Castle Escape


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Re: Castle Escape

Postby xGoggles » Sun Sep 24, 2017 9:38 pm

Knight Errant wrote:
xGoggles wrote:Nicholas frowns, and then sits up a bit and look around if anyone else besides them were there... this 'Alice' keep mentioning others, but so far he could tell this was still his dream, "Why do keep referring to multiple people?... A game really, huh?" Looking back at the castle in the background of the dream, then smirks and points at it while still having his arms crossed, "Well... seems I have already won your silly game~ We are outside and your castle is over there. Unless you consider this garden also within it?" As far as talks went in dream, this sure was more detailed, yet the lady was making as much sense as any dream-person he'd think up of would.

She snickers. "Yes there are a few people I picked from multiple dimensions. Also... this garden is within the walls. If you get this far, it wouldn't count. Which... brings me to the next point. Your not actually here, dear... you fell asleep again. Which brings me to another point. If you fall for my little traps... I get to have some fun. Fun like... so." She snaps her fingers... as he feels a strange tingle creeping over him... his hair beginning to grow out... and turn... blonde?

Nicholas sighs, "So you expect me to believe that.. somehow I'm in 'your realm', as one of your guests, that from multiple dimensions.. and we have to play this game with you trying to escape your castle?" He gets up from his seat. Not taking the story of some lady in a dream very serious, though he did remember waking up in a strange and girly bed, assumed to be kidnapped and what not. Maybe it was just his fantasy playing tricks on him; it would be impossible for the abductor to communicate through his dreams, wouldn't it?...
"And how are you expecting us from not just leaving through the main gate? Hm, traps?", he questions but suddenly feeling a strange tingling sensation, and notices his hair getting longer. Taking a lock of hair to inspect it, he asks "Did you just change my hair?"

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Re: Castle Escape

Postby Knight Errant » Thu Sep 28, 2017 10:39 pm

Abillioncats wrote:
James frowns as he finishes looking through all the clothes, all girls stuff, what kind of sick joke is this? He makes an irritated growl before reading the note carefully. When he is done he drops the note, even less happy about his circumstances than before.

"Great, so this Alice has a thing for men dressed in drag? And what does she mean by 'future employer'?" Was he a prisoner for this person's sick amusement? Obviously someone rich enough to kidnap him discreetly, he was probably in a private mansion in some remote location where no one would ever find him...

He shook his head, he couldn't let himself give up in despair! If he could find his way out of here, maybe he could escape this place and try to find help. First though...clothes.

He picked up a red dress, staring at it for a moment. He frowned before tossing it aside. "Forget that, I'm not going to give her the pleasure of seeing me in that, I'm sticking with the blanket..." He wrapped the blanket around himself like a toga as best he could, it wasn't perfect but it was better than running around completely nude. Plus he had to admit it was rather comfy, made him feel a little drowsy though.

With that in mind, he went up to the door and attempted to force it open, hoping that it wasn't locked. If it was he'd break the door down if he had to.

He finds its unlocked! And slides it open to see a fairly standard hallway. Carpeted with doors on either side... stretching off in both directions at a gentle curve. The sheet was quite soft and snuggly... he could just wrap it around himself and take a nap...

Whatevr89532 wrote:Marcus feels a little weird, too, with some tingling and...he's wiggling his butt a bit on the floor just sitting here. He shakes his head, trying to clear it, and feels more hair shaking around him than he remembers. Well...maybe he just didn't notice, it could've grown out while he was unconscious. He doesn't really know how long he was unconscious, although...he doesn't feel all that hungry, does he? All of this is just too weird to think about. He just needs to get out of here. He stands up, still holding the ball in his hand...looking around the room for anything else that might contain helpful stuff besides the wardrobe and nightstand he's already checked and come up empty from. While he does so...of course wanting to bite down on the ball again is weird, but he unconsciously squeezes it a few times to try and relieve that urge. Squeak squeak squeak...

The squeaking was nice... strangely cathartic. And though he wasn't initially hungry... thinking about it suddenly makes his mouth water. Mmm... maybe he could get some steak or something...

Feng wrote:Xavier paused, not even expecting his kidnappers to include a comely maid (his mortal weakness!)

The man gasped.

"How could you have pierced my clever disguise?!" he shouted before turning on his heel and fleeing in the direction opposite of the offended maid, crocodile tears streaming from his eyes.

Must find pants! Must find pants!

Xavier tears down the hallway! Feet padding on the carpet. He sees rooms to either side... where will he go? He could just keep running.

Ookalf wrote:"Huh, surprised I got that on..." Paul considers the other clothes, and ultimately decides to at least put on the underwear. Going barefoot's fine and all, not having anything "down there" just feels awkward.

Its soft... and somewhat confining... yet it was better than nothing, yes? He could try for shoes as well... though most of them seem like spindly ornamental things with high heels...

Zoey wrote:Grok takes the path with the adventurous vase of flowers!... and takes it! It could prove useful later as a weapon! Plus he doesn't have pockets right now.

Grok obtains the Vase of Acquisition! The flowers smell rather pretty... And as he's looking over his new prize... he hears footsteps behind him! Turning around... he'd see... a guard! His lucky day...? She raises an eyebrow at the strange man with the vase and lady clothes tied around his lower half.

xGoggles wrote:Nicholas sighs, "So you expect me to believe that.. somehow I'm in 'your realm', as one of your guests, that from multiple dimensions.. and we have to play this game with you trying to escape your castle?" He gets up from his seat. Not taking the story of some lady in a dream very serious, though he did remember waking up in a strange and girly bed, assumed to be kidnapped and what not. Maybe it was just his fantasy playing tricks on him; it would be impossible for the abductor to communicate through his dreams, wouldn't it?..."And how are you expecting us from not just leaving through the main gate? Hm, traps?", he questions but suddenly feeling a strange tingling sensation, and notices his hair getting longer. Taking a lock of hair to inspect it, he asks "Did you just change my hair?"

She smirks. "Well... of course. But its not done with that..." He feels himself shrinking... his skin tingling as it grows smoother... softer. His hands daintier as nails grow out longer... his clothes feeling baggy before readjusting... beginning to knit together as his pants flare out into an increasingly frilly dress!
Last edited by Knight Errant on Fri Sep 29, 2017 2:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Castle Escape

Postby Abillioncats » Fri Sep 29, 2017 12:36 am

Knight Errant wrote:He finds its unlocked! And slides it open to see a fairly standard hallway. Carpeted with doors on either side... stretching off in both directions at a gentle curve. The sheet was quite soft and snuggly... he could just wrap it around himself and take a nap...

James tightened the sheet around himself, still feeling drowsy. He felt tempted to just lay down and take a nap right there.

Of course, that would be a pretty silly thing to do after already going through the effort of getting out of bed. Instead, he decided to pick a direction and walk down the hallway, maybe find a way out.

"Hmmmm....left." He started walking down the hallway, he was a bit cautious though, this Alice that brought him here was likely still around. Who knew what she had planned? She obviously wasn't too worried about him escaping, maybe she had her own private guard? Whatever the case, James didn't expect it to be as easy as just walking out the front gates, this place was probably huge from the look of things.

He eyed the various doors that were on either side of the hallway, maybe he should try to enter one? Maybe find suitable clothing? He picked one at random and tried to push it open and look inside.
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Re: Castle Escape

Postby Ookalf » Fri Sep 29, 2017 10:47 pm

Knight Errant wrote:Its soft... and somewhat confining... yet it was better than nothing, yes? He could try for shoes as well... though most of them seem like spindly ornamental things with high heels...

Tempting... But no. Even if Paul could get the shoes on as easily as everything else, there's no way he would be able to walk comfortably in them. With that logic, Paul moves shoelessly out the door.
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Re: Castle Escape

Postby xGoggles » Sat Sep 30, 2017 1:10 am

Knight Errant wrote:She smirks. "Well... of course. But its not done with that..." He feels himself shrinking... his skin tingling as it grows smoother... softer. His hands daintier as nails grow out longer... his clothes feeling baggy before readjusting... beginning to knit together as his pants flare out into an increasingly frilly dress!

Looking down at the changes he starts to get angry, "Hey stop that! Is this your idea of fun, making me look girly?" He kicks his chair down out of frustration, hoping to also break the playful mood of the dream-girl in a more threatening manner. Raising a finger at her, "I'm not here to play your stupid game!"
Though Nicholas regains his calm rather fast, because it was simply ridiculous to get upset about some dream, all he had to do was just wake up and it would be over.

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Re: Castle Escape

Postby Whatevr89532 » Sat Sep 30, 2017 1:46 pm

Marcus's mouth starts watering on thinking of food...okay, maybe he is a little hungry. Some kind of delayed effects from whatever drugs were used to knock him out and take him here, maybe? Well..he isn't really finding anything else in this weird pink bedroom, so he tries to leave out the front door to go looking for a kitchen, or...maybe wherever his mysterious 'host' is supposed to be. Since this Alice person didn't exactly tie him up or anything, meeting with her as instructed in the note might actually be helpful to the goal of escaping this place.

The ball is still being squeaked periodically, without really thinking about it anymore. It does feel nice to do it, after all.
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Re: Castle Escape

Postby muffinstud » Sun Oct 01, 2017 9:05 pm

Gregor sets the mirror down. Pale or no, his lips don't need any stuff smeared on them to look better. He is, after all, a man of action! He doesn't have time for such things. But, before he sets out to get his bearings in this place, he needs to cover himself up. He looks in the closet, sifting through the clothing to look for something he can cover himself up with.
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Re: Castle Escape

Postby Zoey » Sat Oct 07, 2017 6:11 pm

Grok runs along with his vase! However his victory is threatened as a challenger approaches from behind. He swiftly turns around, holding the vase raised to smack some fool with it if he gets touchy, but instead see's a lady. Grok doesn't like to hit girls. "......." Grok stares at the lady who is staring him back. "You saw nothing and we wont have trouble... ok?" he says as he backs away from the woman, vase still raised.
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Re: Castle Escape

Postby Feng » Sat Oct 14, 2017 4:07 pm

Xavier immediately ducks into the room on the right.

.... ....
.... ....

*Phew* I think I lost her .____.

He took a look around his new surroundings. "Pants. Gotta find pants. Gotta wear pants." @~@
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