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Postby Stone » Tue Aug 11, 2009 11:27 pm

This story isn't my best work it is just something that I decided to do for fun. I'm obviously not done with it, but I think that it will be good once I find time to write the next part. Curse me! I hate it when people don't finish their stories. Anyway for a first installment it isn't that bad. Anywho, here's a link http://minnowfield.webs.com. Just click on Stories in the toolbar to the left. Let me know you thought.
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Lurking MSFer
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Re: Minnowfield.

Postby Stone » Wed Aug 12, 2009 5:58 pm

Alright so I have a new site and I'm excited to have people go there to read my stories. I could just post them here but this just seems like more fun.

Okay I added a new story, before I finished the one that I was working on. But hey I think that you guys will like it. It's called Boutique. Goto my sitehttp://minnowfield.webs.com to check it out. :mrgreen:
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Re: Minnowfield.

Postby Stone » Sat Sep 05, 2009 11:39 am

Okay, so this story you can find on http://minnowfield.webs.comas well. But I have included it here for easy findability. This is just part 1. I have 4 more parts written. And I plan more on the way.

Taylor woke up in his classroom. It was a hot summer day, and he was forced to study because of the class that he failed the week before. His only choice was to take the summer class or he wouldn’t graduate in two years. He could have retaken the class the next summer, but thought that it would be better to take care of it sooner than later.
He couldn’t focus on his studies, because it was so hot outside that his mind became thick and muddy. Taylor had trouble keeping his eyes open. The heat of the day combined with a heavy lunch begged him to drift off to sleep. Yet Taylor showed great resistance to his urges and forced himself to think about the math he was supposed to be relearning.
However, the heat was relentless. Taylor finally gave in and put his head down. He began to dream. Taylor had the strangest dream he ever had in his entire life. First he felt a strange sensation in his entire body, as if something were horribly wrong. He would only later be able to describe the feeling as a tingling later. Then it stopped everywhere except for his chest. The feeling changed, suddenly, as if something hard and flat was pushing harder and harder against his chest.
He looked down to see two very feminine breasts literally inflating to fill his shirt up. He became intrigued by what he saw. Then he saw his younger sister’s face, smiling down at him. She laughed and it seemed to pierce him to his soul. He grew frightened.
He jolted up in his desk again. His hand was at his chest out of instinct. There wasn’t anything wrong. Taylor’s chest was just as flat as ever and his sister wasn’t anywhere in sight. He just had a bad dream while he was sleeping in class. It didn’t matter, Taylor was still breathing heavily. Something about that dream really disturbed Taylor.
Maybe it was the fact that it felt so real. The breasts had grown as if they were balloons, but in his dream they had real weight to them. He could feel them pulling the rest of his body down. Or maybe it was the cruel laugh of his younger sister. He had never heard anything like that from her in his entire life.
In his panic, Taylor did manage to notice that his class was almost over. Even though he had slept through most of it, his teacher didn’t seem to mind. Neither did he seem to notice Taylor’s abrupt awakening.
Taylor managed to stay awake for the rest of the lesson. And everything passed without incident. He made his way home. When he walked through the door his sister, Samantha, was waiting for him.
“How was stupid people school?” She asked savagely.
“It’s not for stupid people.” Taylor responded, he knew that he was outgunned by his sister and that she was setting up to shred him to pieces. He already was miserable because he had failed his math class, ruined his summer, and destroyed his family’s vacation plans. Now she had to rub it in.
“Sure it is. I’ve never seen a smart person goto school in the summer.” She was goading him, seeing how far she could push before he snapped. “Hey, since only stupid people, goto the stupid people school, that must make you stupid.”
Taylor knew how to defuse this situation. “Why do you hate me?”
“I don’t hate you!”
“Then why do you call me names like stupid, idiot, dunce-bucket, and the rest of your clever little names?”
Samantha stared at her brother unsure what to say. They became locked in a fierce staring contest. Finally, she looked down and hung her head.
“That’s what I thought.” Taylor pushed past her and started up the stairs.
As Taylor reached the very top of the stairs he thought that he heard Sam mumble something that sounded like “I love you.” It made him stop where he was. Sam hadn’t moved a muscle; her head was still hanging down so that Taylor couldn’t see her face. Could it be that in some weird twist of crazy sister logic that when she said “You’re so stupid.” she really meant, “I love you.”? Taylor stared for another few moments and decided that he was just hearing things, but that his comments had obviously stung his little sister. He made a mental note to apologize later. So Taylor went to his room.
Taylor sat down on his bed. He just couldn’t shake the heat of the day no matter what he did. So he decided to just take it easy and to limit his own movements as much as possible. Taylor stuck in his ear-bud and cranked up his IPOD. There wasn’t anything to do except for chill out to some good tunes. He lay down and just nodded to the beat. As he did so he felt his hair beat against the back of his neck. Funny, my hair has gotten long lately. I guess I’m due for a haircut. He realized how impossibly fast his hair must have gotten longer.
It seemed strange, but then again he never did pay much attention to his hair. He reached up and touched it. His hair seemed impossibly soft, much softer than usual. His hair was also a lot longer than he expected. It was nearly to his shoulders! Taylor jumped up. That wasn’t right. It shouldn’t be so long. He ran over to his desk where he kept a small hand mirror and looked at himself. But everything was normal. There wasn’t anything odd about his hair at all. He reached up and touched it again.
This time it was about the length that he thought it should be. He shook his head and muttered, “I’m going nuts.” He went back to his bed and lay down again. Taylor pressed his hands against his eyes. The pressure built until he began to see a little gold ring. Then he suddenly released the pressure and let his blurry vision refocus.
Refocus, that’s what Taylor had to do. He was letting his mind drift, that’s why it was making things up to keep him entertained. He needed something to do. He looked around his room. He didn’t want to go out where Sam was because he didn’t want to confront her again so soon. Taylor looked over to his homework.
He sighed. He had nothing to do except for homework. He groaned and put the pillow up over his head. “No more math! Urghh!” Despite his complaining he grabbed it and began studying. He decided that he would study until dinner. And then after dinner he would go apologize to Sam. That worked out perfectly for Taylor.
By dinnertime Taylor actually managed to memorize the quadratic formula. No more weird daydreams of having boobs or crazy fast growing hair. He just did math.
Finally, he left his room and went down to the dinning room. Everyone was waiting for him. “So how what were you doing in your room that whole time?” Taylor’s dad asked.
“Oh, I was studying my math.” Taylor replied.
His dad eyed him suspiciously, “Really?”
“Of course! I have to graduate at some point, don’t I?”
Taylor sat down and started to dish food out to himself. He ate in silence for the whole meal and carefully avoided Sam’s eyes. He didn’t want to do or say anything to her, at least not until he was ready to. Despite his carefulness, he looked up at one point and saw her. She was staring at him. She didn’t seem upset or anything. She was simply staring as if trying to understand something. Taylor began to feel sick. His stomach muscles began to tighten. He felt like vomiting. “I’m sorry, I don’t feel so good. Excuse me.” And with that Taylor ran off to the nearest bathroom.
Once he got to the bathroom his sudden wave of nausea passed. He looked in the mirror and thought that he looked skinnier. Then he realized that his body seemed to be swelling. He shook his head. “I must be dizzy. It looks like I’m getting skinnier and fatter. He went back to his room to lie down again. He thought that he might take a nap. Maybe he’d be feeling better after that.
He drifted off to sleep again.
He dreamed about Sam again. She was standing in front of him. Taylor tried to say something to her. When he did she approached him. He tried to say, “I’m sorry.” Every time that he said it she grew more and more angry. She didn’t say anything, but she became agitated. Finally, she couldn’t contain herself any longer, and she shoved him hard in the chest. Taylor was sent backwards. Luckily for him, somebody caught him around the waist. Taylor looked up into the face of the person that rescued him. It was a copy of Sam. Two Sams one holding him the other in front of him a few steps away.
The second Sam shot him a cruel sneer as if disgusted. Before Taylor could do anything she threw him sideways. Taylor lost his balance and landed hard on his hip. He cried out in pain. Then his head burned with pain. As if somebody was pulling on his hair. He looked up and a third Sam was indeed savagely yanking on his hair. It didn’t take long for her to yank him up to his feet again.
Once Taylor was on his feet again he saw a fourth Sam approaching. This one was cold and calculating. She marched straight up to him. Taylor was now surrounded by Sams. The fourth one looked him up and down. She smiled, but it wasn’t a good smile. It was the smile of somebody that was about to do something horrible and didn’t care. She punched him in the gut as hard as she could. The pain caused him to double over. As he did so the third Sam finally let go of his hair.
Still doubled over Taylor looked up into the fourth Sam’s face. “So you want more, do you?” She said. She put her hands on his shoulders and cruelly kneed Taylor in the crotch. Taylor went to the floor. The pain radiated from his crotch to the rest of his body. Every part of him was screaming to tell him that he had just been kneed in the crotch. The four Sams began to laugh and enjoy his pain.
At that exact moment, Taylor woke up in a cold sweat. Taylor was used to having nightmares but nothing like that. Sam was annoying but not cruel like that. He got up and went to the bathroom. He splashed some cold water onto his face. After drying himself off he looked at the familiar image in the mirror. He inspected the color of his tongue, yawned and walked out of the room.
Taylor looked down at his watch. It was late, about 8:30. He knew that he should apologize to Sam, but after that dream he really didn’t want to see her. He was terrified of her. But Sam did need to know that he wasn’t mad at her. So he began the long march down the hall to Sam’s bedroom.
He knocked on her door. “Hey Sam, are you in there?”
There was a slight pause and then the answer came back through the door, “Yeah, what do you want?”
“I want to talk to you for a second can I come in?” Over the course of the years Sam and Taylor had developed a sort of treaty that said they needed to be invited to each others rooms. Otherwise an untimely demise might come to the intruder. Actually, Taylor didn’t care. He just did it because Sam was big into privacy and was playing tit for tat.
There was a long pause, but finally she answered, “Okay, but hold on for a moment.” Taylor wondered what she could possibly be doing. He decided against asking questions. He waited and the door swung open. Sam was standing there. She cocked her head to the side, and smiled. “Come on in.”
And so Taylor stepped through the door.
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