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Postby Mitera Nikkou » Mon Nov 20, 2006 12:01 am

Well, come the first of January, I'll be gone. I was thinking of just vanishing a few days ago, but something came up that I figured I could deal with before I went, and after that delay I thought that I might as well just do this differently. As very few may know, I have already wanted to leave MSF three other times in the past. ^_^; The reasons don't vary much from now, other than some additional reasons. But the reason why I have stayed had not changed: for you peoples. That has now changed.

Anyway, yeah, I'll be leaving. I thought that some early notification would be better, even though I purposefully avoided it the last three times. As far as I can remember... Anyone remember me making a public proclamation of my exit? O.o; I don't recall. X_X

Also, since hardly anyone actually knows anything about me, this should be enough time to sate whatever curiosities you may actually have. Not that there's much to know about me.

Finally, if anyone wants to be assured that I'll be fine, well, sure, I could live with being aloof from people before. I don't know if it's a good or bad thing for anyone, but I'll be returning to what I had been doing before MSF: creative pursuits, such as writing and the occassional doodling. Also, I'm going to put in some actual effort into becoming an inventor. And, perhaps, I may try to be an author. Who knows? Stories seem to be my best medium for communication, but I also want to change the world. It's all up in the air, really. Whether or not I'll ever have a life in any case is yet to be seen.

That's about it. *Shrugs*
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Postby Mistress Guendolen » Mon Nov 20, 2006 12:05 am

Reading this makes me really sad. I really wish you wouldn't leave. You're one of my favorite people here. This place just won't be the same without you. But I guess I can't stop you doing something you feel you need to do.... I just hope that you decide to just take a hiatus instead of leaving for good. Hey, a person can dream, right? In the meantime, here's some supportive hugs for you. **hugs**
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Postby Mitera Nikkou » Mon Nov 20, 2006 12:33 am

Well, I'd love to stay, but nothing, at all, is working out for me. Nothing on a personal level, on the social level, or even what kept me here at MSF. I gave it several swings, but I'm struck out. Thanks for the support, though. It's a lot better than the sympathy that I'd rather not receive. XD In fact, I've been feeling sympathy for something else for a long time now, something that shouldn't be in the position to receive it. But that's neither here nor there.

Edit: Oh, and this place will be fine without me. I bet that it would improve, even. ;p
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Postby Musashi » Mon Nov 20, 2006 1:19 am

I wish you wouldn't go. You're gonna be really missed... *Hugs* But if this is what you gotta do, then I guess you gotta do it. Maybe you can come by once and a while to visit, ne? And I'm sure that many people (myself included) will be happy to talk to you when you'd like to. And if you ever change your mind and wanna come back, the door is always open for our favorite nekkid Nikkou. :3
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Postby Becca » Mon Nov 20, 2006 2:13 am

*Hugs Nikkou.*

Your my Mommy, and I'm going to miss you greatly. For me this place will never be never be as bright, as happy, as wonderful, it will in short never be the same without you here.

I came here as a Lurker, and had never intended to stay very long at all. However something happened. I started talking to you. That made me stay. I may have first called you Mommy to try and surprise you, but in retrospect I am eternally glad I did so. Knowing you, and being here at MSF pulled me out of an ever deepening depression.

Knowing you has helped me in more ways then I can name.

You also got me to start using IRC, which I never would have done on my own. So again you helped me.

I cannot imagine what would have happened to me if I had not met you. Something to horrible to think about I'm sure.

As such I owe you a debt I fear I shall never be able to repay.

So while I do wish you would stay here, I want you to be happy. And if you must leave MSF to do so, then I wish you all the best. I told you this recently, and I tell you again. Should you ever need to talk about anything, I am always going to be around to listen.

I realize your not leaving quite yet, and this sounds like a goodbye, however I know I haven't been here all that often as of late. So, out of fear that I might not get another chance to do so I thought it best to say this now.

*Hugs Nikkou again.*

Take care, find happiness.
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Postby Sophia Anieri » Mon Nov 20, 2006 5:05 am

Phoebe said it best. I don't really know what to add.

Doing the things that make you happy is the most important thing. I know you believe you'll never be happy, but all things exist in degrees. And, personally, I think you'll find happiness eventually, around some unforeseen crook in the road.

Best of luck to you, and I hope to see the fruits of your creative pursuits, in due time. (Why, it's a rhyme!)

I'll be quiet now.
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Postby Mitera Nikkou » Mon Nov 20, 2006 6:29 am


Well, I don't have to do it. Not really. I just don't like restraints or dead ends, and that's pretty much what I've found here at MSF. And if things continue on the same track, it will be folly. You guys and gals can be razzled and dazzled for only so long, but eventually you'll realize that the heart and soul of this place are missing (if you haven't already), and all that you have left are each other. Even a new and improved forum and site will only distract you for so long, before you realize there's not much substance to it. Well, unless there was a rally of users... But I don't see such a thing happening, for the sake of giving MSF some actual breath again. Don't mind what I've just said, though. I am insanely sane, after all. ;p

Oh, and how can I not be the favorite nekkid Nikkou? I'm the only one. ^_^;


I've told you before, and I'll tell you again: it's all you. Through your decisions have you prospered; I have not controlled you or told you what you should do. In fact, you know very well how touchy I was about you just going along or agreeing with whatever I said. Besides, I'm not exactly a good role model, anyway. You've spread wings that I don't even possess. Go and fly untethered and seek greater heights; my days of pretending to be a social butterfly are over. If you haven't found good people out there already, you soon will. Just rest assured that I'll be about as "happy" as I can be in my "past life." Ah, regression... Well, if all goes well, everyone can eventually hear about me on the telly, concerning my ventures as an inventor. XD I'll become the greatest inventor!

Naruto: "Believe it!"


Eh. I don't think that's the most important thing, to me. I live for others, and it's as simple as that. I write stories so others may read them, not the other way around. ;p Just about everything that I do is for someone else, including most of the posts that I make here. I only seem fun or entertaining because I know people wouldn't like me being serious all of the time, which is pretty much how I am when I'm alone. Besides that, any serious side of me doesn't mix around here, so being myself tends to do nothing but hurt me.

In general:

I do appreciate the well-wishing, and that funny thing called love. If I'm not worried about what I'm doing, you shouldn't be worried about me either. ;p This social stuff really isn't for me, however much it seems otherwise. It kind of makes me feel like reminiscing about days gone by, but they're more depressing than anything else, so... I'll spare us all. XD

*Shrugs and sighs* I just wonder what else I'll do, with my mind more at ease. I wouldn't mind just dying and becoming a spirit guide for people alive. Or something. But I'll see what I can do while I'm alive, first. Just don't mistake that my aloofness is a sign of my not liking any of you. I care about you all greatly, but I don't really have a way to express it. I just don't have it in me. However, I do hope that those that read my full-fledged stories will hear what my heart has to say. And do I ever have a lot of stories to write... But I still wouldn't mind changing the world. I'll give it a try, despite the odds against me. ^_^;
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Postby P-tan » Mon Nov 20, 2006 10:05 am

Yup, I suppose i'l miss you too. (Even though I can't think why logging on here is a problem once in a while, I'm friken tethered to this place!)

Everybody I met who knows me: "If you don't forget about me, I won't forget about you."


Postby Christina Anikari » Mon Nov 20, 2006 12:54 pm

I suppose this is goodbye, Nikkou. I'll miss you, even if i never really learned how to talk to you and at least once pissed you off all too much. I only have one request when you leave. Log on to aim occassionally, even if you don't want people talking to you. You know why i would ask that of you, if not ask in a PM.
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Postby Mitera Nikkou » Mon Nov 20, 2006 2:42 pm


Funny that you should say that. I won't forget you or anyone else. ;p


I dunno why you'd ask that, other than to be sure that I haven't thrown myself off of a cliff or something. XD If I'm wrong about that, reveal what you mean to tell me in PM. Reversal-fu! :O

Of course, before I go, I wouldn't mind partying like it's 1999. I should probably get back to the RPs I'm in. <.<;
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Postby Alissa of Someday » Mon Nov 20, 2006 8:32 pm


Somewhere in the back of my mind, you've always seemed sorta like the heart of this place. I haven't been on here all that much in comparison to many, and I haven't had many conversations with you that I can recall, but in case the above page of posts didn't drive it home: You Will Be Missed...
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Postby P-tan » Mon Nov 20, 2006 9:24 pm

Since I'm new compared to this site, I don't see how the whole place got full of dead-ends,etc. (Care to explain?)
And for some reason I am being nostaligistic and reminiscent of my first times here. (Those were bumpy times!)

I'm beggining to experience hwo this place would be like if a person like you is "not present". (Stellar's absence is making me slightly worried)

Postby Cow Belle » Tue Nov 21, 2006 12:15 am

Our todays will never be our tomorrows.
Let your loves teach yourself something that you can't understand right now.
Water will evaporate into the clouds do to the heat of the sun, the evaporation will form clouds, after which the wind blows towards the lands, the clouds get heavy and rain and begin live as a whole all over again.

Nikko, I'm very sad to hear that you had chose to leave. I hope that you find what you find out there. Our talks have always been very interesting to say the least. You know... If you evey want to come back, I'm very sure that every one would welcome you back with open arms. Even if it is a few years down the road. You just could be going though burn out of all things. It happen to me once. >_>; Anyways, what ever you do and how every you do it I hope you live the good life! Fight for your dreams and never give up even if you do fall!

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Postby Kumi-chan » Tue Nov 21, 2006 12:02 pm

Well take care Nikkou. Wait a tic what am I doing? *kisses Nikkou deeply!* You take care my friend! I shall miss you. But i knew you might do something like this eventually as you have told me this before. Although it is sad to see you go I know we all must make choices such as this sometimes. May you be well on all your future journeys and future goals ohh master of randomness and nikkedness.
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Postby Mitera Nikkou » Tue Nov 21, 2006 10:25 pm


I'm nowhere near the heart of this place. XD I just appear so frequently that you can't get me out of your head, like a commercial. ;p

But if you want more time with me, you have until January, and you know where to find me. I'm almost always in the mood for yapping and goofing around. ~.^

Cow Bell Man:

Well, I'll probably stick around in some ways, but I'll definitely be ditching the social scene. As for fighting, well, that's probably what I do best. Even if I rarely have the energy to put up a good one.

You may be happy to know that I've thought up another invention. I'm kind of amazed that no one's thought of it yet (well, I haven't heard of such a thing yet). Of course, I can't say what it is until I get a patent. XD The problem with any of the inventions that I want to get a patent for, is the fact that they require money so I can make working prototypes. Money seems to be my only obstacle, ever. -_-


Woo! Kissyface! :D

Thanks for the well-wishing. But money would be better. ;p Hey, I know what I can do... Start a religion, and build a church! Alms for the poor, minority religion! Alms! :O *Kicks a passerby* Alms, I say!

Seriously, though... I'll be rich someday, if I can get a little money to use as a springboard. And I'll use my riches for good causes! Like, um... A video game! Yeah, that's a good cause... Right? O.o; Well, I don't know what I'll do. I have a lot of ideas, but I think I'll have to wait and see what the circumstances are like in the future. But I do have an idea for a video game that'll be kickass! In fact, I plan to do a lot of things that make people think: "Why didn't I think of that!?"

Before I'm dead, I'll have the universe figured out. ;p
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