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How to print your own cards?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 11:07 pm
by Coruscate
Okay, does anyone know of any method, other than printing on cardstock and somehow hand slicing... can someone print their own playing cards or tarot cards? So far all I've found is a piece of software and printing package that works on Windows XP and 2000. Runs on my computer, I'm just worried it won't print XD And I can't find out if it will or not until I pay 8^(

It's a free download so I am going to try downloading it just to see if it looks like it'll turn on and work. If it does I'm going to try and put together a tarot deck somehow XD It might be a "majors only" deck which is what the eastern Europeon countries use. They use full tarot decks for playing card games actually, and divine only with a 22 card "majors only" deck.

By the way, those of you who have needed photo editing software for captions?

Go here.

I did find customizeable playing card decks, but those were mostly either the back only or one site that allowed you to put a different pic on each... but the decks were $50 a pop @_@;;