Kattys Cool Cat Characters

Gah! It's a high-powered metamorphing green gelatinous blob! Or maybe it's something else. Who's your character? Post here!

Kattys Cool Cat Characters

Postby Katty » Tue Feb 28, 2006 6:46 pm

Not all of these are cat-girls, yet

Name: Kirk

Background: He just got out of high school and is now working in a no name back. The bank's name was "No Name". Really. Every now and then, he goes on a vaction. Can not resist a bargian. If it saves him money, he'll take it.

Now for the tech. stuff

Gender: male
Age: 19
Hight: 5'10"
Race: Human
Skin: white, but not pale
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Dark Brown
Hair Cut: A slightly grown out buz-cut.
Adjectives: Cool, Calm, Collective, Slightly funny
Build: Skinny, no real phycial strength
Weight: 136 lbs
Hobbies: Has a side job as a narrator for local T.V. channels
Family: Greg (Brother), and Sean (half-brother)
Outfit: just normal street cloth. Slightly baggy shirt, Black colored blue jeans, sneakers.

And that is about it.

If I did anything wrong, tell me please.
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Postby Katty » Mon Mar 13, 2006 7:26 pm

Name: Kat, Kirks TG Island self.

Background: While Kirk was sleeping with a mysterious cat that was somehow in his room, the cat became a spirit and enterd his body. From there it started to change the balance of 51% male and 49% female to go the other way, but when it was at 50% each, the process stopped. Now both Kirk and Kat share the same body, but each has a different mind, and Kat is the seeming stronger of the 2.

Gender: Female
Age: 19
Hight: 5'8
Race: Catgirl
Skin: A bit tanner than before, but very little
Eyes: Very big and sky blue
Hair: Pink
Hair cut: I think it is called a bob. Not sure
Adjectives:Evil, helpful, playful
Build: Skinny, but looks are deciving
Hobbies: Trys to make the other have of people mind come out in full, and sun bathing in a 2 piece
Family:Greg(Brother), and Sean(Half brother)
Outfit: A blue tank top, and Bue skirt is her normal, but likes to be in Bikinis better.

I am the pink haird one
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Postby Katty » Thu Mar 30, 2006 4:41 pm

My character for the RP: Birth of Nekkidism

Name: Only I know for real. Every one else calls my "The Blade"

Background: I was born alone. My mother died when she was giving birth to me and my father was dead from a holy war about 6 months before hand. I was going to die. But I lived on. I was able to gain an squire job and was around knights for most of my life. I was given a sword to train with, though it was always too heavy for me to lift. The Knights always gave me one too heavy just so they could have a laugh. They spat at me, chased me with their horses, even used my as a bulls eye for their arrows. I had enough. So, in secret, I started training with a sword for real. They were drunk most of the time,so they did not find out, until that night. One of them heard the clanning of my sword againist a practice dummy. They came in and started mocking me. They them pulled out their swords and began swinging. I had to defend my self. With all the practice I have had, I was as good at a blade as them. No. I was better. The first knight fell, blood dripping down my sword. The others now had the reasons to really try to kill me. Only thing is, I was the one who walked from that room that night. I then left my kingdom, looking for work as a sell sword. But to make sure that no one from my old land finds me, I forgo my name, and gave my self the title of, "The Blade".

Gender: Unknown. The Armor "The Blade" wears covers any clues.
Age: Somewhere between 18 and 22.
Highth: 6 feet
Race: Human, but some sees The Blade as a demon, sent to kill them all.
Skin: Again, the armor covers it all
Eyes: Armor again.
Hair: Need I say it? Armor.
Adjectives: Cold, Ruthless, Unforgiving
Build: Surprise, Surprise. The armor is in the way again.
Job: Sell sword. If you can pay, then "The Blade" will work for you.
Family: None
Outfit: Decked out from head to toe in steel armor. Covers any and all clues of what the real body looks like. Some even think there is no one in the armor, that it just moves on its own. They are wrong, but they do not know that.
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Postby Katty » Tue Apr 11, 2006 3:26 pm

Shoujoland Rp character

Name: Alan

Background: none really. He just got a good rate on the price here. Though, for some odd reason or another, people call this place too "girly". Weird huh?

Gender: Male
Race: Human
Skin: A bit pale, but that is from too must time in his basement plaing video games
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Messy brown
Adjectives: Adventerious (spelling)
Job: 17 year old high school student on spring break
Family: Paul (Dad), Carri (Mom), and Terrence (big brother)
Outfit: Just a red tee shirt and a pair of blue jeans.
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Postby Katty » Sat Apr 22, 2006 2:52 pm

This is for Milly's "Dragonball RP"

Name: Sheena

Background: She was on a mission for the sayians when the planet was blown-up. She was only 5 at the time, but showed great strength. However, to the sayians, she was a black sheep. She was perky and liked to talk things over than fighting. But don't let that fool you. She was a great fighter, even at a young age. She found out that the planet blew up and went to find Frieza and finds that he is on earth.On the way there, she was taken by an alien race and used for experaments on healing powers. She was given, not of her will, nano bots in her body that would make her heal like at a Namek. They tried tests of pain to make sure that the bots worked. Her anger with the pain, like cutting off her limbs and such, sent her into a rage and such changed her into a super saiyan. the race was killed, all of them, and she went back to her quest for earth. When she got there, she landed in the backyard of Chichi. She learned the truth about what happened to Frieza. She then desided to train in sercert on Earth. She was there for everything. Buu, Baby, even the shadow dragons. But she figured that that was not her fight. she soon found out that Goku was gone for good, and is now the sworn protecter of Earth, or at least she thinks so.

Gender: Female
Race: Saiyan
Skin: Very pale, with scars from the nano bots where they were put into her. The Scars are all over her body.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Mid-back raven
Adjectives: Flitty, Bubbley, The air head (at times)
Job: Earth's Protecter, she thinks
Family: None
Outfit: Hikeing shorts, purple tube, and a saber that she can transfer her power into if need be.
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Postby Katty » Sun Apr 23, 2006 8:30 pm

Wow. I am getting into a few rps now-a-days. Hope I can keep up with them all.

(Makes funny anime poise) Go! (new poise) Multi-task mode! (end with action lines as the background)

This is for the Sonic Rp. This is the character for the Sonic world. I do not plan on being in the "Human" world for more than 3 posts anyway. =^-^=


Background: There is a world that runs Parallel to Sonic. (see the game Sonic Rush). There in that world, the sol gems are just like the chaos ones in the other. The powers are the same. When the Sol gems were taken to the other world, it sent the universe out of whack. One thing it made, but not known to anyone, was a clone of Blaze. The difference? Well, for one, this cat-girl had frost powers, not Blaze's fire powers. Also, this one is cold to all, but that is more like Blaze. She lives on Sonic's world, and when that lone boy was merged with her, she felt new life, and gained a new voice to talk to in her head.

Gender: Female
Race: Catgirl
Skin: Blue fur, with a light blue chest color
Eyes: Cold, stone gray
Hair: Butt lenght dark blue
Adjectives: Cold, uncaring
Job: Helps who she wants to help.
Family: none, unless you include Blaze
Outfit: Blue Skirt, with a blue top. The normal gloves and shoes are included as well
Powers: Able to fire frost blasts and to change ice to her bidding
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Postby Katty » Wed May 03, 2006 7:41 pm

This is for random rp's that I just want to join.

Name: Kevin

Background, just you normal nerd with a love for catgirls.

Gender: Male
Race: Human
Skin: White, but not pale
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Messy black
Adjectives: nerdy
Job: Student, year 12, seinor
Family: Diane (mother) William (father) Paula (sister)
Outfit: Grey t-shirt, black jeans, sneakers
Powers: none
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Postby Katty » Sat May 06, 2006 11:49 am

Me again

This time for "TG-RP-come one, come all"

Name: Gregor

Background: He comes from a family of dog lovers. yet his heart is to Catgirls. Shunnedby his family for his forbidden love, he sets out to japan where his love would not be seen as TOO weird.

Gender: Male
Race: Human
Skin: White, but with color
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Short, Brown
Adjectives: obsessive
Job: Looking
Family: To him, his family is as good as dead
Outfit: Jeans and a red tee shirt, wears a backpack with some Necessities and also his collection of cat-girl items. From DVD's to his pink fake cat ear headband.
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