Indefinite Hiatus - Perhaps Permanent

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Indefinite Hiatus - Perhaps Permanent

Postby Marky » Thu Sep 01, 2011 10:58 am

As some of you all know, I've just had quite a rough year in the real world, which have caused some things to boil over onto stuff that happens here and on IRC. Well, looking around at all of the threads that I'm in, looking at even the one thread that I'm trying to run, I have found myself at the point of just...not really caring much for anything here, on the forums, anymore.

It also doesn't help that my imagination and drive to RP just seem to be at an all-time low point right now. I've got a character in my one thread that I've been wanting to try and get out of limbo for quite a while...but, right now, and actually for most of the past few weeks, I haven't been caring enough to even want to try and update it.

There's also the fact that, and not many people know this other than a select few, but I was very, very close to just up and leaving both the forums and IRC, for good, when I was suspended from the MSF IRC room for a week in July (Not discussing here). And that situation had just compounded upon the grievances (although, that's probably not the right word I'm looking for...) that I've had against the forums and IRC for...pretty much this entire year, as well.

And so, as of right now, I am going on an indefinite hiatus from the forums, that, for those of you who I am in threads with, can just go ahead and consider it permanent and move on without me. Because this indefinite hiatus is, at least right now, permanent. And I don't want to hold anyone up, either, anymore, with my lack of posting, at times.

Also, as of this moment, I am currently staying on IRC, but, I feel that it is sort of in danger, as well. I haven't particularly cared for doing much of anything in any of the rooms that I am on on IRC, for one reason or another, and have honestly preferred more one-on-one interactions through PMs than anything else. I am hoping that changes, as something did happen on there that gave me quite a good reason to keep on keeping on.

But, for the forums, I feel my time has been spent. I've stepped on enough toes here over two (or more?) different huge blow-ups of mine that I'm not even sure if more than a few really care to do much with me, anymore...(not to mention my blowups on IRC not helping anything, either...but that's pretty much one thing the suspension actually helped with...despite hurting most of everything else).

Regardless, the past two and a half years have had their fun times, and I'm grateful for that. But, now, it's time for me to bid you all farewell, as I pack up my bags and go searching once again...

*exits stage left, as Somewhere I Belong by Linkin Park plays*
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Re: Indefinite Hiatus - Perhaps Permanent

Postby Helel » Sat Sep 03, 2011 12:54 am

Smooth sailing wherever life takes you Marky. Just remember to take care of yourself, and should you have the desire to come back, we'll be here.
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Re: Indefinite Hiatus - Perhaps Permanent

Postby Feng » Mon Sep 05, 2011 9:02 pm

Au revoir Marky-San. It was fun RPing with you in the Muffin Room.

Happy trails.
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Re: Indefinite Hiatus - Perhaps Permanent

Postby AshK » Wed Nov 02, 2011 5:26 pm

Later friend! Good luck in whatever you do.
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