around the mulberry bush
* The Ants go marching
* As I was going to St. Ives
* As I went over Lincoln Bridge
* As I went to Bonner
* As white as milk
* Baa, baa, black sheep
* Barber, barber, shave a pig
* Bat, bat, come under my hat
* Bell horses
* Birds of a feather
* Bobby Shaftoe
* Bow, wow, says the dog
* Boys and girls, come out to play
* Butterfly, butterfly
* Bum, bum, bailey, O!
* A Cat came fiddling out of a barn
* The cats went out to serenade
* Cobbler, cobbler, mend my shoe
* The cock doth crow
* The cock's on the housetop
* Cold and raw the north wind doth blow
* Come to the window
* Cross patch, draw the latch
* Curly Locks, Curly Locks
* Cut thistles in May
* Daffy down dilly
* Dame Trot and her cat
* Dance to your Daddy
* Davy Davy Dumpling
* Dickery dickery dare
* Did you ever see a lassie
* Diddle, diddle, dumpling
* A Diller, a dollar
* Ding, dong, bell
* Do you know the Muffin Man
* Do your ears hang low
* Doctor Foster
* Down at the station
* Elizabeth, Elspeth, Betsey, and Bess
* Elsie Marley's grown so fine
* Eencey Weencey spider
* Every lady in this land
* The Farmer in the dell
* Father and Mother and Uncle John
* Fee! Fi! Fo! Fum!
* Fiddle dee dee
* For want of a nail
* Four stiff-standers
* From Wibbleton to Wobbleton
* Georgie Porgie
* Go to bed, Tom
* Good night, sleep tight
* Goosey, goosey gander
* Gray goose and gander
* Green cheese
* Handy Spandy Jack-a-dandy
* Handy Spandy, sugar candy
* Hark! Hark! The dogs do bark
* The hart, he loves the high wood
* Hector Protector was dressed all in green
* Here goes my lord
* Here I am, little jumping Joan
* Here we go round the mulberry bush
* Hey, diddle, diddle
* Hi! Hi! says Anthony
* Hickory dickory dock!
* Higglety, pigglety
* High in the pine tree
* The Hokey Pokey
* Horsie, horsie, don't you stop
* Hot cross buns
* How many miles to Babylon?
* The house that Jack built
* Humpty Dumpty
* Hush-a-bye, baby
* Hush, baby, my dolly
* Hush, little baby
* I am a pretty little Dutch girl
* I do not like thee, Doctor Fell
* I don't want to go to Mexico
* I had a little hen
* I had a little nut tree
* I love little pussy
* I saw a ship a-sailing
* I saw Esau
* I see the moon
* I sing, I sing
* Ice cream
* Ice cream, a penny a lump
* If all the world were paper
* If I had a donkey
* If I'd as much money as I could to spend
* If wishes were horses
* In marble walls
* In Spring I look gay
* It's raining, it's pouring
* I've been workin' on the railroad
* Jack and Jill went up the hill
* Jack, be nimble
* Jack Sprat
* Jerry Hall
* John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt
* King Boggen, he built a fine new hall
* Knick, knack, paddy whack
* Kookaburra
* Ladybug! Ladybug!
* Lavender's blue
* Lend me thy mare to ride a mile
* The Lion and the Unicorn
* Little Bo Peep
* Little Boy Blue
* Little Bunny Foo Foo
* Little Jack Horner
* Little Miss Muffet
* Little Nancy Etticoat
* Little Poll Parrot
* Little Polly Flinders
* Little Robin Redbreast sat upon a rail
* Little Robin Redbreast sat upon a tree
* Little Tommy Tittlemouse
* London Bridge is falling down
* Mademoiselle went down to the well
* The Man in the moon
* A Man in the wilderness
* Mares eat oats
* Mary had a little lamb
* Mary, Mary, quite contrary
* Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
* Michael, row the boat ashore
* Monday's child
* Mother, may I go out to swim?
* Mother Goose had a house
* My Bonnie lies over the ocean
* My Grandfather's Clock
* The North wind doth blow
* Now I lay me down to sleep
* Oats, peas, beans, and barley grow
* Oh, dear, what can the matter be? (Johnny version)
* Oh, dear, what can the matter be? (Appletree version)
* Oh, the grand old Duke of York
* Oh, where, oh, where, has my little dog gone
* Old King Cole
* Old MacDonald had a farm
* Old Mother Goose
* Old Mother Hubbard
* On top of Old Smokey
* On top of spaghetti
* Once I saw a little bird
* One I love
* One for sorrow
* One for the mouse
* One little, two little, three little Indians
* One misty moisty morning
* One to make ready
* One, two, buckle my shoe
* One, two, three, four
* One, two, three, four, five
* Over the river and through the woods
* Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake
* Peas porridge hot
* Peter, Peter, pumpkin eater
* Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers
* Polly, put the kettle on
* Piping hot, smoking hot
* Pop! goes the weasel
* Punch and Judy fought for a pie
* Pussycat, pussycat, where have you been
* The Queen of Hearts
* Rain on the green grass
* Rain, rain go away
* Ride a cock horse
* Riddle me, riddle me, ree
* Ring a-round the roses
* Robin and Richard
* Row, row, row your boat
* Rub-a-dub-dub
* Sailing, sailing
* The Seasons
* See, saw, Marjorie Daw
* See, saw, sacradown
* See, see!
* She'll be comin' round the mountain
* A shoemaker makes shoes
* Simple Simon
* Sing a song of sixpence
* Sing, sing, what shall I sing
* Sippity sup, sippity sup
* Six little mice sat down to spin
* Skip, skip, skip to my Lou
* Sleep, baby, sleep
* Smiling girls, rosy boys
* Solomon Grundy
* Spring is showery
* Star light, star bright
* Swan swam over the sea
* A Swarm of bees in May
* Taffy was a Welshman
* Teddy bear, teddy bear
* Ten little Indians
* The Owl and the Pussycat
* There was a crooked man
* There was a jolly miller once
* There was a little girl
* There was a little man
* There was a maid on Scrabble Hill
* There was an old crow
* There was an old woman tossed up in a blanket
* There was an old woman who lived in a shoe
* There's a neat little clock
* Thirty days hath September
* This is the house that Jack built
* This little froggy
* This little piggy went to market,
* This old man, he played one,
* Three blind mice
* Three grey geese
* Three little kittens
* Three wise men of Gotham
* Three young rats with black felt hats
* Tinker, tailor
* A tisket, a tasket
* To bed, to bed
* To market, to market, to buy a fat pig,
* Tom, he was a piper's son
* Tom, Tom, the piper's son
* Trip upon trenchers
* Trot, trot, to Boston
* Tweedledum and Tweedledee
* Twinkle, twinkle, little star
* Up the wooden hill to Blanket Fair
* Upstairs, downstairs, upon my lady's window,
* Vintery, mintery, cutery, corn
* Warm hands, warm
* Wash the dishes
* Wee Willie Winkie
* What are little boys made of?
* What are little girls made of?
* What did I dream?
* When that I was but a little tiny boy
* When little Fred went to bed
* When the wind lies in the east
* Whether the weather be fine,
* Winken, Blinken, and Nod one night
* A wise old owl sat in an oak,
* X, Y, and tumbledown Z
* Yankee Doodle came to town
* Zum Gali Gali Gali
http://photobucket.com/albums/v340/Majorkerina/ Kashimashi here in "Zappy Manga"
"I'm begging you. Establish context before you start talking." - Kyon
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Cutey Kerina
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Postby Chibi MitchellTF » Sun Dec 10, 2006 11:16 am

GAH! Overload! I'll try just one...

A cat came fiddling out of the barn.
He met a dog and then said Darn.
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Postby Arkain » Mon Dec 11, 2006 9:48 pm

The cats went out to serenade before the hose washed them off the fence.

Green cheese did me in, could you think of anything more embarressing? Was minding my own business, sampling a bit of it at the family picnic, when a bit of it got stuck in my throat. Thirty years of healthy living, brought to a stand still because nobody knew how to save me.

Hark! Hark! The dogs do bark, and thanks to this god-damned curse I understand every word. Yes! I get it! You're scaring off those nasty, horrible beasties from your precious yard, shut up! HOWWWWWL!

I am a pretty little Dutch girl, and boy is it pissing me off. Last time I volunteer for a special mission... You think after all the effort that when into ole Operation Market Garden, we'd actually have done something. Now, where the hell is my extraction team?

I see the moon, it calls to me. Spare bits of aluminum and a bit of fuel, see me to my love!

My Bonnie lies over the ocean, and I'm too weak to swim.

Old King Cole sat on his throne and put to death the minstrel whose work had immortalized his name in song. Bad hearing in his old age, thought he was insulting him, y'know.

The Queen of Hearts stole mine. She said it was wrong that a girl should be able to love as deeply as I, wrong for anyone. Jealousy, you see, for the Queen never likes to be outdone. So here I stand, hating you, because it's all I have.

Rain, rain, go away! Uncreative anime-loving witches cursed me, and you know what that means!

Row, row, row your boat, before the freakin' natives catch up!

Six little mice sat down to spin, sending the scientific community into a frenzy.

Ten little Indians feathered Custar, and damned if he didn't deserve it.

Three young rats with black felt hats cornered the market on cheese and became millionaires.

Arkain, the Patron Saint of People Who Fight Against Being Transformed Instead of Accepting It. Canonized...right about now.
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