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Re: Math or language?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 11:25 am
by Helel
Musashi wrote:Hate... math... *Twitch*

I never considered it a gender thing though. I didn't hear anything about that till I was like 14 and a teacher said "Do you think you're bad at math because you're a girl?" and I was all "... no, I just don't get it. o_O;"

Ironically, since I go to a math/science school, a big problem that it's had to deal with is that perception that girls aren't as adept at math as guys are... and what's come up a lot is not so much that girls are always bad at math or anything, but because most professors in the university are guys themselves... and, well, kinda treat classes like guys clubs or something. Which is a shame really, I think.

Re: Math or language?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 1:12 pm
by Marky
Haruhelel wrote:
Mary wrote:Heh, how "simple" is this Math that we're talking about. Cause if it is algebra and all that, I'm good. But when you get to Calculus, Differential Equations...and such, I start to go into a downward spiral...

As for my reading skills, they're excellent. Writing, so-so, I'd have to say, college-level wise, as the highest grade I've made on a paper here is an A-...I think, and I haven't come close since. Spelling, I'm good. Speaking...hell no. So, yeah, where do I stand?! :P

It's hard to imagine anyone that doesn't lose a bit of sanity while taking those classes.

Case in point ->

This still leaves me hanging on what to vote for. :P

Re: Math or language?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 1:37 pm
by Just some lady
^^ Language~~
I'm not baaaad at math, but I avoid too much of it, if at all possible...^^;;

Re: Math or language?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 2:11 pm
by Zoei
This is a Misandryist Poll. Everyone Knows Math is nothing more than Mythos lore thus if you learn enough of it you go mad.. thinking it has to do with gender or something..

Re: Math or language?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 3:44 pm
by Haylie
I think that "Boys are better than girls at math" is complete and utter balderdash. I'm a guy, and I'm more word-oriented than anything. Maybe I'm the proverbial black sheep, but still.

Re: Math or language?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 3:52 pm
by Rodney
I agree with Haylie. It's quite a stereotype.
I'm into math, but Danica McKellar's style

Re: Math or language?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 4:26 pm
by Mitera Nikkou
Zyonko wrote:This is a Misandryist Poll. Everyone Knows Math is nothing more than Mythos lore thus if you learn enough of it you go mad.. thinking it has to do with gender or something..

This isn't a misandronistic poll. Thanks for making the last few posts unpleasantly incorrect, since it's the nonsense that I wanted to avoid. The poll is merely playing on the assumption of a stereotype having any bearing on anything. That's it. A game, if you will.

Of course, science is starting to find differences between the genders, on what tends to work best when it comes to the method of learning either subject. But that's not saying one gender is necessarily better at one or the other: it just means they may require learning them in a certain way for better results.

Anyway, I'm better at language. Even though I personally don't care for it. Then again, I care for math even less. I can't do more than addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. I can't say it was difficult to learn, when I actually cared to learn it, but I don't like to bother with senseless things. And I have more use for language than I do for math many times over, so... Math is pretty (but not completely) senseless to me.

Re: Math or language?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 4:35 pm
by Queen Octavia
I figure we're only thirty years away from implanting an Arithmetic Logic Unit into the brains of our children at birth, thereby eliminating arithmetic from the curriculum forever.

Re: Math or language?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 4:37 pm
by Rodney
Karmelo wrote:Assume that girls do better with language and that boys do better in math.

I get it now : it's like math, you make assumption/hypothesis at first.
Well, the conclusion of this math problem is that I'm a boy.

Re: Math or language?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 4:45 pm
by Zoei
Karmelo wrote:
Zyonko wrote:This is a Misandryist Poll. Everyone Knows Math is nothing more than Mythos lore thus if you learn enough of it you go mad.. thinking it has to do with gender or something..

This isn't a misandronistic poll. Thanks for making the last few posts unpleasantly incorrect, since it's the nonsense that I wanted to avoid. The poll is merely playing on the assumption of a stereotype having any bearing on anything. That's it. A game, if you will.


....clearly the fact that I claimed that Math was a key to driving you insane by understanding the innerworkings of the Cthuhlu Mythos meant I was strongly serious about my post.

Re: Math or language?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 5:02 pm
by Mitera Nikkou
It's not about whether you were serious or not. It was a language problem. The first thing that you did was state what kind of poll that you thought it was. The following sentence doesn't do much to curtail the seriousness of that statement, and thus you got the two responses that followed. I was addressing that. You goof. :P

Rodney wrote:
Karmelo wrote:Assume that girls do better with language and that boys do better in math.

I get it now : it's like math, you make assumption/hypothesis at first.
Well, the conclusion of this math problem is that I'm a boy.

I was wondering if anyone would do that. Yay! :D

UberLurker wrote:I figure we're only thirty years away from implanting an Arithmetic Logic Unit into the brains of our children at birth, thereby eliminating arithmetic from the curriculum forever.

So, according to the logic of this poll, female domination will be at hand? :lol:

Re: Math or language?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 5:54 pm
by Zoei
Karmelo wrote:It's not about whether you were serious or not. It was a language problem. The first thing that you did was state what kind of poll that you thought it was. The following sentence doesn't do much to curtail the seriousness of that statement, and thus you got the two responses that followed. I was addressing that. You goof. :P

The responses following mine had nothing to do with my statement. It was based on the premise of the Poll.

My joke being that this poll is biased against men because being good at math makes you a mythos cultist and therefore you are saying all men are Mythos cultists.. which is clearly a joke because Math doesn't do that(Well maybe High end math.)

Re: Math or language?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 6:36 pm
by Mitera Nikkou
So it's just a coincidence that such responses happened to come after your post? What are the chances of that? :P

Eh. It's not important. I just don't see why anyone had to bring it up in the first place, since I gave no one a reason to. My poor, innocent poll~

Re: Math or language?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 6:39 pm
by Zoei
Karmelo wrote:So it's just a coincidence that such responses happened to come after your post? What are the chances of that? :P

Eh. It's not important. I just don't see why anyone had to bring it up in the first place, since I gave no one a reason to. My poor, innocent poll~

because your poll is based on a stereotype so people are going to talk about it?

Re: Math or language?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 6:54 pm
by Mitera Nikkou
Possible, but doubtful. At least, if they understood the language of my opening post, they'd know that it wasn't my intention to make the poll to bring up a discussion about a serious subject. That can be accomplished elsewhere. Or, at least, I tried to convey that message, as noted by what I put in bold in the following quote:

Assume that girls do better with language and that boys do better in math. Which one do you consider yourself to be better at, and would that make you a girl or a boy in this context? If math, a boy; and if language, a girl.

Especially the latter part that's in bold.

Makes me wonder if I'm somehow speaking in another language. Every time I turn around what I'm writing isn't being understood. Makes me sad.