For all my characters, to make them better.

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For all my characters, to make them better.

Postby Jennifer Anikerina » Tue Feb 14, 2006 10:07 pm

this is for all characters I make and decide to actually write about before I use them..

this first is for a DnD game..

Autumnrose Siivash
Race: Illumian
Gender: Female

Early History

Born to the Autumnrose cabal of Illumians, Siivash was thuroughly trained in the Illumian ways and beliefs, quickly learing the basics of her culture. However, before her training could begin, the forest her caal was in was subject to a massive fire. Even the magic users and elementals were pushed back to their keep, as it was slowly consumed by the magical blaze. There were few survivors, most of them children, but all of them ended up going their separate ways. Some went to try to form a new cabal, others, like Siivash, decided to see the world, too young really to have that firm a grasp on the Illumian culture.

On Her Own

An orphan from her cabal, Siivash was distanced a bit from humans by having sigils around her head, and the facial paint that she was taught all Illumians wear. Entering a monastery almost right away for both safety and knowledge, she quickly favored the quick precision strikes of the monks and decided she wanted to be just like them. Her training at the monastery was rather short, however, as it was one of several victims in a rash of strange fires throughout the city. Making another miraculous escape, (anyone sense a pattern?), Siivash learns that maybe the fires were covers to “removeâ€
Haste makes waste, so I rarely hurry. But if a ferret were about to dart up my dress, I'd run.
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Jennifer Anikerina
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Profile: Autumnrose Siivash

Postby Jennifer Anikerina » Wed Feb 15, 2006 2:47 am

Hah.. finished it...

Autumnrose Siivash
Race: Illumian
Gender: Female
Age: 20 (at start of current campaign)
Profile: Monk favoring precision strikes over speed and fury

Description and Personality:
Siivash is a tall female, standing proud at 6’1’’ and weighing in at a thin 145 lbs. Her skin is a pale white, that along with her thin stature falsely implies anemia or anorexia. For an Illumian, she has one odd feature, flowing red hair that has golden highlights, though this is actually a common trait amongst those of the Autumnrose Cabal. Her pale complexion and red hair is accentuated by the golden Illumian sigils that rotate constantly around her head. Having eyes of blue tinged with green, her face is complimented by the same facial painting as he mother and teacher, autumnal leaves covering over the eyes and upper face, much like a masque. When she chooses to speak, her voice is soft and quiet, almost sounding sad. She shows her Illiumian heritage by being reserved and observant in most situations. A deep love of books, she seems to have been born in the library, able to navigate the stacks with her eyes closed. When she she is bored, or there is no work to be done, Siivash will meditate, read, or practice/train herself, wanting to make her late master proud.

Early History
Born to the Autumnrose cabal of Illumians, Siivash was thuroughly trained in the Illumian ways and beliefs, quickly learing the basics of her culture. However, before her training could begin, the forest her cabal was in was subject to a massive fire. Even the magic users and elementals were pushed back to their keep, as it was slowly consumed by the magical blaze. There were few survivors, most of them children, but all of them ended up going their separate ways. Some went to try to form a new cabal, others, like Siivash, decided to see the world, too young really to have that firm a grasp on the Illumian culture.

On Her Own
An orphan from her cabal, Siivash was distanced a bit from humans by having sigils around her head, and the facial paint that she was taught all Illumians wear. Entering a monastery almost right away for both safety and knowledge, she quickly favored the quick precision strikes of the monks and decided she wanted to be just like them. Her training at the monastery was rather short, however, as it was one of several victims in a rash of strange fires throughout the city. Making another miraculous escape, (anyone sense a pattern?), Siivash learns that maybe the fires were covers to “removeâ€
Haste makes waste, so I rarely hurry. But if a ferret were about to dart up my dress, I'd run.
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