Why I'm Missing

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Why I'm Missing

Postby Whatevr89532 » Sun Aug 01, 2010 3:58 pm

This is just in case anybody cares why I haven't been around the muffin room, or really the forum itself, for quite awhile. If you don't care, you probably won't read this and that's fine.

1-I like the muffin room. In fact, I think I like it too much--in periods of furious activity, I tend to log into the forum and spam the refresh button when I could be doing about a million other things, including things I should be doing. I'm not sure whether I could prevent myself from doing that were I to return.

2-Something about my style of doing things irks other people, and I'm not trusted to fix it. I base this statement on the understanding that some formal complaints were lodged against me, yet I was never contacted in a private, definitely OOC manner on whatever issues the complaints involved. I like to think that if the latter had happened, I would have quickly understood what I was doing wrong, and been able to correct it. As it is, I'm not even sure exactly which posts were considered "crimes" of disrespect, so I'm just better off stepping away.

3-Whatevr has been banned. My principal author-avatar character was declared abusively powerful. Now, in a normal RP this would be absolutely proper and I would have absolutely no grounds for argument; but we're talking about the muffin room, where there are tons of immensely powerful characters, but apparently mine is especially godmoddish for some reason. Yes, in theory (and this has been the case from the beginning), (s)he could rewrite reality, but in practice, rules tie Whatevr down quite a bit when dealing with anyone else's character.
Whatever my disagreements may be, however, I must respect this order, which poses some problems. My characters, or most of them at least, are like a tightly wound band--many of them are interrelated, and their histories would not make sense if just one was removed. So if I remove this one, I must remove several more. Additionally, at the time of my sudden hiatus, I had been building toward the reveal of a villainous character of quite a bit of power, who would be using said power far more often than Whatevr ever used any god-level power. Obviously, if I'm considered too irresponsible to handle Whatevr, then that character can't exist. It's just very frustrating to realize that I'm going to have to start all over like that, and I really needed some time to cool down. I'm not sure whether that time is over yet or not, so I'm still keeping out for now.

I still enjoy making captions, and you can find some new ones in my "nests" every now and then. If the MSF site ever brings image uploading back, and I hear about it, I'll probably be posting them up here too. Will I ever return? I don't know. Depends on my inspiration and time, and maybe some other stuff that I don't even know about. If it turns out that everyone thinks the muffin room is better off without me, I certainly won't return.
I am the variable-gender werewolf.
My TG Captions. Stories are also here. PM me if interested in source images...
A caption challenges blog, where I challenge you!

(Old Muffin Room characters purged; new character list here)
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Crazy MSFer
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