Caption 4: Another Prompt

When a picture inspires the mind and a story forms within.

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Caption 4: Another Prompt

Postby muffinstud » Thu Dec 17, 2009 10:44 am

About time there was another of these. Now, don't think you can't participate because you haven't tried captions before. These things are to help encourage people to caption, by making it fun and easy! So join on in!

In this picture, you will notice that it would be quite easy for the bottle of water to be the means of transforming our poor victim. The challenge of the day is to find something, anything else that could transform the victim, besides the water.

Link to the pic
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Re: Caption 4: Another Prompt

Postby fishysticks6969 » Fri Dec 18, 2009 8:33 pm


hi, long time lurker
always wanted to do one of these so here it is
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Re: Caption 4: Another Prompt

Postby Mitera Nikkou » Sat Dec 19, 2009 5:53 pm

(I figure it wouldn't hurt to put it into the context of one of my universes.)

In a world where a person randomly becomes
a God and redefines how reality works based
on their own perceptions of it, a young
woman, who had once been a man, tries to
cool themselves down so they could return
to their proper body.

The new world was very inconvenient. To be
a man, the body had to be cool. To be a
woman, the body had to be hot. Which
made a sort of sense, but, unfortunately,
that sense had been made literal instead of
figurative. Go figure.
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Re: Caption 4: Another Prompt

Postby Queen Octavia » Sat Dec 19, 2009 8:55 pm

You're not sure exactly when the dreams started. For a while, you didn't notice anything.

As the days passed, you began to have this strange lingering feeling whenever you woke up. You could never really place it. It was just this... feeling. Hard to describe. But definitely something.

It took you almost an entire week to figure out that you kept having the same dream, over and over. Only, the darn thing was, for the life of you you had no idea what that dream was.

Slowly, with every passing morning, you began to remember bits and pieces of the dream. More and more each day. From the vague notion of an indescribable feeling a hazy picture began to emerge.

It was nothing but fog and blurred shapes at first, but details began to emerge. Just small ones, but they gradually added up to allow you to understand what was happening in your dream. No more than one or two each day.

A feeling of warmth. A sudden chill. A blue sky.

In the dream, you are outside. It feels like an early autumn day, with the sun still beaming down, but with the first cool breezes of winter sneaking in.

You cannot help but become fascinated with this strange dream. Where is it going? Why are you having it? You keep it to yourself, though, because the whole experience is just too strange. Something about it feels almost... otherworldly.

Air traveling with you. Muscles exerting. Blurred motion to the sides. Your body rising and falling in rhythmic movement.

It dawns on you that you must be running. To something? From something? For exercise? A race? Impossible to say now, but in time more details will solidify.

Before, you knew you had other dreams as well. Normal ones, that came and went, and were not necessarily remembered. Now, though, this is the only one you have. It is beginning to feel... somehow more real than any of the others. Perhaps it's just because you have had time to puzzle out all the details, which makes it seem more vivid. The dream though is somehow authentic, in a way you don't understand.

People. Sounds of traffic. The illusory reflection in the air over hot pavement. Shop windows.

You must be in a street. An entirely normal sort of place, but it strikes you as fascinating nevertheless. The strange thing is though, all of it seems so real now. Realer than real. You could describe that street better than any other street in the world.

In fact, when you try to think of a real street to compare it to, the real street seems oddly fuzzy in your mind. Details of the world start passing you by. You go through your daily routine almost as if sleepwalking. Then, at the end of the day, you fall asleep and dream. Then you are truly awake. The dream is so crisp, so vivid, so real.

With everyday that passes you lose interest in your normal affairs, and crave the sensations of your dream more and more. You even find yourself drifting off during the day, lapsing into your dream.

You know so much of it now. The bright red of the fire hydrant. The details of the faces of everyone around. The models and brands of the cars. The sun on your skin and the wind rushing past you. The solid pavement underfoot. Your surroundings in the dream could not be more real. They are real.

Now, tonight, you begin to notice more in your dream. Things about yourself.

The feel of longer hair behind you. The undulations of your wide hips. The movement of your breasts restrained within your top.

How could it not have come to you before? You are a woman here, in this dream. You can somehow feel every curve of your body. You can feel where the wind brushes against your long exposed legs. You can feel the fabric of your shorts, tight to your groin. You can feel the weight of your chest. Your whole body feels alive, each muscle and tendon working to run.

So many new things in one night, but the dream is not over. You are running still.

Everything around you is so real, and your body is so strange to you. But you know this is a dream. You need to wake up.

You run a few more steps, and see someone with a water bottle. You do not ask permission, you simply grab it, open it, and pour it over your head.

The sensation is beyond shocking.

Icy rivulets course through your hair, soaking in. You can feel how much more of it there is with the water weighing it down. Streaks run down your face, tracing the softer womanlier features. Drips fall into your top, cover your twin womanly mounds. The jolt of feeling you get as the chilly water covers their tips makes you more awake than you have ever been in your entire life. Your mind races to calculate the consequences of these new sensations.

Your dream is finally over.

Your reality has just begun.
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Re: Caption 4: Another Prompt

Postby Queen Octavia » Sat Dec 19, 2009 8:58 pm

Although technically I suppose I fail the challenge, since I didn't find anything :'(
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Re: Caption 4: Another Prompt

Postby Funny Hat + Funny Accent » Sun Jan 03, 2010 3:45 pm

Still nicely done, if you ask me, Uber.
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Re: Caption 4: Another Prompt

Postby muffinstud » Wed Jan 13, 2010 2:11 am

I really don't see how it could get much better than that. Bravo.
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