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Rico Sachara, Blood Knight

PostPosted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 7:30 pm
by Comartemis

Name: Rico Sachara
Alias: Queen of Blades
Class: Spellsword
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Age: Unknown, appears approximately 24
Height: 5’6”
Weight: 140 lbs
Skin: Pale
Hair: Silver
Eyes: Red
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Quote: "Quit your bitching already! It's only a flesh wound!"

Character Description:
Rico Sachara is a wandering spellsword from the heart of the multiverse. Extremely skilled with a wide array of weapons and spells, Rico wanders the multiverse as she wishes, seeking wrongs in need of righting and villains in need of thrashing. Mostly, though, she’s just looking for a good fight to get tangled up in, and if it happens to be for a good cause, so much the better.

Character Appearance:
In those universes familiar with such beings, Rico is often mistaken for a female version of the Epic Spirit known as Archer. She wears a similar red jacket over a black shirt with a matching skirt, thigh-high stockings and a pair of sturdy combat boots. Her silver hair is tied back in a single braid that hangs down to the backs of her thighs.

Character History:
Rico began her life as an ordinary young boy from Earth Zero, the multiverse’s origin point. Early in his life, Rico gained the favor of the patron saint of heroes, Arturia Pendragon, who offered him the chance to become like the men and women of the legends he adored. With Earth Zero’s development beginning to stagnate and few opportunities for aspiring heroes, Arturia opted to test Rico by transporting him into an alternate universe and dropped him right into the middle of the temporal loop around the Japanese village of Hinamizawa (See Higurashi no Naku Koro ni for details).

Arturia’s assistance was not without price, however: in accordance with the law of equivalent exchange, Rico was forced to trade his manhood for instant mastery of the Japanese language and the talents of a polyglot, and Arturia refused to grant him any more powers until he brought an end to the eternal cycle of death and tragedy around Hinamizawa. With considerable help from a group of local girls, Rico overcame the mental instabilities imposed on him by his change, and shattered the time loop. Upon proving her mettle and the strength of her will, Arturia granted Rico access to conjuration magic and the skill set of one of Rico’s numerous role models, Shirou Emiya.

Rico spent most of the next century protecting her friends from demonic menaces that frequented Hinamizawa and the surrounding areas. One such battle proved more than Rico could handle without assistance, prompting her to trace a fictional weapon from her home universe, the Witchblade, and bond with it to enhance her powers. This had the unintended effect of rendering Rico immortal, as the blade prevented her body from aging. Eventually, Rico was forced to watch as her friends died of old age one after another, while she remained eternally young.

After burying the last of her friends, Rico gave in to the Witchblade’s thirst for combat and took to wandering the multiverse seeking epic battles to lose herself in. After a time, she made her way to this universe, seeking the thrill of a battle worthy of her skills.

Character Personality:
Rico is a classic example of a blood knight, a dedicated warrior who wanders the multiverse looking for a fight worthy of her skills. The clash of blades and the thrill of an adrenaline rush call to her like a siren’s song, leading her to seek out situations where she will face powerful adversaries; the only thing Rico likes better than a good fight is a good fight for a good cause. This ‘battlelust’ began as Rico’s method of coping with the loss of her friends, but as that wound healed, Rico found that she genuinely enjoyed the thrill of combat, most likely due at least in part to the Witchblade’s influence.

Rico is tomboyish at the best of times and has no sense of feminine modesty, stemming from her status as a TG’ed boy who never developed female sensibilities and simply beats the crap out of men who ogle or try to grope her. She occasionally comes across as a psycho lesbian (the second part is true, the first is debatable) because she has a tendency to react… poorly… to men attempting to hit on her. At the same time, she has strong feminist inclinations and isn’t afraid to tell people exactly what she thinks of any sexist inclinations they may have.

Rico is typically very aggressive and self-confident, almost to the point of arrogance. She also has a very strong moral code and generally tries to keep innocents from getting involved in her fights. She can also be very playful when she’s drunk or in a good mood.

Character Powers:
Rico’s primary power set consists of tracing and reinforcement sorcery, and she possesses all abilities associated with both Shirou Emiya and Servant Archer, including the creation of Broken Phantasms and Unlimited Blade Works. Further, Rico lacks Shirou’s tracing limitations; she is able to image virtually any object she has ever seen with perfect detail and no loss in performance.

Also unlike Shirou, when Rico traces a weapon, she retains the skills required to wield that weapon and its’ abilities even after the weapon has been dismissed. Not only has this made Rico a master of virtually every ranged and melee weapon known to sentient beings, it has also led to Rico’s mastery of the Mid-Childan magic system.

During an extended stay on the planet Mid-Childa, Rico was given the opportunity to trace a wide array of devices wielded by agents of the Time-Space Administration Bureau. Because these devices contain information on their wielders’ spells in their data banks, Rico gained proficiency with dozens of spells with each device she traced, and eventually used this combined knowledge to reverse-engineer the Mid-Childan magic system all the way back to the essentials.

Finally, Rico’s physical characteristics are augmented by her possession of the Witchblade and her reinforcement sorcery. When not using either of these, she is approximately on par with Ranma Saotome as portrayed early in Ranma ½, but using either reinforcement sorcery or the Witchblade allows her to become many times stronger, faster, and tougher (to the point of being bulletproof). When using both at the same time, she becomes a fearsome combatant capable of matching all but the strongest of warriors.


Character Inventory:
Because Rico is able to trace virtually everything she might need, she usually travels very light and traces objects and weapons as she needs them. She does keep one item with her at all times, though.

--The Witchblade
Rico’s signature weapon. The Witchblade Rico possesses is mostly identical to the blade wielded by Amaha Masane in the Witchblade anime. Besides boosting her physical characteristics and essentially turning her into a living weapon, the Witchblade also serves to focus Rico’s spiritual energy, enhancing the power and casting speed of her spells by a significant degree. Because Rico has honed her body and spirit to a razor-sharp edge, she is in no danger of being destroyed by the blade no matter how often she uses it.

Rico with the Witchblade active. If you see this happen in the Muffin Room, RUN!