Neko-Jin HQ


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Neko-Jin HQ

Postby Chibi MitchellTF » Mon Nov 27, 2006 2:18 pm

Tetsuo awakens, to find himself in a large room. He's still in the same clothes as before, despite the wear and tear they had been through. In fact, they looked even more messed up, like someone had tried to rip them off his body, and barely been stopped. The room itself was actually pretty descript.

There was the large bed in the center, which even had a cover over the top. It looked like something from a honeymoon suite, or something extremely fancy. There was a fancer dresser, with a mirror and numerous drawers. There was also a chair to sit in, and a few books, games, etc.

The big problem with the room was the pink. Oh, the pinkness of it all. This was clearly a 'girly' room, and clearly made by girls. Especially with the pink bean-bag chair, and the big pink stuffed bear. Even the bed was pink, the sheets were pink. The only thing that wasn't pink, besides Tetsuo, was a giant stuffed penguin with two peg-legs and a pouch. It wasn't moving, and clearly was NOT alive.

Then he noticed the window, and what was outside the window. Clouds. And under the clouds, sky. And under the sky, far, far, far, far below, was the distant city.

He was on the Airship Thundara, home of the Neko-Jin.
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Postby Mitera Nikkou » Mon Nov 27, 2006 10:45 pm

Tetsuo was unsure of what to do. Getting away was a thought among many, sure, but he didn't know how to get away. He certainly had enough sense to not jump out of the window without a parachute. The color didn't really bother him, but he was disturbed by the state of his clothing. After standing up, the tattered remains of his pants fell down, and his shirt might as well have been ribbons draped over his shoulders.

Other than wondering about where he was, and what had happened to him, he saw the penguin-looking thing and wondered why something so out of place (other than himself) was in the room. Everything else seem to be coordinated with the tastes of the room's real owner...
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Postby Chibi MitchellTF » Tue Nov 28, 2006 9:59 pm

Catnip saunters in, a tray of food balanced on her right hand. She places it down on the table, and smiles up at Tetsuo. She was now clad in a simple half-top made of some sort of black fur hide, and a skirt made of the same.

She takes a deep whiff of the air, and smiles at Tetsuo. "So, Tetsuo-san. Do you remember why that guy kidnapped you?"
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Postby Mitera Nikkou » Tue Nov 28, 2006 10:36 pm

Tetsuo felt kind of odd, looking at the catgirl before him. For one, while he liked catgirls very, very much (obsessed over, really), his feelings for this one was dampened by the first catgirl that he had seen, Neko. For another, he was still interested in this one, just not in his usual way. All that despite his situation, a situation he didn't really understand, much less know about.

So, in the end, he really wasn't sure what to do. He had a tray of food, seemingly for him to eat, but he was also in some unknown place. He had a lot of questions of his own, but the catgirl had asked a question first. Oh, if only he could return to the comfort and simplicity of his own bedroom...

But this catgirl seemed pleasant enough, so he thought that he could cooperate with her. It just felt weird that he wasn't lusting after her, and he was confused over being picky... He hadn't had a problem liking all of the catgirls in equal abundance, back in his bedroom.

Of course, it wasn't long before he realized that he was standing there in his underwear, so he scrambled across the bed and fell onto the floor on the other side. Peeking over the bed, his embarrassment having made him forget what she had asked him, he tried to think of a way to answer the catgirl, so as to avoid letting her know that he had forgotten what she had asked him. Not that he had really paid attention to what she had said, anyway.

"Um... Well, uh... That is... Er..."

He couldn't think of a good reply.
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Postby Chibi MitchellTF » Wed Nov 29, 2006 1:48 am

She blinks at his odd reaciton, than snaps her fingers. "I forgot to introduce myself, and you're practically naked! I can fix them both. I'm Catnip. As for the nudity..." She moves to take off her top, then stops. "Um...wait, that makes things worse. Stupid hyperactivity, and I wasn't the quickest on the uptake to start off with."

She holds up a finger. "Wait one sec." She walks off, rummages through some stuff, and comes back with some bedsheets. She takes a thicker one, and cuts some head and armholes in it with her large claws. "Here, try this on. It'll almost be like a robe, or a tunic, or maybe a cloak. Oh, a really big T-shirt!" She holds up the bed-sheet. "Okay, a really big green T-shirt with little ducks all over them. Last time I shop at Goodwill..."

She tosses the new outfit to Tetsuo.
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Postby Mitera Nikkou » Wed Nov 29, 2006 10:51 am

Tetsuo raised his arms to catch the makeshift robe-tunic-cloak-thing, but ended up being covered with it. After he pulled it off of himself, he leaned lower to hide his upper body while he removed his shirt (which wasn't easy; just grab and yank!). Then he pulled the duck-motifed thingy over him, and had a bit of "fun" placing the right appendages through the right holes.

When he was done, he stood up with a modicum of dignity, feeling like a monk or something. And he still couldn't remember what the catgirl, Catnip, had initially asked him. Well, he supposed that he could go ahead and respond to her introduction properly... And show that he had some manners. It wasn't that he didn't had any; he just never had much practice with such things with his lifestyle.

Thus, with his head still lowered, as well as his eyes, he blushed while he replied, saying, "Um, thanks... I'm Tetsuo."
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Postby Chibi MitchellTF » Wed Nov 29, 2006 11:15 am

Catnip bounds up to the bed, and perches on it like a gargoyles. "So, welcome to Neko-Jin Headquarters. The floating Zepplin Thundara. do you remember why that guy kidnapped you?"
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Postby Mitera Nikkou » Wed Nov 29, 2006 5:48 pm

Tetsuo was a bit startled by Catnip's action, but otherwise kept his ground. He had a lot of questions (particularly about the things that she mentioned), but he decided to answer her question since she had posed that to him first.

"I don't know what's going on, really..." He said, wondering if he should have been aware of what had been happening. "All that I know, is that he was weird... And insisted that I get a blood transfusion."

He paused and thought about whose blood had been given to him, and, as odd as it sounded, he kind of liked the idea of having a part of Neko inside of him. (Don't you get any perverted thoughts, readers! :O) It actually helped him not feel as nervous and embarrassed as he had been. Yay for distractions!

"I mean, I barely recall what happened in that coffee house..." He continued, knowing exactly where his mind was at the time. "But I do know that he seemed reluctant to give me blood after he convinced, um... Neko...? To give blood, for me."

He rubbed the back of his head, not noticing that it was longer and fuller; it might have been smoother and shinier, had he been cleaned up after the mess he'd gone through... Last night, was it? He wasn't even sure what time it was, though a bit more confident about the possible date.
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Postby Chibi MitchellTF » Wed Nov 29, 2006 7:31 pm

Catnip plops down on her butt. "Let's see. He pretends to be a paramedic, then gets hold of Neko and a friend. He gets a blood sample for a transfusion, but doesn't want to transfuse it. Did he want Tetsuo to die? No, there are easier ways to kill somebody, and why go to the trouble of getting the transfusion. Wait, Ambulances don't normally give transfusions, it's too risky. Hm..." She thinks for a minute. "Maybe he wanted Neko's blood?"

She wiggles her feet, and taps her hands against the bed. "Let's see. They wanted Neko's blood, and they were with S.U.C.K. Did they want the virus, or maybe the nanobots? It makes sense. And Neko's blood IS in this guy, and so's the virus, so that means..."

She nods to herself. "Yup. Mission accomplished. We know what the late idiot wanted!"

She pats Tetsuo on his head. "Thanks for your help. So, want me to show you around the ship while we get everything ready?"
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Postby Mitera Nikkou » Wed Nov 29, 2006 8:15 pm

Tetsuo's stomach chose that time to growl. He looked over at the tray with the food, and felt enough nerve to tentatively ask: "Is that for me...? I am kind of hungry..."
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Postby Chibi MitchellTF » Wed Nov 29, 2006 10:04 pm

Catnip twirls over, and stands on her head. "Yup, it's for you. We didn't know what you'd like, so we got a bunch of stuff, so you could pick your favorites. Well, by 'we', I mean Rose. She's a good cook, and her stuff doesn't blow up like 'The Scientist's...She's gotta come up with a codename, like 'Doc', but that's cliche..." Catnip continues to ramble.
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Postby Mitera Nikkou » Wed Nov 29, 2006 11:00 pm

Tetsuo wasn't used to Catnip's behavior (well, in reality, anyway), so he didn't know how to feel around her. Still, he knew that he was hungry, and so he hopped onto the bed, bounced from it, then landed on the floor on the opposite side from which he had started from. It wasn't until he sat down at the table that he realized what he had done. He paused and considered his actions, then shrugged and decided to see what was on the tray.

What he found was a variety of treats, but they all seemed to be a part of a cat's diet ("seemed", because he wasn't sure). The food certainly smelled good enough to eat, but he was unfamiliar with most of what was displayed on the tray. However, as he reached out for one of the many morsels, his attention shifted to his outstretched arm. He was used to seeing hair on his arms, but now he wasn't even sure if he had any. of course, with his focus on his arm, he also recalled that something had happened to his, that had caused him a lot of pain.

"If I remember correctly..." He thought to himself, in his head. "Didn't I break my arms or something? Man, it's so weird how it's been lately..."

Catnip may or may not be paying attention to his scrutiny of his arms.
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Postby Chibi MitchellTF » Thu Nov 30, 2006 1:50 am

Catnip smiles. It's always good to watch a new sister join the bunch. Especially since Tetsuo would be the only one without those stupid nanobots.

She looks over the food. "Try the Shrimp Tempura and the Fish Fillet. I have no idea what fish, but it's fish."[/i]
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Postby Mitera Nikkou » Thu Nov 30, 2006 5:02 am

"Huh...?" Tetsuo voiced, his attention on his arms broken. "Oh... Okay."

Once again he looked down at the array of food, only this time he homed in on what Catnip had suggested. He proceeded to eat them (finding them nummy), then, still finding himself hungry, he moved on to other dishes with more gusto. Once he finally ate his fill, he was surprised to see that he had probably eaten three times the amount of food that he was usually capable of eating. He only thought about it briefly, thinking that it had been due to how long he had been unconscious (without food, he assumed). However long that had been...

With his hunger out of the way, he wasn't sure about what to do or say, so he figured that Catnip would see him finished and take the initiative. Even with as many questions as he had, he held back from being much of an active particiapant of the scenario since he still had a hard time handling his situation. Reality just wasn't his specialty. XD
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Postby Chibi MitchellTF » Thu Nov 30, 2006 3:01 pm

When Tetsuo has eaten his fill, the stuffed Prinny hits him lightly in the back. Catnip smiles, and walks over to the door. "So, do you want a tour of the headquarters, maybe to meet the gang?"

She gestures to the door, and opens it. "That, or we could go goof off in the gameroom?"
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