Brave (June 22)

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Brave (June 22)

Postby Kris_Roth » Mon Jun 18, 2012 10:35 am

Another Disney/Pixar film, from the producers of Toy Story and How to Train Your Dragon...

Set in Medevial Scotland, a young red haired lass named Princess Merida is the daughter of King Fergus and his wife. She is the eldest child, and has three younger brothers. Her mother wants her to show poise and proper lady-like manners, while she wants to enter the archery competition and represent her clan. You can clearly see the differing parenting styles with her dad giving her a hands-on sword training exercise while reciting her family history and crest/motto, etc, while the mother wants to raise Merida as a proper lady of the court and reading about the clan's history through books. She then consults with a witch/seer and obtains a wish to change her fate. The moral of the story is "Be careful what you wish for."
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Re: Brave (June 22)

Postby Zilla » Tue Jun 19, 2012 1:29 pm

I don't think that's the moral... I think the moral has more to do with growing up and being yourself, and learning to rely on yourself and not what others expect of you. For that reason, I want to see this movie. It looks beautiful.
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