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PostPosted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 11:30 pm
by Sasha
Naomi soon finds it and lands in front of it. " I figured you all would be scared to try stuff like this after you saw what i did to your sister and to your master." she says with a grin.

(Sadie we said Liz wasn't going to be male change her change)

PostPosted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 11:32 pm
"Naomi, I have your back!! Let me know which one's keister to kick first!!" Liz said with a devilish smile.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 11:36 pm
by AshK
"They are mutant Virus Victims. They look like an odd mixture different animals. These Chimeras are a bunch of Pokemon put together to form one monster. It seems like there are more now." Ashlee said.

"News Flash comes across the Screen.*

"This just in it seems that the Virus has finally made it to East Peoria. Everyone is Changing Left and right. We need to figure out how this Virus made it across the River." The Reporter said.

OOC: Rayje could you please change your characters transformation. Either Female to more powerful Female or Male to Female.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 11:38 pm
by Sasha
Naomi is still far from Liz and looks at the Chimera. " To scared to talk eh?"

PostPosted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 11:38 pm
After a freakish event transpiring with the rain, Elliot transforms into a much more powerful Female who goes by the name Flo.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 11:41 pm
by AshK
*Just as Elliot goes to help Naomi he gets rained on again.*

*Elliot shrinks back down to about 5'7" and loses his muscle mass once again. Only this time she becomes a Female Brown Fox Girl with the same type of Powers of Kristy. She is now back to being Liz only this time she is Liz the Kitsune. A Really powerful Fox Goddess. Her name is now Flo.*

"You dare to mock me Robot Girl! I could easily Fry you with my Fire Storm Attack!" Chimera #5 said. This one was also female as she shot a Fire Storm attack at Naomi Frying her Circuits badly.

OOC: Sorry Rayje, it wouldn't be fair to the other RP'ers for your character to go from Female to Male when everyone went from Male to Female or Female to more Powerful Female. Sorry about that. Can you forgive me?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 11:42 pm
"Huh? what had happened to me, I don't even feel this weird after a nite of drinking?" Flo said confused

PostPosted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 11:48 pm
by Sasha
Naomi grins and jumps over it before it could hit her and laughs. " Looks like you have a temper problem. Plus your fire is weak you tried that back at your base and failed greatly." Her jets flare and she races at #5 and punches at her

PostPosted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 12:03 am
by AshK
*Ashlee, her sisters and everyone else involved teleport after transforming into their Hybrid Angel Forms and start Attacking the Chimera. Two more Chimera join the fray. # 6 and #7. #'s 1-5 also join in the fray and start attacking the Elemental Angels. which attack back.*

"It happens. We have all been transformed Multiple Times. WInd Angel Terrorizing Tornado!" Wind Espeon Angel Ashlee said.

"Lightning Angel Thunderstorm Smash!" Lightning Jolteon Angel Bree said.

"Fire Angel Firestorm Smash!" Fire Flareon Angel Lana said.

"Grass Angel Leaf Blade Blast!" Grass Leafeon Angel Delilah said.

"Poison Angel Poison Sting Smash!" Poison Persian Angel Toni said.

"Take this ugly! Fire Spin." Dani said.

"Dark Angel Faint Attack Ambush!" Dark Umbreon Angel Cassandra said.

"I guess I have to fight even though I don't like it! High jump Kick!" Sayomi said as she knocked down Chimera #'s 1 & 2 with her kick.

OOC: Shadowmaster please post. The Girls need your help. They are surrounded. More Chimera's may be on their way.

IC: "Aww yes welcome #'s 8, 9, & 10. Help me destroy these annoying girls!" Chimera #1 said.

*All the Chimera's attacked all the girls at once. The count was up to 10.*

PostPosted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 12:07 am
"Let me at one of em I'd LOVE to show y'all what I can do!!" Flo says thru her teeth.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 12:11 am
by Sasha
Naomi ignores the others and focuses on number 5 and grins darkly after landing across from 5. " Order received. target will be eliminated." a small hatch opens on her right leg and she pulls a small handle out and the hatch closes and a shield appears in her left one and a pink beam comes from the handle in her right one forming a beam saber. "Shall we dance?" She charges at #5 and slashes at her.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 12:17 am
"I am ready to "dance with any of y'all Chimera just come at me!!" Flo growls as she procceds to take on #10 with her Fire attack "here's proof!!"
OOC: Sadie you need to alter my chaged persons name from Elliot to FLo please, and then PM me as I may not be on much longer.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 12:22 am
by AshK
OOC: Rayje use your Fox Fire Attack. I think Kris could probably tell you what else a Kitsune can do.

"Foolish Little Girls. The Master will soon rule this State. And we will be by his side through it all." Chimera #1 said as she shot an Ice Ball at Flo.

"Ice Angel Ice Storm Smash!" Ice Glaceon Angel Sandra said as she sent an Ice Storm toward #10 which dodged it with skill.

"What's wrong Little Ice Angel are you gonna cry! Take this! Hyper Beam Blast!" #10 said as Sandra dodged it with skill.

"Give it up chimera. You are all so ugly it's not even funny!" Ice Glaceon Angel Sandra said as she continued to attack # 10.

OOC: Hira please post. Everyone needs your help. Kris also please post as well.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 12:28 am
"That iceball did nothing!!" FLo giggles as she swiftly melts the Iceball with 2 fingers pressed against it shortly before upping hte power of her fire attack.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 12:33 am
by AshK
RAYJINTINY wrote:"That iceball did nothing!!" FLo giggles as she swiftly melts the Iceball with 2 fingers pressed against it.

"Try this on for size Little Girl! Thunderbolt Blast!" #9 said as she sent a lightning bolt toward Flo.

Naomi the Gardevoir wrote:Naomi ignores the others and focuses on number 5 and grins darkly after landing across from 5. " Order received. target will be eliminated." a small hatch opens on her right leg and she pulls a small handle out and the hatch closes and a shield appears in her left one and a pink beam comes from the handle in her right one forming a beam saber. "Shall we dance?" She charges at #5 and slashes at her.

*#5 gets her arm cut off.*

"Drat! The rest of you head back to base! I will deal with the Robot girl!" # 5 says as she Powers up a Hurricane Storm.

*The others nodded.*