Some IRC thing

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Some IRC thing

Postby Mitera Nikkou » Mon Jul 21, 2008 7:44 pm

Well, I figure I might as well get this down before, rather than after, I finish some captions. My memory of the conversation is already hazy at this point, so... XD;;

Let's see... I said that I couldn't remember the last time that I had showered, and Helel commented that that was gross. I argued that anyone who found something natural to be gross sympathized with robots (artificial life). I got question marks in response, as usual. And... There's more, but that would be the things that are hazy. Someone else (who was there) can fill that in those gaps. I just remember that it came down to Xia saying that using a computer makes someone sympathize with artificial life, since a computer isn't natural, or something like that. At the time I was drooling over the cheese and bacon-covered chicken, so my memory is more than hazy toward the end. *_*;;

All that I know is that, what I wanted to say, before my hunger won out, was that modesty is irrational. Here's a rational thought: I should wear clothes because it keeps me warm, and/or it offers some protection from the environment. Here's an irrational thought: I should wear clothing because I should feel ashamed about my body; I should cover it up, even though I'm born nude, despite the fact that our body is a part of our identity.

As for the computer thing, my thoughts on that is this: it makes sense. A computer is a practical tool, just like clothing (is, and should be). I would only consider it unnatural if they were built for the purpose of being thrown from tall buildings. That doesn't make any sense. Just like it doesn't make any sense to be ashamed of your body simply for the fact that you have a body.

Sure, it's a fact that cleanliness is next to godliness... But only because it weakens your immune system while, at the same, it potentially helps those things that make you unclean become immunized to medications. If that combination doesn't eventually send you on your way to be with God... :P

And that's it, more or less. Just another fun thing to yap about.
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Mitera Nikkou
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