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[Art] Requests

PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 3:01 pm
by Handmaiden Tanya
Since the board seems to be booming with requests, pile them in here from now on.

...I could've sworn we had one of these before, but it's gone apparently...

PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 3:12 am
by Garath the Shadowshifter
Well, I have a request, but I feel bad for asking....

Well I have a couple of pics I'd really like done, but er. I'm a little shy on posting them here.

Pretty much a pic of myself as 'Garath' and a certain 'Miyuko' one in a particular dress. (nothilng nasty about the dress, it's just kinda a personal thing for me)

If anyone is interested in helping me out, please send me a PM.

Anyone who -IS- willing to help I promise to return the favor in anyway I can. Maybe you have a song or something you've been looking for? I'm good at finding that kinda stuff.

Anyway. *bows* Thank you very much for listening to me.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 9:11 am
by inchide
A sort of classic request::
Link is facing sheik in the temple of time
S-"I will show you my true face"
Sheik transforms into Zelda
S-"I'm princess Z... Oops! Maybe you were standing a little too close to me"
Link has been affected by the trasformation spell and is now a girl.

PostPosted: Sat May 14, 2005 11:49 pm
by Arkain

Seeing as how I've finally figured out what I look like on the IRC chatroom, I think it's time I requested a picture!

One for Arkain and one for Arkady. A femme version is practically a necessity...

Arabian in appearance. ... turban.jpg
Turban like so ... anigma.jpg
Crazy pants like the dude with the spear and spikey hair.
Remainer of clothing: Subject to imagination, but arabian in origin would be nice.

Girl form doesn't necessarily need to be clothed the same.


Send here: jachranit -at-

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2005 12:43 am
by Sakraida82
I guess I'd like a female version done.... Um....

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2005 10:35 am
by Christina Anikari
I'll just post my standard request here. Since i am female full-time in chat and my character there Terra is just a female version of myself it gets useful for that purpose too.

Anyway i would like to request a picture much like the one Alyta requested some time ago. I would like a picture of myself as a girl. These three pictures can be used as reference. Fancy clothes.

I normally wear my hair like in the last picture just hanging down in a sort of hippie-who-has-lost-his-hairband way. As for clothes i generally don't care much about it, but for pants i only own jeans and the only shoes i wear are my hiking boots and hiking shoes. As for clothes on my upper body just normal t-shirts a few of them fancy designer stuff with fancy things written on them the rest are just normal boring t-shirts. No clothes that are too feminine if that is alright.

I think that should be it.

PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2005 10:14 am
by Momoko

*after some minutes, comes back* Silly.

Anyways, since Momoko's been hopping around on avatars for the while, have thought to ask the fellow artistes on this board, if would like to take to the task of drawing up own 'Cute Servant Girl/Lady of Pinkness'. Doesn't have to be based on any sort of familiar person, just some cute pink servant girl of sorts.

Of course, is all just a silly request, and really am not looking for a deadline, just thought would lay request out. ^^

Oh, and maybe a silly MSF person comic-ish scene, too, like the Kuroneko-in-cupcake bit Momoko requested of Zack SO long ago. Is funny. ^^

PostPosted: Sun May 22, 2005 5:59 pm
by Arkain
Please nix the e-mail up in the previous post.
Instead, send to my profile's e-mail or post on a site and show me the link in a PM, please.

PostPosted: Sun May 22, 2005 8:40 pm
by Sakraida82
Is anyone answering the requests?

PostPosted: Sun May 22, 2005 9:40 pm
by Goose
Wouldn't ya know it, I just happen to have a handful of requests right here. Let's start from the top...

Garath: I'll talk to you about yours later, like you asked for in your request.

Inchide: ... crewup.jpg

Arkain: The first reference was a dead link. I didn't know how crucial it was to the request, so I'll get to it later whenever you fix it or whatever.

Sakraida: You gotta give us more to go on. A reference image or description or something. Besides, I've drawn you already anyways XD

Torm: ... F-Torm.jpg

Mokomo: ... Mokomo.jpg

I wanted to do these to get the request board rolling, and this is a good start I guess. Hopefully we can get crazy amounts of artists and requests piled up here, and it will be wonderful. It'd be even better if we got Kou's 30 minute request game back up, since I think that was a great way to quickly and easily take care of requests and the like, and it was fun for the artists too. Well, fun for me at least. Anyway, I hope you like 'em, and I'll get to the others when I can. Also, gotta give Zack props for the Zelda page. I based it pretty strongly off of this image.

PostPosted: Mon May 23, 2005 12:41 am
by Deathscythe13x
lol great Link drawing Goose, and also great work with the other drawings.

PostPosted: Mon May 23, 2005 10:38 am
by Zack Gongaga
Wild_Goose wrote:. Also, gotta give Zack props for the Zelda page. I based it pretty strongly off of this image.

Awwww... I love ya too, Goosey. You did a great job on those pictures, by the way.

PostPosted: Mon May 23, 2005 12:06 pm
by Christina Anikari
Great job Goose. Just a question about the picture of me. Why do i look so angry? Anyway i would like to thank you for making it, it is something i have really wanted to have done at some point.

PostPosted: Mon May 23, 2005 3:52 pm
by Sierra_Rune
I don't think you look angry, I think you look confident.

PostPosted: Mon May 23, 2005 9:34 pm
by HikariOblivion
i hate requesting, but i think this one is something i need done ^^;

name: Dark Puni Puni Sakura

race: Shadow Demon

appearance: Puni has a thin build, and is tallish.. her outfit is a light jacket, over black fabric that form a more thick than normal thong and a strap that covers her flat chest. she has an extremely curvy body, which leads to her long, black tail.. two black horns adorn her forehead, and her hair is long, going to her lower back

her expression, commonly, is a mixture of curiosity and self confidence.. she is sure of herself and knows who and what she is, and views the world with very much of an inquisitive curiosity, taking in the details she sees

it should probably be mentioned that her shadow is rather out of control and has a tendency of devouring background objects <_<

if more details are needed, feel free to ask ^^;