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Re: Curves of Steel

PostPosted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 3:17 pm
by muffinstud
Alex looks down, greeted by the sight of the woman's chest resting upon him. Her bosom looks so soft and round, so full... His chest feels so full. He can feel it pushing against her softness... pressing softly and gently against her. The softness bubbles up... the jumpsuit now with two small bumps cushioning the woman's breasts. Mmm, and it's not just his chest that feels nice. His hips keep pushing, letting him feel the material stretch against his smooth skin as it creeps out along the surface of the bed. All of this warmth, all of these tingles keep growing... starting a new, warm and oddly gooey feeling between his legs.


Carson blinks at just how... soft the interior of the suit feels. "Huh..." He shrugs. At least it won't feel uncomfortable? He keeps pulling it up, slipping his arms through the sleeves and making sure the rest of it is on correctly.

Re: Curves of Steel

PostPosted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 4:44 pm
by Knight Errant
Alex mmmfs... "T-this... this can't... be happening..." He looks down... watching the softness push up. It... it had to be the suit... it... its just a trick...


The suit is rather tight... but the material stretches easily over his frame. The most strange things were the harnesses on the hips and chest... and the little headset that rests against his scalp like a headband, flaking the sides of his ears, and an additional clip that doesn't seem to fit anywhere... The rest of the suit slips on as easily as the rest. And when he sets the headset on, he hears a cool feminine voice. "Identifying user..." There is a pause. "User identified! Records matched with Empire Database. Countermeasures disabled. Finalizing bootup sequence..." As he feels the back of the suit starting to close itself! The seam sealing up.

Re: Curves of Steel

PostPosted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 5:21 pm
by muffinstud
Alex watches... and the softness keeps pushing up and out, getting pressed upon by Double Take's own plentiful softness. And as that pushing continues, he notices more of that shimmery hair, a blue sheen in it as it crawls down past his shoulders. That warmth in his hips gets a little hotter... that gooey feeling getting stronger as he feels things start to... dwindle. Oh, but the rest of him is just feeling so... so warm and full. And that feeling of pushing out... of making way for more full softness just feels so... so wonderfully nice. "Oh, but it is... And it looks like you're enjoying it... aren't you?"


Carson squirms a bit as the suit starts to zip itself up. Well, at least he won't have to embarrass himself by getting help from Silver. Still, he tugs at the fabric, picking at the tightness of it. "I might as well still be naked..." He hefts the extra clip, curious as to what it could be.

Re: Curves of Steel

PostPosted: Sun Jul 24, 2016 6:45 pm
by Knight Errant
Alex squirms... shaking his head. "I'm... I'm n-not enjoying it! Don't... don't be ridiculous!" He flushes...


Its odd... too narrow to be a collar or a wristband. Maybe Silver would know what it is...? And he tugs at the soft, stretchy fabric. As it seals up, it suddenly grows tighter... He'd soon notice it has nary a wrinkle in it... and he can hardly stretch it far out from his skin before it snaps back. Almost like it vacuum sealed to his skin. Still... it is very comfortable. And he doesn't feel stifled at all... though he does feel like he's wearing nothing at all... nothing at all... nothing at all...

Re: Curves of Steel

PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 2:26 am
by muffinstud
"The flush in your cheeks tells me otherwise." She reaches and pats his cheek. "It's better if you admit it now than later. If you keep struggling and fighting against it, Mistress Impulse will change your opinion for you." She tries to make her grin as innocent as possible. "She can do that, you know. Change the way you think. And you'll think it's your own idea, the best idea." She props herself back up, removing the weight of her chest from his. But now, he can see his chest... spring back up into the soft shape. It mirrors hers... only much less pronounced. Hmmm, and he can still feel things pushing at his hips... and pulling between them.


Carson holds up the collar and shrugs as he shifts about in the suit. At least it feels comfortable, but... the way it hugs to him so tightly... and everywhere... that could be a problem. This has to be some kind of hazing from the girls, forcing him to prove he's justified in breaking up their little girls only club. "Stupid... sexy Lieutenants..." He grumbles to himself and carries the box and the collar out of the bathroom... strategically placing both at waist level.

Re: Curves of Steel

PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 3:27 pm
by Knight Errant
Alex gulps... rather worried at the implication... and... the softness on his chest. He... he needs to get out of here. "T-thats... crazy!"


Carson makes his way out of the bathroom. Even walking in the suit was... odd. It seemed to have a bit of resistance in it... making his every step a bit harder than it should be. At the same time, he feels a strange pressure on his back... as if its pushing inwards against it just slightly. And that collar didn't seem to be the only piece missing. The leggings seemed to end without something that could be called a shoe. Just that tight pink fabric covering his feet.

Re: Curves of Steel

PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 10:32 pm
by muffinstud
He needs to get out of this place... but Alex still can't lift his arms from the table. His confidence seems to be failing him. His body, however, continues to betray him. He can feel one final, tingly tug between his legs... and then just the snug jumpsuit against soft skin. His hips keep pushing out... keep feeling oh so warm. His chest pushes out a little further... but both start to slow down. The damage is done, though. He... rather, she... can feel the difference in the snug fabric.


Carson frowns to himself as he walks, making the extra effort to take each step. "Silver? I... I think I might have an extra piece. And am I supposed to have shoes?" He wriggles a little against the suit, unable to keep it from making his back arch just slightly.

Re: Curves of Steel

PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 11:04 pm
by Knight Errant
Alex shivers... frowning at the sensations he... she can feel through the fabric. "D-damnit..." She mutters... cheeks flushed.


Silver blinks, looking over to Carson. "Ah! Yes. We should work on walking first. The shoes are in a compartment in the case... did you miss them...? And there aren't any extra pieces, silly."

Re: Curves of Steel

PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 12:10 am
by muffinstud
Double Take giggles at Alex, shaking her head. "Aww, poor dear. Here, let me make it better." She reaches over and removes the tube from the arm of Alex's suit. "I'll let you sit up, if you like. It might take you a little time to get used to your new and improved configuration." Well... at least this means she won't keep changing. But that also means... she... must really be a woman now. She definitely feels different. The supple weight on her chest... the soft press of her wider bottom on the bed. The ease with which she can press her rounded thighs together... it's all so different... and it had all felt... so nice and warm.


Carson blinks and digs through the box again. "But... there's this extra clip that doesn't attach anywhere... and I'm sure I would have seen shoes if they were in there..."

Re: Curves of Steel

PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 3:06 pm
by Knight Errant
Alex frowns... "Please... being stuck against this table is... mmmf... frustrating." She murmurs...


Silver giggles softly. "The extra clip is a hairclip, sweety. You can't use it... not yet, anyway." As he looks again, he does notice a hatch he had passed over before. Opening it up, he would see a pair of shoes... or... well... a pair of high heels. White, made of some kind of shiny material with seams along it. And alongside a black panel. The sole at the toe is a thick platform, and at the back... a heel stretches down and down... it must be five inches long... at least.

Re: Curves of Steel

PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 3:15 pm
by muffinstud
"All right then. But no funny business, all right? If you try anything, I can make sure you won't be able to lift a finger for a week." Double Take shakes a finger at Alex... and as she does, she can feel some of her strength returning to her. None of the strength she normally gets from her confidence... but at least she feels like she can move around a bit. The woman approaches and offers her hand. "Do you want some help getting up, cutie?"


Carson sighs at the mention of a hairclip. He won't be needing that, not even if Silver thinks he will eventually. He stashes that back in the box as he pulls out the... shoes? "What in the world?" He holds them up, gawking at the tremendously tall heels. "I... I can't wear these. I know you may have expected someone else to be the next Lieutenant, but I have to draw the line on these shoes."

Re: Curves of Steel

PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 3:48 pm
by Knight Errant
Alex glares at the curvy woman... and goes to sit up herself. "Ugh..."


Silver mmms. "Thats what training is for, silly. No one expects you to be perfect in your role off the bat. They take some getting used to." She says... shifting in her own heels. ''But thats what I'm here for! I'll have you walking in them like a pro."

Re: Curves of Steel

PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 4:25 pm
by muffinstud
Alex sits up, Double Take pulling her hand back to give the new girl the space to do so. She feels her wide bottom shift against the flat, stiff bed, and when she is fully upright, she feels the slight weight to her chest. "I'm sure you're curious to see just how much you've changed. There's a bathroom just over there, if you want to take a look." She points off towards an open door leading into a tiled room.


Carson still maintains the furrow to his brow. "How is walking in... high heels supposed to train me for anything?" He shakes his head, now almost completely sure this is a hazing and not real training.

Re: Curves of Steel

PostPosted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 3:42 pm
by Knight Errant
Alex frowns... but... it would be nice to get away from her for a moment. And... he did find himself strangely... curious. She gulps... and pushes herself to her feet. Making her way over to the door...


Silver giggles. "I know. It seems silly, doesn't it? But those shoes are more than a fashion statement. They have built in gravity anchors that let you walk on any surface. And micro rockets to facilitate long jumps." She mmms. "I know its not the style you'd prefer, but... going without them would put you at a tactical disadvantage."

Re: Curves of Steel

PostPosted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 3:56 pm
by muffinstud
Alex still feels a bit weak in the knees... and her balance feels different, adding to her wobble. But she makes it. And when she does, she is greeted with a reflection in the bathroom mirror. Something the feel of her skin against the snug jumpsuit should have prepared her for, but still takes her entirely by surprise. Her reflection... looks like that of a pretty young woman with long, blue hair... but a woman all the same.


Carson grumbles. Of course they would put useful things in such... ridiculous footwear. "If this turns out to be some kind of joke, I swear I'll get back at you. I don't care how good your cupcakes are." He takes a seat nearby and tries to put the strange shoes on his feet, regretting the decision the whole time.