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PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 9:20 pm
by muffinstud
I could squeeze you into another wave. However, you won't be able to start until there's someone for you to go against. If you have a friend/stranger/James Bond villain you'd like to invite, please do.
And go ahead and post a character.


PostPosted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 12:19 pm
by Xiao

Name: Joshua Manning
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Appearance: Has mid length brown hair and brown eyes. A very light farmer's tan and his left arm ends in a stump about six inches away from the shoulder. Nothing special in looks, his skin is fair so he doesn't have much acne but most would describe him as average, or even homely if the person has high standards... or are just put off by loss of limb. Doesn't wear a prosthetic due to thinking they are uncomfortable and awkward.
Personality: Having grown up on a farm, he's a bit more reserved than most people. He's not the typical image of a farm boy that
Reason for applying: Has never had courage to talk with many girls, and those that he has have been put off by his lost limb. Has started to grow lonely and thought he'd give it a shot.
Preferred form after losing: None~ Use at your own discretion~


PostPosted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 2:43 pm
by muffinstud
Okay, you'll be going against Ookalf since Stone has dropped off the face of the Earth. Go ahead and post. Since Ook and Stone haven't really interacted, like, at all inside the room, I'll just write you in as having been the one in the room with him the whole time.

Mmmkay, pumpkins?