[SRP] Hybrid Adventures 1.5: The RP


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Re: [SRP] Hybrid Adventures 1.5: The RP

Postby Marky » Sun Aug 07, 2011 4:19 pm

Shadowmaster wrote:Tyler- You manage to get into the building easily, and see that it's an old department store. You can hear the same crackling from outside through the store's PA system. After a few moments of this, a voice can barely be made out through the static. "Well, well, well, seems our suspicions were right. You were all hiding here. Well, the game is over. Just give yourselves up."

((I hope everyone wasn't waiting on me. >.< Had a rough month there...))

Tyler frowns and clenches her fists as she hears the voice. "Damn...they've found us..." She says, staying near the entrance, but doing her best to keep out of sight, trying to see if she can find the one who just spoke through the department store glass.
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Re: [SRP] Hybrid Adventures 1.5: The RP

Postby Shadowmaster » Thu Aug 18, 2011 12:03 pm

OOC: Sorry for the delay, work's been kicking my butt a bit.

IC: Tyler- You can't see anyone outside of the store. "You've all caused our boss quite a bit of stress. But, it's alright. As soon as you're back, you'll get conditioned and be obedient like all of the others." the voice says. As it finishes, you can see sparks jumping out of one of the speakers in the corner of the store. More and more electricity shoots out, and it begins to take a human-like shape. After another minute, you can see a man standing there, wearing a light blue shirt and pair of pants. His skin is dark orange, and a light glow the same color of his clothing is emanating from him. He points at you, sparks shooting off his hand. "So, gonna come peacefully, or gonna try to fight in vain?"
Andrew- "My name is of no concern to you." your pursuer says. "All you need to know is that you will now be returned to the northern island to finish your acclimation into the Hybrid order. It would be in your best interest to not offer up any resistance." As the last word is spoken, you can feel heat coming in from the small entrance that you entered the cave through.
Everyone at the hotel- "Your pokemon could help, but I don't think it's worth trying to get up there past whoever is coming our way." Rem says. "And this floor's a bit too open to hide anywhere for very long. Hate to say it, but looks like we're in for a fight." he adds, as the stomping can clearly be heard directly above you, approaching the stairwell. "If any of you absolutely don't think you can fight, then try to run out the back door." Rem says, pointing toward the rear of the hotel.
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Re: [SRP] Hybrid Adventures 1.5: The RP

Postby AshK » Thu Aug 18, 2011 12:20 pm

"That just figures." Jayma said as she fingered the lone Pokeball she had on her belt. "I only have Espeon with me. My other Pokemon are in my room. Don't know how much Espeon will help."
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Re: [SRP] Hybrid Adventures 1.5: The RP

Postby Marky » Thu Aug 18, 2011 3:21 pm

Shadowmaster wrote:OOC: Sorry for the delay, work's been kicking my butt a bit.

IC: Tyler- You can't see anyone outside of the store. "You've all caused our boss quite a bit of stress. But, it's alright. As soon as you're back, you'll get conditioned and be obedient like all of the others." the voice says. As it finishes, you can see sparks jumping out of one of the speakers in the corner of the store. More and more electricity shoots out, and it begins to take a human-like shape. After another minute, you can see a man standing there, wearing a light blue shirt and pair of pants. His skin is dark orange, and a light glow the same color of his clothing is emanating from him. He points at you, sparks shooting off his hand. "So, gonna come peacefully, or gonna try to fight in vain?"

((It's alright.))

Tyler growls and gets into a fighting stance as she turns to the dark-orange/electric-type hybrid. "I'll never give in to the likes of you...and there's no way in hell you're bringing me back there. I would rather die first." She says, glaring. Keeping her eyes on the hybrid, however, she watches and waits for him to move first.
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Re: [SRP] Hybrid Adventures 1.5: The RP

Postby Ookalf » Thu Aug 18, 2011 4:51 pm

Shadowmaster wrote:Everyone at the hotel- "Your pokemon could help, but I don't think it's worth trying to get up there past whoever is coming our way." Rem says. "And this floor's a bit too open to hide anywhere for very long. Hate to say it, but looks like we're in for a fight." he adds, as the stomping can clearly be heard directly above you, approaching the stairwell. "If any of you absolutely don't think you can fight, then try to run out the back door." Rem says, pointing toward the rear of the hotel.

Great... Well, I'm staying here, even if I don't have my Pokémon with me.
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Re: [SRP] Hybrid Adventures 1.5: The RP

Postby Sasha » Fri Aug 19, 2011 12:46 am

Lucia sighs. " just our luck i wanted to have a nice nap after that trouble in town,"
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Re: [SRP] Hybrid Adventures 1.5: The RP

Postby Hira Kanaki » Wed Aug 24, 2011 5:40 pm

"Well personally I'd rather die and/or fight than join an organization that wants to forcibly transform and have people join their ranks." Andrew said knowing she can't escape, and getting ready for a fight.
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Re: [SRP] Hybrid Adventures 1.5: The RP

Postby Shadowmaster » Sat Sep 10, 2011 7:53 pm

OOC: Sorry about the delay. Hurricane knocked out my power, and I've been stuck with long shifts at work. Hopefully more frequent updates from here on out.

Andrew- "Our kind is the next logical step in evolution. We are more than humans or pokemon could ever hope to be." the figure says. "We are merely trying to bring about the next stage for life on earth. You should feel honored to be a part of that." with that final sentence, the heat in the cave increases drastically, and you can see water on the floor of the cave beginning to evaporate. "Now, this is your final chance. Come out peacefully, or be utterly crushed."
Tyler- "Well, since you seem to have your mind set on a fight, so be it." the hybrid says. Electricity surges from all over his body and shoots across the floor, striking you and sending a jolt all through your body.
Everyone at the hotel- The stomping can be heard as the figure comes down the stairs, and slowly emerges from the stairwell. His skin is light blue and slightly scaly. On his back is a large gray shell, with a matching section on his face, around his eyes. He is wearing a black shirt and pants, though non present can imagine how he got them on with the large shell he has stuck to him.

"Well, what do you know?" he says. "Our info was right. You little runaways were here. Enough fun now, kids. You're coming with me." he adds, grinning.
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Re: [SRP] Hybrid Adventures 1.5: The RP

Postby Sasha » Sun Sep 11, 2011 11:41 am

Lucia frowns. " Like hell we are. We are happy here away from your group ad the humans. "
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Re: [SRP] Hybrid Adventures 1.5: The RP

Postby Ookalf » Fri Sep 16, 2011 7:36 pm

Shadowmaster wrote:Everyone at the hotel- The stomping can be heard as the figure comes down the stairs, and slowly emerges from the stairwell. His skin is light blue and slightly scaly. On his back is a large gray shell, with a matching section on his face, around his eyes. He is wearing a black shirt and pants, though non present can imagine how he got them on with the large shell he has stuck to him.

"Well, what do you know?" he says. "Our info was right. You little runaways were here. Enough fun now, kids. You're coming with me." he adds, grinning.

Grr... Why won't you just leave us alone?
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Re: [SRP] Hybrid Adventures 1.5: The RP

Postby Hira Kanaki » Wed Sep 21, 2011 2:07 pm

"How about no...also wouldn't have been easier just to ask if people wanted join?" Andrew said before thinking. *Then again that's plain logic...* Andrew thought while waiting on what to do next.
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Re: [SRP] Hybrid Adventures 1.5: The RP

Postby AshK » Wed Sep 21, 2011 5:59 pm

Shadowmaster wrote:Everyone at the hotel- The stomping can be heard as the figure comes down the stairs, and slowly emerges from the stairwell. His skin is light blue and slightly scaly. On his back is a large gray shell, with a matching section on his face, around his eyes. He is wearing a black shirt and pants, though non present can imagine how he got them on with the large shell he has stuck to him.

"Well, what do you know?" he says. "Our info was right. You little runaways were here. Enough fun now, kids. You're coming with me." he adds, grinning.

OOC: Sorry it took so long for me to post a response. School has started.

"We will so totally just see about that. Go Espeon!" Jayma said as she sent our her friend.
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Re: [SRP] Hybrid Adventures 1.5: The RP

Postby Shadowmaster » Fri Sep 30, 2011 9:26 pm

Everyone at the hotel- "Hmm, a pokemon? You all have power that can far exceed these creatures now." the hybrid says. "Why even keep these pests, now?" he adds. He then turns toward Espeon and hits it with a hydro pump, knocking it across the room. "As for you all being happy here, that's only because you've yet to see what we can offer you. Although, there will be a bit of punishment in store for all of you. The boss doesn't like his experiments escaping. Which, by the way, is why we won't leave you alone."
Andrew- "Asking people...would be futile. None would willingly join us, despite the fact that they would become vastly superior after we are through with them." the hybrid says. "Just as you seem intent on fighting us, now. We've given you the gift of power, and you use it against us, your benefactors. This is why we can not merely seek volunteers." The temperature in the cave continues to rise as the figure speaks, becoming almost unbearable now.
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Re: [SRP] Hybrid Adventures 1.5: The RP

Postby AshK » Fri Sep 30, 2011 9:58 pm

"Espeon! No!" Jayma says as she rushes to her friends side and holds on to her. "Are you alright girl? I will stay hear with you if it will make you feel better."
Espeon nods weekly but happily as she cuddles her best friend and getting as far away from the other hybrid as she can. "All you stupid Hybrids care about is world domination. This world is meant for all creatures, human, hybrid and Pokemon. I just don't see the point in fighting and risking destroying the world just for your greedy bosses big head." Jayma finishes as she stays close to her best friend.
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Re: [SRP] Hybrid Adventures 1.5: The RP

Postby Sasha » Sat Oct 01, 2011 3:23 am

We dont care what you have to offer we wanna be left alone. we've already taken out stronger then you." Lucia snaps at him.
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