[FFRP] Sunshine Apartments


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Re: [FFRP] Sunshine Apartments

Postby Amy-chan » Sat Jul 03, 2010 8:58 pm

Since Christine had helped her calm down, Dawn spoke up to answer Katie, "I'll go with you. It seems so hard for me to sit still for any time. I just hope that I'm not this full of energy when it comes time for bed."
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Re: [FFRP] Sunshine Apartments

Postby Harri-chan » Sun Jul 04, 2010 3:11 pm

Kitty blushed when Christine tapped her knee, but she quickly wriggled up to her feet so the skirt bounced down around her thighs. "I want to come... ", she added after Dawn had said she'd go too. "... but can I find something else to wear? This is just too embarrassing... ", she groaned, indicating the school uniform. "Don't go without me... ", she pleaded, her gaze darting back and forth between Christine and Katie, finding herself growing dependent on the girls already, despite having starting the day older than them both.

Running into the bedroom, she tugged off the school clothes as quick as she possibly could, leaving them scattered all over the bed, and her in just her white cotton bra and panties as she crouched down to open up her suitcase and began to rummage through it. After a while of not finding anything she liked, she sighed and picked out something that atleast looked comfy. Minutes later she walked back out into the living room, now wearing a very tight white t-shirt with a Hello Kitty face across her small chest, with a loose, crumpled pink cotton skirt that reached mid-thigh, a pair of white ankle socks and pink sneakers on her feet, the black bow in her hair swapped for a pink one.

"Do I look okay?", she asked nervously, mainly to the two older girls, although her gaze did flick to Dawn and Heather too as she turned a little, making the skirt swish around her thighs.
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Re: [FFRP] Sunshine Apartments

Postby Stray-chan » Mon Jul 05, 2010 8:02 pm

Christine smiled warmly at Kitty, chuckling just a bit. "You look very cute, Kitty. And don't worry, we weren't going to leave without you." She smiles again. "We'll make sure someone is always around with you, ok? So don't worry, you're safe with us."

Christine then turns to address the gathered girls. "Ok, I think Tara has a point, we should all get a feel for all the chores, if only so we can take care of things if someone gets sick or goes on a school trip or something. But right now, getting food and things is important, and we should all go. According to the pitch for this place, there's a grocery store within walking distance. So let's all go!" She looks again at the assembled girls. "Anyone else want to get changed, or should we go now?"

She also looks around the room for something to keep the contents of her old pockets in. There was no way her new ones were going to cut it...
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Re: [FFRP] Sunshine Apartments

Postby Millinescence » Tue Jul 06, 2010 2:41 pm

Heather looks up, wiping her tears from her face. She looks at Kitty and answers her question with a simple nod. She hardly paid attention to the goings on until this point. She goes back to the couch to sit next to Christine in the spot where Kitty once was. "I-I think I'll stay here for now. I don't think I'm ready to go out like this." Heather says in a soft voice. She looks down at her body, she wasn't ready to admit it yet, but she did turn out looking rather cute herself. She cups her breasts experimentally and looks over to Christine. If there was one thing that ate at Heather, it was the girl sitting next to her. She got changed into a girl like every male in the apartment. However Christine didn't panic or show signs of fear, she was calm, cool, and collected this whole time. Heather didn't understand how or why, but if she didn't know any better, she'd say that Christine had been changed in such a way before...but that would just be silly, right? "Uhh...Christine, how can you be taking this so well? I'm surprised you're not shocked by all of this..."
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Re: [FFRP] Sunshine Apartments

Postby Zilla » Fri Jul 09, 2010 1:34 am

"All right!" Katie says, clapping her hands. "Kitty, Christine, Dawn, and I will go shopping and get to know the area, and you and Tara can stay here and sort out the apartment stuff. Everyone ready? Let's go!"

Katie instinctively grabs Kitty's hand and swings it playfully as she exits the apartment. she feels a rush of energy like she hadn't felt in quite a long time... an exuberance, a taste for life and excitement! She couldn't wait to get out there in the world, to grab life and furiously shake it and to do everything!
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Re: [FFRP] Sunshine Apartments

Postby Harri-chan » Tue Jul 20, 2010 12:49 pm

Kitty blushed brightly at Christine. Somehow she managed to feel embarrassed that they thought one of them always needed to be with her, and yet at the same time, she felt quite relieved that they would. Her smile widens as Katie grasps her by the hand and leads her out of the apartment, "Maybe this won't be so bad... ", she murmured as they headed down the corridor before stepping out into the bright afternoon sunshine. "I'm sorry I was rude to you girls earlier... I didn't realise how grumpy being a grown up had made me... ".
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Re: [FFRP] Sunshine Apartments

Postby Zilla » Tue Aug 03, 2010 12:25 pm

"It's okay, hon, that's all behind us now. We can let go of the past and start fresh, okay?" Katie smiles at little Kitty, not realizing just how profoundly applicable her words were as she led the little tyke to the doors leading outside. She patted her purse to make sure she had the money with her, and turned to let the others catch up as she led Kitty through the door.
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Re: [FFRP] Sunshine Apartments

Postby Stray-chan » Sat Aug 14, 2010 6:50 am

Christine had been about to stand up to go when Heather sat down next to her. At the other girl's question, Christine takes a deep breath and closes her eyes for a moment. She's silent for several long seconds, and when she opens her eyes, they look a bit watery. "Do you think I'm not? I walked in that door, and suddenly I'm different, my stuff is different, my past is different, I might even be thinking differently. I have no idea what I should think or what I should do. I have no idea if this is good or bad, or what it could mean. I am freaked out." She takes a deep breath and rubs her face, and when she looks at Heather again, the watery look has been replaced with one of determination. "But so is everyone else. When I walked in here, I turned into a beautiful woman. But you know what I saw before that happened? A bunch of confused and afraid schoolgirls. Who are still confused and afraid, though hopefully what I've done has lessened that. Someone had to take charge, be the adult. I'm the oldest, it may as well be me." She bites her lip, thinking. "It's more than that, though. Whatever happened, it's weird. Supernatural. And I want to know more. I've spent my life hoping things like this could be real, and it looks like they are. So I'm going to make the most of it, even if that means being female. Who knows, maybe I'll like it? I always kinda wondered what it would be like..." Her gaze drifts off into the distance momentarily, but she pulls herself back. "Anyway, I'm going to the store, because we need food." She smiles warmly and pulls Heather into a gentle hug. "I think it would be nice if you came. You'll have to go out in public eventually, may as well get it over with." She stands and nods to Heather. "I better catch up with the others. I do hope you decide to come along too!" With that, Christine grabs her wallet and cell phone from the pile of stuff that had erupted from her pocket and hurries out the door to catch up with the other girls that had left.

"Hey, sorry for the delay, I wanted to answer Heather's question," she says as she catches up. "So, um, does anyone know where the store is, exactly? I had the pamphlet in my pocket before, but women's pants pockets are so small, it exploded out..." She pats her pockets, the cell phone and wallet alone digging into her (very wide and curvy, now that she thinks about it) hips. "I think I'm going to need a purse..."
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Re: [FFRP] Sunshine Apartments

Postby Harri-chan » Sat Aug 14, 2010 7:07 am

Kitty nodded her head, giving Katie a nervous smile as she adjusted her glasses, and then glanced at the cheerleader's purse, blushing a little. For a moment, a slight panic went through her as she realised she didn't have her own purse, her hands going to her thighs, where pockets would usually be, but not on her skirt. For years, she'd always had those moments of fear where she thought she'd lost her purse... but then it sunk in, that she probably wouldn't have a purse again for a few years. It felt odd to consider how she'd have no money of her own from now on, and would need to rely on the others. When Christine appeared, she turned to look back at her, and blushed even brighter when she saw her patting her wide hips. "I think it's just across the street from the parking lot... unless the world outside changed when we were in that apartment too". Fortunately, nothing outside seemed to have changed. The town was just as it was before, so if they knew it's layout previously, they'd know it now. "Having no money feels weird... ", she muttered.
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Re: [FFRP] Sunshine Apartments

Postby Millinescence » Sat Aug 14, 2010 11:27 pm

Heather embraces Christine's hug as she tries her best not to cry again. As the new woman gets up to get her things, Heather decides to come with. The prospect of being alone in the apartment would only increase the sense of loneliness she feels already. "Actually, I think I'm gonna go too." She grabs her cell phone and looks for her lighter and smokes, and when she does, she finds that her cellphone looks different and her old source of respite was nowhere to be found. "Arrgh! Where... ...right..." Heather murmurs, trailing off with grumbles at the realization. At least her phone had an upgrade, it's now a light purple hue, a touch screen model with a slide out keyboard for texting. She also found a purse next to her phone and she grabs that, placing her phone inside. "Well, I'm ready..." Heather said with butterflies in her stomach. She felt distanced from herself, like she was there, but not really. She takes her glasses off and cleans them on the hem of her blouse, looking around at the blurred shapes of the others. Like Velma from Scooby-Doo, Heather was a sitting duck without her glasses. She quickly put her glasses back on and followed the others.
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Re: [FFRP] Sunshine Apartments

Postby Zilla » Sun Aug 15, 2010 3:06 pm

Katie turns to see Christine catching up, and a bit of distance behind her, Heather. She held Kitty's hand and let the others catch up a bit. She smiled at Heather as she approached. "Yay, you decided to join us!" She smiles. She turns to Kitty, watching her fidget, as she says "Having no mommy feels weird." (or so Katie thought.)

It tugged at her heartstrings, violently.

"Ohh, sweetie," she says, "it's okay... you have us now... We're all here for you, we'll help you whenever we can. I know it's hard... especially with what happened... but we'll stick together!" She gives Kitty a kiss on the cheek. "Right, guys?" She says, looking up at Christine and Heather.


And soon they were out the door, and looking at the small corner store across the street. It was a little convenience store, with only a moderate selection. They'd have to look elsewhere for anything super special, though it did look to have a small selection of candy, and even some standard ice cream. All in all, it wasn't a bad place.

"We're gonna need quite a bit in our first trip, but the next ones will be easier," Katie says, squeezing Kitty's hand. "Thanks for coming, Heather, it'll make carrying stuff easier!"
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Re: [FFRP] Sunshine Apartments

Postby Stray-chan » Sat Aug 21, 2010 7:02 am

Christine smiles at Heather as she catches up to the group. "I'm glad to see you coming, too. It's not so bad, right?"

She nods in reply to Katie, looking very serious. "I promised Kitty she wouldn't be alone. I intend to live up to that promise."

As they enter the store, Christine looks around, trying to get an idea of where different sections are. "Hmm, I hope they have fruit and vegetables. And while a frozen pizza would go down really well right now..." she looks down at herself and over her trim and sexy figure, "...I should probably watch what I eat. On the other hand, maybe junk food will go straight to my boobs." She chuckles at this and shakes her head. "Maybe split the difference and get some reduced fat hot pockets?" She looks up and appraises the store again. "We need basics: bread, milk, peanut butter, maybe some eggs. Lunchmeat and cheese? And something for dinners. I'm not used to having lots of people at a meal, does anyone have ideas for what we should get for dinners?"
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Re: [FFRP] Sunshine Apartments

Postby Harri-chan » Sat Aug 21, 2010 7:25 am

Kitty blushed as Katie leaned down, but despite how embarrassing it was, it also felt nice... really nice, her smile widening as the older girl's lips brushed her cheek. She had no idea that Katie now thought she wanted the girls to be almost like her Mothers, one misheard word and it could drastically affect the way her relationship with her new room mates went. Part of her felt so embarrassed at how much the girls has taken responsibility for her, but the part that felt grateful was getting stronger all the time.

She was fairly quiet as they walked around the little store together, and a few times caught herself staring at Katie or Christine's breasts. "Why don't we make burgers tonight? That can't be hard... ", she said in response to Christine's request for suggestions. She still remembered everything about her past life, and she didn't want to act like a kid, but something was working against her. They passed a bunch of Hello Kitty cereal boxes, and suddenly she wanted it badly. "Katie... can we get some of this?", she asked, her cheeks bright red, fully aware of how embarrassing her behaviour was as she pointed up at the cereal boxes.
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Re: [FFRP] Sunshine Apartments

Postby Zilla » Sat Aug 21, 2010 6:26 pm

Katie was busy looking over the scant few aisles that were available, checking for any fruits and veggies. There appeared to be some, but they were expensive, way more so than buying from a real grocery mart, and they had a rather limited selection of apples, bananas, and some very basic vegetables like corn and carrots. "Over there," Katie motions to Christine to indicate the produce, when Kitty squeezes her hand while pointing at some cute little cereal box. "Katie... can we get some of this?"

Katie almost dismissively says "Yes, of course." It was no big deal and she didn't even pause to consider just how silly it was, coming from someone who was older than her just over an hour ago. She grabbed the box and smiled at Kitty, and giggled a little at how fitting the cereal was. "Hello, Kitty, it's Hello Kitty!" she says playfully before resuming her search for the food they came to buy.

She spotted rice and bread down an aisle and took off after it.
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Re: [FFRP] Sunshine Apartments

Postby Millinescence » Wed Aug 25, 2010 11:46 pm

She didn't know why, but Heather found herself being the observer of the group. She patted Kitty on the head, unsure of whether what the young girl said was 'money' or 'mommy'. In her past life, he was adopted, never did find out who the birth parents were...probably never will in her current condition. But this life is different, she has her parents. "It's okay, I've been there hon." Heather said finally. "If you need to talk, I'm here."

Heather looked around the small grocery store/food-mart, following the others as they shopped. "Burgers sounds good." Shrugs Heather, "Lets get some cheese singles to go with--" She sees Kitty point at the cerial boxes and chuckles and responds to Katie's comment. "Yeah, real cute. :P " She grabs a box of Apple Jacks for herself and hands Kitty the Hello Kitty cereal with a grin.
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